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148 matches found. Point to any link below for more information.

MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
1a17iII 1,7Praefatio4226 perspicaciores: .i. in regulis grammaticae
3a11mII 5,63a3book 14226 541 coartata: (m.l.) .i. ex aere et ore in unam vocem .i. do·immthastar fri slond ṅ-intliuchta bís hisin menmain .-
[‘i.e. it is combined to express the meaning which is in the mind’] [analysis]
3a12oII 5,7book 14226 profertur: .i. ore ⁊ a lingua
3b1aII 6,6book 14226 com[po*sitae (s)]: .i. a literis ⁊ syllabis
4a14lII 9,17book 14226 maxima: .i. in vocales ⁊ in semivocales {cf. E 5v29 apud .i. desinunt in vocales &in semivocales}
5a36hhII 10,1book 14226 productarum: .i. ante
6a30iiII 12,16a18book 14226 ph: tri beulu dlútai
[‘through compressed lips’] [analysis]
6a32nnII 12,3book 14226 a grecis: per anastrophen .ξ.
6b9gII 12,116b4book 14226 in: la .q. ⁊ lasin gutai doda·iarmorat
[‘with q and with the vowel that follows it’] [analysis]
7a3cII 13,77a3book 14226 iuxta possitis: i n-óen-ṡosuth ṡillabe
[‘in one position of a syllable’] [analysis]
7a34ccII 14,2book 14226 eadem: la .í.
[‘with i’] [analysis]
7b14pII 14,12book 14226 i: in unam sillabam
7b36ttII 15,5book 14226 hanc: apud latinos
8a23wII 16,6book 14226 proferendum: híc
8b18xII 17,10book 14226 Ϝ: inter duas vocales
9a6hII 18,11book 14226 bruges: per u
9a6iII 18,11book 14226 blena: per u
9a6mII 18,12book 14226 dicebant: per u consonantem
9a24llII 19,39a13book 14226 vitium: tre dígbáil tinfeth
[‘through taking away the aspiration’] [analysis]
9b5lII 19,14book 14226 retor: sine h {= E 9r16 .i. add. E}
9b6nII 19,14book 14226 [phir]rus: sine h {= E 9r16 .i. add. E}
9b12zII 19,18book 14226 ponentes: ante ρ {= E 9r19}
9b29uuII 20,2book 14226 ([absci]sione) facta: per apagopen
10b2aII 21,11book 14226 motan[tur]: in alias literas {= E 9v19 in: .i. E}
11b4dII 23,11book 14226 supra dictum: á me {= E 10r23}
11b15iII 23,18book 14226 interpossita: inter .s. ⁊ m.
11b17lII 23,20book 14226 541 igitur: de omnibus potestatibus predictis
12a10lII 24,15book 14226 i: hodie {= E 10v15}
12a14rII 24,17book 14226 correpta: .i. in metro
12a26bbII 25,9book 14226 productum: in .e {cf. E 10v22 .a. in e}
13b4aII 27,12book 14226 [orthogra]phia: dicens
15b12nII 32,9book 14226 primae: apud latinos {= E 12v19}
15b16yII 32,11book 14226 [cor]reptam: .i. iar foxul .s. diib
[‘i.e. after removing s from them’] [analysis]
16a13tII 33,1116a9book 1211 4226 [expedi]tior: .i. soirthiu sonu
[‘i.e. easier, more fortunate’] [analysis]
17a20hII 35,14book 14226 similiter: fri .f {= E 13v22 .i. add. E}
[‘to f’] [analysis]
17a24mII 35,16book 13232 4226 ipsi: latini .i. more eolum {cf. E 13v24 .i. romani. more eolum}
17b1aII 35,25book 14226 lati[ni]: hodie {= E 14r3}
17b7iII 36,2book 14226 aspirationis: .i. do psilen {= E 14r6 .i. do epsilien}
[‘i.e. to the smooth breathing’] [analysis]
17b29aaII 36,19book 14226 53 acci[pitur]: (m.d.) .i. hodie ut ostendit paulo ante. {= E 14r18}
18a16mII 37,11book 14226 541 invenitur: .i. in subiunctione .i. apud nos
18b4bII 38,818b2book 14226 vocali: .i. i ndead in deoguir bis isin chetna sillaib
[‘i.e. after the diphthong which is in the first syllable’] [analysis]
20b18mII 43,8book 14226 antecedente: .i. n. re .c. nó .t.
[‘i.e. n before c or t’] [analysis]
20b30uII 43,16book 14226 cogit: in preterito {= E 16r5}
20b33xII 43,18book 14226 p: in preterito
21b5bII 45,2book 24226 possunt: non
23a28yII 48,13book 24226 tamen: .i. in simplicibus dictionibus
24a34"yyII 50,15book 24226 assequentes: in principio alterius sillabae
24b10mII 50,21book 24226 anteposita: .i. ad .c. vel p vel t.
24b26wII 51,8book 24226 sequentibus: a secunda sillaba {= E 18r17 .i. add. E}
25b28yII 53,17book 24226 +quia: .sine sensu
26b19qII 54,26book 24226 numerabant: .i. pro parte {= E 19r15}
27b29wII 56,2627b7book 24226 separata: hi comaisṅdís
[‘in apposition’] [analysis]
28a13rII 57,11book 24226 [ali]ae: .i. preter duas predictas .i. primitiva ⁊ dirivativa
28a15xII 57,1328a7book 2211 4226 differentiae (causa): .i. ar dechor etir da ṅ-ainmm cosmaili
[‘i.e. for distinguishing between two similar nouns’] [analysis]
28a19ddII 57,16book 24226 illo: .i. tempore vel foedere {cf. E 20r3 .i. tempore}
28a29iiII 57,2328a13book 2211 4226 differentiae (causa): .i. do dechor fri prenomna aili
[‘i.e. to distinguish from other praenomina’] [analysis]
29b28bbII 60,19book 24226 aliquid: .i. quasi ab aliquo {= E 20v27 .i. om. E}
31b35aiII 66,2book 24226 virgilius: .i. in aeneidos libro {cf. E 22r8 in .VIIII. libro}
32a34iiII 67,9book 24226 producunt: .i. apud latinos
32b25rII 68,8book 24226 ante (ne): .i. in peneultima
32b30hhII 68,12book 24226 561 themonis: .i. themonia {= K 15v34 k}
32b30iiII 68,12book 24226 561 thesalis: .i. thesalia {= K 15v34 l}
32b30kkII 68,12book 24226 561 calchis: .i. colchia {= K 15v24 m cholchis .i. cholchia}
[‘i.e. Colchian’] [analysis]
37a32yII 79,837a6 book 24226 excipiuntur: hua anmanaib in us
[‘from nouns in -us’] [analysis]
39a31hhII 83,17book 34226 sumuntur: for persana
[‘on persons’] [analysis]
45a26lII 101,545a8book 34226 augent: sech positi na conparite oa·mbiat
[‘beyond the positives of the comparatives from which they are’] [analysis]
47b33xII 109,13book 34226 habeant: in primitivis {= E 32r20}
54b9fII 127,1454b4book 44226 omnia: preter demminutiva ⁊ inna-hí riam anúas
[‘except the diminutives and those above before (apiaster, oleaster)’] [analysis]
55b23kII 130,555b4book 44226 concisione: iar foxul .tí.
[‘after taking away -ti’] [analysis]
58b39"pII 136,2358b7book 4543 4226 reliquam: cenmithá in consoin .i. arabí dint ṡillaib/ iar sind..../ nchonsain
[‘except the consonant i.e. which remains over of that syllable after the consonant ???’] [analysis]
60b18aaII 140,1760b17book 4211 4226 [alter]nitatis: ailidetad fri anach
[‘of alternation to its legitimate (form)’] [analysis]
61b16eeII 142,17book 54226 comprehendi: .i. in terminationibus
62b20hII 145,1562b1book 5211 4226 figurate: in doilbthith apud poetas {cf. E 41v14 apud poetas}
[‘figuratively, with the poets’] [analysis]
62b28pII 145,2262b5book 54226 excipiuntur: hua riagoil fémein {cf. M 4va21 f ar riaguil femein}
[‘from the rule of the feminine’] [analysis]
63b32rII 149,463b10book 54226 excipitur: donaib neuturáldaib {= M 4vb19 c dinaib neuturaldaib}
[‘from the neutrals’] [analysis]
64b3cII 151,17book 54226 exceptis: a masculinis
66b15nII 158,16book 54226 enim: .i. isin hilur
[‘i.e. in the plural’] [analysis]
67a39"ccII 160,1867a18book 54226 adiectiva: iarna comsuidigud
[‘after their composition’] [analysis]
69a19bbII 166,1book 54226 excipitur: de regula femininorum
71a11eII 172,6book 54226 facit: .i. ex sé
71a23wII 172,13book 54226 cadere: in alios casus
76b41pII 185,1376b8book 54226 posi[tione]: frislond dúlo
[‘in order to signify a thing’] [analysis]
77a32nII 186,9133book 54226 absolute: .i. huacheill gníma ⁊ chesta
[‘i.e. (independantly) from the active and passive sense’] [analysis]
77b13kII 186,23book 54226 adiunctae: .i. in compositione orationis
77b30mII 187,10book 54226 concessit: .i. ad finem
118a8dII 296,5book 74226 peneultimam: in genitivo
120a17hII 303,3book 7543 4226 (in) aliis: .i. pro consonante
122a20fII 310,17book 74226 dificientia: apud nos
122a24hII 310,21book 74226 deferentiae (causa): contra genitivum masculinorum
128a38hII 333,13book 74226 *aliter: .i. apud graecos
137b22wII 370,1137b6book 84226 541 incommoditate: .i. hiforgnúis
[‘i.e. in form’] [analysis]
137b38iiII 370,17book 84226 agere: .i. in aliam
138a34bbII 371,19book 84226 positivum: .i. in prima persona
139b45uII 376,8book 84226 (proprie) dicere: .i. pasive
147b21kII 406,10147b5book 84226 211 multo: .i. post .i. paulo post bá multo post
[‘i.e. post i.e. paulo-post or multo-post’] [analysis]
148a39bbII 408,7book 84226 coepisse: .i. nudiustertius
149a41lII 411,8book 84226 absolutam: activa ⁊ pasione
149b35oII 412,13book 84226 commu[nem]: actionem ⁊ pasionem {= K 62r16 b}
150a9cII 413,1book 84226 [com]munem: .i. actione ⁊ pasione
153b9cII 422,18book 84226 esse: .i. in oratione
158b14dII 439,22book 84226 abs: pro ab
158b17hII 439,24book 84226 543 *componit: .i. in aliis verbis ut sunt haec {cf. K 66v9 b componi alia verba}
158b40qII 440,16158b8book 84226 defendit: .i. hi cumscaigthetaid
[‘i.e. in mobility’] [analysis]
161a36gII 448,9book 84226 personae: .i. in immognom
[‘i.e. in construction’] [analysis]
161b31mII 449,14book 84226 [lo]quentes: inter primam ⁊ secundam
162b36oII 453,19book 94226 intigro: in preterito perfecto
164b34gII 459,21book 94226 producitur: in preterito
164b37iII 459,24book 94226 pura: vocali precidente .i. in presenti
165a34eII 461,4book 94221 4226 producta: .e. in presenti
166a33fII 463,27book 94226 habent: .i. in preterito
167b25eII 467,9book 94226 habent: in preterito
168a11dII 468,5book 94226 servat: in preterito
168a34iII 468,25168a2book 9541 4226 subtracta: asindsechmadachtu riagoldu
[‘from the regular preterite’] [analysis]
172a2bII 484,5172a1book 94226 25 senesco: huandí as seneo
[‘from seneo’] [analysis]
173a14dII 489,5book 94226 prolatum: ab auctoribus
179b11dII 516,14book 104226 amittunt: .i. in preterito
181b23fII 525,17book 104226 servant: in sopino
181b39mII 526,12book 104226 duplicantia: in presenti
182a28gII 527,20book 104224 4226 duplicant: .i. l. in presenti {cf. K 79r12 b .i. l}
185b3aII 538,30book 104226 habuerint: .i. ante cio
186a3bII 540,12book 104226 *dimmi[nuta]: .i. in preterito
187a21gII 545,13book 104226 producunt: .i. in sopinis vel participiis
188a27qqII 549,22188a23book 114226 541 propriis: .i. in participiis techtite proprias transfigurationes verborum hí cach aiccidit absce personis ⁊ modis ⁊ nothech/tath dano in aim/sir indsainriud/ quia est in participio. pre/sens ⁊ preteritum et futurum
[‘i.e. in participles, which have the proper changes of verbs in every accident, except persons and moods, and which have it also in time especially, because there is in the participle a present and a preterite and a future’] [analysis]
198b31yII 582,6book 124226 sic: apud nos
198b34aaII 582,8book 124226 transitiva: dondatrub
[‘to the possession’] [analysis]
199a42kII 584,6199a3book 124226 agit: .i. for nach naile
[‘i.e. on some other’] [analysis]
199a42mII 584,7book 124226 ipsam: .i. intesi
[‘i.e. into it’] [analysis]
199b9qII 584,15book 124226 dubitatio: .i. in diffinitione
201b27aaII 590,23book 124226 59 servant: in medio olseatsom
[‘in medio say they’] [analysis]
204a28nIII 1,7204a6book 134226 personae: in immḟognam
[‘in construction’] [analysis]
205a33mIII 4,17205a4book 134226 211 concidentibus: similibus .i. contuítet hiscosmailius
[‘i.e. they coincide in similarity’] [analysis]
205b17gIII 5,6book 134226 hoc: .i. inter hic ⁊ agc
[‘i.e. between hic and its Greek’] [analysis]
205b18hIII 5,7book 134226 et: apud nos
206b17fIII 8,4book 134226 peneultimam: in genitivo
208b30wIII 14,13208b12book 134226 543 discretionem: fri cenelchi persan
[‘from the generality of persons’] [analysis]
212a3bIII 23,2book 134226 referuntur: .i. ad relationem
212a25pIII 24,10212a3book 144226 preposi[tiva]: .i. hicomaisṅdéis ⁊ chomsuidigud (m.l.) .
[‘i.e. in apposition and composition’] [analysis]
213a29uIII 27,5book 14423 4226 aliis: .i. sonis .i. in appositione
217a36kkIII 27,9213a15book 144226 differentia: .i. fri ainm dobrethir
[‘i.e. from a noun or an adverb’] [analysis]
215a36bbIII 32,7book 144226 coniuncta: .i. in compositione
218a9dIII 39,14218a2book 14423 4226 habens: .i. con. hicomsuidigud
[‘i.e. con in composition’] [analysis]
218a10hIII 39,15book 144226 discrepat: hiter con ⁊ cum
[‘between con and cum’] [analysis]
219b14dIII 43,11book 144226 poni: .i. apud graecos
220b2cIII 45,24220b2book 144226 543 adiungi: hicomasṅdís
[‘in apposition’] [analysis]
241b10 dIII 119,25book 174226 constare: .post nomen verbum statim.-
243a35gIII 126,7book 174226 relinquitur: .ab aliquo.-
244a14bIII 128,18book 174226 antecedentia: .in cognitione.
244a31kIII 129,13book 174226 suppositi: .in presenti.-
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]