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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
7b10kII 14,10book 1214 563 man[nus]: icidorus equs brevis. {cf. K 5v9 a .i. brevis equs}
7b23zII 14,167b13book 113 563 proceliumaticum: traig cethargarait
[‘a foot of four short syllables’] [analysis]
8a22uII 16,6book 113 563 dimetrum (iam[bicum]): per pedes duplices .i. IIII. pedes
8a29ggII 16,11book 113 563 dimetrum (iambicum): per pedes duplices
8a30hhII 16,118a11book 113 563 pentemeri aeroico: sillab for deib dactilib són reliqua
[‘this is a syllable in addition to two dactyls, etc.’] [analysis]
10a22zII 20,20book 1563 +gobio: piscis parvus {cf. E 9v11 genus piscis}
11b13hII 23,17book 1563 smaragdus: lapis {cf. E 10r28 lapis pretiosus}
12a16uII 25,2book 1563 platanus: proprium feda
[‘the proper name of a tree’] [analysis]
12a34ddII 25,14book 1214 563 toga: genus vestementi {cf. E 10v26 genus vestis}
17b7kII 36,2book 1215 563 grillius: (m.d.) beda ⁊ fit grillius nomen vermis in igne manens similis muscae..
17b32eeII 36,2017b13book 1563 odor: ainm -etha
[‘name of a grain’] [analysis]
20a17kII 42,9book 1563 561 +abdisa: ancilla
20a22nII 42,12book 1563 asbestus: senex capella. asbestus {.i. add. E} lapis qui cum ignem nullum habeat proprium acepto tamen sic ardet alieno ut non possit extingui .- {= E 15v12 senex .. asbestus om. E; cf. K 10r29 f .i. genus lapidis}
22a17rII 46,7book 2215 563 sabburra: (m.l.) cicero Sybburra onus quodlibet reliqua ut in alio {cf. L 20v18 a (m.l.) anchora ad onus quodlibet quo naves stabiliuntur}
22a18wII 46,7book 2215 563 obba: (m.l.) icidorus obba sucus papaveris agrestis
22b25aaII 47,922b10 book 2563 53 abad[dir]: cenéla liac .i. taidminedar-som ar chiunn {cf. E 17r16 ceinelae liac}
[‘a kind of stone, i.e. which he records hereafter’] [analysis]
23b18''fII 49,3book 2563 soldum: nomen ponderis {= E 17v14 .i. add. E}
23b18''gII 49,3book 2563 soldum: hir- soldus .III. tremeses habet tremesis vero scriptula ⁊ demedium
23b23''iII 49,4book 2563 +ulmus: .i. arbor
23b22"oII 49,8book 2566[?] 563 cambises: .i. proprium nomen regis ut orosius narrat, vel nomen vestis caimmse {cf. E 17v18 nomen regis ut orosius dicit}
[‘i.e. the proper name of a king, as Orosius says, or the name of a piece of clothes, i.e. a shirt’] [analysis]
24b7dII 50,2024b2book 2563 cassis: .i. cenelae lin
[‘i.e. a kind of net’] [analysis]
30b5lII 61,27book 2563 turtur: (m.d.) .i. avis {= E 21r21 .i. om. E}
33a16nII 69,4book 2215 563 armarium: (m.s.) baeda armarium turricula in qua conduntur carnes
[‘i.e. because it possesses treasures therein.’] [analysis]
33a38ttII 69,1687book 2215 563 +mechanicus: (m.i.) mechanichia. est peritia corporalium artium hoc est metellorum lanificii architecturae ⁊ caeterarum artium (m.l.) ox
33b25r II 70,733b3book 2563 211 mulio: .i. custos mulorum .i. echaire {cf. L 27r7 b, E 23r12 custos mulorumK 16r20 e .i. echaire icidorus in .X.}
[‘i.e. horsekeeper’] [analysis]
33b26tII 70,833b5book 2211 563 mulionicam paenolam: .i. in echlas múldae
[‘i.e. the mules’ horsecloth (?)’] [analysis]
33b26uII 70,8book 2563 +paenolam: .i. genus vestis
33b32wII 70,1233b6book 2211 25 563 illigneus: .i. ilignide. de nomine fedo .i. illigum nomen arboris {cf. E 23r16 ligneus vel illignum nomen arboris}
[‘i.e. ilignian, from the name of a tree’] [analysis]
33b33xII 70,1233b7book 2211 25 563 iliceus: .i. ilecde. ilex nomen arboris {cf. E 23r16 .i. ilecde om. E; L 27r11 c ilex proprium ligni}
[‘i.e. Ilician, (from) ilex etc.’] [analysis]
34a1gII 70,22book 225 563 sabaeus: .i. saba .i. nomen holeris
35a23sII 74,2435a1book 225 563 stlataria: .i. stlata .i. ethar {cf. K 16v33 e .i. stalata .i. rates}
[‘i.e. (from) stlata i.e. a boat’] [analysis]
35a23uII 74,24book 2563 tisanarium: (m.l.) icidorus
35a23xII 74,24book 2214 563 +tisanarium: nomen holeris {cf. E 24r11 tisana nomen holeris}
35b1bII 75,1335b2book 2211 25 563 rosarium: .i. bróinde rostae .i. de rosa dind luib fin .i. luib derc
[‘i.e. belonging to dew or belonging to a rose, i.e. de rosa from the white plant i.e. a red plant’] [analysis]
35b9tII 75,19book 2563 +*abienus: .i. arbor
35b15llII 75,24book 225 563 faginus: fagus arbor glandifera
35b20uuII 76,235b10book 2211 563 25 colurnus: coldde quia fit corylus nomen arboris {= E 24r32 coldde] collguid; quia] et E}
[‘of the hazel, because it comes from ‘corylus’ (hazel), the name of a tree’] [analysis]
35b21yyII 76,235b12book 225 563 pópulnus: pópulus .i. nomen fedo {cf. E 24r31 .i. populus loitguid}
[‘populus i.e. name of a tree’] [analysis]
36b38zII 78,11book 2563 subsolanus: nomen venti
36b39aaII 78,12book 2563 milo: nomen bestiae {= E 25r16}
37a13fII 78,21book 2563 calathe: (m.l.) vasculum herbarum
37a24lII 79,3book 2563 +auster: .i. nomen venti
37b12sII 80,13book 2214 563 [medi]astinus: (m.d.) beda mediastinus minister balnei {= K 17v42 c balnei] baneo (sic) K.}
38a20mII 81,538a5book 2563 fabrateria: tolnaid cumtach
[‘an artificer or a building’] [analysis]
38a21nII 81,5book 2563 sabrateria: .i. iṅgor {= L 29v24 a .ingor}
[‘i.e. an anchor’] [analysis]
45b41ssII 102,19book 3563 laureolum: arbor
46a20rII 104,146a13book 3563 tús: luib
[‘a plant’] [analysis]
47a34"kII 107,947a9book 3563 211 nitedula: (m.l.) nitedula animal est quod in silvis invenitur. sicut ignis efulgens quod apud grecos dicitur. λαμπος .i. luacharnn., {= E 31v26-7 effulgens E; λαμπως E; lucarn. lampas E}
[‘‘nitedula’ (dormouse) is an animal that is found in the woods, shining like fire, and that is called ‘λαμπυίς’ (glow-worm), i.e. a lantern, with the Greeks’] [analysis]
49a21oII 113,1book 3563 +laurea: lignum.
49b25pII 115,4book 3214 563 +coniculus: vel foramen in muris vel nomen animalis {cf. E 33v14 foramen vel bestia cuniculus foramen ubi currit aqua subtus murum (C)}
50b9mII 118,18book 4563 asse: XII. unciae {= E 34r21}
51a23lII 120,3book 4563 +acrimonia: .i. nomen holoris
51b26''fII 120,2051b6book 4214 563 far: cenele nh-etha
[‘a kind of grain’] [analysis]
51b35''kII 120,2151b9book 4563 sagana: lenn brat formtha
[‘a mantle or cloak of the covering’] [analysis]
52a3bII 121,16book 4313 563 (a) cicere: cicer nomen holeris {= E 35r5}
52a19''qII 121,18book 4563 +palpo: nomen animalis
52a18llII 122,6book 4214 563 +ferrugo: .i. tinctura in colores ferri
53a10kII 123,2653a7book 4211 563 escu[letum]: escalchaill .i. fid arddmár {cf. E 35v14 .oscaill.}
[‘a wood of Italian oak, i.e. a very tall tree’] [analysis]
53a23"ooII 124,11book 4563 +vestibulum: arcus in introitu templi
54b3cII 127,9book 4563 apium: nomen holeris reliqua in alio
56b9"mII 131,2556b7book 4563 215 effutilis: .i. nomen do lestur chorthón bís oc edpartaib do deib
[‘i.e. a name for a round-bottomed vessel which is (used) at offerings to gods’] [analysis]
59b23uII 138,10book 4215 563 +novacula: (m.d.) Novacula ferrum subtile quadrangulum unde pelles pargomenatici scindunt {cf. E 39v19 ferrum subtile (C)}
60a21kII 139,6book 4563 25 trabe[atus]: de nomine vestis trabea {= E 40r5}
61a28xII 141,18book 5563 panthera: bestia
61b8rII 142,11book 5563 arbutus: fid
[‘a tree’] [analysis]
61b23hhII 142,23book 5563 taigete: proprium sideris {= E 41r5, cf. K 27v37 g (m.l.) virgilianus tahygete sidus}
61b32nnII 142,2961b15book 5563 gummi: ainmm lubae
[‘name of a plant’] [analysis]
62a40ccII 144,22book 5563 panthera: bestia
62b23iII 145,17book 5563 +stellio: vermes {cf. E 41v16 vermis vel domus}
62b23kII 145,17book 5214 563 +gurgulio: vermes inimicus frugibus
62b39sII 146,4book 5214 563 stellio: icidorus serpens discolor
62b40xII 146,562b10book 5214 563 +ligo: **** (bacc) (m.i.) .i. ligo .i. bacc. buana fínime. {cf. E 41v26 feleh vel bah}
[‘i.e. ‘ligo’ (sickle) i.e. a sickle for pruning vines’] [analysis]
63b39bbII 149,9book 5563 +iren: bestia
[‘behaviour, beast’] [analysis]
64a20wII 150,964a9book 5214 563 far: cenelae n-etha
[‘a kind of corn’] [analysis]
64a33llII 151,2book 5563 si[ler .. (acer)]: .i. nomina holerum huili
[‘i.e. all (are) names of plants’] [analysis]
65a32pII 154,1765a9book 5543 563 siler: luib ⁊ ní crann
[‘a plant and not a tree’] [analysis]
65a33qII 154,17book 5543 563 rubus: dris reliqua
[‘thorn etc.’] [analysis]
65b3cII 155,2book 5214 563 furfur: .i. purgamentum farinae reliqua in alio {= E 44r3 purgamentum farinae}
65b27nII 155,2265b4book 5214 563 as: ainm toimse
[‘name of a measure’] [analysis]
65b40xII 156,7book 5214 563 panthera: nomen bestiae .i. genus quadripedis ut cicero ostendit
67b40ccII 162,467b20book 5563 214 *passellus: cenelae n-etha
[‘a kind of corn’] [analysis]
67b41ddII 162,467b21book 5563 214 arctus: sechta-rét
[‘Ursa Major (lit. sevenfold constellation)’] [analysis]
68b25kII 164,13book 5563 ilex: nomen arboris {cf. E 46v6 arbor}
68b32qII 164,2068b10book 5563 carex: nomen féiuir
[‘name of a grass’] [analysis]
69b25''gII 167,6book 5214 563 +celox: genus navis {cf. E 47r19 navis}
69b17"hII 167,869b3book 5214 563 git: .i. nomen etha
[‘i.e. name of a corn’] [analysis]
70a3cII 168,670a1book 5214 563 24 lens: .i. cenele n-etha inde lenticula
[‘i.e. a kind of corn: hence lenticula’] [analysis]
70a40''bbII 169,10book 5214 563 cupressus: proprium feda
[‘the proper name of a tree’] [analysis]
70a38iiII 169,15book 5214 563 perdix: nomen avis
73a7iII 176,5book 5214 563 conchis: genus frumenti
76b11dII 184,20book 5563 212 +gummi: (m.l.) dicunt quod sucus/ arboris .i./ ceras,
91b9eII 199,15book 6214 563 peripe[tasma]: .i. genus vestimenti {cf. K 36r32 a .i. nomen vestis E 56v3 genus vestis vel ambulatio superadiectio}
92a31wII 203,5book 6563 +mantile: vestimentum
94a29lII 211,15book 6214 563 delfinus: mucc mora
[‘a pig of the sea’] [analysis]
94b42fII 214,6book 6563 572 git: .i. nomen farris ut in prophetia. ⁊ serris non triturabitur git .-
95a9aII 214,1395a1book 6563 fel: .i. ainm in chrocainn imbí bilis reliqua icidorus
[‘i.e. the name of the skin in which the bile is etc. Isidorus’] [analysis]
95a27iII 215,7book 6215 563 hilum: hilum immurgu la isidorum smiur alta reliqua
[‘hilum, however, according to Isidorus, means marrow of a joint, etc.’] [analysis]
95b21mII 217,1book 6221 563 panthera: .i. panther .i. nomen bestiae
[‘i.e. panther i.e. name of a beast’]
95b25qII 217,4book 6221 563 ικτις: .i. piscis. {= L 61r6 a}
96a20lII 219,696a2book 6211 563 ballena: .i. bled .i. bestia (subs.) balin. graece mittere. latine (m.d.) isidorus ballenae di/ctae ab emi/tendo aquas
[‘i.e. whale’] [analysis]
97a30iII 223,13book 6212 563 +lar: (m.l.) lar ignis vel domus/ edificium/ reatus redimitus
99b4dII 230,15book 6563 cicer: luib {cf. E 63r3 fructus}
[‘plant’] [analysis]
100a16nII 232,14100a3book 6563 cancer: .i. rind
[‘i.e. constellation’] [analysis]
100a22qII 233,3book 6215 563 socer: .i. qui filiam dedit
100b22fII 234,20100b2book 6563 211 25 salinator: (m.d.) cominianus/ salina .i. nomen lube .i. sálchuach/ ⁊ salinator húad
[‘salina, i.e. the name of a plant, i.e. a violet, and salinator (is derived) from it’] [analysis]
101a30nII 236,20101a1book 6211 215 563 ador: .i. adrad vel genus frumenti
[‘i.e. adoration, or a kind of corn’] [analysis]
101b42rII 239,1book 6214 563 as: nomen toimse
[‘the name of a measure’] [analysis]
104b23fII 248,14104b3book 6214 563 spicum: ainmm ṅ airm
[‘name of a weapon’] [analysis]
104b39lII 249,8book 6214 563 +glis: (m.d.) smaragdus dicit/ genus murium
106b4eII 255,8book 6563 gobio: genus piscis
110a14cII 267,18book 6563 ficus: nomen fructus
111b39tII 274,14111b5book 6563 571 viscus: cenn cridi ⁊ alaaili réta ut isidorus dicit.
[‘the end of the heart, and other things also, as Isidorus says.’] [analysis]
111b39uII 274,14book 6563 214 +viscus: (m.l.) .i. cooperimen/tum cordis
113a20fII 279,5book 6563 calix: .i. poculi genus
114b31hII 285,4114b4book 7563 nepai: .i. cenelae nathrach issí dano as scorpius.
[‘i.e. a kind of snake: it is that then that is scorpius’] [analysis]
121a6aII 306,2book 7214 563 (huius) platani: .i. nomen feda
[‘i.e. name of a tree’] [analysis]
121a22hII 306,21book 7563 +sesterium: (m.l.) sestertium modus est/ pecuniae .i./ duas asses 7/ dimedium
121a23iII 306,21book 7563 +modium: (m.l.) sextarius(?) pars/ modii
121a23kII 306,21book 7563 +medimnum: IIII vel III modia
121a23lII 306,21book 7563 +medimnum: (m.l.) medinum mensura/ .V. modiorum
122b31"mII 313,4book 7214 563 flamen: .i. genus sacerdotii.- reliqua .ag-. (agroecius?) (Augustinus?}
125a36lII 322,9book 7563 +merops: genus piscis
126b24cII 326,13book 7215 563 +lucar: (m.d.) ┼- lucar vectigal/ vel aegrotatio/ quae fiebat in lucis
159b10fII 442,4book 8563 balano: .i. arbor
160a31fII 444,2book 8563 572 timo: .i. flore.
187b7cII 547,1book 10563?[?] pumiliones: .i. aves
192b31''lII 562,15book 1125 563 caligatus: (m.l.) caliga genus/ vestis
215a42ccIII 32,12215a12book 14215 563 ellinismo: .i. ainmm ṅgnúso trisa ṅacomol/tar remsuidigud/ dogenitin.
[‘i.e. name of a figure by which a preposition is joined to a genitive’] [analysis]
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 January 2025]