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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
3a9II 5,5book 153 [dif]firentiae: (m.d.) -,-,-, (cf. 3a31=6,3)
3a31II 6,3book 153 diffirentiae: (m.d.) -,-,-, (cf. 3a9=5,5)
4a15iII 7,154a7book 153 543 i: .i. issed a plus remeperthae
[‘i.e. this is the plus aforesaid’] [analysis]
4a16lII 7,164a9book 1571 53 confundere: (m.l.) Papirinus I litera in locum u. literae posita sicut optimum et maximum dicimus quae antiqui optumum et maxumum dicebant ., ar ba bes la suidib .u. tar hesi ṅ-í . ut pessumus pro pessimus ut prescianus inante.,
[‘[…] for it was a custom of theirs (to put) u instead of i, as in pessumus, etc.’] [analysis]
4a22oII 7,204a10book 153 eundem: (m.l.) .archiunn |=| (cf. 14a3=28,9)
[‘further on’] [analysis]
5b16oII 10,135b3book 153 idem: archiunn O" (cf. 25a24=52,4)
[‘below (lit. ahead)’] [analysis]
5b25II 11,3book 153 duas: (m.l.) ,,,- (cf. 6a33=12,5)
6a18wII 11,216a9book 1541 53 sumpsimus: (m.l.) níbbu machdath betis grecdi ⁊ nothath foraib linni ⁊ dano it latindi amal ṡodain ut dixit prius. in latinis verbis placuit .f usque facio ,.
[‘it were no wonder that they were Greek and...; and yet they are Latin in that case, ut dixit, etc. [transl. Hofman: it were no wonder that they were Greek since we call them loan-words; and yet they are Latin in that case, as he said before: ‘In Latin words it seemed proper (.. to write) ,f’’ until ,facio’ (do)]’] [analysis]
6a33II 12,5book 153 K enim .. etc.: (m.l.) ,,,- (cf. 5b25=11,3)
6b35ttII 13,56b28book 1541 53 in (perfecta dictione): Ní·foircnithaer nach rann óg indi. si enim inveniamus .vah. non perfectam sed per apacopen vaha reliqua in sillabam postea dicet
[‘no complete part (of speech) ends in it etc.’] [analysis]
8a18qII 16,259book 153 [cu]pivi .. etc.: (m.l.) in possessivis @ archiunn (cf. 34b44=74,7 gg)
8b25eeII 17,16book 153 566[?] davus: (m.l.) davus servus simonis prescianus inante .i. in libro constructionis
9b5mII 19,14book 153 retor: (m.l.) inante X (cf. 15a30=31,16)
10a3II 20,9book 153 c: (m.l.) /. (10a10=20,13) c et ch et g: (m.l.) /.
11a33mII 23,5book 153 secunda: (m.l.) prescianus inante. spondeo spopondi a quo etiam .s. demitur eophoniae causa in secunda sillaba
11b5II 23,12book 153 (m.l.) #
11b17mII 23,20book 1541 53 igitur: (m.d.) vel in prologo ubi dicit primus liber continet . reliqua..
12a14qII 24,1712a3“book 1541 53 *correpta: ind .e. timmorte /. /. in deoguir iar foxul .i. as. ut inante dicit
[‘the short e: of the diphthong, after removing the i from it, as he says later on’]
13b22qII 27,2313b4book 1541 53 pro βους bos: : (m.d.) .i. ⁊ ni·taithminedar deogras hic. vide principium secundi libri de verbo,
[‘i.e. and he does not mention the diphthongization here etc.’] [analysis]
13b22II 27,23book 153 pro βους bos: (m.d.) # (13b29=28,2) non .. etc.: (m.d.) #
14a3II 28,9book 153 u .. corripientes: (m.l.) |=| (cf. 4a22=7,20)
14b29ffII 30,14book 153 facientes: (m.l.) " in syllabis (cf. 23a31=48,15)
15a3II 30,21book 153 transit: (m.l.) o/ (15a5=30,22) similiter: (m.l.) o/
15a30II 31,16book 153 rhet*or (h): (m.l.) X (cf. 9b5=19,14 n)
15b3aII 31,2215b1book 1541 53 u: .i. e in .i. productam ⁊ r. do thormuch lege verbum post ⁊ ibi invenies
[‘i.e. e is changed into i long, and r is added. Lege verbum etc.’] [analysis]
15b7fII 32,5book 153 572 13 viros: (m.d.) vide post casum aut ovium foetus .i. glanad .u. ⁊ s. aut urentis culta capellas reliqua
[‘i.e. elision of u and s (aut ouium foet’ aut..).’] [analysis]
15b13oII 32,9book 1221 53 geta: .i. getes vel as sic postea dicet {cf. E 12v19 pro .as.}
15b29nnII 32,20book 1541 53 +sω: (m.i.) e. apud grecos .se. latini. i. apud grecos is apud latinos per anastrophen ⁊ deferentiam lege in pronomine ου grece. sui latine
16b18kII 34,13book 125 53 sussum: et ab aspicio ut dicet {post add. E}{= E 13v1}
16b29pII 34,20book 125 53 quadringenta: .i. quattuor ⁊ centum ut in sillabis dicet {= E 13v6 dicet] ostendet E}
17b29aaII 36,19book 14226 53 acci[pitur]: (m.d.) .i. hodie ut ostendit paulo ante. {= E 14r18}
18b22oII 39,4book 153 aufero: (m.l.) postea dicit aufero aufugio dicimus ne si affero. reliqua {affugio dicamus pro adfero adfugio. accipiantur add. E 14v16, reliqua om. E}
[‘further on he says: ‘We say ‘aufero’ (take away), ‘aufugio’ (run away) in order that they will not’]
19b25qII 41,15book 153 +i pura: (m.d.) .. inante (cf. 34a22=71,12 y)
20a23qII 42,12book 153 squalor: (m.l.) ". in primo libro constructionis (cf. 239a16=3,111,25)
20b12hII 43,4book 153 [ostendi]mus: .i. quando dixit l in solis
22a24eeII 46,11book 253 prepositio: (m.l.) lege prepositionem
22b25aaII 47,922b10 book 2563 53 abad[dir]: cenéla liac .i. taidminedar-som ar chiunn {cf. E 17r16 ceinelae liac}
[‘a kind of stone, i.e. which he records hereafter’] [analysis]
23a31II 48,15book 253 αγχισες: (m.l.) "/ (cf. 14b29=30,14 ff)
23a35ooII 48,17book 2541 53 ignotus: .i. compositio ab in ⁊ gnotus ut diximus paulo ante
24a34"zzII 50,15book 2541 53 in (compositis): .i. {invenitur add. E} ⁊ s ⁊ .i. loco consonantis ut dicet paulo post., {= E 18r5}
25a24II 52,4book 253 idem: (m.l.) O" (cf. 5b16=10,13 m)
26a4cII 53,23book 253 prepositio: (m.l.) Lege prepositionem .,
26a17wII 54,2book 253 imper[ativa]: .i. ut diximus ante
26b5fII 54,16book 253 idem: (m.l.) S./. lege casum pronominis (cf. 207b21=3,11,25 l)
26b5gII 54,17book 253 articulum: (m.d.) lege libros constructionum ubi de articulo narrant .,
27a5fII 55,1627a2book 255 541 53 redditiva: .i. érrethcha airindí as·renat frecrae dond immchomurc .i. Do·fúasailcet a n-immchomarc imme·chomarcar tri quis ⁊ qualis ⁊ quantus .-
[‘i.e. redditives, because they render an answer to the question, that is, they resolve the question which is asked by quis and qualis and quantus’] [analysis]
27a16uII 55,23book 253 declinanda: (m.l.) lege finem pronominis
28b26II 58,22book 253 adiici solent: (m.l.) E (cf. 29b22=60,14)
28b27ffII 58,2228b18book 2541 53 manifestandam: (m.d.) Inna anmmann tréna didiu it hé do·ḟormmagddar donaib anmmanaib adiectaib do lanad ⁊ ḟoilsiguth inne indib sicut postea dicit reliqua
[‘the nouns substantive then, it is they that are added to the nouns adjective to complete and manifest quality in them, sicut etc.’] [analysis]
29b5"bII 60,329b1book 253 multis (aliis): (m.l.) "F archiunn (cf. 50a18=117,13 q)
[‘"F ahead’] [analysis]
29b7"eII 60,4book 253 loco: (m.d.) in libro denominativorum
29b19II 60,12book 253 (m.l.) |:
29b22II 60,14book 253 eget adiectione: (m.l.) E (cf. 28b25=58,21)
30a13sII 61,5book 253 interrogativum: (m.l.) lege casum pronominis ⁊ in libro constructionis
30b24yII 62,15book 253 patronomicum: (m.d.) lege casum nominis
30b35II 62,23book 253 scipiadas: (m.l.) ..... (cf. 32a31=67,7)
30b35II 62,23book 253 nec ..: (m.l.) ,,,, (cf. 33a28=69,11)
32a31II 67,7book 253 scipiades: (m.l.) ,,,,, (cf. 30b35=62,23)
33a7dII 68,23book 253 supra: .i. quando abusive dixit {= E 22v19 .i. om. E}
33a28II 69,11book 253 quod ..: (m.l.) .... (cf. 30b35=62,23)
33a28bbII 69,11book 253 diximus: .i. in patronomicis {= E 22v28}
34a1aII 70,21book 2561 53 areusius: .i. Areussia nomen provinciae sed uerius areussium in presciano invenies
34a22yII 71,12book 253 +ideo .. etc.: (m.l.) retro /.. (cf. 19b25=41,15 q)
34b44ggII 74,7book 253 quod .. etc.: (m.l.) @ ante (cf. 8a18=16,2 q)
35b5hII 75,17book 2543 25 53 caesarianus: .i. servus caesare ut paulo post dicet
35b16II 75,25book 253 horno: (m.d.) F
36a34ffII 77,10book 253 nisi .. animalium: (m.l.) lege .I. librum constructionis
36a42II 77,15book 253 de .. tractabitur: (m.l.) ,, (cf. 37b25=80,3)
36b34II 78,9book 253 pleraque: (m.l.) (: (cf. 37a10=78,20) {= E 25r14-22}
36b34II 78,9book 253 pleraque: (m.l.) 0- (cf. 38b24=82,11)
37a10II 78,20book 253 pleraque: (m.l.) (: (cf. 36b34=78,9)
37a34bbII 79,1037a7book 253 nam .. etc: (m.l.) Ar chiunn E (cf. 38b9=82,1)
[‘ further on’] [analysis]
37b25''II 80,3book 253 muste*la (l): (m.l.) ,, (cf. 36a42=77,15)
38a38aaII 81,17book 253 hispania .. etc.: (m.l.) inante :O denominativis (cf. 51a38''=119,20 d)
38b9II 82,1book 253 quae vero: (m.l.) E (cf. 37a34=79,10-12)
38b24II 82,11book 253 (m.l.) 0-
38b25xII 82,11book 2543 53 ligus: nomina enim tertiae declinationis in anus debent facere dirivativa ut ante dixit {= E 26r23 facere - dixit] sua dirivativa ire E}
40a36II 86,17book 353 faciunt .. etc.: (m.l.) ,,,, (cf. 41a31=89,9)
40b7II 86,24book 353 strennuus: (m.l.) =| (cf.41a15=88,15)
40b15II 87,4book 353 anomala: (m.l.) .. (cf. 41a16=88,15)
41a15II 88,14book 353 strennuior: (m.l.) =| (cf. 40b7=86,24)
41a16II 88,15book 353 sunt .. etc.: (m.l.) .. (cf. 40b15=87,4)
41a23mII 89,3book 353 571 plus: (m.l.) Et cominianus in serie pluralium nominum masculinorum dicit hi plures .- Et prescianus in diminutivis dicit. plus quoque quamvis a masculino vel feminino non veniat comparativo reliqua si enim pluris inveniatur non de multitudine sed de bonitate dicitur ut agroecius dicit.,
41a28rII 89,741a9abook 353 compluria: =|" archiunn (cf. 46a33=104,12)
[‘ further on’] [analysis]
41a31II 89,9book 353 quae .. etc.: (m.l) ,,,, (cf. 40a36=86,17)
46a33II 104,12book 353 plus .. etc.: (m.l.) =|" (cf. 41a28=89,7)
47b33II 109,13book 353 geminatam l: (m.d.) ,,,,,, (cf. 48a20=110,9)
48a3II 109,19book 353 nisi .. genere: (m.l.) === (cf. 48b4=110,26) {= E 32r24-32v17 O }
48a20II 110,9book 353 quae vero geminant l: (m.l.) ,,,,,, (cf. 47b33=109,13)
48b4II 110,26book 353 superius: (m.l.) === (cf. 48a3=109,19)
50a18qII 117,14book 453 formas plurimas: (m.l.) "F retro (cf. 29b5"=60,3 b)
50a32wII 118,4book 453 +docebimus: (m.l.) =| inante (cf. 92b18=204,18 n)
51a38''dII 119,20book 453 +hispanus: (m.l.) retro in possesivis :O (cf. 38a38=81,17-18 aa)
53b3cII 125,1book 453 +staturus .. etc.: (m.d.) in verbo ||"
54a24ddII 126,17book 453 excipitur: (m.l.) exceptio
56b10"nII 131,2656b8book 4541 25 53 altus: (m.d.) .is hinunn a n-altus ⁊ a n-halitus is ondí as alo ataat a ṅdiis. ut postea dicet
[‘the altus is the same as the alitus, the pair of them come from alo, as he will say afterwards’] [analysis]
60a40yII 139,1960a9book 4211 25 53 amictus: attóitae a verbo quod est mico ut postea dicet reliqua {cf. E 40r14 a mico}
[‘resplendent, from the verb mico, as he says afterwards’] [analysis]
62a40ddII 144,2262a3book 5543 53 panthera: (m.l.) .i. inderbus ceníuil ⁊ tairmmorcinn ar biid panther ⁊ panthera ut postea dicet
[‘i.e. uncertainty of gender and termination, for there is panther and panthera, as he will say afterwards’] [analysis]
63a14oII 146,1763a9book 553 ratio: ar chiunn tadbadar a ndliged do·gní nomina diib
[‘below [lit. ahead] the law which makes nouns of them is set forth’] [analysis]
64a24yII 150,13book 553 oleaster: exceptus oleaster ut postea dicet
65b32II 156,1book 553 greca: (m.l.) F" (cf. 67b22=161,17)
65b43yII 156,1065b11book 54228 53 (in) es: (subs.) .i. communia sunt. iss ed saiges sís reliqua
[‘i.e. they are among the common nouns: this is what it goes with below’] [analysis]
67b5dII 161,667b4book 5214 313 53 neptis: (m.d.) ingen bráthar .i. femininum indí as nepos ut postea dicet.
[‘a brother’s daughter, the feminine of nepos, as he will say afterwards’] [analysis]
67b22II 161,17book 553 quod .. diximus: (m.l.) F" (cf. 65b32=156,1)
69a30iiII 166,10book 5543 53 +(adiectiva) sunt: .i. communia sunt trium generum ut post dicet
71a4II 172,2book 553 est autem . etc: /" (cf. 71a35=172,20)
71a34II 172,20book 553 ergo: /" (cf. 71a4=172,2)
74b20dII 180,8book 553 componuntur: (m.l.) 3 (m.d.) hucusque
76a8dII 183,11book 553 +acaliculis: (m.l.) :3 inante (cf. 105b16=251,21)
77b40rII 187,16book 553 +supradictum: (m.d.) o in tertia
77b42sII 188,177b6book 553 illa: .i. ité són aptota lessem riam
[‘i.e. these are aptota according to him (Priscian) before’] [analysis]
90b35tII 196,2390b7book 6541 59 53 nullus: .i. cid ara nílaigedar árim .a. nullus quia compositum ut inante/ ostendet.
[‘i.e. why does nullus form a plural number? because it is a compound, as he will show afterwards’] [analysis]
91b9II 199,14book 653 peripe[tasma]: (m.l.) O= (cf. 91b30=201,3-5)
91b30II 201,5book 653 peripetasmatis: (m.l.) O= (cf. 91b9=199,14-5)
92a23kII 202,18book 653 unde: (m.l.) ↓o┼ archiunn (cf. 115a28=286,26)
[‘further on’] [analysis]
92a27qII 203,1book 653 neme,a: (m.l.) ↑Û archiunn (cf. 116a11=290,9)
[‘further on’]
92b18nII 204,18book 653 quibusdam .. etc.: (m.l.) retro/ o=| (cf. 50a32=118,4 w)
95b4II 216,3book 653 aut on: (m.d.) ├" (cf. 96b2=220,10)
96b2II 220,10book 653 (in on) quoque: (m.l.) ├" (cf. 95b4=216,3)
98b7cII 227,10book 63113 53 toti (familiae): genitivus feminini in .í. ut in pronomine ostendet
98b23hII 228,7book 658?[?] 53?[?] poetica auctoritas: (m.d.) metrum
99a18hII 229,1099a3book 64228 53 iovis: .i. ar ni iovis genitivus indí as iuppiter ciasid ruburt túas ar biid iovis cene nominativo
[‘i.e. for the genitive of Jupiter is not Jovis, though I have said it above, for Jovis is already as a nominative’] [analysis]
99b26II 231,6book 653 tantaque .. etc.: (m.l.) d=
100a40xII 233,19100a10book 653 queritur .. etc.: (m.l.) archiunn/ F" (cf. 117b9=294,20)
[‘further on’] [analysis]
103a20II 242,22book 653?[?] 58?[?] (m.l.) ¹ (supra .. usu; semplex?)
103a20lII 242,22103a2book 6543 211 541 53 semplex: .i. quies .i. cumsantach .i. commune trium generum ⁊ is airdixa .es hisuidiu ut inante ostendet
[‘quies, i.e. restful, i.e. common of three genders, and in it the es is long, ut etc.’] [analysis]
104a3II 245,11book 653 in ou: (m.l.) = (cf. 104a24=246,13)
104a23II 246,13book 653 modo ou: (m.l.) = (cf. 104a3=245,11)
105b16kII 251,21book 653 +qualiculus: (m.l.) retro :┼
106a9II 253,17book 653 ideo .. etc.: (m.l.) O (cf. 106a14=253,20)
106a14II 253,20book 653 nam .. etc.: (m.l.) O (cf. 106a9=253,17)
106b37iiII 256,19book 653 fastos: (m.d.) in verbo/ 0- (cf. 142a30=387,2)
109a2aII 263,22143book 6543 53 lassus (pro lassatus): (m.s.) quamvís dicit postea quod nomen est magis
110a33eII 268,12book 6541 53 more (antiquo): .i. genitivus quartae declinationis in .uis divisas ut inante ostendet
110a33fII 268,12143book 653 more (antiquo): (m.l.) archiunn |O (cf. 135b32=363,1)
[‘below (lit. ahead)’] [analysis]
115a27II 286,25book 753 omnis enim .. etc.: (m.l.) o┼ (cf. 92a23=202,18 l)
116a11II 290,7book 753 nemea: (m.l.) Ω┼ (cf. 92a26=202,22 n)
117b9II 294,20book 753 hiber: (m.l.) F" (cf. 100a40=233,19 w)
118b18II 298,2book 753?[?] 58?[?] unde .. etc.: (m.l.) d= (sincrisin 118b19?)
120b14gII 304,10book 753 58 *est enim .. etc.: (m.d.) scrutare/ primam par/tem istius li/bri ..-
125a19cII 321,19book 7543 53 (in) utroque (genere): .i. masculino ⁊ feminino .i. inderbus and ut demonstravit/ in genere .-
[‘i.e. uncertainty herein, ut etc.’] [analysis]
125b39bII 324,3book 7541 53 lac: .i. correptum ut post dicet
127a8aII 327,5book 753 +(m.l.) -v (Statius citatur)
128b33iII 335,15book 753 +sciendum .. etc.: (m.l.) .@. ante (cf. 131b13=347,10)
131b13bII 347,10book 753 +propria .. etc.: (m.l.) .@. retro (cf. 128b33=335,15)
135b32II 362,24book 753 inveniuntur .. etc.: (m.l.) O| (cf. 110a33=268,12 f)
137b17qII 369,17book 853 persona: (m.l.) F¨ archiunn
137b30II 370,10book 853 libet .. etc.: (m.l.) ,, charinum: (subs.) ,, (cf. 140a40=377,18)
138a34ccII 371,20138a13abook 853 for: (m.d.) .i. archiunn/ O"- (cf. 141a31''=379,11)
[‘i.e. below (lit. ahead)’] [analysis]
140a24II 377,4book 853 bonum .. etc.: (m.l.) @ (cf. 145a40=398,22)
140a40II 377,18book 853 libet .. etc.: (m.l.) ,, (cf. 137b30=370,10)
141a32''II 379,11book 853 for: (m.l.) O"- (cf. 138a34=371,19 cc)
142a30II 387,3book 853 fasti: (m.l.) O- (cf. 106b37=256,19ii)
145a40II 398,22book 853 bonum .. etc.: (m.l.) @ (cf. 140a23=377,4)
146a9aII 401,17146a1book 8541 53 *deficio: .i. issed asbeir híc arberr chial chesto as indí as diffi/cio quando pro vincor/ accipitur ut in/ante os/tendit., {cf. K 60r44 ff quando pro vincor accipitur quod post ostendet}
[‘i.e. it is this he says here: a passive meaning is derived from deficio when it is taken for vincor, as he shows afterwards ’] [analysis]
146a11II 401,19book 853 deficio: (m.l.) HE (cf. 146b36=404,10)
146b36II 404,10book 853 deficio: (m.l.) HE (cf. 146a11=401,19)
148b42II 409,20book 853 και .. etc.: (m.d.) $- (cf. 149b39=412,15)
149b39II 412,15book 853 (m.l.) $- (cf. 148b42=409,20)
152b6bII 149,2book 553?[?] quibus: vigilat aio
152b9II 419,7book 853?[?] 58?[?] (m.l.) Ö (pro om. Ms. ante prosisti (sic. Mss.))
152b11eII 419,8book 853 tuli: (m.l.) @.-/ inante in preterito
155a34II 428,22book 853 vesperasco: (m.l.) ├" (cf. 156b24=433,22)
156a18fII 431,22book 8212 331 53 calvi: pro decipi .i. infinitum pasivum ut inante ostendit {cf. K 65r30 i pro decipi .i. infinitum passivum ut post dicet}
156b24II 433,22book 853 vesperas[co]: (m.l.) ├" (cf. 155a34=428,22)
160b10bII 445,14book 853 commotatione: ut ostendit inante
161a21II 447,22book 853 nunc .. etc.: (m.l.) F¨ (cf. 137b17=369,17 q)
164b36hII 459,23book 9542 53 exceptis: quia corripiuntur in peneultima. ut dicit post
165a37fII 461,7book 953 in e .. longam: (m.l.) lege post :U (cf. 167b1.)
167b1II 466,17book 953 et tunc .. e: (m.l.) :U (cf. 165a38)
169b14bII 474,8book 953 541 statum: (m.l.) ⁊ retro/ inante/ ├┐" /.i. in omni/ enim sive/ participio/ .a. preteriti producitur reliqua (cf. 53b3; 180a29; 195a25)
170b18eII 480,17book 953 spiro: (m.d.) aspice librum istum/ quando de figuris/ participii narrat/ |--" (cf. 195a35=570,6)
171b13II 483,1book 953 dicta: (m.l.) T" (cf. 171b34=483,21)
171b29II 483,14book 953 i brevem: (m.l.) "├ (cf. 172b34=488,9)
171b34II 483,21book 953 superiora: (m.l.) T" (cf. 171b13=483,1)
172a13cII 485,1172a2book 9543 53 active: .i. is indranngabail adrodar- car an déde sin .i. gním ⁊ césad quia fuit iuror apud antiquos ut/ inante dicit/ in participio
[‘i.e. it is in the participle (iuratus) that these two things, i.e. active and passive, can be seen, because with the ancients there was iuror, as he, Priscian, says below in dealing with the participle ’] [analysis]
172a36mII 486,10172a4book 9541 53 sed: fobíth ṅoenaigedar acialla ar chinn
[‘because he unites their meanings below’] [analysis]
172b34II 488,9book 953 sicut .. est: "├ (cf. 171b29=483,14)
176b1bII 504,12book 1053 extingo: (m.l.) "├ inante (cf. 181b19)
177a2II 506,10book 1053 ?[?] 58 ?[?] contra .. etc.: (m.l.) -'' (cf. 156a18?)
180a29hII 519,17book 1053 datum et statum et satum et ratum: (m.l.) ├" retro (cf. 53b3; 169b14; 195a25)
180b7eII 520,16book 1025 541 53 ostendo: .i. ob. ⁊ .tendo .i. b. in s. ut asporto pro abporto lege preposi- tionem
181a18II 523,15book 1053 relego relegi: (m.l.) o- (cf. 181b10)
181a19II 523,15book 1053 [ex]cipiuntur: (m.l.) ├'' (cf. 181b6")
181b10''II 524,19book 1053 relego relegi: (m.l.) o- (cf. 181a18)
181b6"II 525,1book 1053 [exci]piuntur: (m.l.) ├'' (cf. 181a19)
181b17II 525,11book 1053 pictum: (m.l.) ¿- (cf. 181b29)
181b19II 525,14book 1053 extingo: (m.l.) "├ (cf. 176b1)
181b29II 525,22book 1053 impictum: (m.l.) ¿- (cf. 181b17)
186b22II 543,11book 1053 corripiunt: (m.l.) η- (cf. 187a20=545,12)
187a20II 545,12book 1053 corripere: (m.l.) η- (cf. 186b22=543,11)
189a17iII 552,6book 1153 +falso: (m.l.) ├: in adverbio (cf. 227a = , ; 227b = ,)
189b17II 553,16book 1153 participium .. etc.: (m.l.) F- (cf. 190a20=554,27)
190a20II 554,27book 1153 sicut .. est: (m.l.) F- (cf. 189b17=553,16)
190a35sII 555,13book 1153 κατα ιαιοπαθιαν: (m.l.) η) / in primo/ libro/ constructionis/ desolvitur (cf. II,167,1)
190a36wII 555,14book 1153 allopathiam: (m.d.) q: .i. in .II. libro/ pronominis (cf. 209a=II,15,27)
195a26fII 569,26book 1153 duo[bus] .. etc.: (m.l.) ├"/ retro (cf. 53b3; 169b14; 180a29 h.)
195a35lII 570,6195a2book 1153 halo .. etc.: in secunda coniugatione/ |--" / diarnéis (cf. 170b18=480,17 app.)
[‘in the second conjugation behind us’] [analysis]
197a13hII 577,8197a2book 12541 53 et primae .. etc.: (m.l.) ISairi asbertar atacétnidi incham/thuisil ore ni ón/dí as ego ata .mei./ ⁊ reliqua Aliter is airi asbertar ata cétnidi inchamthuisil ore atá cétnidi inna pronomina huataat .i. ego ⁊ tu.. ⁊ sic dicitur in nomine mad cétnide anainmm it cétnidi athuisil. si dirivatum. nomen. casus eius dirivati erunt.,
[‘Therefore the oblique cases are said to be primitive, because it is not from ego that mei is. Aliter, for this reason the oblique cases are said to be primitive, because the pronouns ego and tu, from which they come are primitive, and thus it is said in nomine, if the noun be primitive its cases are primitive’] [analysis]
198b11II 581,14book 1253 (m.l.) = (itaque .. tú autem) (cf. 199a21=583,11)
199a21II 583,11book 1253 (m.l.) = (amicus .. recessi) (cf. 198b11=581,14)
200b24II 587,21book 1253?[?] 58?[?] (m.l.) . (hoc bassion hoc eliconion Ms.)
204a32qIII 1,9204a8book 134228 534[?] [nemi]nem: .i. cia so doacaldmach aṅ grammatice
[‘i.e. though grammatice is appellative’] [analysis]
204a33rIII 1,10book 13534[?] (in illis) partibus: .i. nomen ⁊ participium
207b21lIII 11,25book 1353 nam .. etc.: (m.l.) S-. retro (cf. 26b5=54,16 f)
208a33uIII 13,14208a10book 133232 53 hoc: .i. forcométas ⁊ accomol ind óintuisil ipersanaib écsamlib/ acht isinóin persin ata/comla ut inante dicit.
[‘i.e. the conservation and junction of the one case in the various persons, but it is in one person that it joins itself, as he says afterwards’] [analysis]
208b34zIII 14,18book 1353 sui .. etc.: (m.d.) paulo post/ 0- (cf. 209b33=17,19)
209a33III 15,27book 1353 illas vero .. etc.: (m.l.) q: (cf. 190a36=555,14 w)
209b33III 17,19book 1353 sicut diximus: (m.l.) 0- (cf. 208b34=14,18 z)
214a1cIII 28,15book 1453 +ceteris .. etc.: (m.l.) .T. ante (cf. 215a17=31,16 l)
215a17lIII 31,16book 1453 +compositae .. etc.: (m.l.) .T. retro (cf. 214a1=28,15 c)
227a2bIII 69,7book 1553 +et sepe .. etc.: (m.l.) ├: inante (cf. 189a17 i; 227b33 q)
227b33qIII 73,1book 1553 +similiter: ├: retro (cf. 189a17 i; 227a2 b)
231b38sIII 87,16book 1553 +haec .. etc.: (m.l.) in coniunctione O:| (cf. 234a15=95,17 b)
232a36III 88,25book 1553 (m.l.) T" (pou .. quando et)
239a16dIII 111,25book 1753 q: in .I. libro ├" (cf. 20a23=II,42,12)
239a27lIII 112,9book 17541 53 quando .. etc.: (m.l.) Coniunctionem inspice .-
239b42nIII 114,24book 1753 copolativae: (m.l.) coniunctio legere licet.
240a10dIII 115,13book 17543 53 intentionis: pro valde quia intentivum est valde. Adverbium decurre.-
240b27dIII 117,12book 1753 (m.d.) .hoc tibi scrutari .. (id est .. substantiam)
241a24cIII 118,23book 1753 εμου ατου: (m.l.) .in casu pronominis predixit
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]