1460 matching Old Irish forms found. (Click on a column heading to sort by that column.)
MS | Gloss | Thes. | Word form | Headword | Word class | Sub-class | Morph. | Meaning | Voice | Relative? |
1a14 | f | 1a2 | at·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
1a20 | k | 1a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
1a33 | o | 1a6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
3a5 | h | 3a2 | n-imm·olṅgaithær | imm·folngai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | causes, produces, makes, effects | Passive | Y |
3a11 | m | 3a3 | do·immthastar | do·immthas [DIL] | verb | | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | joins, combines | Passive | |
3a13 | q | 3a4 | ni·astaider | ad·suidi [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | holds back, keeps | Passive | |
3a13 | q | 3a4 | ni·timmorcar | do·immoirc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | checks, controls | Passive | |
3a13 | s | 3a6 | ní·aescomlai | as·comlai [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | departs, escapes | Active | |
3a18 | x | 3a7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
3a32 | qq | 3a11 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
3a32 | qq | 3a11 | a·ta | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
3b10 | n | 3b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
3b10 | n | 3b5 | do·beir | do·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | places | Active | Y |
3b18 | aa | 3b11 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
3b27 | ss | 3b19 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
3b27 | ss | 3b19 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
3b28 | tt | 3b20 | is | is
[DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
3b34 | ad | 3b27 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
3b34 | ae | 3b28 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
3b34 | ae | 3b28 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
3b35 | ah | 3b30 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
3b36 | ai | 3b31 | n-as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
4a15 | i | 4a7 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
4a23 | p | 4a11 | n-as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
4a32 | x | 4a12 | fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
4b2 | d | 4b3 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
4b7 | g | 4b4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
4b8 | i | 4b6 | at·bail | at·baill [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | dies, perishes, vanishes | Active | |
4b8 | i | 4b6 | fa·cheirt | fo·ceird [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. + inf.pron. class A 3sg.neut. | sets, puts, places | Active | |
4b8 | i | 4b6 | tinaid | tinaid [DIL] | verb | inflexion not clear | 3sg.pres.ind. | vanishes, melts | Active | |
4b15 | r | 4b9 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
4b28 | ff | 4b13 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
4b35 | kk | 4b14 | ní·turgabar | do·furgaib [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | raises, lifts up, produces | Passive | |
5a9 | f | 5a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
5a16 | p | 5a4 | Ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | negative | Active | |
5a16 | p | 5a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | nd | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with relative negative | Active | Y |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | nd | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with relative negative | Active | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | legas | legaid 2 [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | melts, becomes liquid | Active | Y |
5b18 | q | 5b4 | th | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
6a4 | f | 6a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
6a8 | g | 6a5 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
6a8 | g | 6a5 | do·inscanasí | do·inscanna [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | begins | Active | |
6a31 | kk | 6a19 | noda·deligedar | deiligidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class C 3sg.fem. | distinguishes, divides | Active | Y |
6a31 | kk | 6a19 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
6b6 | d | 6b2 | ní·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
6b9 | g | 6b4 | doda·iarmorat | do·íarmorat [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class C 3sg.fem. | comes after, goes after, follows | Active | Y |
6b11 | m | 6b7 | dass | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
6b28 | mm | 6b23 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | negative | Active | |
6b30 | qq | 6b25 | ní·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
6b30 | qq | 6b25 | do·n-adbat | do·adbat [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | shows, displays | Active | Y |
6b31 | rr | 6b26 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
6b33 | ss | 6b27 | ní·rela | rélaid [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | reveals, manifests, declares, makes clear | Active | |
6b33 | ss | 6b27 | ní·diuschi | di·fíuschi [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | arouses, excites, calls into | Active | |
6b35 | tt | 6b28 | Ní·foircnithær | for·cenna [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | puts an end to, finishes, brings to an end | Passive | |
7a4 | e | 7a4 | trebrigedar | trebrigidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | continues | Active | Y |
7b5 | e | 7b4 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
7b24 | bb | 7b14 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
7b24 | bb | 7b14 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
7b24 | bb | 7b14 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
8a27 | ff | 8a9 | da·ṅdiat | do·dïat [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | leads down, leads, brings down | Active | |
9a4 | b | 9a2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
9a4 | b | 9a2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
9a4 | b | 9a2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
9a13" | z | 9a8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
9a13" | z | 9a8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
9a13" | z | 9a8 | suidigthir | suidigidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | places, puts, sets | Passive | Y |
9a20" | gg | 9a11 | tecmaiṅg | do·ecmaing [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | happens, occurs, takes place | Active | Y |
9a23 | kk | 9a12 | do·foirṅde | do·foirndea [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | expresses, signifies, determines | Active | |
9a23 | kk | 9a12 | in·choisig | in·coisig [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, indicates, points out | Active | Y |
9a24 | mm | 9a14 | in·coissig | in·coisig [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, indicates, points out | Active | |
9a26 | oo | 9a15 | conid | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
9a27 | pp | 9a16 | ní·inchoisig | in·coisig [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, indicates, points out | Active | |
9b4 | k | 9b4 | sluindid | sluindid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, expresses | Active | |
9b6 | o | 9b5 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
9b6 | p | 9b6 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
9b7 | q | 9b7 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
9b14 | bb | 9b10 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
9b16 | ff | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
9b23 | nn | 9b13 | atá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
9b30 | ww | 9b17 | lenaid | lenaid [DIL] | verb | BIV | 3sg.pres.ind. | adheres, cleaves, clings | Active | |
9b31 | xx | 9b18 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
10a4 | e | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
10a9 | m | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
10a11 | p | 10a8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
10a19 | y | 10a11 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
11a7 | b | 11a1 | fo·ndaim | fo·daim [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | suffers, endures | Active | Y |
11a7 | b | 11a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
11b1 | a | 11b1 | legas | legaid 2 [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | melts, becomes liquid | Active | Y |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | desimrechtaigedar | desimrechtaigid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | exemplifies | Passive | Y |
11b28 | u | 11b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
12a14 | o | 12a3 | do·fuarat | do·fúarat [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | remains, remains over | Active | Y |
12a15 | t | | gaibes | gaibid [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | affects, takes hold of | Active | Y |
12a15 | t | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
13b22 | q | 13b4 | ni·taithminedar | do·aithminadar [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | mentions, recalls, calls to mind | Active | |
14a15 | l | 14a5 | cenid·epersem | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | says | Active | |
14a15 | m | 14a6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
14b8 | f | 14b4 | eter·gaib | etar·gaib [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | interposes | Active | |
15a16 | t | 15a4 | doda·iarmórat | do·íarmorat [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class C 3sg.fem. | comes after, goes after, follows | Active | Y |
15b8 | g | 15b4 | ndo·coisgedar | do·coisgedar [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | follows | Active | |
15b9 | h | 15b5 | fo·daim | fo·daim [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | suffers, endures | Active | |
15b10 | l | 15b7 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with in 3 | Active | |
16a5 | h | 16a4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
16a6 | k | 16a5 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
16a13 | u | 16a10 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
16b3 | d | 16b2 | do·coisgedar | do·coisgedar [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | follows | Active | |
16b16 | i | 16b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
16b16 | i | 16b5 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
17a22 | k | 17a3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
17a22 | k | 17a3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
17a35 | w | 17a7 | cotom·erchloither | con·erchloí [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. + infix.pron. Class A 1sg. | drives, agitates | Passive | |
17b2 | b | 17b1 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
17b3 | e | 17b3 | suidigthir | suidigidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | places, puts, sets | Passive | Maybe |
17b21 | t | 17b9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
17b25 | u | 17b10 | remi·tét | remi·tét [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | precedes | Active | |
18a7 | e | 18a1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
18a7 | e | 18a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
18a7 | e | 18a1 | ad·fét | ad·fét [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | relates, tells, declares | Active | Y |
18a19 | o | 18a3 | thechtaid | techtaid [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | has, possesses | Active | Maybe |
18a20 | p | 18a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
18a20 | p | 18a4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
18a29 | x | 18a6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
18a29 | x | 18a6 | do·fuasilcther | do·fúasailci [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | resolves, loosens, dissolves | Passive | Y |
18a29 | x | 18a6 | as·berr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says of, calls | Passive | Y |
18a29 | x | 18a6 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 1 | Active | |
18a29 | x | 18a6 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
18b26 | s | 18b6 | ndo·naithchuiredar | do·aithchuiredar [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | returns | Active | Y |
19a18 | g | 19a3 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
19b11 | e | 19b2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
20a11 | e | 20a1 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
20a11 | e | 20a1 | im·tha | imm·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb (compound) | 3sg.pres.ind. | is around, is about | Active | Y |
20a36 | ll | 20a9 | ní·airecar | ar·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | finds | Passive | |
20b19 | n | 20b8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
20b25 | r | 20b10 | doda·intá | do·intaí [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class C 3sg.fem. | translates, renders | Active | Y |
20b31 | w | 20b11 | for·huaislig | for·úaisligid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | surpasses, overcomes | Active | |
21a7 | c | 21a1 | so | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 2 | Active | |
21a7 | c | 21a1 | as·berr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says | Passive | Y |
21a13 | e | 21a2 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
21b7 | d | 21b1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
21b15 | h | 21b4 | frista·cuirther | fris·cuirethar [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. + infix.pron. Class B 3sg. | applies to, puts forward | Passive | |
21b15 | i | 21b5 | do·berr | do·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | gives, brings | Passive | |
21b15 | l | | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with ma | | |
22a1 | d | 22a1 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
22a12 | n | 22a4 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
22a12 | n | 22a4 | con·osna | con·osna [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | stops, ends | Active | Y |
22b25 | aa | 22b10 | taidmi/nedarsom | do·aithminadar [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | calls to mind, commemorates, remembers | Active | Y |
22b35 | ii | 22b12 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
22b36 | qq | 22b13 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
23a10 | e | 23a2 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
23a10 | e | 23a2 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
23a10 | e | 23a2 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 1 | Active | |
23a12 | k | 23a4 | ní·cumscaigther | con·oscaigi [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | moves, changes; removes; shakes, upsets | Passive | |
23b18" | m | 23b3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
24a30" | ww | 24a15 | as·tóidi | as·tóidi [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | shines | Active | |
25b17 | i | 25b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
25b20 | m | 25b6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
25b20 | m | 25b6 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
25b20 | m | 25b6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
25b23 | p | 25b8 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
25b24 | r | 25b10 | sluindith | sluindid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, expresses | Active | |
25b28 | u | 25b13 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
25b28 | u | 25b13 | nad·ṡluindi | sluindid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, expresses | Active | Y |
25b28 | x | 25b14 | Ní·sluindi | sluindid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, expresses | Active | |
25b31 | bb | 25b15 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
25b31 | bb | 25b15 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
25b31 | bb | 25b15 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
25b31 | bb | 25b15 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
25b33 | gg | 25b17 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 1 | Active | |
26a5 | f | 26a4 | ·ṡluindi | sluindid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, expresses | Active | Y |
26a7 | l | 26a6 | thechtas | techtaid [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | has, possesses | Active | Y |
26a14 | t | 26a11 | ce·róich | ro·saig [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | extends | Active | |
26a14 | t | 26a11 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
26b4 | e | 26b3 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | with negative nach | | |
26b4 | e | 26b3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
26b10 | n | 26b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
26b20 | s | 26b6 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
26b20 | s | 26b6 | nad | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | Y |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | gaibth-i | gaibid [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. + suff.pron. 3sg.masc./neut. | is | Active | Y |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | ní·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
26b28 | ff | 26b12 | ṅdond·foirde [leg. dond·foirṅde?] | do·foirndea [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | expresses, signifies, determines | Active | Y |
26b29 | kk | 26b13 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
26b34 | ss | 26b17 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | nád·suidigthesom | suidigidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | places, puts, sets | Passive | Y |
27a12 | m | 27a7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
27a15 | p | 27a10 | d | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 2 | Active | |
27a19 | aa | 27a11 | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with ma | Active | |
27a20 | cc | 27a12 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 1 | Active | |
27a23 | ee | 27a14 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
27a25 | hh | 27a15 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
27a34 | ll | 27a18 | con·icc | con·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | can, is capable of | Active | Y |
27a34 | ll | 27a18 | bes | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
27b6 | f | 27b2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
27b18 | o | 27b6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
27b37 | ff | 27b12 | do·indnaich | do·indnaig [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | gives, bestows, grants, hands over | Active | |
27b38 | hh | 27b15 | do·n-adbat | do·adbat [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | shows, displays | Active | Y |
27b38 | hh | 27b15 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | as·beir | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | mentions, recalls, calls to mind | Active | Y |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | as·beir | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | mentions, recalls, calls to mind | Active | Y |
28a3 | b | 28a2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
28a3 | b | 28a2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
28a5 | d | 28a3 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
28a5 | d | 28a3 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
28a14 | u | 28a6 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
28a17 | aa | 28a9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
28a32 | mm | 28a14 | nád·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
28a35 | nn | 28a15 | th | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 2 | Active | |
28a35 | nn | 28a15 | scríbthar | scríbaid [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | writes, writes down | Passive | |
28a35 | nn | 28a15 | nád·deligedar | deiligidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | distinguishes, divides | Active | |
28a36 | oo | 28a18 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
28a36 | oo | 28a18 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
28a36 | oo | 28a18 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
28a36 | oo | 28a18 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
28b14 | o | 28b5 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
28b14 | o | 28b5 | maithess | maithid [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | grants, concedes | Active | Y |
28b15 | r | 28b8 | benair [leg. berair] | berid [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | brings, carries | Passive | |
28b29 | ii | 28b20 | do·gaibther | do·gaib [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | diminishes, lessens | Passive | Y |
28b29 | ii | 28b20 | do·ḟormagar | do·formaig [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | increases, adds | Passive | Y |
28b29 | ii | 28b20 | ni·epil | at·baill [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | dies, perishes, vanishes | Active | |
28b29 | ii | 28b20 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
29a1 | a | 29a1 | tecmaiṅg | do·ecmaing [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | strikes, hits a mark | Active | |
29a5 | c | 29a3 | as·mberar | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says | Passive | Y |
29a5 | c | 29a3 | assa·gnintar | as·gnin [DIL] | verb | BV | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | recognizes, understands, knows | Passive | Y |
29a5 | c | 29a3 | asa·gnintar | as·gnin [DIL] | verb | BV | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | recognizes, understands, knows | Passive | |
29a5 | c | 29a3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
29a5 | c | 29a3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
29a16 | m | 29a8 | id | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
29a22 | p | 29a11 | do·gníthær | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | does, makes | Passive | Y |
29b6" | c | 29b2 | con·tetarrat | con·tetarrat [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | comprises, comprehends | Active | |
29b28 | cc | 29b10 | hua·naith/gnintar | ad·gnin [DIL] | verb | BV | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | knows, recognises | Passive | Y |
29b28 | cc | 29b10 | hu·nainm/nigter | ainmnigidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | names | Passive | Y |
29b30 | ee | 29b12 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
29b31 | ff | 29b13 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
29b33 | oo | 29b15 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
29b33 | oo | 29b15 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
29b33 | oo | 29b15 | as·beir | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | Y |
29b33 | pp | 29b16 | as·berar | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | | Passive | Y |
29b33 | pp | 29b16 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
29b34 | qq | 29b17 | nod·fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class C 3sg.neut. | impersonal | Active | |
29b35 | rr | 29b18 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
30a2 | e | 30a2 | sluindith | sluindid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, expresses | Active | |
30a3 | f | 30a3 | ni·epil | at·baill [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | dies, perishes, vanishes | Active | Y |
30a3 | g | 30a4 | ni·airdben | ar·díben [DIL] | verb | BIV | 3sg.pres.ind. | cuts off, slays, destroys | Active | |
30a9 | l | 30a7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
30a9 | l | 30a7 | do·beir | do·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | gives, brings | Active | Y |
30a17 | aa | 30a10 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. + suff.pron. 3sg.masc./neut. | | Active | |
30a19 | gg | 30a14 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
30a19 | gg | 30a14 | in·samlathar | in·samlathar [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | assimilates | Active | |
30a19 | gg | 30a14 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
30a19 | hh | 30a15 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
30a22 | kk | 30a17 | tecmaiṅg | do·ecmaing [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | happens, occurs, takes place | Active | |
30a24 | ll | | tecmaing | do·ecmaing [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | happens, occurs, takes place | Active | |
30b5 | k | 30b3 | dia·forcomnacair | for·cumaing [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | is made, created | Passive | Y |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
30b29 | ff | 30b8 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
30b32 | mm | 30b12 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
30b32 | mm | 30b12 | téte | téit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | goes | Active | Y |
30b32 | mm | 30b12 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
31a2 | d | 31a3 | ar·berar | ar·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | expresses | Passive | |
31a5 | h | 31a6 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
31a5 | h | 31a6 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
31a20 | dd | 31a10 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
31a21 | ff | 31a11 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
31a37 | xx | 31a14 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
31b18 | hh | 31b12 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
31b18 | hh | 31b12 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
31b20 | ii | 31b13 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
31b25 | rr | 31b17 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
32a9 | m | 32a1 | for·beir | for·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | increases, grows | Active | |
32a9 | m | 32a1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
32a9 | m | 32a1 | ní·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
32a9 | m | 32a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
32a9 | m | 32a1 | for·beir | for·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | increases, grows | Active | Y |
32a19 | t | 32a3 | do·soither | do·soí [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | turns, changes | Passive | |
32a19 | t | 32a3 | con·déni | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | |
32a37 | oo | 32a9 | ní·fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
32b20 | k | 32b2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
32b20 | k | 32b2 | Ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
32b27 | x | 32b5 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
32b27 | x | 32b5 | do·berr | do·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | gives, brings | Passive | Y |
32b28 | cc | 32b7 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
32b28 | cc | 32b7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
32b28 | cc | 32b7 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
33a1 | a | 33a1 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
33a12 | g | 33a2 | asoirc | as·oirg [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | cuts down, beats, smites | Active | Y |
33a13 | h | 33a3 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | |
33a15 | i | 33a4 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
33a16 | l | 33a6 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
33a16 | m | 33a7 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
33a16 | n | | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
33a31 | gg | 33a20 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
33a32 | hh | 33a21 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | |
33a37 | oo | 33a24 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
33a39 | uu | 33a28 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | |
33a40 | ww | 33a29 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | |
33a40 | xx | 33a30 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
33a41 | yy | 33a31 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
33b25 | s | 33b4 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | |
33b36 | cc | 33b10 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
33b37 | ee | 33b12 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
33b42 | mm | 33b16 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
34a1 | c | 34a1 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
34a1 | d | 34a2 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
34a33 | oo | 34a5 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
35a27 | y | 35a2 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses, has | Active | |
35a37 | ad | 35a10 | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses, has | Active | Y |
35a41 | ag | 35a12 | con·gaib | con·gaib [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | contains, includes | Active | Y |
35a42 | ah | 35a13 | con·ṅ-gaib | con·gaib [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | contains, includes | Active | Y |
35b5 | g | | a·treba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | possesses | Active | Y |
35b7 | k | 35b5 | atreba | ad·treba [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | inhabits, dwells in | Active | Y |
35b10 | w | 35b7 | as·berr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says of, calls | Passive | Y |
35b30 | ac | 35b13 | do·(n)gniter | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | does, makes, forms | Passive | Y |
35b30 | ac | 35b13 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
35b30 | ac | 35b13 | d | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 2 + negative | Active | |
35b30 | ac | 35b13 | do·berr | do·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | gives, brings | Passive | Y |
36a4 | g | 36a3 | do·ḟoirṅde | do·foirndea [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | expresses, signifies, determines | Active | Y |
36a4 | g | 36a3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
36b27 | r | 36b3 | n-as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
37a34 | cc | 37a8 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
37b27 | z | 37b17 | inna·díxnigedar | in·díxnigedar [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | is in, exists in | Active | Y |
37b28 | bb | 37b19 | innád·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
38a11 | g | 38a1 | theit | téit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | gramm. ends in | Active | Y |
38a11 | g | 38a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
38a11 | g | 38a1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
38a11 | g | 38a1 | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 2 | Active | |
38a26 | r | 38a8 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
38b27 | z | 38b8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
38b27 | z | 38b8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
38b27 | z | 38b8 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
39a19 | x | 39a20 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
39a20 | y | 39a21 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
39a22 | cc | 39a25 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
39a22 | cc | 39a25 | as·beir | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | says | Active | |
39a22 | cc | 39a25 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
39a24 | dd | 39a26 | asa·n-airberar | ar·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | expresses | Passive | Y |
39a26 | ff | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
39a27 | gg | 39a29 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
39b18 | d | 39b3 | as·berr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says of, calls | Passive | Y |
39b32 | n | 39b10 | a·ta | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
40a8 | g | 40a5 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
40a9 | h | 40a6 | ní·derscaigi | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | surpasses, excels | Active | |
40a m.s. | i | 40a7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
40a m.s. | i | 40a7 | nad·derscaigi | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | surpasses, excels | Active | |
40a13 | n | 40a11 | Atá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
40a14 | o | 40a12 | ol | ol 3 [DIL] | verb | defective | 3sg.pres.ind. | says | Active | |
40a19 | r | 40a15 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 1 | Active | |
40a19 | r | 40a15 | id | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
40a19 | s | 40a16 | do·n-ecmaiṅg | do·ecmaing [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | strikes, hits a mark | Active | Y |
40a21 | x | 40a17 | ní·derscaigi | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | surpasses, excels | Active | |
40a21 | x | 40a17 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
40a21 | x | 40a17 | di·roscai | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | surpasses, excels | Active | Y |
40a22 | y | 40a18 | di·róscai | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | surpasses, excels | Active | |
40a27 | ee | 40a19 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
40b16 | g | 40b2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
40b24 | o | | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
40b26 | p | 40b7 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
40b26 | p | 40b7 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
40b26 | p | 40b7 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
40b35 | u | 40b11 | a·ta | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
40b36 | x | 40b13 | con·eperr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says | Passive | Y |
40b37 | y | 40b14 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
40b37 | y | 40b14 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
40b39 | aa | 40b15 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
40b41 | bb | 40b16 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
41a23 | n | 41a6 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
41a23 | o | 41a7 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
41a23 | o | 41a7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
41b12 | d | 41b3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
41b12 | d | 41b3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
41b12 | d | 41b3 | ní·techta | techtaid [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | has, possesses | Active | Y |
41b34 | o | 41b7 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
41b34 | p | 41b9 | sainigedar | sainigidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | differs, varies | Active | Y |
41b34 | p | 41b9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
41b34 | p | 41b9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
41b36 | r | 41b10 | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 2 | Active | |
41b36 | r | 41b10 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
42a2 | b | 42a1 | di·róscai | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | surpasses, excels | Active | |
42a5 | d | 42a2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
42a5 | d | 42a2 | con·delgthar | con·delca [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | compared | Passive | |
42a39 | t | 42a9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
42a39 | t | 42a9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
42a39 | t | 42a9 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
42a39 | t | 42a9 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
42b1 | a | 42b1 | di·róscaither | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | distinguishes | Passive | |
42b7 | c | 42b2 | di·rósci | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | surpasses, excels | Active | |
42b9 | d | 42b3 | di·rósci | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | surpasses, excels | Active | |
42b12 | f | 42b4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
42b26 | i | 42b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
42b31 | m | 42b7 | do·berr | do·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | puts, places, sets | Passive | |
42b41 | q | 42b11 | di·róscaither | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | distinguishes | Passive | |
43a11 | d | 43a2 | do·roscaithær | do·róscai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | surpasses, excels | Passive | |
43a12 | e | 43a3 | do·furcabar | do·furgaib [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | raises, lifts up, produces | Passive | |
43a16 | f | 43a4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
45a37 | x | 45a14 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
45a37 | y | 45a15 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
45a37 | y | 45a15 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
45a37 | y | 45a15 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
45b1 | b | 45b1 | recar | ro·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | comes, attains, reaches, succeeds | Passive | Maybe |
45b1 | b | 45b1 | conid | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
45b6 | n | 45b9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
45b6 | n | 45b9 | do·berar | do·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | gives, brings | Passive | Y |
45b19" | ff | 45b16 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
45b14 | kk | 45b19 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
46a15 | k | 46a7 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
46a15 | k | 46a7 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
46a33 | w | 46a15 | cenid·ḟil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
46b36 | t | 46b10 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | Y |
46b36 | t | 46b10 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
47a32'' | f | 47a5 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
49a15" | i | 49a5 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
49a15" | i | 49a5 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
49a23 | s | 49a9 | con·suidigedar | con·suidigedar [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | compounds | Active | |
49a25 | y | 49a12 | co·neper | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says | Passive | Y |
49b26 | u | 49b10 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
49b m.i. | pp | 49b23 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative interrogative | Active | |
49b m.i. | pp | 49b23 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
50a2 | b | 50a1 | ó·diruidichther | díṡruthaigidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | derivates | Passive | Y |
50a4 | c | 50a2 | ní·techta | techtaid [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | has, possesses | Active | |
50a5 | e | 50a3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
50a7 | f | 50a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
50a7 | f | 50a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
50a10 | g | 50a5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
50a30 | s | 50a8 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
50a30 | t | 50a9 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
50a35 | bb | 50a13 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
50a35 | cc | 50a14 | nád·cumaiṅg | con·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | can, is capable of | Active | Y |
50b17 | u | | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with ma | Active | |
50b26 | dd | 50b17 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | negative | Active | |
50b26 | dd | 50b17 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
51a4 | g | 51a4 | ar·fóim | ar·foím [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | accepts, receives, assumes, takes | Active | |
51a8 | h | 51a5 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
51a8 | h | 51a5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
51b42" | y | 51b13 | ní·dentar | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | does, makes | Passive | |
52a20 | zz | 52a19 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
52b9 | d | 52b1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
52b9 | d | 52b1 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
52b9 | d | 52b1 | ni·fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
53a13 | p | 53a10 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
53a14 | r | 107 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
53a14 | r | 107 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
54a8 | h | 54a5 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
54a32 | hh | 54a14 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
54b4 | e | 54b3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
54b10 | h | 54b6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
54b17" | m | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
55a19'' | c | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
55b24 | m | 55b5 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | negative | Active | |
55b28 | p | 55b6 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
56b10" | n | 56b8 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
56b10" | n | 56b8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
56b10" | n | 56b8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
56b12" | p | 56b10 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
57a31 | i | 57a4 | do·soithær | do·soí [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | turns, changes | Passive | |
57b7" | d | 57b1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
57b12" | f | 57b3 | as·berr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says to, calls, gives as a name to, ascribes | Passive | Y |
57b40" | z | 57b8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
57b40" | z | 57b8 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
57b40" | z | 57b8 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
58a31 | q | 58a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
58a31 | q | 58a1 | do·ḟormagar | do·formaig [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | increases, adds | Passive | Y |
58a31 | q | 58a1 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | negative | Active | |
59a9 | d | 59a2 | comoicsider | comaicsigidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | approaches, comes near to, brings near, brings together | Active | |
59a15 | m | 59a5 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
59a16 | o | 59a6 | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cia 2 | Active | |
59a16 | o | 59a6 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
59a17 | p | 59a7 | ar·ecar | ar·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | finds | Passive | |
59a17 | q | 59a8 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
59a17 | q | 59a8 | do·gníther | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | does, makes | Passive | Y |
59a24 | bb | 59a11 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
59a30 | ee | 59a13 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
59a30 | ee | 59a13 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
59a30 | ee | 59a13 | imm·aimmgaib | imm·imgaib [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | avoids, shuns, evades | Active | Y |
59b6 | b | 59b1 | do·foirṅde | do·foirndea [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | expresses, signifies, determines | Active | |
59b7 | d | 59b3 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
59b7 | d | 59b3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
59b8 | e | 59b4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
59b12 | g | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
59b12 | h | 59b7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
59b22 | r | 59b13 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
59b30" | z | 59b16 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
59b30" | z | 59b16 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
59b31" | aa | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
59b38" | ee | 59b18 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
59b38" | ee | 59b18 | thórṅther | do·foirndea [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | expresses, signifies, determines | Passive | Y |
60b30'' | g | 60b6 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
60b37'' | l | 60b8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
61a6 | b | 61a2 | do·ḟuisemar | do·fuisim [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | creates, fashions | Passive | Y |
61a6 | b | 61a2 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
61a6 | b | 61a2 | do·ḟuisim | do·fuisim [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | creates, fashions | Active | Y |
61a14 | f | 61a4 | in·choisig | in·coisig [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, indicates, points out | Active | Y |
61a16 | h | 61a5 | gaibes | gaibid [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | takes hold of, possession of | Active | Y |
61a20 | l | 61a7 | do·cuirethar | do·cuirethar [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | invites, summons, takes to | Active | |
61a24 | q | 61a9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
61a24 | q | 61a9 | ní·coméicnigedar | con·éicnigedar [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | compels, forces | Active | |
61a35 | cc | 61a16 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
61a38 | kk | 61a24 | ní·fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
61a38 | ll | 61a23 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
61b15 | dd | 61b13 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
61b15 | dd | 61b13 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
61b15 | dd | 61b13 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
62b24 | l | | as·beir | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | mentions, says | Active | Y |
63a14 | o | 63a9 | tadbadar | do·adbat [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | shows, displays | Passive | Y |
63a14 | o | 63a9 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
63a41 | ee | 63a14 | ni·midedar | midithir [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | adjudges, assigns | Active | |
63a42 | gg | 63a17 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
63a42 | gg | 63a17 | ad·comaltar | ad·comla [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | joins, unites | Passive | |
63a42 | gg | 63a17 | nád·ṅdéni | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
63a42 | gg | 63a17 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
63a42 | gg | 63a17 | ní·deni | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | |
63b6 | c | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
63b37 | x | 63b15 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
64a30 | dd | 64a11 | nand | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | Y |
64a33 | kk | 64a14 | do·ḟuisim | do·fuisim [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | bears, brings forth | Active | Y |
64b1 | a | 64b2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
64b4 | e | 64b3 | ata·suidi | ad·suidi [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class B 3pl. | holds back, keeps | Active | |
65a12 | c | 65a2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
65a17 | f | 65a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
65a17 | f | 65a4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
65a17 | f | 65a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
65a26 | i | 65a6 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
65a30 | n | 65a8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
65a32 | p | 65a9 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | negative | Active | |
65b43 | y | 65b11 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
65b43 | y | 65b11 | saiges | saigid [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | goes towards, approaches; seeks out, strives after | Active | Y |
66a30 | ll | 66a20 | At·suidi | ad·suidi [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class B 3sg.neut. | binds, establishes | Active | |
66a31 | oo | 66a22 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | |
66a34 | ww | 66a28 | Do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | |
66a34 | ww | 66a28 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
66a34 | ww | 66a28 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
66b10 | l | 66b9 | is [leg. iss] | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
66b10 | l | 66b9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
66b10 | l | 66b9 | sluindid | sluindid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, expresses | Active | |
66b14 | m | 66b10 | do·foirnde | do·foirndea [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | expresses, signifies, determines | Active | Y |
66b14 | m | 66b10 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
66b14 | m | 66b10 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
66b14 | m | 66b10 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
66b14 | m | 66b10 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
66b19 | u | 66b16 | ar·ecar | ar·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | finds | Passive | |
66b22 | aa | 66b18 | nis·sluindi | sluindid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. + inf.pron. class A 3sg.fem. | signifies, expresses | Active | |
67a18" | o | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
67a22" | u | 67a12 | do·formagar | do·formaig [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | increases, adds | Passive | |
67a22" | u | 67a12 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
67a22" | u | 67a12 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
67a22" | u | 67a12 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
67a22" | u | 67a12 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
67a37" | bb | 67a17 | as·berar | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says, tells | Passive | Y |
67b2 | b | 67b2 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
67b5 | d | 67b4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
67b17 | g | 67b7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
67b17 | g | 67b7 | a·ta | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
67b20 | l | | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
68b24 | i | 68b8 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
69a15 | r | 69a13 | nád·ḟil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | Y |
69a18 | w | 69a16 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
69a38 | pp | | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
69b8 | b | 69b1 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
69b40 | bb | 69b9 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
70b12 | m | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a6 | c | 71a2 | in·chosaig | in·coisig [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, indicates, points out | Active | Y |
71a6 | c | 71a2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
71a11 | f | 71a4 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
71a13 | i | 71a5 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a13 | i | 71a5 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a17 | p | 71a7 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a23 | x | 71a9 | do·tuit | do·tuit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | falls | Active | |
71a25 | z | 71a11 | hi·tuiter | do·tuit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | falls | Passive | Y |
71a25 | aa | 71a12 | asa·tuiter | do·tuit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | falls | Passive | Y |
71a26 | bb | 71a13 | nád·tuiter | do·tuit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | falls | Passive | Y |
71a28 | cc | 71a14 | to·tuiter | do·tuit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | falls | Passive | |
71a30 | dd | 71a15 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a30 | dd | 71a15 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a31 | ee | 71a16 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
71a31 | ee | 71a16 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
71a31 | ff | 71a17 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
71a31 | ff | 71a17 | ·n-eperr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | gives as a name to | Passive | Y |
71a38 | kk | 71a19 | fo·cerddar | fo·ceird [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | casts, throws | Passive | |
71a38 | kk | 71a19 | do·fuasailgther | do·fúasailci [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | resolves, loosens, dissolves | Passive | |
71b6 | h | 71b3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
71b14 | l | 71b5 | sluindid | sluindid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | signifies, expresses | Active | |
71b18 | m | 71b6 | do·foirṅde | do·foirndea [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | expresses, signifies, determines | Active | |
71b19 | p | 71b8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
71b19 | p | 71b8 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
71b21 | r | 71b10 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
71b23 | x | 71b12 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
71b23 | x | 71b12 | ad·chomaltar | ad·comla [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | joins, unites | Passive | Y |
71b36 | ff | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
72a4 | c | 72a1 | do·foirṅde | do·foirndea [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | expresses, signifies, determines | Active | Y |
72a40 | s | 72a7 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
72b25 | h | 72b3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
72b25 | h | 72b3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
72b25 | i | 72b4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
72b25 | i | 72b4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
72b38 | o | 72b5 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
73a14 | r | 73a11 | ní·eperr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says of, calls | Passive | |
73a14 | r | 73a11 | as·berr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | mentions, says | Passive | Y |
73b9 | c | 73b2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
73b11 | e | 73b3 | fo·ṡuidigther | fo·ṡuidigedar [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | understands, puts under | Passive | Y |
73b26 | k | 73b6 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
74a36 | k | 74a3 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
74a36 | k | 74a3 | do·gni | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
74b4 | b | 74b2 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
74b4 | b | 74b2 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
74b42 | m | 74b8 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
74b42 | m | 74b8 | ad·fiadar | ad·fét [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | relates, tells | Passive | Y |
74b42 | m | 74b8 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | negative | Active | |
74b42 | m | 74b8 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
75a11 | g | 75a1 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
75a26 | n | 131 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
75a26 | n | 131 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
75a26 | n | 131 | as·beir | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | mentions, says | Active | Y |
75a26 | n | 131 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
75a27 | o | 131 | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cia 2 | Active | |
75a27 | o | 131 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
75a36 | t | 131 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
75b2 | a | 131 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
75b4 | b | 75a2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
75b20 | f | 75b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
75b20 | f | 75b5 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
75b27 | k | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
75b28 | m | 75b8 | as·berr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | mentions, says | Passive | |
75b29 | n | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
76a30 | k | 76a3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
76a30 | k | 76a3 | nd | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | Y |
76b4 | b | 76b1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
76b11 | c | 76b2 | do·beirsem | do·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | gives, brings | Active | Y |
76b29 | l | 76b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
76b37 | m | 76b6 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
76b39 | o | 76b7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
77a27 | i | 77a5 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
77b36 | p | 77b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
77b36 | p | 77b5 | ·eperr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | mentions, says | Passive | |
78b30 | h | 78b2 | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 2 | Active | |
88,24 | f | | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with ma | Active | |
88,24 | h | | ·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
88,26 | i | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
90a9 | b | 90a2 | nícon·talla | do·ella 2 [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | there is room for (impers + acc) | Active | |
90a22 | g | 90a4 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
90a22 | g | 90a4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
90a32 | m | 90a5 | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cia 2 | Active | |
90a35 | n | 90a6 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
90a35 | o | 90a7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
90a35 | o | 90a7 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
90b18 | g | 90b3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
90b35 | t | 90b7 | n-ílaigedar | ilaigidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | multiply, increases | Active | Y |
91a42 | r | | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 2 | Active | |
91b7 | c | 91b2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
91b33 | p | 91b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
92a25 | m | 92a2 | téte | téit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | gramm. ends in | Active | Y |
92b3 | c | 92b2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
93a25 | k | 93a3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
93b8 | c | 93b2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
93b8 | c | 93b2 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
93b13 | e | 93b3 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
93b13 | e | 93b3 | do·gníson | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
93b15 | f | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
93b20 | h | 93b5 | conid | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
93b40 | p | 93b7 | conid | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
93b40 | p | 93b7 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
94a37 | o | 94a4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
95a23 | g | 137 | ata | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
95a38 | n | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
95b3 | a | 95b1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
95b3 | a | 95b1 | ata | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | |
99a2 | b | | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
99a12 | e | 99a2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
99a12 | e | 99a2 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
99a18 | h | 99a3 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
99a18 | h | 99a3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
100a33 | w | | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
100a33 | w | | as·beir | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | mentions, says | Active | Y |
100a33 | w | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
100a45 | bb | 100a11 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
100b2 | a | | ndid | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | Y |
103a1 | a | 103a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
103a1 | a | 103a1 | ad·fét | ad·fét [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | relates, tells, declares | Active | Y |
103a1 | a | 103a1 | ·asṅdét | as·indet [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | declares, relates, tells, sets forth | Active | Y |
103a20 | l | 103a2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
104a8 | d | 104a1 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
104a8 | d | 104a1 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
104b30 | g | 104b4 | - | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class C 3sg.neut. | with negative and prep co 4 | Active | |
104b30 | g | 104b4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
104b33 | h | 104b5 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
104b33 | h | 104b5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
104b39 | k | 104b6 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
104b39 | k | 104b6 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
105b2 | b | 105b2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
105b3 | c | 105b3 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
105b3 | c | 105b3 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
105b4 | d | 105b4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
106a29 | r | 106a6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
106a29 | r | 106a6 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
106b9 | k | 106b4 | con·deni | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
106b38 | kk | 106b21 | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | negative | Active | |
106b38 | kk | 106b21 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
106b41 | mm | 106b22 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
106b41 | mm | 106b22 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
107a1 | a | 107a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
107a12 | f | 107a5 | fo·dáli | fo·dáli [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | distributes, divides, apportions, bestows | Active | |
107b5 | b | 107b1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
107b5 | b | 107b1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
107b5 | b | 107b1 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
107b5 | b | 107b1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
107b5 | b | 107b1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
108a36 | p | 108a3 | do·tét | do·tét [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | touches on, mentions | Active | Y |
109a31 | n | 109a3 | ata | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
109a37 | o | 109a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
109a37 | o | 109a4 | do·n-elltar | do·ella 1 [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | as grammatical term: declines | Passive | Y |
109a42 | p | 109a5 | n-as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
111a26 | n | 111a3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
111b2 | b | 111b1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
112a m.s. | a | 112 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
112a m.s. | a | 112 | fu·fuasna | fo·fúasna [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | perturbs, disturbs, tosses | Active | |
112a23 | h | 112a2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
113a43 | r | 113a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
113a43 | r | 113a4 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
113b13 | d | 113b3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
113b13 | d | 113b3 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
114a33 | o | 114a4 | do·n-ella | do·ella 1 [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | as grammatical term: declines | Active | Y |
114b9 | c | 114b2 | theite | téit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | gramm. ends in | Active | Y |
114b9 | c | 114b2 | ni·fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
114b31 | h | 114b4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
114b31 | h | 114b4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
115a38 | n | 115a2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
116a11 | e | 116a2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
118a26 | p | | ni | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
120a8 | e | 120a1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
120a38 | l | 120a3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
120a41 | m | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
120a41 | m | | fo·dera | fo·fera [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. + petr.i.nfix.pron. | in sense causes fofera in rel. clauses is commonly used with petrified infixed -d- | Active | Y |
121b11 | c | 121b1 | fo·dáli | fo·dáli [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | distributes, divides, apportions, bestows | Active | |
124a11 | b | 124a1 | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with ma | Active | |
124b34 | f | 124b5 | as·berr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | calls | Passive | Y |
125a30 | i | 125a6 | ·ṅdéni | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
125a30 | i | 125a6 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
125a30 | i | 125a6 | ni·deni | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | |
125a30 | i | 125a6 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
127b13 | h | 127b3 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
127b13 | h | 127b3 | imme·ḟolṅgai | imm·folngai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | causes, produces, makes, effects | Active | Y |
127b14 | i | | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
127b14 | i | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
129a23 | p | 129a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
129a23 | p | 129a1 | téte | téit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | gramm. ends in | Active | Y |
129a23 | p | 129a1 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
129a23 | p | 129a1 | tete | teit [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | gramm. ends in | Active | Y |
130b39 | o | 130b3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
135b35 | f | 150 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
136a27 | c | 136a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
136a27 | c | 136a1 | in·tinnscana | in·tinscana [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | begins, commences, sets about | Active | Y |
136a27 | c | 136a1 | dod·iarmorat | do·íarmorat [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class C 3sg.neut. | comes after, goes after, follows | Active | Y |
136a27 | d | 136a2 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
136a27 | d | 136a2 | glantar | glanaid [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | gramm. elides | Passive | Y |
136a41 | e | 136a3 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
136a41 | e | 136a3 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
137b11 | d | 137b1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
137b13 | e | 137b2 | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 1 | Active | |
137b13 | e | 137b2 | ara·n-ecar | ar·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | finds | Passive | Y |
137b13 | e | 137b2 | ar·ecar | ar·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | finds | Passive | |
137b18 | r | 137b3 | cinness | cinnid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | defines, determines, fixes | Active | Y |
137b20 | s | 137b4 | air·icc | ar·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | finds | Active | Y |
137b29 | cc | 137b9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
138a5 | c | 138a1 | sluintir | sluindid [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | signifies, expresses | Passive | |
138a12 | g | 138a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
138a14 | h | 138a5 | id | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with cía 2 + negative | Active | |
138a26 | n | 138a6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
138a34 | z | 138a13 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
138a34 | z | 138a13 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
138b5 | d | 138b4 | da·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. + inf.pron. class A 3sg.neut. | does, makes | Active | |
138b38 | n | 138b7 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
138b40 | o | 138b8 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
139a10 | a | 139a1 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
139a10 | a | 139a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
139a10 | a | 139a1 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
139a14 | b | | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
139a18 | c | 139a3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
139a18 | c | 139a3 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
139a18 | c | 139a3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
139a32 | i | 139a5 | ní·eróim | ar·foím [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | accepts, receives, assumes, takes | Active | |
139a32 | i | 139a5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
139a34 | o | 139a10 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
139b2 | a | 139b1 | ·n-airisedar | ar·sissedar [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | stays, stands fast, remains, rests | Active | Y |
140a1 | a | 140a1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
140a5 | b | 140a2 | gnither | gniid [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass.rel. | does, makes | Passive | Y |
140a21 | d | | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
140a21 | d | | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
140a24 | g | 140a4 | ní·comṡuidigther | con·suidigedar [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | compounds | Active | |
140a24 | g | 140a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
140a24 | g | 140a4 | do·berr | do·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | puts, places, sets | Passive | Y |
140a31 | h | 140a5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
140a31 | h | 140a5 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
140b19 | g | 140b3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
142b38 | t | 142b2 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
143a4 | b | 143a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
143a4 | b | 143a1 | as·biur | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | mentions, says | Active | Y |
143a7 | c | 143a2 | nom·thachtar | tachtaid [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. + inf.pron. Class A 1sg. | chokes, stifles | Passive | |
143a37 | p | 143a5 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
143a44 | s | 143a6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
143a44 | s | 143a6 | gnís | gniid [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | does, makes | Active | Y |
143a44 | s | 143a6 | fo·daim | fo·daim [DIL] | verb | BII | 3sg.pres.ind. | suffers, endures | Active | Y |
143b1 | b | 143b1 | gelid | gelid [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | grazes, consumes | Active | |
143b1 | c | 143b2 | sástair | sásaid [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | satisfies, feeds, assuages, soothes | Passive | |
143b5 | e | 143b3 | ind·tuigther | in·tuigethar [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | clothes, covers | Passive | |
143b6 | f | 143b4 | im·dibenar | imm·díben [DIL] | verb | BIV | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | excises | Passive | |
144b5 | e | 144b1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
144b37'' | n | 144b3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
145a29 | l | 145a4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
145a29 | l | 145a4 | do·n-eprinn | do·eprinn [DIL] | verb | BIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | flows, trickles, gushes | Active | Y |
145b36 | h | 145b2 | do·scéulaim | do·scéulai [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | finds out, ascertains | Active | |
145b39 | k | 145b3 | ní·airecar | ar·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | finds | Passive | |
145b39 | k | 145b3 | ar·ecar | ar·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | finds | Passive | |
145b42 | l | 145b4 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
146a9 | a | 146a1 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
146a9 | a | 146a1 | as·beir | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | mentions, says | Active | Y |
146a9 | a | 146a1 | ar·berr | ar·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | derives | Passive | |
146a9 | a | 146a1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
146a9 | a | 146a1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
146b18 | z | 146b14 | fomm·álagar | fo·álgi [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. + infix.pron. class A 1sg. | lays low, prostrates, throws down | Passive | |
146b19 | bb | 146b15 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
147a26 | i | 147a2 | ar(ṅ)da·oasailci | ar·osailci [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class C 3sg.fem. | opens | Active | Y |
147a27 | k | 147a3 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
147a27 | k | 147a3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
147a34 | p | 147a6 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
147b18 | f | 147b3 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
147b18 | f | 147b3 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
147b21 | i | 147b4 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
147b35 | m | 147b6 | ar·écar | ar·icc [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | finds | Passive | |
148a5 | d | 148a3 | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
148a19 | g | 148a4 | ad·gúsi | as·gúisi [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | desires, wishes | Active | Y |
148a20 | k | 148a7 | n-ara·m-beir | ar·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind. | uses, employs | Active | Y |
148a24 | o | 148a9 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
148a37 | z | 148a11 | ní·forbanar | for·fen [DIL] | verb | BIV | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | finishes, completes, brings to an end | Passive | |
148b4 | a | | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
148b5 | b | | iss | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
148b21 | i | 148b7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
148b21 | i | 148b7 | as·toascther | as·toasci [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | expresses | Passive | Y |
148b30 | p | 148b9 | ad·comaltar | ad·comla [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | joins, unites | Passive | Y |
148b30 | p | 148b9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
148b30 | p | 148b9 | su | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with ma | Active | |
148b30 | p | 148b9 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
148b32 | u | 148b12 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
148b32 | y | 148b13 | ara·m-berar | ar·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | expresses | Passive | Y |
148b33 | z | 148b14 | ara·m-berar | ar·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | expresses | Passive | Y |
149a26 | g | 149a4 | fo·gní | fo·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | serves, is of use | Active | Y |
149a26 | g | 149a4 | as·berr | as·beir [DIL] | verb | BI | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | says to, calls, gives as a name to, ascribes | Passive | Y |
149b14 | d | 149b3 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
149b27 | l | 149b5 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
149b27 | m | 149b6 | ad·cither | ad·cí [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind.pass. | sees | Passive | Y |
149b27 | m | 149b6 | ad·cí | ad·cí [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | sees | Active | Maybe |
149b27 | m | 149b6 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
149b41 | q | 149b7 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
150a30 | m | 150a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
150a30 | m | 150a1 | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
150a37 | p | 150a2 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
150b15 | a | 150b1 | nd | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | Y |
150b15 | a | 150b1 | Samlaid | samlaither [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind. | compares, likens, resembles | Active | |
150b31 | o | 150b5 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
151a13 | a | 151a1 | ṡenaigidir | senaigidir [DIL] | verb | AII | 3sg.pres.ind. | grows old, becomes old | Active | |
151a24 | k | 151a3 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
151b1 | a | 151b1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
151b5 | e | 151b5 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
151b29 | k | 151b7 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
151b29 | k | 151b7 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
152a1 | a | 152a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
152a1 | a | 152a1 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
153a34 | c | 153a3 | do·gní | do·gní [DIL] | verb | AIII | 3sg.pres.ind. | does, makes | Active | Y |
153b23 | h | 153b6 | id | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | Y |
153b39 | m | | as | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
153b39 | m | | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
153b46 | p | 153b9 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
154a24 | e | 154a1 | ní | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | with negative | Active | |
154a24 | e | 154a1 | techtas | techtaid [DIL] | verb | AI | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | has, possesses | Active | Y |
154a24 | e | 154a1 | is | is [DIL] | verb | copula | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
154a28 | f | 154a2 | nad·techta | techtaid [ |