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Gloss analysis

MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
137b13eII 369,10137b2book 8543 nomina: .i. cesu meinciu aranecar verbum do epirt donaib huilib rannaib arecar dano cid so indhuathad/ nomen do epirt/ doib. ut virgilius .-
[‘i.e. although it is oftener found that all the parts of speech are called verbum, yet even this is found rarely that they are called nomen’]

Old Irish elements

Word formHeadwordWord classSub-classMorph.MeaningVoiceRelative?
cecía 2 [DIL]conjunctionconcessive and explicative (leniting)concessive: although
suis [DIL]verbcopula3sg.pres.ind.with cía 1Active
meinciumenic [DIL]adjectiveicomparativefrequent, recurring, often
araar 4particlepreverbar·icc
ara·n-ecarar·icc [DIL]verbBI3sg.pres.ind.pass.findsPassiveY
dodo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat.agent of verbal noun
epirtepert [DIL]nounf, ā, speech, statement, word
dodo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat. + of interest in action, state, event, circumstance (after verbs, substantives, adjectives)
naibin 2 [DIL] + do 1with prep and substantive and adj, dem pron, adv
huilibuile [DIL]adjectivei̯o, i̯ā, every, the whole
rannaibrann [DIL]nounf, ā (of speech)
arar 4particlepreverbar·icc
ar·ecarar·icc [DIL]verbBI3sg.pres.ind.pass.findsPassive
danodano [DIL]particleconnectivein clauses containing an inference, deduction or conclusion
cicía 2 [DIL]conjunctionconcessive and explicative (leniting)adverbial: even, too
dis [DIL]verbcopula3sg.pres.subj.with cia 2Active
soso 1 [DIL]adjective, demonstrative pronominalthis, (stressed): this, these
inda 8 [DIL] adverbial form of the noun
huathadúathad [DIL]nounn, small number, a few
dodo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat.agent of verbal noun
epirtepert [DIL]nounf, ā, speech, statement, word
doibdo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat. + suff.pron.3pl.dative of interest in action, state, event, circumstance (after verbs, substantives, adjectives)
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 4 October 2024]