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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
39a4aII 83,2book 3423 comparativum: .i. nomen {= E 26v1}
39a4II 83,2book 34141 quod: ; (39a5=83,2) vel: ; (39a7=83,3) signi[ficat]: ; {= E 26v1-2 (symb. sec. om. E)}
39a4bII 83,2book 3541 positi[vi]: .i. naturalis {= E 26v1}
39a5cII 83,239a1book 3211 541 [positi]vi (intellectu): .i. co n-intṡliucht posit ainmmdi
[‘i.e. with the signification of a nominal positive’] [analysis]
39a5dII 83,239a2book 3541 211 aliquo: .i. sono. co n-alailiu fogoir
[‘i.e. with some sound’] [analysis]
39a6eII 83,239a3book 3211 participe: ranngabáltaith ranngabáldu
[‘participator or participial’] [analysis]
39a6II 83,3book 34112 sensu: .- (ibid.) possi[tivi]: .-
39a6fII 83,339a4book 3541 sensu: .i. sens posit ainmdi immurgu isind rainn rangabaldi
[‘i.e. (there is) however a meaning of a nominal positive in the participial part (of speech)’] [analysis]
39a7II 83,3book 34123 magis: : (ibid.) adverbium: : (ibid.) significat: : {= E 26v2}
39a10II 83,4book 34144 [ul]terior: " (ibid.) quam: "
39a10gII 83,439a5book 3543 [ul]terior: exemplum inso ar a rangabalda as·ru-bart
[‘this is an example for the participial which he has mentioned’] [analysis]
39a10hII 83,439a6 book 3211 magis: (subs.) hire
[‘further’] [analysis]
39a10iII 83,439a7book 3211 (magis) ultra: .i. cian
[‘i.e. distant’] [analysis]
39a10kII 83,4book 3543 (qui) ultra (est): cen magis friss
[‘without magis added to it’] [analysis]
39a10II 83,5book 34145 interior: " (39a11=83,5) quam: "
39a11lII 83,539a9book 3211 magis (intra): inmedónchu
[‘more inward’] [analysis]
39a12II 83,5book 34141 autem: .- (39a13=83,6) nascuntur: .- (39a14=83,7) dictionibus: .-
39a12mII 83,539a10book 3211 comparationes: inna comchutrummaichthi-so
[‘these comparisons’] [analysis]
39a12II 83,6book 34141 quae: : (ibid.) personas: : (39a13=83,6) participes: : (ibid.) positivi: : (ibid.) fiunt: : {= E 26v4-5 (symb. sec. et tert. om. E)}
39a12nII 83,639a11book 3541 3227[?] ad (personas): .i. do persanaib beodaib it hé-sidi con·ṅdelggaddar do persanaib
[‘i.e. to living persons: it is they who are compared to (other) persons’] [analysis]
39a13oII 83,639a12book 3541 res: .i. do rétaib marbdaib són
[‘i.e. to inanimate things’] [analysis]
39a14pII 83,739a13book 3543 carentibus (ca*su (s)): .i. neph-dilledchaib
[‘i.e. indeclinables’] [analysis]
39a15qII 83,739a14book 3211 detero: olcc
[‘evil’] [analysis]
39a16rII 83,839a15book 3211 extra: immechtrach
[‘external’] [analysis]
39a16sII 83,839a16book 3211 intra: inmedónach
[‘inner’] [analysis]
39a17tII 83,839a17book 3211 ultra: cian
[‘far’] [analysis]
39a17uII 83,939a18book 3211 citra: centarach
[‘on this side’] [analysis]
39a17wII 83,939a19book 3211 citerior: centarchu
[‘more on this side’] [analysis]
39a17II 83,9book 34142 supra: " (ibid.) in[fra]: " (39a18=83,9) nam: "
39a18II 83,9book 34141 nam: .- (39a22=83,12) solent: .-
39a18II 83,9book 34143 superus: : (39a18=83,10) inferus: : (39a19=83,10) quamvis: : (ibid.) videantur: : (39a20=83,11) esse: : (ibid.) possitiva: :
39a19xII 83,1039a20book 3313 superioris: indí as superior
[‘of the superior’] [analysis]
39a20yII 83,1039a21book 3313 [in]ferioris: indí as inferior
[‘of the inferior’] [analysis]
39a21zII 83,1139a22book 3211 571 caelestibus: dé nemdai són
[‘that is, heavenly gods’] [analysis]
39a21aaII 83,1139a23book 3211 543 (sive) vivis: nó dé bithbí it é vivi. in dóini bí
[‘or ever-living gods, or they are the vivi, the living human beings’] [analysis]
39a21bbII 83,1239a24book 3211 571 (pro) manibus: Ar déib iffirnn {cf. E 26v9 infernalibus diis}
[‘for gods of hell’] [analysis]
39a22ccII 83,1239a25book 3211 542 adeo: in mar .i. ní arindí no·mbetis cid in biucc. as·beir-sem in már. acht is arindí nad·biat etir
[‘greatly, i.e. he says ‘greatly’, not that they are even in small measure, but because they do not exist at all’] [analysis]
39a22II 83,12book 34141 non: ., (39a24=83,13) [ad]verbiorum: ., (ibid.) fiunt: ., (ibid.) comparatio[nes]: .,
39a24ddII 83,1339a26book 3543 [ad]verbiorum: .i. inna ṅdobriathar asa·n-airberar cumaṅg ainmmde ⁊ hua·ṅgainetar comparaiti
[‘i.e. of the adverbs from which a nominal force is drawn, and from which comparatives are born’] [analysis]
39a26II 83,14book 34121 [com]parativa: ., (ibid.) quae: .,
39a26II 83,14book 34141 quae: : (39a27=83,15) significant: : {= E 26v12}
39a26eeII 83,1439a27book 3421 543 cum (magis): Com magis lasin posit n-ísin
[‘with magis along with this positive’] [analysis]
39a26II 83,15book 34111 ipsum: " (39a27=83,15) adverbium: "
39a26ffII 83,15book 3543 positi[vum]: as posit
[‘which is a positive’] [analysis]
39a27ggII 83,1539a29book 3543 significant: (m.l.) .i. Sens magis ⁊ posit leiss iss ed bís isin comparait hisin inna dobreithre .,
[‘i.e. the sense of magis and with it the positive, that is what exists in that comparative of the adverb’] [analysis]
39a30II 83,17book 34121 nominibus: " (39a31=83,17) quae: "
39a31hhII 83,17book 34226 sumuntur: for persana
[‘on persons’] [analysis]
39a31iiII 83,1839a31book 3211 (ex) accidentibus: .i. huanaib teṅcmaiṅgthechaib
[‘i.e. from the accidentals’] [analysis]
39a32kkII 83,18book 3423 accidentia: nomina {= E 26v15}
39a32II 83,18book 34141 quae: : (39a35=83,19) trahuntur: :
39a33llII 83,1939a32book 3211 4222 qualitate: .i. inne maith uilcc
[‘i.e. the quality of good or of evil’] [analysis]
39a34mmII 83,19book 3212 evenienti[um]: accidentium {= E 26v16}
39a35nnII 83,20book 3543 incrementa: ut magnus maior maximus
39a35II 83,20book 34121 incrementa: " (39a36=83,20) [dem]minutiones: " (ibid.) (per) quae: "
39a36ooII 83,20book 3543 [dem]minutiones: ut parvus minor minimus {= E 26v16}
39a37ppII 83,21book 33221 quibus: accidentibus {cf. E 26v17 accidentibus vel incrementis}
39a37qqII 83,21book 3543 substantia: hominis vel alicuius rei
39a38rrII 83,21book 33232 ea: accidentia {= E 26v17}
39a38II 83,21book 34141 vero: .- (39a39=83,22) possunt: .-
39a38II 83,22book 34142 intelliga[tur]: : (39a39=83,22) enim: :
39a40II 83,23book 34123 substantiam: " (ibid.) demonstravi: "
39b6aII 84,5book 33114 3116 illi (nominibus): .i. dativus vel ablativus
39b17bII 84,1539b1book 3211 detero: de·mecimm
[‘I despise’] [analysis]
39b17cII 84,1539b2book 3211 23 potior: .i. cumachtaigim quando verbum cumachtach quando possitivum
[‘i.e. (it means) I make myself master, when it is a verb, and powerful when (it is an adjective in the) positive’] [analysis]
39b18dII 84,1539b3book 325 hic (et haec potior): .i. ón bréthir as·berr potior
[‘i.e. from the verb potior’] [analysis]
39b18eII 84,1539b3abook 3211 potior: cumachtchu.
[‘i.e. more powerful’] [analysis]
39b18II 84,15book 34122 potior: ., (39b20=84,16) hoc (etiam): .,
39b20fII 84,1639b4book 3211 potis: .i. sainsamail
[‘i.e. excellent’] [analysis]
39b21gII 84,17book 34228 [sig]nificatio (alia): contra verbum potior {= E 26v31}
39b21hII 84,1739b5book 3211 alia: sain
[‘different’] [analysis]
39b25iII 84,2139b6book 3211 [in]dulgens: dilgedach
[‘forgiving’] [analysis]
39b26kII 84,2239b7book 3543 participia: (m.d.) .i. it anmmann hi suidiu inna ranngabala
[‘i.e. here the participles are nouns’] [analysis]
39b27lII 84,2239b8book 3211 3115 (in ..) significationem: isa foluth
[‘into the signification’] [analysis]
39b28mII 85,139b9book 335 prepositionibus: huare con·ecat a ndéde
[‘because they can do the two things’] [analysis]
39b32nII 85,339b10book 3543 et (pene haec): .i. ata ní archiunn
[‘i.e. there is something ahead’] [analysis]
39b32oII 85,3book 34228 pene: .i. sunt {= E 27r4 text. princ.}
39b32pII 85,3book 33232 haec: .i. adverbia ex quibus fiunt comparativa
39b32qII 85,4book 3543 citer: nomen {= E 27r5}
39b33rII 85,539b11book 3211 336[?] de (agna [pascenda]): din dínit bed ṡástai
[‘of the lamb which is to be full-fed’] [analysis]
39b34sII 85,539b12book 3211 citer (ager): .i. a tír centarach immechtrach.
[‘i.e. the country on this side or on the outside’] [analysis]
39b34II 85,5book 34123 alligatus: " (39b35=85,5) erit: "
39b34tII 85,539b13book 3211 334 alligatus (.. [erit]): bid cuimrechta tecail dígen
[‘it will be tied or chosen forth or...’] [analysis]
39b35uII 85,539b14book 351 ad sacra: do déib
[‘to gods’] [analysis]
39b35wII 85,6book 3313 citimus: superlativus {= E 27r6}
39b39xII 85,939b15book 3211 exter: echtrann
[‘foreign’] [analysis]
39b39yII 85,10book 33223 543 (ex) quo: nomine
39b39zII 85,10book 34228 virgilius: dicit
39b40aaII 85,11book 352 et nos: (m.l.) virgilius
39b40bbII 85,11book 3572 ex quo: (m.d.) aeneas dixit didoni {= E 27r8}
39b40II 85,11book 34111 extera: " (39b41=85,11) regna: "
39b40ccII 85,1139b16book 3313 extera: hilar neutair
[‘a neuter plural’] [analysis]
39b41ddII 85,11book 3572 regna: italiae {= E 27r8}
40a1aII 85,1340a1book 325 211 penitus: .i. pene.intus .i. inmedónach {cf. E 27r9 .i. pene &intus E}
[‘i.e. ‘pene intus’ (almost on the inside), i.e. interior’] [analysis]
40a1bII 85,1340a2book 3211 penitior: inmedónchu
[‘more interior’] [analysis]
40a2cII 85,13book 3423 .I.: libro
40a2dII 85,13book 3566[?] ermagorae: nomen artis {= E 27r10}
40a4eII 85,1540a3book 3211 penitiorem: ba inmedónchu
[‘it was more interior’] [analysis]
40a6II 85,16book 34143 generis: " (40a7=85,17) alieni: "
40a7II 85,17book 34141 quamvis: : (40a8=85,17) dicunt: :
40a7fII 85,1740a4book 3211 543 honoris (causa): fo bíth soíre ceneiuil inna grec
[‘because of the nobility of the race of the Greeks’] [analysis]
40a8gII 85,1740a5book 3211 34 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
40a9II 85,18book 34123 posse: : (ibid.) (ad) multos: :
40a9hII 85,1840a6book 3543 sui (generis): ní·derscaigi in comparit di hilib a cheneiuil feissin.
[‘the comparative does not surpass many of its own kind’] [analysis]
40a m.s.iII 85,1940a7book 3541 hanc: .i. is dliged áem a ndliged do·gniat greíc isindí nad·derscaigi in comparit di hilib a chenéuil feissin.
[‘i.e. it is a law indeed, the law which the Greeks make in that the comparative does not surpass many of its own kind’] [analysis]
40a11kII 85,1940a8book 33233 tali (comparatione): .i. o derscugud don comparit di hilib a cheneiuil fessin
[‘i.e. the surpassing by the comparative of many of its own kind’] [analysis]
40a11lII 86,140a9book 3211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
40a11II 86,1book 34141 quod: " (40a13=86,1) possumus: "
40a12mII 86,140a10book 3543 comparatio: in ddaerscugud-són
[‘that is, the surpassing’] [analysis]
40a13nII 86,140a11book 3543 [su]perlativo possumus uti: (m.l.) Atá linn chaenae ní asa·n-arbaram daerscugud di neuch di hilib a chenéuil feissin .i. a superlait.
[‘we have besides something whereby we can express the surpassing by one of many of its own race, i.e. its superlative’] [analysis]
40a14oII 86,240a12book 3541 sed: ol prescien feissin
[‘Priscian says himself’] [analysis]
40a16II 86,3book 34142 parvo: ., (40a17=86,3) unde: .,
40a16pII 86,340a13book 3541 superantem: daerscugud di óen
[‘the surpassing of one’] [analysis]
40a18qII 86,440a14book 3211 maiusculus: máanu
[‘a little greater’] [analysis]
40a19rII 86,540a15book 34228 541 quid: cindas ṁbias iarna cétbuid-sem conid gau dóib-sem in chruth-sin a n-as·berat nad·ṁbed ad plures.,
[‘how then will it be according to their opinion? so that they are wrong then when they say that there is no (comparison) ad plures’] [analysis]
40a19sII 86,540a16book 3211 35 quod (ac[cidit]): ol do-n·ecmaiṅg.
[‘because it happens’] [analysis]
40a20II 86,5book 34143 [ac]cidit: .- (40a20=86,6) non: .-
40a20tII 86,5book 3423 tres: personas {cf. E 27r18 pos-}
40a20uII 86,5book 3423 .IIII.: personas {cf. E 27r18 pos-}
40a20wII 86,5book 3423 plures: personas
40a20II 86,5book 3?4143[?] plures: : (40a20=86,6) tamen: :
40a21xII 86,640a17book 3543 comparationem: (m.l.) ní·derscaigi dind huiliu cheneul is di hilib immurgu a cheniuil feissin di·roscai calléic
[‘it does not surpass the whole race: it is, however, many of its own kind that it surpasses for all that’] [analysis]
40a22yII 86,640a18book 3541 uti: di·róscai di hilib a cheneiuil feisin
[‘it surpasses many of its own kind’] [analysis]
40a23zII 86,7book 3313 fortissimi: nominativus pluralis {superlativi add. E} {= E 27r20}
40a23II 86,7book 34142 fortissimi: .- (40a24=86,8) tamen: .-
40a25aaII 86,8book 352 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
40a25bbII 86,9book 3572 pigma[lion]: frater didonis {= E 27r21}
40a25II 86,9book 34111 pigma[lion]: " (40a26=86,9) immanior: "
40a26II 86,9book 34111 ante alios: .- (ibid.) omnes: .-
40a26ccII 86,9book 34228 immanior: fuit {= E 27r21 .i. add. E}
40a26II 86,9book 34144 immanior: : (40a28=86,10) comparativo: :
40a26ddII 86,9book 3543 omnes: plures {= E 27r21}
40a27eeII 86,1040a19book 3543 (ad) omnes (sceleratos): iss ed a plús insin
[‘(ad omnes) that is the plus (the ad plures)’] [analysis]
40a27ffII 86,1040a20book 3211 336[?] conferens: a con·ro-delgg
[‘when he has compared’] [analysis]
40a29II 86,12book 34112 melior: " (ibid.) deis: "
40a29II 86,12book 311 sís
40a32ggII 86,1540a21book 3211 35 si (sint): adas ma beit
[‘although they are’] [analysis]
40a35hhII 86,16book 34221 [de]sinunt: masculina
40a36II 86,17book 353 faciunt .. etc.: (m.l.) ,,,, (cf. 41a31=89,9)
40a41iiII 86,20book 3212 u*su (s): .i. consuetudine
40b5aII 86,22book 34224 *habent: comparativa {= E 27r30 .i. add. E}
40b5bII 86,23book 3212 (in) u*su (s): in consuetudine
40b5cII 86,23book 33232 ea: nomina {= E 27r31}
40b7dII 86,24book 3212 +strennuus: .i. fortis
40b7II 86,24book 34122 strennuus: .- (40b10=86,25) eo: .-
40b7II 86,24book 353 strennuus: (m.l.) =| (cf.41a15=88,15)
40b13II 87,3book 34143 4141 puto: :-: (40b27=87,11) vel: :-: {= E 27v2-10 (symb. sec. om. E)}
40b13eII 87,3book 34228 rationem: non habere comparativa {= E 27v2}
40b15II 87,4book 353 anomala: (m.l.) .. (cf. 41a16=88,15)
40b15fII 87,440b1book 3211 543 anomala: neph-riagoldai
[‘irregular’] [analysis]
40b16gII 87,440b2book 3543 [te]neri: is riagolda són
[‘this is regular’] [analysis]
40b18II 87,6book 34121 transire: .- (40b19=87,6) quod: .-
40b20II 87,7book 34111 vocales: : (40b21=87,8) servantes: : {= E 27v6-7}
40b21hII 87,840b3book 3543 vim (suam): a ṅgutass
[‘their vocalism’] [analysis]
40b21iII 87,8book 33232 hoc: servare vim vocalium {= E 27v7 .i. add. E}
40b22II 87,8book 34111 u: .- (40b22=87,9) posita: .-
40b22kII 87,940b4book 33232 hoc: tairmt/echtas for .i.
[‘the passage to i’] [analysis]
40b23lII 87,9book 3423 543 amittens: .u. {= E 27v8 .i. add. E}
40b24mII 87,9book 325 nequior: .i. nequam {= E 27v8}
40b24nII 87,940b5book 3211 nequior: andgidiu.
[‘more wicked’] [analysis]
40b24oII 87,10book 3543 (nequior) pinguior: ni hed sin ⁊ it riagoldai sidi
[‘it is not that (the transition of i to a consonant) and (yet) these are regular’] [analysis]
40b26pII 87,1140b7book 3543 possitivi: noch ní cóir son acht corop máa i n-óen-ṡillaib in comparit iss ed as chóir
[‘yet this is not right - only that the comparative be greater by one syllable, this is what it is right’] [analysis]
40b30qII 87,1340b8book 33223 quod: ménogud inna teora ṅguttae immalle.
[‘the hiatus of the three vowels together’] [analysis]
40b30II 87,13book 34123 sunt: ., (ibid.) usi: ., (40b31=87,14) plerique: ., {= E 27v12 (symb. tert. om. E)}
40b30rII 87,1340b9book 3211 (non sunt) usi: ní·arrbartatar bith
[‘they have never used’] [analysis]
40b33sII 87,15book 34221 complent: auctores {= E 27v12 .i. add. E}
40b33tII 87,1540b10book 3211 magis (pius): goiriu
[‘more pious’] [analysis]
40b35uII 87,1640b11book 3211 *est: ata
[‘it is’] [analysis]
40b35II 87,16book 34141 *sunt: " (ibid.) quando: " (ibid.) usi: "
40b35wII 87,1640b12book 3211 *(sunt: ) quando (usi): in tan ara·ru-batar bith
[‘when they used’] [analysis]
40b36xII 87,1740b13book 3543 *arduiusque: co·n-eperr arduius
[‘so that arduius is said’] [analysis]
40b37yII 87,1840b14book 3541 arduissimo: is foluss dún tra as riagoldu leo-som nad·ṁbíet cid int ṡuperlati huare nad·ṁbiat na compariti.,
[‘it is clear to us that it is more regular with them (arduus etc.) that there will not be even the superlatives, because the comparatives do not exist’] [analysis]
40b38zII 87,18book 3566[?] pacubius: proprium
40b39aaII 87,2040b15book 3543 25 egregiisisima: do thaidbse ṡuperlait huandí as egregius egregior
[‘to show a superlative from egregius, egregior’] [analysis]
40b41II 88,2book 358 m-: ., (m.l.) ., ox
40b41bbII 88,240b16book 358 m-: ni cert ind ḟlesc-sa huasind .m. reliqua
[‘this line over the m is not right etc.’] [analysis]
41a1aII 88,3book 325 572 industriiorem: (m.l.) industrius positivus ut in genesi nunc previde at rex virum sapientem et industrium ioseph dixit faraoni.,
41a1bII 88,341a1book 3572 industriiorem: . casianus in .X. collatione dicit. industrius .i. léir appetitor
[‘Cassianus says in his 10th Collatio: ‘one who longs foe diligently’, i.e. assiduous’] [analysis]
41a2cII 88,4book 3571 .g.: gaius {= E 27v18 .i. add. E}
41a3II 88,5book 34141 factio: " (41a4=88,5) te: " (ibid.) impulit: " {= E 27v19-20}
41a5dII 88,641a2book 3211 [indus]triior: leriu
[‘more assiduous’] [analysis]
41a8eII 88,8book 325 innoxiio[rem]: noxius
41a10fII 88,9book 3313 perpetuiius: comparativus neutri
41a15II 88,14book 353 strennuior: (m.l.) =| (cf. 40b7=86,24)
41a16II 88,15book 353 sunt .. etc.: (m.l.) .. (cf. 40b15=87,4)
41a16gII 88,15book 3423 +alia: nomina
41a17hII 88,15book 3543 supra (dictam regulam): .i. riagol tormaig .or. forsin genitin ut docti doctior.
[‘i.e. the law of adding -or to the genitive, as docti, doctior’] [analysis]
41a18iII 89,141a4book 3541 i (brevem): riagol són
[‘this (is the) rule’] [analysis]
41a18II 89,1book 34144 brevem: .- (41a20=89,2) me[lior]: .-
41a19kII 89,1book 34228 sicut: .i. habent
41a19II 89,1book 34144 quaedam (i): .: (41a22=89,3) maior: .:
41a20II 89,1book 34144 quaedam: ..- (41a22=89,3) minor: ..-
41a23lII 89,341a5book 3211 plus (quoque): cid plús
[‘even plus’] [analysis]
41a23mII 89,3book 353 571 plus: (m.l.) Et cominianus in serie pluralium nominum masculinorum dicit hi plures .- Et prescianus in diminutivis dicit. plus quoque quamvis a masculino vel feminino non veniat comparativo reliqua si enim pluris inveniatur non de multitudine sed de bonitate dicitur ut agroecius dicit.,
41a23II 89,3book 34123 *videtur: .- (41a23=89,4) multi* (s): .-
41a23nII 89,441a6book 3211 333 (esse) comparativum: .i. as comparit
[‘i.e. which is a comparative’] [analysis]
41a23oII 89,441a7book 358 541 *multi* (s): comparit indí as multus secundum alios ⁊ is fir son dano airsisiu infae thucad híc.
[‘or a comparative of multus according to others, and this is true, then, the...........has been brought here’] [analysis]
41a24II 89,4book 34143 nominativus: ., (41a25=89,5) pluralis: ., {cf. E 27v30=89,4 invenitur .- (27v30= 89,5) vero .- }
41a24pII 89,441a8book 3543 nisi: acht comparit neutair nammá i n-óthud
[‘but only the neuter comparative in the singular’] [analysis]
41a26qII 89,541a9book 3211 plures: lia {= E 27v31 .i. add. E}
[‘more’] [analysis]
41a28rII 89,741a9abook 353 compluria: =|" archiunn (cf. 46a33=104,12)
[‘ further on’] [analysis]
41a29sII 89,7book 33232 ipso: comparativo
41a30II 89,9book 34111 quae: : (41a31=89,9) nomina: :
41a30II 89,9book 34141 vero: .- (41a32=89,9) vel: .- (41a33=89,10) (vel in er) sunt: .-
41a31II 89,9book 353 quae .. etc.: (m.l) ,,,, (cf. 40a36=86,17)
41a32II 89,9book 34144 communia: ..- (41a39=89,13) fortis: ..-
41a34II 89,11book 34123 facientia: " (ibid.) feminina: "
41a40tII 89,1441a10book 3211 acer: tichair lainn
[‘sharp, eager’] [analysis]
41b11aII 89,22book 3423 uno: comparativo {= E 28r12}
41b11bII 89,2241b1book 3211 quod (solum): olsodain oín
[‘which alone’] [analysis]
41b11II 89,23book 34122 positivo: " (41b12=89,23) huius: "
41b11II 89,23book 34111 *quantum: : (41b12=89,23) fixum: : {= E 28r13}
41b12cII 89,23book 3543 3232 *suam: dia posit
[‘from its positive’] [analysis]
41b12dII 89,2341b3book 3543 fixum: huare as tuidmide in posit cen ḟodail ceineuil is airi ní·techta nisi unum genus
[‘since the positive is fixed without partition of gender (senex), therefore it (the comparative) has only one gender’] [analysis]
41b15eII 90,2book 34228 pomponius: dicit
41b16fII 90,3book 3572 m: marcus {= E 28r15 .i. add. E}
41b24gII 90,9book 334 similiter: ut predicta
41b27hII 90,1141b4book 3543 sepe: .i. posit ainmde do denom di sepe ut extra reliqua
[‘i.e. that a nominal positive should be made of saepe as of extra etc.’] [analysis]
41b29iII 90,12book 3572 58 cata nepos: duo vel unum nomen
41b30kII 90,1441b5book 3211 3112 quirites: a rómanu
[‘Romans!’] [analysis]
41b30lII 90,1541b6book 3211 (propter) foenus: ar luach
[‘for profit’] [analysis]
41b32mII 90,17book 3543 comparativus: prior
41b32nII 90,17book 3543 superla[tivus]: primus
41b34oII 90,1841b7book 3543 differentiam: (m.l.) .i. dechor n-uird i n-árim fil indib ⁊ it anmmann uirdd fo ṡodain
[‘i.e. (it is) distinction of order in number that is in them and accordingly they are nouns of order’] [analysis]
41b34pII 90,1941b9book 3541 alter: (m.d.) alter ainm do binair. issí issí chetne aram sainigedar fri hunáir.,
[‘alter is a name for duality: it is the first number that varies from unity’] [analysis]
41b34qII 90,1941b8book 3541 (alter) de (duobus): cosmailius ⁊ analach
[‘similarity and analogy’] [analysis]
41b36II 90,20book 34141 4143 invenitur: .- (ibid.) prior: .- (41b38=90,21) et (primus): .-
41b36rII 90,2041b10book 34228 tamen: .i. cesu dechor n-uirdd i n-áram fil indib
[‘i.e. though it is a distinction of order in number which is in them’] [analysis]
41b36sII 90,2041b11book 3541 prior: (m.d.) .i. it anmmann inne hi suidiu ⁊ conṅ·delgatar
[‘i.e. they are names of quality here, and they are compared’] [analysis]
41b39tII 91,1book 3212 significationem: intellectum
41b40uII 91,3book 3572 miserit: turnus
41b40wII 91,341b12book 3572 orco: do dia iffirnn {cf. E 28r29 deus inferni}
[‘to the god of hell’] [analysis]
41b40xII 91,4book 3572 primos: troianorum {cf. E 28r29 iuvenum troianorum}
42 m.s.aII 91,4book 359 (m.s.) fave brigita
42a2bII 91,642a1book 3543 multos: di·róscai di hilib
[‘it surpasses many’] [analysis]
42a3cII 91,7book 34228 omnes: comparantur
42a5dII 91,942a2book 3543 prior: tóisechu noch is nomen n-uirdd híc ⁊ con·delgthar calléic
[‘‘prior’, yet it is here a noun of order, and nevertheless it is compared’] [analysis]
42a8eII 91,1142a3book 3211 primus: tóisigem
[‘first’] [analysis]
42a8fII 91,11book 3212 danaum: grecorum {= E 28v2}
42a9gII 91,12book 3572 offert: socia agmina credens
42a9II 91,13book 34141 et: " (42a11=91,13) (in) us: " (ibid.) facit: " (42a11=91,14) neutrum: "
42a9hII 91,13book 3423 omnibus: predictís
42a10iII 91,1342a4book 34228 rationabilius: do denom condeilgg and
[‘to make a comparison therein’] [analysis]
42a10II 91,13book 34111 (in) or: : (ibid.) disinens: : (ibid.) commune: : {= E 28v3 (symb. prim. om. E)}
42a11kII 91,14book 3423 aliis: nominibus vel gradibus {cf. E 28v4 nominibus}
42a17II 91,17book 34121 primus: " (42a17=91,18) quo: "
42a22lII 91,22book 358 (m.l.) quod melius
42a23mII 91,23book 33232 haec: magnificens reliqua {= E 28v10 reliqua om. E}
42a24II 91,23book 34143 sunt: " (ibid.) sed: "
42a24II 91,23book 34121 magnificus: : (42a24=91,24) munificus: : (42a25=91,24) quibus: :
42a26nII 91,25book 33233 supradictam: in us. disinentium {= E 28v11}
42a33oII 92,642a5book 336 (ad) positivum: do derscuguth di posit
[‘to surpass the positive’] [analysis]
42a35pII 92,742a6book 3543 possitus: cena chondelg fri nech
[‘without comparing him to anyone’] [analysis]
42a36qII 92,8book 352 comites .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
42a37II 92,9book 34122 positivo: " (42a38=92,9) eo: "
42a39rII 92,11book 352 tristior .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
42a39sII 92,1142a7book 3543 572 tristior: venus .i. nírbu lán-ḟalid {cf. E 28v17 .i. venus .i. minus laeta}
[‘i.e. she was not full-glad’] [analysis]
42a39tII 92,1142a9book 3541 tristior: (m.l.) is and is follus as laigiu oldaas posit quando dicit oculos nitentes.,
[‘in this it is clear that (the comparative tristior) is less than the positive, quando etc.’] [analysis]
42a40uII 92,1242a8book 3543 par[te]: nírbu lán-brón
[‘she was not full-sad’] [analysis]
42b1aII 92,1442b1book 3543 comparatur: di·róscaither
[‘it is distinguished’] [analysis]
42b3II 92,15book 34141 enim: " (42b4=92,16) ostendit: "
42b4II 92,16book 34141 ostendit: ., (42b5=92,16) habere: .,
42b5bII 92,16book 3423 cetera: maria {= E 28v20 .i. add. E}
42b7cII 92,1742b2book 3543 comparatur: di·rósci di superlait
[‘it surpasses (the) superlative’] [analysis]
42b7II 92,17book 34144 comparatur: : (42b8=92,18) fortior: :
42b9dII 92,1842b3book 3543 [com]parativus: di·rósci comparit di comparit
[‘a comparative surpasses a comparative’] [analysis]
42b10eII 93,1book 3543 fortiore: hectore
42b12fII 93,742b4book 3543 impro[bior]: .i. is messa ind amprome quam ind anfele. reliqua inante
[‘i.e. improbity is worse than impudence’] [analysis]
42b16II 93,10book 34121 dimminutionem: .- (42b18=93,11) quod: .-
42b20gII 93,12book 33233 omnia (.. haec): demminutiva comparativa
42b24hII 93,15book 3571 tam: sed non ad comparationem ut erratici dicunt haec iunguntur comparativo ⁊ superlativo sed ad aequationem ut seregius dicit {= E 28v25=93,7 ut - dicunt; ut - dicit om. E}
42b25II 93,16book 34141 cum: : (42b28=93,17) geminantur: :
42b26II 93,16book 34122 comparativi: " (ibid.) superlativi: " (42b27=93,17) idem: "
42b26iII 93,1642b5book 3543 diversae (sig[nificationis]): .i. is sain intliucht bís hi cechtar n-aí ut est híc .i. sensus iustitiae in uno sensus felicitatis in alio
[‘i.e. different is the meaning that is in each of these two, ut etc.’] [analysis]
42b27II 93,16book 34144 [sig]nificationis: ..- (42b28=93,17) iustior: ..-
42b27II 93,17book 34144 idem: -,-, (42b31=93,20) firmiorem: -,-,
42b27kII 93,17book 3543 4221 idem: (m.d.) .i. comparativi eiusdem intellectus., {= E 28v32}
42b28II 93,17book 34142 geminantur: .-.-.- (42b32=93,20) bis: .-.-.- {= E 28v33-29r2}
42b30lII 93,1942b6book 3211 34 tam: in meit-se {= E 29r1 in metro}
[‘so much’] [analysis]
42b31mII 93,2042b7book 3543 firmiorem: .i. do·berr fri tam ⁊ quam
[‘i.e. it (firmiorem) is put with tam and quam’] [analysis]
42b33II 93,20book 34111 adverbium: " (42b33=94,1) iunctum: "
42b33II 94,1book 34141 quando: ,, (42b34=94,1) demons[trat]: ,,
42b35nII 94,242b8book 351 minus (stultus): trebairiu
[‘more prudent’] [analysis]
42b37oII 94,442b9book 351 ([minus]) ineptus: bed trebairiu
[‘it should be ,more prudent’’] [analysis]
42b38pII 94,6book 351 minus (bonus): olcc
[‘bad’] [analysis]
42b41qII 94,842b11book 3543 com[paratur]: di·róscaither
[‘it is distinguished’] [analysis]
42b42rII 94,842b12book 3543 fortior: de sé insin
[‘this (is an example) de se’] [analysis]
43a1aII 94,843a1book 3543 iustior: .i. ar bá firianu aeneas
[‘i.e. for Aeneas was juster’] [analysis]
43a1II 94,9book 34143 fortior: " (43a2=94,9) quam: "
43a1bII 94,9book 3543 fortior: de alio {= E 29r7 .i. add. E}
43a9cII 94,15book 3423 superlativum: nomen
43a11dII 94,1543a2book 3211 superponitur: do·roscaithaer
[‘it is surpassed’] [analysis]
43a11II 94,16book 34144 omnibus: ., (43a13=94,17) ut: ., {cf. K 20v7-8 ad .- > ut .- }
43a12II 94,16book 34144 [pro]latum: :- (43a14=94,18) sin: :- {cf. K 20v7-9 per :- > autem :- }
43a12eII 94,1643a3book 3543 [pro]latum: cena chondelg ⁊ a derscugud di neuch acht do·furcabar tríit feisin
[‘without its being compared and without its surpassing any (other), but it is brought forward through itself’] [analysis]
43a12II 94,16book 34112 intellectum: " (43a13=94,17) positivi: "
43a16fII 94,1943a4book 3321 quorum: in genitin as quorum
[‘the genitive quorum’] [analysis]
43a19gII 94,2143a5book 3541 terminationibus: ó cach tharmmorcnib ainmmdib ⁊ briathardaib ⁊ dobriathardaib
[‘from all endings nominal and verbal and adverbial’] [analysis]
43a20hII 94,2143a6book 3543 336[?] dictarum: .i. in tan ad·cóidemmar di comparit
[‘i.e. when we have spoken of the comparative’] [analysis]
43b5II 95,12book 34121 maturrimus: " (ibid.) cuius: "
43b5aII 95,12book 3543 maturus: hodie {= E 29r27 .i. add. E}
43b14bII 96,1book 34228 magis: .i. quam a nuperus
43b14cII 96,1book 3543 adverbio: nuper
43b16II 96,2book 34143 capro: " (43b18=96,5) bene: "
43b18dII 96,5book 34228 bene: dicit {= E 29v2 text. princ.}
43b41II 97,5book 34141 veterrimus: " (43b42=97,5) notandum: "
43b42eII 97,5book 33232 (eius) positivus: .i. vetus {= E 29v13}
44a3II 97,9book 34111 veter: " (ibid.) priamus: "
44a3aII 97,944a1book 351 (sub) marte: fon chath
[‘i.e. under the battle’] [analysis]
44a3bII 97,9book 358 59 (m.l.) quod non melius .,
44a5cII 97,10book 3566[?] bachidibus: nomen. artis {cf. E 29v17 ars}
44a10II 97,15book 34121 proximus: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
44a10dII 97,15book 3541 proximus: locus
44a11eII 97,1544a2book 3211 (pro) cognato: ar chobdelaichg
[‘for a relative’] [analysis]
44a12fII 97,1644a3book 3211 (a) legislatoribus: onaib rechttáircidib
[‘by the legislators’] [analysis]
44a13gII 97,1644a4book 334 543 [com]parative: in comparitit .i. comparit húad
[‘comparatively, i.e. a comparative from it’] [analysis]
44a15hII 97,19book 3566[?] [ve]getus: proprium {= E 29v21}
44a15iII 97,19book 3566[?] renatus: proprium {= E 29v21}
44a19kII 98,1book 34228 aristoteles: ostendit {= E 29v24}
44a19lII 98,1book 3566[?] +aristoteles: proprium
44a20mII 98,1book 3543 +εσχατος: superlativus híc {cf. E 29v24 positivus hic}
44a20nII 98,1book 3543 εσχατοτατος: comparit {cf. E 29v24 conparativus hic}
[‘a comparative’] [analysis]
44a24oII 98,4book 34228 dirivata: sunt
44a27II 98,6book 34122 citimum: " (44a29=98,7) eius: "
44a29pII 98,8book 3566[?] +patellea: .i. nomen artis {= E 29v29 .i. om. E}
44a29qII 98,8book 3566[?] arun[tio]: proprium {= E 29v29}
44a32rII 98,9book 3566[?] [α]ερισεον: nomen artis
44b9aII 99,544a1book 33226[?] quo: iure .i. e. airdíxa hi peneuilt
[‘[…] i.e. long e in (the) penult’] [analysis]
44b28II 99,17book 34122 plautus: " (44b29=99,19) idem: "
44b28bII 99,17book 3566[?] mustellaria: nomen artis
44b31cII 99,20book 3566[?] ipsafortivam: nomen artis {= E 30r18}
44b33dII 99,23book 34228 magis: quam adverbio
44b38eII 100,244a2book 3543 [ex]cedunt: it lia déṡillabchi
[‘they are more than disyllabism’] [analysis]
44b40fII 100,344a3book 34228 nec (mirum): ci as·ingbat árim déṡillabche compariti ⁊ superlati
[‘that comparatives and superlatives should exceed the number of disyllabism’] [analysis]
44b41gII 100,444b4book 33232 543 eo: numero sillabarum .i. nó it lia desillabchi
[‘i.e. or they are more than disyllabism’] [analysis]
45a1aII 100,445a1book 3211 per (genitivos): for genitne són
[‘that is, over genitives’] [analysis]
45a2bII 100,5book 3423 543 assumentia: positi for genitne
[‘positives over genitives’] [analysis]
45a2cII 100,5book 34221 faciunt: positi
[‘positives’] [analysis]
45a2dII 100,5book 33232 supradictos: compariti ⁊ superlati
[‘comparatives and superlatives’] [analysis]
45a6eII 100,845a5book 3211 3115 comparativum: in comparit
[‘the comparative’] [analysis]
45a8fII 100,9book 34228 et (quando): superat una silaba
45a11gII 100,11book 34228 par: .i. superlait do comparit
[‘i.e. the superlative to (the) comparative’] [analysis]
45a13hII 100,13book 34221 vincitur: superlait
[‘the superlative’] [analysis]
45a17II 100,17book 34123 4111 iacet: " (ibid.) tellus: " (ibid.) extima: " {= E 30r33 exporrecta .- > iacet .- > tellus .- }
45a22iII 101,3book 3423 diminutivum: .i. nomen {= E 30r36 .i. om. E}
45a25II 101,4book 34141 ideo: " (ibid.) quia: "
45a25kII 101,5book 3543 compa[rativa]: dimminutiva
45a26lII 101,545a8book 34226 augent: sech positi na conparite oa·mbiat
[‘beyond the positives of the comparatives from which they are’] [analysis]
45a27mII 101,6book 34222 primitivorum: comparativorum {= E 30v1}
45a27II 101,6book 34142 sed: " (ibid.) enim: "
45a27nII 101,645a9book 3542 absolute: húare bís conṅdelgg indib
[‘since comparison is (inherent) in them’] [analysis]
45a27II 101,6book 34142 aliquid: ,, (45a29=101,7) unde: ,,
45a27oII 101,645a10book 3543 omnimodo: ó cach mud ó·mbí condelg
[‘in every mode in which is comparison’] [analysis]
45a28pII 101,6book 3541 comparatio: ut maiusculus
45a29II 101,7book 34141 4142 unde: ., (45a31=101,9) posunt: ., (45a32=101,9) cum: ., (45a32=101,10) et: ., {= E 30v3-5, symb. prim. et quart. om. E}
45a30II 101,8book 34143 dimminutiva: : (45a32=101,9) [ab]soluta: :
45a30II 101,9book 34122 dimminutiva: .- (45a32=101,10) ipsa: .-
45a32qII 101,945a11book 3213 543 [ab]soluta: (m.l.) cen chondelg n-indib .i. nibba cena daerscugud di neuch son.,
[‘without comparison in them, i.e. it will not be without its surpassing some (other)’] [analysis]
45a33II 101,10book 34142 significent: .., (45a35=101,11) enim: .., {= E 30v6}
45a34rII 101,1145a12book 3211 maiuscu[lus]: máanu
[‘a little greater’] [analysis]
45a35sII 101,1145a13book 3211 minusculus: laigeniu
[‘a little smaller’] [analysis]
45a35tII 101,11book 33232 ea: .i. dimminutiva comparativorum
45a36uII 101,12book 3566[?] +eunocho: nomen artis
45a36wII 101,13book 3566[?] thais: nomen mulieris {= E 30v7 proprium mulieris}
45a37xII 101,1345a14book 3541 ego: hi luc posit atá ego híc
[‘in place of a positive ego is here’] [analysis]
45a37yII 101,1445a15book 3211 543 parvo (maior): in bec máo .i. is bec as mao oldáu-sa .i. is bec in derscugud
[‘a little greater i.e. she is a little greater than I, i.e. the distinction is small’] [analysis]
45a39zII 101,1545a16book 3543 ex (sese): cena condelgg frinna aill
[‘without their being compared to any other thing’] [analysis]
45a40aaII 101,16book 325 re[gulus]: rex
45a41bbII 101,16book 325 +tantulus: tantus
45b1II 101,17book 34141 4143 vel: .- (ibid.) causa: .- (45b3=101,19) vel: .- (45b5=101,22) vel: .- {= E 30v10 vel " > causa " }
45b1aII 101,17book 352 vel: (m.l.) I
45b1bII 101,1745b1book 3541 necessariae (significationis): .i. ro·bbí uár recar less dígbail ind ḟolaid conid écen suin fria slond-sidi huare nád·robatar suin do ṡlund in dúildetad in·choisget
[‘i.e. there may be a time when it is necessary to diminish the substance so that there is need of words to signify it, because there were not words (enough) to signify the proper nature which they express’] [analysis]
45b2II 101,18book 34141 postquam: : (45b3=101,18) convenere: :
45b2cII 101,1845b2book 3211 reguli: ind rígain
[‘the small kings’] [analysis]
45b3dII 101,19book 352 vel: (m.l.) II
45b3eII 101,1945b3book 3211 urbanitatis: hua accuiss sulbairichthe
[‘because of politeness’] [analysis]
45b4fII 101,19book 3566[?] iuvenalis: proprium
45b4gII 101,19book 3566[?] +saturarum: nomen artis
45b4hII 101,20book 3423 +.III.: libro
45b5iII 101,2145b4book 3211 fraterculus: bráithrán
[‘small brother’] [analysis]
45b5kII 101,22book 352 vel: (m.l.) III
45b5lII 101,2245b5book 3211 adulationis: apelaigthe
[‘of adulation’] [analysis]
45b6mII 101,2245b6book 3543 maxime: sainreth do maccaib apélogud
[‘particular to boys is caressing’] [analysis]
45b6nII 101,2245b9book 3541 puerorum: (m.d.) Hít é in maicc do·berat inna anmman is forru do·berar,
[‘it is the boys that give the names (here mentioned), or it is to them that it is given’] [analysis]
45b6oII 101,2245b7book 3541 catulaster: á c/atuláin ⁊ ni·bí digbail folaid and calléic cia beith ind apélugud,
[‘O little Catulus; and there is still no diminution of substance here though there be the caressing’] [analysis]
45b6pII 101,2245b8book 3211 antoniaster: (subs.) antonain {cf. E 30v12 antunan}
[‘of little Antonius’] [analysis]
45b7qII 101,2245b10book 3211 59 patriciolus: paträcáin .i. quasi füisset {cf. E 30v13 .i. patrican .i. quamvis sit magnus}
[‘of little Patrick; i.e. as if he had been !’] [analysis]
45b7rII 102,1book 3423 sergiolus: sericán {= E 30v13}
[‘little Sergius’] [analysis]
45b8sII 102,1book 3423 [ple]raque: dimminutiva {nomina} {= E 30v13}
45b10II 102,3book 34111 diversas: " (45b11=102,3) formas: " {= E 30v15}
45b11tII 102,3book 3543 formas: terminationes {= E 30v15 .i. add. E}
45b11uII 102,445b12book 3211 homuncio: duinén
[‘little person’] [analysis]
45b11wII 102,445b14book 3543 homun[culus]: cach ṅdígabthach huálailiu
[‘each diminutive from another (homunculus from homunci, homullulus from homullus)’] [analysis]
45b12xII 102,445b13book 3211 [homun]culus: duinenet
[‘very small person’] [analysis]
45b26''yII 102,7book 325 +igniculus: ignis
45b31''zII 102,8book 325 +capreolus: caper
45b33''aaII 102,8book 325 agellus: ager {= E 30v18}
45b38''bbII 102,9book 325 +codicillus: codex
45b15"ccII 102,1045b15book 3211 parasitaster: fuirserán
[‘a little buffoon’] [analysis]
45b15"ddII 102,10book 3212 25 +parasitaster: bucillarius dicitur adulator unde parasitus
45b17"eeII 102,10book 325 +equuleus: equs
45b19"ffII 102,1045b16book 325 nepotulus: huandi as nepós {cf. E 30v20 .i. nepos}
[‘from nepos’] [analysis]
45b29"II 102,13book 34144 cula: .- (45b36=102,14) anicula: .-
45b38"ggII 102,1445b17book 325 211 unciola: uncia ungae
[‘ ‘uncia’ (ounce), = ounce’] [analysis]
45b39"hhII 102,14book 325 capella: capra {= E 30v22 caprea (sic)}
45b40"iiII 102,1445b18book 325 211 maxilla: mala glainine
[‘ ‘mala’ (cheek, jaw) = small jaw’] [analysis]
45b14II 102,15book 34144 una: " (45b15=102,15) ulla: "
45b14kkII 102,1545b19book 3541 una: .i. co·mbed dechur eter ṅdá n.-ulla .i. ulla. in tairmmorcinn ⁊ ulla dimminutivum. is do thucad a n.-una reliqua
[‘i.e. there would be a distinction between the two ullas, i.e. the ulla of the termination and ulla the diminutive (of una). For this it is that the una has been put etc.’] [analysis]
45b19II 102,15book 34144 culum: ,, (45b30=102,17) corpusculum: ,,
45b25II 102,16book 34122 x: " (45b27=102,16) eo: " {= E 30v24}
45b30llII 102,17book 325 corpusculum: corpus
45b31mmII 102,17book 325 corculum: cor {= E 30v25 .i. add. E}
45b32nnII 102,17book 325 melculum: mel {= E 30v25}
45b33ooII 102,17book 325 verculum: ver {= E 30v25 .i. add. E}
45b35ppII 102,17book 3566[?] +casina: nomen artis
45b40qqII 102,19book 325 capitulum: caput {= E 30v24 .i. add. E}
45b41rrII 102,19book 325 laureolum: laurum
45b41ssII 102,19book 3563 laureolum: arbor
45b42ttII 102,19book 325 lucellum: lucrum {= L 34v27 a, cf. E 30v25 .i. a lucrum}
45b17II 102,20book 34141 quod: :- (45b28=102,22) terminant: :-
45b17II 102,20book 34111 nomina: .- (45b20=102,21) ple[raque]: .-
45b40uuII 103,245b20book 3211 furca: gabul
[‘fork’] [analysis]
46a4aII 103,5book 33114 nominativo: dativus
46a6bII 103,746a1book 3211 mas[culus]: ferán
[‘little man’] [analysis]
46a8cII 103,846a2book 3211 osculum: ginán
[‘a little mouth’] [analysis]
46a8dII 103,846a2book 3211 +osculum: bóc
[‘or a kiss’]
46a8II 103,8book 34122 osculum: " (46a10=103,9) sese: "
46a9eII 103,846a3book 3543 aliam: .i. sain póc ⁊ pócnat reliqua
[‘i.e. different is a kiss and a kissy’] [analysis]
46a10fII 103,946a4book 3211 aliud (deminutivum): digabthach n-aill
[‘another diminutive’] [analysis]
46a10gII 103,9book 3572 +oscillum: (m.l.) virgilii georgicon .II.
46a10hII 103,9book 3?[?] 58 +oscillum: p.... vel luasc. reliqua
[‘oscillation’] [analysis]
46a11II 103,10book 34123 4142 (in) er: ..- (ibid.) terminantia: ..- (46a15=103,15) excipitur: ..-
46a12II 103,11book 34121 paterculus: " (ibid.) quod: "
46a13iII 103,1246a6book 3211 pauperculus: boctán
[‘little poor person’] [analysis]
46a15kII 103,1546a7book 3543 venter: .i. ní venterculus do·gní
[‘i.e. it does not make venterculus’] [analysis]
46a16lII 103,1846a8book 3211 (infra) ventriculum: hís bronnait {cf. E 31r7 (subs.) parvus venter}
[‘under a small belly’] [analysis]
46a17II 103,18book 34111 tenui: /. (ibid.) rima: /.
46a17mII 103,1846a9book 3211 336[?] distantia: a ndechrigeddar
[‘when they stand apart’] [analysis]
46a17nII 103,1846a10book 3211 (tenui ..) rima: huan dlúithi séimo
[‘by the slender density’] [analysis]
46a18oII 103,1946a11book 3211 munusculum: danán
[‘small gift’] [analysis]
46a18pII 103,2046a12book 3211 crus: erochuir
[‘leg’] [analysis]
46a18II 103,20book 34122 plau[tus]: " (46a20=104,1) idem: "
46a19qII 103,20book 3566[?] +cistellaria: nomen artis
46a20rII 104,146a13book 3563 tús: luib
[‘a plant’] [analysis]
46a22sII 104,3book 33233 (eiusdem) terminati[onis]: in .us {= E 31r11}
46a26tII 104,5book 3212 +celerius: .i. velocius
46a26II 104,5book 34142 celeriuscu[lus]: .- (46a27=104,6) unde: .-
46a30uII 104,946a14book 3211 sepiuscule: in meincán
[‘fairly often’] [analysis]
46a32II 104,12book 34141 plus: " (46a34=104,13) facit: "
46a33II 104,12book 353 plus .. etc.: (m.l.) =|" (cf. 41a28=89,7)
46a33wII 104,1246a15book 3543 a masculino: cenid·ḟil comparit masculinus femininus leiss
[‘although it has not a masculine or feminine comparative’] [analysis]
46a35xII 104,14book 3566[?] +hechy[ra]: nomen artis
46a36yII 104,16book 3566[?] +for[mione]: nomen artis
46a37zII 104,1746a16book 3211 pluscula: huillénu
[‘a little greater’] [analysis]
46a39aaII 104,19book 3212 epicenum: promiscuum {= E 31r19 .i. add. E}
46a41bbII 104,20book 33114 [no]minativo: dativus
46b3aII 105,4book 33232 formam: .i. culus {= E 31r21 in culus}
46b5bII 105,546b1book 3211 rumor: clú
[‘rumour’] [analysis]
46b7cII 105,8book 3566[?] +penulo: nomen artis
46b9dII 105,1146b2book 3211 543 sororcula: siurnat
[‘little sister’] [analysis]
46b11eII 105,13book 33232 supradictas: culus. cula. culum
46b29''fII 105,1646b3book 3211 retis: lín
[‘fishing-net’] [analysis]
46b35''gII 105,1746b4book 3211 pons: drochat
[‘bridge’] [analysis]
46b37'' hII 105,1746b5book 3214 lens: cenele n-etha {cf. K 21v46 a genus luguminis}
[‘a kind of grain’] [analysis]
46b15"iII 105,1846b6book 3211 securis: biáil
[‘axe’] [analysis]
46b25"kII 105,22book 34228 simili[ter]: .i. assumunt
46b26"lII 105,2246b7book 3211 fidis: tét
[‘string of a musical instrument’] [analysis]
46b33"II 105,23book 34141 nam: " (46b39"=106,2) fecisset: "
46b35"mII 106,1book 33233 significa[tione]: dimminutivi nominis
46b13nII 106,2book 3212 [de]minutiva: supradicta
46b17II 106,3book 34145 [cuti]cula: " (ibid.) i: " (ibid.) antepeneul[timam]: "
46b19oII 106,4book 34228 [iu]venalis: dicit
46b20II 106,5book 34111 aestivum: " (46b21=106,5) solem: "
46b21pII 106,546b8book 3211 cuticula: tonnait
[‘small skin’] [analysis]
46b22qII 106,646b9book 33226[?] quod: aní-sin
[‘(and ..) this’] [analysis]
46b23II 106,6book 34142 [ne]cessitas: " (ibid.) facere: " (46b24=106,6) compulit: " (46b25=106,6) enim: "
46b24rII 106,6book 3423 qua[tuor]: sillabas {= E 31v9}
46b28II 106,7book 34141 quamvis: .- (46b32=106,8) soleat: .-
46b30sII 106,8book 3423 quattuor: sillabas
46b36tII 106,1046b10book 3542 excipitur: huare naich in culus cula. culum. do·gní digabthach {cf. E 31v11 quia non facit lapidiculus.}
[‘since it does not make a diminutive in culus, cula, culum’] [analysis]
46b37uII 106,1046b11book 3211 lapillus: lecán
[‘small stone’] [analysis]
46b40wII 106,1046b12book 3211 [an]guilla: escung
[‘eel’] [analysis]
46b40II 106,10book 34121 [an]guilla: " (46b41=106,11) ungula: " (46b42=106,11) quae: " {cf. E 31v12 ungula .- > quae .- }
46b41xII 106,1146b13book 3211 ungula: cróa
[‘a hoof’] [analysis]
46b41yII 106,1146b13book 3211 +ungula: ingen
47a7aII 106,1647a1book 3211 curriculum: comṡreth són
[‘this is a formation’] [analysis]
47a9bII 106,1847a2book 3211 cornicu[lum]: adercéne
[‘little horn’] [analysis]
47a10cII 106,1847a3book 3211 geniculum: almne glunae
[‘knee-cap (?), knee’] [analysis]
47a10dII 106,18book 3542 excipitur: .i. quia non in .culus facit
47a11eII 106,1847a4book 3211 aculeus: snáthatath
[‘little needle’] [analysis]
47a11II 106,19book 34111 omnia: " (47a12=106,19) dissinentia: " {cf. E 31v18 supra :. > desinentia :. }
47a18''II 106,21book 34122 codiculus: " (m.l.=107,1) eo: "
47a32''fII 107,347a5book 3211 capitulum: centat iss ed a cennbart són linni
[‘a little head, that is, with us, the head-covering’] [analysis]
47a33''II 107,4book 34142 in (es): ...- (47a34''=107,4) disinentia: ...- (47a35"=107,10) excipiuntur: ...-
47a15"gII 107,647a6book 3211 volpecula: sinnchenae
[‘little fox’] [analysis]
47a21"hII 107,647a7book 3211 23 recula: .i. rétan regula immurgu quasi rectula
[‘i.e. little thing. But ‘regula’ (stick) as if ‘rectula’ (small straight line)’] [analysis]
47a28"iII 107,947a8book 3211 vepres: driss
[‘thorn-bush’] [analysis]
47a34"kII 107,947a9book 3563 211 nitedula: (m.l.) nitedula animal est quod in silvis invenitur. sicut ignis efulgens quod apud grecos dicitur. λαμπος .i. luacharnn., {= E 31v26-7 effulgens E; λαμπως E; lucarn. lampas E}
[‘‘nitedula’ (dormouse) is an animal that is found in the woods, shining like fire, and that is called ‘λαμπυίς’ (glow-worm), i.e. a lantern, with the Greeks’] [analysis]
47a15lII 107,1147a10book 3211 mercedula: fochricnet
[‘little reward’] [analysis]
47a22mII 107,1347a11book 3211 apes: bech
[‘bee’] [analysis]
47a25nII 107,1347a12book 3211 apicula: bechán
[‘little bee’] [analysis]
47a29oII 107,1547a13book 3211 (non) feram: ni·aisṅdius-a
[‘I will not proclaim’] [analysis]
47a30pII 107,16book 3423 543 unum: nomen vetus
47a37qII 107,1747a14book 3211 vetulus: arsidán
[‘little old (person)’] [analysis]
47b2aII 108,147b1book 3211 sus: mucc
[‘pig, sow’] [analysis]
47b2bII 108,1book 34222 commune: duorum generum
47b8cII 108,547b2book 3214 tyro: óc mil
[‘a young soldier’] [analysis]
47b9dII 108,5book 3423 .IIII.: libro {= E 32r6 libero (sic)}
47b12eII 108,947b3book 3211 carbo: richis
[‘live ember’] [analysis]
47b12fII 108,947b4book 3211 carbunculus: richísan
[‘small ember’] [analysis]
47b12gII 108,947b5book 3541 carbunculus: .i. carmocol órdae .i. ara chosmaili ind óir fri richiss
[‘i.e. a golden carbuncle i.e. because of its resemblance of gold to a live coal’] [analysis]
47b13hII 108,9book 3423 .IIII.: libro
47b13iII 108,12book 3221 +(pedo) οφθιρ: hic ignis (m.d.) quia igneum animal est ⁊ silvas comburit ex igni gutoris sui, in octobri mense, ⁊ cornutum est habens oculos in pectore,
47b13kII 108,1247b6book 3214 corculio: cruim már ut simphosius dicit
[‘a large worm etc.’] [analysis]
47b20lII 108,1947b7book 3211 214 (item) loligo: .i. bronnlog .i. soccsáil genus piscis ut isidorus dicit {cf. E 32r13 .i. morbrann. vel genus piscis.. isidorus dicit. }
[‘i.e. cuttlefish/squid, i.e. snout of the sea a kind of fish, as Isidore says’] [analysis]
47b24mII 109,347b8book 3211 homuncio: duinán
[‘little person’] [analysis]
47b26nII 109,447b9book 3211 fur: táid
[‘thief’] [analysis]
47b26oII 109,447b10book 3211 furunculus: táidán {cf. E 32r16 parvus latro.}
[‘little thief’] [analysis]
47b26pII 109,4book 336 (in) pisonem: .i. contra {= E 32r16}
47b27qII 109,5book 34228 furunculus: fuisti {= E 32r16 .i. fuisti}
47b27rII 109,5book 34228 rapax: .i. es {= E 32r17}
47b28sII 109,6101book 3211 leno: banleo-sin
[‘that lionness’] [analysis]
47b28tII 109,6book 3212 +leno: (m.d.) .i. consiliator stupri {cf. E 32r17 blanditor vel consiliator vel seductor.}
47b31uII 109,11book 33112 lenu*le (l): vocativus {= E 32r19}
47b32wII 109,12book 3423 nus: dissinentia {= E 32r19 .i. desinentia}
47b32II 109,12book 34143 habeant: " (47b33=109,12) non: "
47b33xII 109,13book 34226 habeant: in primitivis {= E 32r20}
47b33II 109,13book 353 geminatam l: (m.d.) ,,,,,, (cf. 48a20=110,9)
47b34II 109,13book 34111 (in) er: " (ibid.) nomina: "
47b37II 109,15book 34121 agnellus: " (ibid.) quod: "
47b39yII 109,1647b11book 3211 23 agellus: tirthat
[‘a small piece of land’] [analysis]
47b39zII 109,1647b12book 3211 anellus: ánne
[‘a ring’] [analysis]
48a1aII 109,18book 3423 omnia: diminutiva
48a3II 109,19book 353 nisi .. genere: (m.l.) === (cf. 48b4=110,26) {= E 32r24-32v17 O }
48a3bII 109,1948a1book 3543 primitiva: positi na digabthach
[‘the positives of the diminutives’] [analysis]
48a4II 109,19book 34142 [pro]ductam: " (48a4=109,20) enim: "
48a4cII 109,20book 34221 servant: diminutiva
48a6dII 109,21book 3423 unum: nomen {= E 32r26}
48a7II 109,22book 34142 mirum: " (48a9=109,23) igitur: "
48a9eII 109,2348a2book 3211 paulus: bec
[‘small’] [analysis]
48a9fII 109,2448a3book 3211 paululus: becán
[‘rather small’] [analysis]
48a9II 109,24book 34122 paululus: .- (ibid.) hoc: .-
48a13II 110,2book 34122 vexillum: ., (48a15=110,3) (quia) haec: .,
48a14gII 110,3book 33232 (ideo) haec: nomina {= E 32v1}
48a15II 110,3book 34141 quia: .- (48a17=110,5) habent: .-
48a15II 110,4book 34111 4112 primitivorum: : (48a16=110,4) peneultimam: : (48a17=110,5) longuam: :
48a17hII 110,5book 34221 543 habent: dimminutiva
48a18iII 110,548a4book 3211 23 mala: glaine
[‘jaw’] [analysis]
48a19kII 110,648a5book 3211 talus: odbrann {= L 36v6 a, E 32v3 odbran}
[‘ankle’] [analysis]
48a20II 110,9book 353 quae vero geminant l: (m.l.) ,,,,,, (cf. 47b33=109,13)
48a22lII 110,1048a6book 3211 543 (iterum) deminutiva: dígabthacha hualailib
[‘diminutives from others’] [analysis]
48a25II 110,12book 34141 quoque: .- (48a26=110,13) geminant: .-
48a25II 110,12book 34143 habeant: " (48a26=110,13) non: "
48a28mII 110,1448a7book 3211 columnella: columnat
[‘little pillar’] [analysis]
48a29nII 110,1448a8book 3542 excipitur: huare nád·n-emantar .l.
[‘because l is not doubled’] [analysis]
48a29oII 110,15book 3543 (eandem) formam: emnad .l.
[‘the doubling of l’] [analysis]
48a36''pII 110,1648a10book 3211 capra: heirp
[‘she-goat’] [analysis]
48a35"II 110,17book 34121 puera: " (48a37"=110,18) quo: "
48a36"qII 110,17book 334 *antique: adverbium {= E 32v11}
48a36rII 110,1948a11book 3211 mi*sellus (s): trogán
[‘little miserable person’] [analysis]
48a39sII 110,1948a12book 3542 excipiun[tur]: huare nád·n-emnat .l.
[‘because they do no double l’] [analysis]
48a36tII 110,2148a13book 3211 aru[la]: altóirnat
[‘small altar’] [analysis]
48a37uII 110,2148a14book 3211 terula: talamnat
[‘small piece of ground’] [analysis]
48 m.i.wII 110,21book 359 (m.i.) Ox III
48b1aII 110,24book 34221 543 habeant: primitiva {= E 32v15}
48b1II 110,24book 34141 peneultima: " (48b2=110,24) i: " (ibid.) accipiunt: "
48b3bII 110,2548b1book 3211 tigillum: clethnat
[‘small beam’] [analysis]
48b4II 110,26book 353 superius: (m.l.) === (cf. 48a3=109,19)
48b7cII 111,2book 34228 apuleius: dicit {= E 32v18}
48b7dII 111,2book 3566[?] hermagorae: nomen artis {= E 32v18}
48b9II 111,4book 34142 (in) um: .- (48b14=111,9) similiter: .-
48b9eII 111,4book 34224 peneultima (antecedente): .um. {= E 32v19}
48b15fII 111,10book 3423 disinentia: nomina
48b16gII 111,1048b2book 3211 crebrum: .i. criathar
[‘i.e. sieve’] [analysis]
48b17hII 111,11102book 3211 flabrum: srogell
48b17iII 111,1148b3book 3211 +flagrum: .i. srogell
[‘scourge’] [analysis]
48b18kII 111,1148b4book 3211 sacellum: nemed
[‘sanctuary’] [analysis]
48b19II 111,12book 34141 quod: " (48b20=111,13) assu[munt]: "
48b21II 111,13book 34143 [assu]munt: ,, (48b23=111,14) similiter: ,, (48b25=111,16) sic: ,,
48b22lII 111,14book 3?[?] culter: .i. .....
48b23mII 111,14book 34228 +feminin*a (a): (m.l.) assumunt unam syllabam
48b27nII 111,1748b5book 3542 excipiuntur: huare ata comlonna inna digabthacha fria cetnidi annád·foirpret i n-oen-ṡillaib
[‘because the diminutives are matches for (?) their primitives when they do not increase by one syllable’] [analysis]
48b33oII 112,148b6book 3211 villum: fínan
[‘small wine (?)’] [analysis]
48b34pII 112,1book 3542 notandum: quia crescit in duabus sillabis {= E 33r2}
48b34qII 112,148b7book 3211 (?)[?] pannus: c..n
[‘? withered’] [analysis]
48b37II 112,5book 34121 deminutiva: .- (ibid.) quae: .-
48b41II 112,7book 34142 [exci]piuntur: " (49a1=112,8) enim: "
48b41II 112,8book 34111 aliam: : (49a1=112,8) consonantem: : {= E 33r6}
49a2aII 112,9book 33232 (eiusdem) termina[tionis]: na
49a3bII 112,1049a1book 3211 agna: dínu
[‘lamb’] [analysis]
49a7''cII 112,1249a1abook 3211 urceus: cilornn {= E 33r9 chilorn.}
[‘vessel’] [analysis]
49a9''dII 112,1349a2book 3211 +alveus: lothor
[‘tub’] [analysis]
49a11''eII 112,1349a3book 3211 +luteus: .i. derg
[‘i.e. red’] [analysis]
49a13''fII 112,1349a4book 3211 malleus: ordd
[‘sledge-hammer’] [analysis]
49a7"gII 112,14book 3566[?] +epidico: nomen artis
49a9"II 112,16book 34121 capreus: .- (ibid.) cuius: .-
49a10"II 112,17book 34121 capra: : (49a11"=112,17) capro: : (ibid.) quibus: :
49a12"II 112,18book 34123 fiunt: " (ibid.) deminutiva: "
49a14"hII 112,19book 3566[?] +patricius: proprium
49a15"iII 112,1949a5book 3543 excipitur: ní antoniolus do·gní
[‘it does not make Antoniolus’] [analysis]
49a17kII 112,20book 3566[?] +varreno: proprium
49a18lII 112,21book 3571 +l: ucium (sc. lucium) {= E 33r16 (C)}
49a18mII 112,21book 3566[?] +crasium: proprium
49a19nII 112,2249a6book 3211 *(hic) noster (antoniaster): ar n-antonán-ni intí-siu
[‘this is our Tonykin’] [analysis]
49a21oII 113,1book 3563 +laurea: lignum.
49a22pII 113,249a7book 3211 +lutea: .i. derg
[‘i.e. red’] [analysis]
49a22qII 113,2book 352 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
49a23rII 113,349a8book 3211 mollia: argi
[‘mild’] [analysis]
49a23II 113,3book 34111 mollia: " (ibid.) vaccinia: "
49a23II 113,3book 34111 luteola: : (ibid.) calta: : {cf. E 33r19 pingit a mollia b vacin<n<ia c luteola d qualta e }
49a23sII 113,349a9book 3211 pinguit: con·suidigedar
[‘it compounds’] [analysis]
49a23tII 113,349a10book 3211 vaccinia: inna daercae fróich
[‘the berries of the heather’] [analysis]
49a23uII 113,349a10abook 3211 (luteola ..) calta: .i. ond scoid deirc
[‘i.e. with the red flower’] [analysis]
49a24wII 113,549a11book 3211 unciolam: in uṅgainet
[‘the little ounce’] [analysis]
49a24xII 113,5book 3212 deuncem: .XI unciae. {= E 33r20 .X. uncie}
49a25yII 113,549a12book 3421 541 palliola (in eodem unciolis sex etiam): óen-desimrecht-so co·n-eper and unciolis
[‘this is one example, so that unciolis is said there’] [analysis]
49a27zII 113,6book 3212 +luteum: .i. rubicundum
49a28aaII 113,749a13book 3211 palliolum: bróitene
[‘little cloak’] [analysis]
49a30bbII 113,10book 33232 supradictae: secundae
49a40''ccII 113,1249a14book 3211 *(pauculus) et palculus: 7 óthatnat.
[‘and a very small number’] [analysis]
49a32"ddII 113,1249a15book 3211 tantus: mét
[‘so much’] [analysis]
49a32II 113,14book 34123 ula: " (ibid.) ulum: " (ibid.) faci[unt]: "
49a38eeII 113,15book 3566[?] +epidico: nomen artis
49a36ffII 113,17book 34222 concisionem: .n. {= E 33r28 .i. n.}
49a37ggII 113,1849a16book 3543 puellula: digabthach hualailiu
[‘(one) diminutive from another’] [analysis]
49a39hhII 113,18book 3566[?] +cluentio: nomen artis
49a41iiII 113,1849a17book 3211 dentatam: fiáclaich
[‘toothed’] [analysis]
49b1aII 113,1949b1book 3211 *serulam: glasán
[‘a little bar’] [analysis]
49b1bII 113,1949b2book 3211 aqula: usceán
[‘little water’] [analysis]
49b4cII 114,449b3book 3211 equa: láir
[‘mare’] [analysis]
49b4dII 114,449b4book 3211 equla: lárene
[‘small mare’] [analysis]
49b4eII 114,4book 3566[?] +cistel[laria]: nomen artis
49b10fII 114,12book 33232 haec: demminutiva
49b15gII 114,1649b5book 3211 parasitus: fuirsire
[‘buffoon’] [analysis]
49b15hII 114,16book 3212 +parasi[taster]: blanditor
49b16iII 114,1749b6book 3211 senex: sen
[‘old person’] [analysis]
49b17kII 114,1749b7book 3211 [se]nicio: senán
[‘little old man’] [analysis]
49b17lII 114,17book 3566[?] +afranius: proprium
49b17mII 114,18book 3566[?] +prodito: nomen artis
49b18nII 114,20book 3214 +equuleus: genus ornamenti {cf. E 33v10 genus tormentis (sic; B)}
49b25oII 115,449b8book 3211 212 coniculus: aimmsid (m.d.) beda coniculus sulcus.
[‘an attempter’] [analysis]
49b25pII 115,4book 3214 563 +coniculus: vel foramen in muris vel nomen animalis {cf. E 33v14 foramen vel bestia cuniculus foramen ubi currit aqua subtus murum (C)}
49b25qII 115,449b9book 3211 anniculus: bliadnide
[‘yearling’] [analysis]
49b26rII 115,4book 3571 +[me]tellus: unus de romanis
49b26sII 115,5book 3214 +camellus: minister sacrorum
49b26tII 115,5book 3566[?] +tibullus: (subs.) .i. proprium
49b26uII 115,549b10book 3211 572 fribolus: cuitbide .i. fribolus fere obillo dignus .i. ní ferr leth-scripul {cf. E 33v15 fribolus. fere ovello. dignus.}
[‘ridiculous, i.e. frivolus fere obolo dignus, not better than a half-scruple’] [analysis]
49b27wII 115,5book 3212 +[fri]bolum: inutile
49b27xII 115,5book 3571 +camilla: dea {= E 33v15}
49b30yII 115,849b11book 3211 canicula: cuán
[‘small dog’] [analysis]
49b30zII 115,849b12book 3543 3116 rotunda (forma): cruind sciath
[‘a round shield’] [analysis]
49b30aaII 115,849b13book 3211 calus: cliab. {cf. K 23r22 a .i. gliab}
[‘basket’] [analysis]
49b32bbII 115,12book 3212 221 qualus (ex calus): (m.d.) glo- qualus cophinus ⁊ grece dicitur μυρων. qualus vero corbes ο χαιτινος quibus uvae portantur
49b32II 115,12book 34111 qualus: " (ibid.) ο χαιτινος: "
49b33ccII 115,1249b14book 3211 [casil]lum: clebéne
[‘small basket’] [analysis]
49b33ddII 115,1249b15book 3211 pistrinum: cucann mulenn
[‘kitchen or mill’] [analysis]
49b34II 115,13book 34121 anguilla: " (ibid.) ungula: " (49b35=115,13) nubilum: " (ibid.) quae: "
49b35eeII 115,1349b16book 3211 571 nubilum: doinenn reliqua icidorus
[‘bad weather’] [analysis]
49b36ffII 115,15book 3212 significationem: intellectum {= E 33v21}
49b36ggII 115,15book 358 212 pa*nus (n): (m.d.) vel panus .i. per unum n. .i. ../culo vel ....
49b39hhII 115,1849b17book 3211 glandium: glaine airnne
[‘a jaw or a sloe’] [analysis]
49b39iiII 115,1849b22book 3571 glandula: (m.i.) ⁊ polibius medicus dicit. Novem glandulae .i. nóisethir. reliqua.
[‘nine glands (?)’] [analysis]
49b40kkII 115,1849b18book 3211 intestinorum: inna coilchomae
[‘of the slender waist’] [analysis]
49b40llII 116,149b19book 3211 ensiculus: claidbene
[‘little sword’] [analysis]
49b41mmII 116,1book 3571 beta malva: (m.d.) in enigmatibus
49b41nnII 116,249b20book 3211 214 betacius: bethech braisech genus holeris ut icidorus dicit similiter malva
[‘belonging to the beet or kale (?). A kind of herb, as Isidore says. The same is true for ‘malva’ (mallows)’] [analysis]
49b41ooII 116,249b21book 3211 571 malvaceus: (subs.) lemnat
[‘mallow’] [analysis]
49b m.i.ppII 116,249b23book 359 (m.i.) Caní románda .ó. is fir son
[‘is not o Roman ? this is true’] [analysis]
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 22 January 2025]