St Gall Priscian Glosses
Old Irish forms
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1: De uoce, de littera
2: De syllaba, de dictione, de oratione, de nomine, etc.
3: De comparatione, de superlativo, de diminutivo
4: De denominatiuis
5: De generibus, de numeris, de figuris, de casu
6: De nominatiuo et genetiuo casu
7: De ceteris casibus
8: De uerbo
9: De generali uerbi declinatione
10: De praeterito perfecto tertiae coniugationis
11: De participio
12: De pronomine
13: De casibus [pronominum]
14: De praepositione
15: De aduerbio, de interiectione
16: De coniunctione
17: De constructione
18: De constructione
Or to Hertz, ed.:
Or to MS page:
(e.g. 10, 10b; range 1–249)
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Within gloss type:
1: [Glosses on prosody]
11: Length mark indicating syllable length in poetic quotations
12: Glosses on the length of syllables
13: Elaborate comment on metre
2: [Lexical glosses]
211: Trans. into Old Irish
212: Synonyms
213: Negated antonyms
214: Hyponym defined by a hypernym with differentia specifica
215: Definition given by an entire sentence
221: Greek glosses and glosses over Greek words
222: Use of different prefixes
223: Adjectives glossed with a noun in the genitive (or another case)
23: Differentiae
24: Further derivations in a gloss
25: Glosses showing the original form of the word
3: [Glosses on morphology (grammatical glosses))]
31: Grammatical glosses on the noun
311: Glosses on case forms
3111: Glosses on case: nominative
3112: Glosses on case: vocative
3113: Glosses on case: genitive
3114: Glosses on case: dative
3115: Glosses on case: accusative
3116: Glosses on case: ablative
312: Glosses on number
313: Glosses on gender and various other morphological points
32: Grammatical glosses on the pronoun
321: Glosses on pronouns in general
322: Glosses on relative pronouns
3221: Rel. pronoun glossed by its antecedent
3222: Rel. pronoun glossed by the gloss above the antecedent
3223: Rel. pronoun glossed by an interpretation or lexical equivalent of the antecedent
3224: Rel. pronoun without identifiable antecedent
323: Other pronouns
3231: Interchangeability of demonstrative pronouns or Old Irish glosses solving ambiguity
3232: Glosses over pronouns referring to a concept in the preceding/following line/paragraph
3233: Glosses which differ in case from the pronoun and can substitute it
33: Grammatical glosses on the verb and the participle
331: General glosses on morphology
332: Morphological glosses on tense
333: Morphological glosses on mood
334: Morphological glosses on the participle and the gerund
34: Grammatical glosses on the adverb
35: Grammatical glosses on the conjunction
36: Grammatical glosses on the preposition
37: Grammatical glosses on the interjection
4: [Glosses on syntax]
41: Syntactical glosses using symbols
4111: Symbols correlating adjectives/prepositions with substantives
4112: Symbols correlating a genitive in apposition with a substantive
4121: Symbols correlating a rel. pronoun with its antecedent
4122: Symbols correlating other pronouns with nouns
4123: Symbols correlating verbal forms, verbs—subjects, etc.
413: Glosses establishing word order with the help of different symbols
4141: Symbols clarifying the skeletal structure of a sentence
4142: Symbols correlating two sentences
4143: Symbols supplying word(s) ommited by the author
4144: Symbols correlating theoretical explanation with examples
4145: Various other uses
42: Syntactical glosses using words
421: Glosses identifying a speaker or an example
422: Suppletive glosses
4221: Suppletive nouns/pronouns in the nominative
4222: Suppletive nouns/pronouns in the genitive
4223: Suppletive nouns/pronouns in the dative
4224: Suppletive nouns/pronouns in the accusative
4225: Suppletive nouns/pronouns in the vocative
4226: Suppletive adverbial adjuncts
4227: Suppletive adjectives and adjectival clauses
4228: Suppletive verbs and short clauses
4229: Suppletive conjunctions or prepositions
423: Glosses modifying adjectives
5: [Explanatory glosses]
51: Glosses decoding figures of speech
52: Glosses summarizing content
53: Cross-references
541: (Elaborate) comment on the main text
543: Glosses elucidating the main text
55: Etymological glosses
56: Encyclopedic glosses
561: Geographical names
562: Unusual objects
563: Proper names
57: Source glosses
571: Grammatical sources identified/Priscian confronted with other sources
572: Glosses revealing an acquaintance with Latin authors or Roman mythology
58: Glosses giving variant readings
59: Glosses giving information about the socio-historical context
In book:
1: De uoce, de littera
2: De syllaba, de dictione, de oratione, de nomine, etc.
3: De comparatione, de superlativo, de diminutivo
4: De denominatiuis
5: De generibus, de numeris, de figuris, de casu
6: De nominatiuo et genetiuo casu
7: De ceteris casibus
8: De uerbo
9: De generali uerbi declinatione
10: De praeterito perfecto tertiae coniugationis
11: De participio
12: De pronomine
13: De casibus [pronominum]
14: De praepositione
15: De aduerbio, de interiectione
16: De coniunctione
17: De constructione
18: De constructione
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Gloss analysis
Lemma: gloss
II 112,1
book 3
[‘small wine (?)’]
Old Irish elements
Word form
Word class
m, o
cheap wine
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer,
St Gall Priscian Glosses
, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 16 February 2025]