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45 matches found. Point to any link below for more information.

MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
6b15xII 12,166b16book 14224 contemplari: lín liter laitinde
[‘the number of the Latin letters’] [analysis]
19b28sII 41,17book 14224 invenimus: .i. longuam ante .us.
20b12iII 43,5book 14224 soni: .i. buith do .l. post ct. reliqua
[‘i.e. the occurrence of l after ct, etc.’] [analysis]
20b33yII 43,18book 14224 dicere: .i. nos {= E 16r6}
20b33zII 43,18book 14224 scribere: .i. nos {= E 16r7}
26a20yII 54,4book 24224 respondeat: .i. mihi
34b11iII 73,1book 24224 +*inveniuntur: .i. possesiva
35b13iiII 75,23book 24224 antecedente g: .i. in .i {= E 24r28}
35b31adII 76,9book 24224 habere: .i. significationem
37a19iII 78,25book 24224 (consonante) antecedente: .i. us
37b21xII 80,15book 24224 [pro]ducit: peneultimam {= E 25v19}
40b5aII 86,22book 34224 *habent: comparativa {= E 27r30 .i. add. E}
48b9eII 111,4book 34224 peneultima (antecedente): .um. {= E 32v19}
59a10fII 137,3book 44224 3221 evitare: alternam .d. {= E 39r24}
59a11hII 137,4book 44224 [quam]vis: emnad d and
[‘the doubling of d therein’] [analysis]
60b4aII 140,2book 44224 antecedentibus: stus {cf. E 40r17 in stus sic E}
69a29hhII 166,969a23book 54224 exigat: a buith
[‘its existence’] [analysis]
71a33ggII 172,19book 54224 accipere: casum
98b26lII 228,8book 64224 vincit: .i. nominativum
99a24lII 229,18book 64224 [antece]dente: .i. er
105b32tII 252,15book 64224 terminent: .i. nominativum
115b13fII 287,24book 74224 terminantium: nominativum
118a7cII 296,4book 74224 vincunt: nominativum
118b17hII 298,1book 74224 superare: .i. ceteros casus
121a18dII 306,14book 74224 invenire: .i. nech
[‘i.e. someone’] [analysis]
129a5dII 336,6book 74228 4224 quae: .i. habent accusativum
129a5eII 336,6book 74228 4224 tam: terminant ablativum
137a25bII 367,16book 74224 *approbat: .i. quod deficit
151b24gII 417,9book 84228 4224 plusquamperfectum: .i. habet infinitatem
153b2bII 422,13153b2book 8211 4224 quosdam: ani
[‘that’] [analysis]
166a23eII 463,16book 94224 terminantia: .i. preteritum
178a10cII 510,8book 104224 sequi: .i. linquo et ex eo composita
182a28gII 527,20book 104224 4226 duplicant: .i. l. in presenti {cf. K 79r12 b .i. l}
185a20eII 537,26book 104224 antecedente: tor
188a4bII 549,1book 114224 543 ascivisse: .i. participia .i. ataruirmiset lagerind
[‘i.e. participles, i.e. they have reckoned them with the gerund’] [analysis]
198b12hII 581,15book 124224 deficiens: ind insce
[‘the word’] [analysis]
201a1dII 588,12book 124224 asciscunt: possessiva pronomina
201b28eeII 590,24book 124224 servant: .i. aspirationem
206a4bIII 6,8book 13423 4224 terminantium: .i. nominum .i. genitivum
212a18lIII 24,5book 144224 com[plent]: .i. sententiam
214a21mIII 29,1book 144224 habent: significationem per se
228b20cIII 76,4book 15212 4224 (non) inclinant: .i. trahunt ad se adverbia
233b24fIII 94,12book 164224 +continuativae: .i. continuandas res
239b35mIII 114,19book 174224 consignificant: .aliquid.
241b40eIII 121,7book 174224 concedens: vim.
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 7 March 2025]