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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
28a5dII 57,628a3book 2541 [re]rum: (m.l.) i ndúlib ní hi sonaib atá in dilse in doacaldmaiche
[‘in elements, not in words, is the propriety or the appellativity’]

Old Irish elements

Word formHeadwordWord classSub-classMorph.MeaningVoiceRelative?
ii 2 [DIL]preposition, with dat and acc; nasalizingdat.Location: place where (abstract and concrete): in
n-dúlibdúil 1 [DIL]nounf,
ní 5 [DIL]particlenegativewith copula
is [DIL]verbcopula3sg.pres.ind.with negativeActive
hii 2 [DIL]preposition, with dat and acc; nasalizingdat.Location: place where (abstract and concrete): in
sonaibson 1 [DIL]nounm,, name
atad 1 [DIL]particlepreverb*ad-tā- (*bw-)
a·táat·tá [DIL]verbsubstantive verb3sg.pres.ind.Active
inin 2 [DIL] subst alone
dilsedílse [DIL]nounf, i̯ā
łnó 1 [DIL]conjunction (disjunct) and discourse markerdisjoins members within the clauseconjunction: or
inin 2 [DIL] subst alone
doacaldmaichedoac(c)aldmaiche [DIL]nounf, i̯ā appellativity
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 27 July 2024]