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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
1b23iII 2,18Praefatio221 212 latrocinia: (m.d.) λετρας silentium
3a33ttII 6,5book 1221 απο: .i. ab του: .i. huius βοω: .i. soni .i. β. in .v. ⁊ οω. in .x. motata reliqua vel .i. verbum grecum .i. sono {cf. E 4v15 .i. ab hoc .i. a sono vocis}
4b13oII 8,12book 1221 ξι: .i. csí
5a33ddII 9,325a11book 1211 221 (ante) inventionem [η et ω]: .i. re n-airec éta ⁊ οω.
[‘i.e. before the invention of η et ω’] [analysis]
5b31ggII 11,8book 1221 : .i. dasis {= E 6v4 .i. dasian}
6a21zII 11,23book 1221 χ: chí {= E 6v20}
8b4hII 16,19book 1543 221 Ϝ: digamma
8b15sII 17,7book 1541 221 spiritus asperitatem: .i. atticum
8b20zII 17,138b4book 1211 221 epigrammata: inna forliterdi
[‘the inscriptions’] [analysis]
8b35ooII 18,5book 1221 ρ: hró
9a31uuII 19,7book 1221 τ: tau {= E 9r11}
9a31wwII 19,7book 1221 : dasía (?)
9a31xxII 19,7book 1221 θ: theta {= E 9r11 teta E}
9b1bII 19,12book 1221 ρ: hró {= L 13v17 b, E 9r14 ro (.i. add. E)}
9b19kkII 19,22book 1221 ρ: hró {= E 9r22 .i. ro}
9b23mmII 19,249b12book 1221 ωρα: crích
[‘boundary’] [analysis]
9b23nnII 19,259b13book 1221 543 ωρας: a genitiu. ar guttai tra atá .ρ. sin {cf. E 9r24 .i. genitivus}
[‘its genitive: ρ then stands for a vowel here’] [analysis]
10a19xII 20,18book 1221 pro: greco {= E 9v10 .i. add. E}
10a22aaII 20,20book 1221 απο: .i. ab του: huius
12a4fII 24,11book 1221 561 23 θαλασσα: mare interpretatur. bithalassa ubi maria conveniunt .. gen- dicit {cf. L 15r16 e .i. mare}
12a6gII 24,12book 152 221 ζυμμαχος .. συμμαχος: (m.l.) greca
13a15iII 26,19book 1221 543 *odonte: dente {= K 7v25 b, E 11r22 .i. dente}
15a23xII 31,11book 1543 221 demipho: .i. demiphon ⁊ reliqua {cf. E 12v7 pro on}
15a25aaII 31,13book 1543 221 *ciceron: .i. apud grecos {= E 12v8 .i. om. E}
15b13oII 32,9book 1221 53 geta: .i. getes vel as sic postea dicet {cf. E 12v19 pro .as.}
15b13qII 32,9book 1221 byrrhia: .i. as {cf. E 12v19 pro as.}
15b13rII 32,9book 1221 phedria: as {cf. E 12v19 pro as}
15b14sII 32,9book 1221 cherea: as {cf. E 12v20 pro .as.}
15b14tII 32,9book 1221 poeta: es {cf. E 12v20 pro es.}
15b14uII 32,10book 1221 sophista: .i. es
15b22ddII 32,16book 13114 221 doris: accusativus grecus {= E 12v24 .i. add. E}
15b29ggII 32,20book 1543 221 semis: pro emis {= E 12v27}
15b29II 32,20book 14144 221 semis: ; (15b30=32,21) [η]μις: ;
15b29II 32,20book 14144 221 sex: : (15b30=32,21) ηξα: :
15b29II 32,20book 14144 221 septem: ., (15b30=32,21) ηπτα: .,
15b29hhII 32,20book 1543 221 se: e {cf. E 12v27 }
15b29iiII 32,20book 1543 221 si: i {cf. E 12v27 }
15b29kkII 32,20book 1543 221 : ω {cf. E 12v27 }
16a6kII 33,716a5book 1211 35 221 quam (ps): oldaas .πς.
[‘than πς’] [analysis]
16a6lII 33,7book 1221 bs: βς {= E 13r4}
16a31hhII 33,23book 1221 x: .i. ξ {cf. E 13r16 ξ x}
16a32iiII 33,24book 1221 k: capa {cf. E 13r17 κ .i. c .i. cappa}
17b31bbII 36,20book 1221 572 φυγη: anima {= E 14r18 .i. add. E}
18a17nII 37,12book 1541 221 υι: yi pro grece yy.
18b7eII 38,12book 1543 221 χαμαινιναι: híc diptongus correpta {= E 14v10 correpta om. E}
19a3cII 39,17book 1541 221 φευγο: quia y. {est add. E} grecam .u. {= E 14v25}
19a5dII 39,1919a1book 1541 221 servant: .i. ar do·fuasalcat greic oe in .u. sic latini
[‘i.e. since the Greeks resolve oe into u so do the Latins’] [analysis]
19a15eII 40,1book 1221 *oe: .i. οι
19a31nII 40,11book 1221 τοι: huius
19b28tII 41,17book 1541 221 dius: (m.d.) primitivum θος. possessivum θειος. inde dius per motationem ei. in .i. ⁊ θ in .d.
23a29zII 48,13book 2221 : gamma {= E 17v2 .i. add. E}
23a29aaII 48,14book 2221 κ: cappa {= E 17v2 capa}
23a29bbII 48,14book 2221 χ: chí
23a30ddII 48,14book 2221 αγγελος: .i. angelus {cf. E 17v3 .i. angelus vel sic aggelus}
24a2dII 49,18book 2221 σιρρηγω: (m.l.) σιν grece con latine
24a31''llII 50,424a9book 2211 221 arquitenens: (m.l.) .i. huasal-gabáltaid. arcon enim grece excelsus dicitur
[‘i.e. high-holder, for arcon in Greek means excelsus’] [analysis]
24b5cII 50,19book 2212 221 cosmus: .i. mundus {= L 21v32 h, E 18r7 .i. om. L.}
26a29ffII 54,8book 2564[?] 221 +stoicos: (m.l.) stoa grece. porticus latine stoici .i. porticales {cf. E 19r1 .i. porticulares}
26b5II 54,17book 24144 221 ο: " (ibid.) articulum: "
26b5II 54,17book 24144 221 αιτος: : (26b6=54,17) pronomen: :
26b7kII 54,18book 2221 +ος.τις: (τις) qui
27b40nnII 57,327b18book 2221 336[?] νημειν: .i. gerind grecdae {cf. E 19v27 .i. gerent g<r<ec}
[‘i.e. a Greek gerund’] [analysis]
28b35nnII 58,2628b23book 2211 221 atoma: neph-ḟodlaidi
[‘indivisibles’] [analysis]
30a3gII 60,2630a4book 2211 221 interimit: .i. ni·airdben
[‘i.e. it does not destroy’] [analysis]
30a4hII 60,26book 2543 221 quod: prior ratio non ita est .i. filius ⁊ servus {= E 20v33 7: vel E}
31a6lII 63,4book 2572 221 +est: in alia similiter tucidides απο του θωκου του ερονου {= E 21v9-10 text. princ. θοκου σρονου E}
32b13dII 67,22book 23115 221 aenida: .i. accusativus grecus {ab eneis add. E} {= E 22v3; cf. K 15v26 h .i. accusativus}
32b35yyII 68,16book 2221 euandrius: ευ bonus ανηρ. vir ανδρος. viri.
33a38ssII 69,16book 2221 541 mechanicus: (m.s.) mechanicus. mechys .grece. adulter mechanichia. adulteratio ab eo accipitur mechanicus reliqua. {= K 16r8 a (m.s.) mechus grece. adulter mechanichea adulteratio mechanicus ....}
33b18nII 70,3book 225 221 troicus: .i. a genitivo trois {= E 23r9}
33b33yII 70,13book 2221 572 (in) adelphis: .i. hoc est in libris fratrum {= E 23r16 .i. om. E}
34a28eeII 71,16book 2221 561 licius: (m.l.) liκος lupus interpretatur licius. mons t/esaliae {cf. K 16r42 n (m.l.) l<i<cos .grece. lupus interpretatur .virgilianus. liceus mons arcadiae isidorus in VIII. E 23v3 lychos lupus .i. pan}
34b1aII 72,15book 23115 221 argian: .i. accusativus {= E 23v12}
36a4gII 76,1936a3book 2221 541 λευκοθεαν: .i. is sain do·ḟoirṅde són frisin roithnigud
[‘i.e. what this (leukoqea) signifies, is different from radiance’] [analysis]
37a8cII 78,19book 2221 215 ancon: isidorus ancon {enim} grece cubitus interpretatur {dicitur E} {= E 25r22}
37a41iiII 79,13book 2221 neo[polites]: (m.l.) neos grece novus latine neominia nova luna
37b30ccII 80,17book 2215 221 fus[cina]: (m.d.) tridens neptuni quod greci fuscinam dicunt
38b13nII 82,438b4book 2211 221 tripolites: trechatharde
[‘of three cities’] [analysis]
47b13iII 108,12book 3221 +(pedo) οφθιρ: hic ignis (m.d.) quia igneum animal est ⁊ silvas comburit ex igni gutoris sui, in octobri mense, ⁊ cornutum est habens oculos in pectore,
49b32bbII 115,12book 3212 221 qualus (ex calus): (m.d.) glo- qualus cophinus ⁊ grece dicitur μυρων. qualus vero corbes ο χαιτινος quibus uvae portantur
53a14rII 124,2107book 4221 +periectiva: is grec indí as comprehensiva
[‘it is a Greek word comprehensiva’]
56a12iII 131,1book 4215 221 theathrum: (m.l.) theathrum .i. spectaculorum cavea cavea ubi spectacula mira videntur θη*ος enim grece visio latine.
61a25rII 141,16book 5221 auctoritas: auctoritas grece vetustas latine {= E 40v15 auctoritas: aut sic E!}
63a3aII 146,8book 5221 ο: hic
63a3cII 146,8book 5221 και: et
63a3dII 146,8book 5221 η: haec {= E 41v29 .i. add. E}
63a4eII 146,9book 5221 +ο: hic
63a5fII 146,9book 5221 : haec
63a28yII 147,10book 5221 τοι: huius
64a28bbII 150,16book 5221 +ορεαρ: .i. massas
64b6fII 151,19book 5221 ο: hic
64b21nII 152,13book 5221 ο: hic
64b21oII 152,13book 5221 η: haec
64b21pII 152,13book 5221 και (το): 7
64b21qII 152,13book 5221 το: hoc
65a39yII 154,22book 5571 221 auctor: (m.l.) comminianus auctor cum ad auctoritatem refertur pro communi accipitur.-
65a39aaII 154,22book 5221 αυθεντ[ην]: .i. auctor in greca vetus latine
65a40bbII 154,2265a17book 5571 221 αυξητην: augmentum augtor thórmachtaid fo sodain ab augeo
[‘auctor increaser then from augeo’] [analysis]
65b37uII 156,5book 5221 ο (κρατηρ): hic
67a38''kII 160,467a5book 5211 221 πηληκυν: .i. biáilde .i. femininum inna grece tis
[‘i.e. belonging to an axe, i.e. the feminine of the Greek below’] [analysis]
67a17"lII 160,567a6book 5211 221 πηληκηος: biail
[‘axe’] [analysis]
67b42"yII 162,367b18book 5566[?] 221 cyrus: .i. proprium són .i. os
[‘i.e. this (is) a (Greek) proper name, i.e. in -os’] [analysis]
67b39zII 162,3book 558 543 221 pylus: .i. os (m.l.) ¹
67b43bbII 162,367b19book 5211 221 cristallus: aig .i. os
[‘ice, i.e. ‘-os’ in Greek’] [analysis]
68b33rII 164,2068b11book 5221 βουτομων: .i. damthóbae
[‘i.e. ‘ox-cutting’’] [analysis]
69b26"iII 167,13book 5221 ο: hic
69b27"kII 167,13book 5221 και: 7
69b27"lII 167,13book 5221 η: haec
69b31"tII 167,17book 5221 ο (συντ[ελεστες]): hic
69b32"uII 167,17book 5221 και: 7
69b32"wII 167,17book 5221 η (συντελεστρια): haec
70a1bII 168,4book 552 221 σονεις νεστοντις: (m.l.) Graeca
70a7II 168,10book 54111 221 scrobes: " (ibid.) sexagenos: " (70a8=168,11) νευπορνα: "
70a29llII 169,16book 5221 ο: hic
70a37ppII 169,18book 5221 ο: hic
72a14gII 174,4book 5221 η: (subs.) haec
72a15hII 174,4book 5221 και: 7
72a15iII 174,4book 5221 313 τα (πρooτα): .i. haec .i. hilar neutuir
[‘i.e. neuter plural’] [analysis]
72a15kII 174,4book 5221 η (ιερα): haec
72a15lII 174,5book 5221 και: 7
72a16mII 174,5book 5221 τα (ιερα): haec
72a16nII 174,5book 5221 η (μηγιστε): .i. haec
72a17oII 174,5book 5221 τα (μεγιστα): haec
74b35kII 180,1674b7book 53232 221 hoc: tairissem indalarainne cen diall
[‘the persistence of one of the two parts without declension’] [analysis]
75a2aII 180,23book 5221 καταγραφω: (κατα:) .i. secundum (γραφω:) scríbo
75a2bII 180,23book 5221 κατη[γραφων]: ad- contra reliqua
75a3cII 180,23book 5221 [κατη]γραφων: scribam
75a3dII 180,23book 5221 (m.d.) Graeca
75b28II 182,19book 54144 221 ubi: " (75b28=182,20) που: "
75b28II 182,20book 54144 221 ubique: : (75b29=182,20) πανταχου: :
77b33oII 187,11book 5221 541 ουρανοθην: .i. foxlaid veterum graecorum
[‘i.e. the ablative of the ancient Greeks’] [analysis]
88,24fII 191,9book 5566[?] 59 221 *βασιλ*ευε: proprium masued
[‘a proper name if it is’] [analysis]
88,24gII 191,9book 5566[?] 221 *in traiano: . nomen. artis
88,24hII 191,9book 5543 221 *ναντιτου: .i. exemplum confail infinitivus and argenitin rangabala
[‘i.e. an example so that an infinitive is therein for the genitive of a participle’] [analysis]
90b9bII 195,23book 6221 (per) αλλοετεκα: per significationem
90b9cII 195,23book 6221 +(per) αλλοετεκα: (m.d.) per alias positio/nes per translationem/ per transfigurationem {cf. K 35v33 a (m.l.) per figurationem, E 55v14 per adiectionem (A) vel translationem. per aliam positionem allo enim grece. latine alius (C) L 57r28 c alienationem vel mutationem (J)}
92b9fII 204,9book 6221 3113 libies: genitivus graecus
92b11kII 204,10book 6221 helena: helene in grecdae
[‘’Elénh, the Greek’] [analysis]
93b32kII 209,12book 6221 +peta: (m.d.) μετεω/ροφεααλ/μου
95b3aII 216,195b1book 6541 221 autem: .i. acht is la grecu ata an dliged sin
[‘i.e. but it is with the Greeks that that rule exists’] [analysis]
95b8cII 216,695b2book 6211 221 licei: .i. in pain chondai. licos enim graece lupus dicitur {cf. L 60v28 g licos graeve lupus}
[‘i.e. of the wolf-like Pan, lúkoj’] [analysis]
95b17iII 216,1395b3book 6221 543 arabus: .i. ainmnid uathaid latindae ua genitin grecdi
[‘i.e. a Latin nominative singular from a Greek genitive’] [analysis]
95b21mII 217,1book 6221 563 panthera: .i. panther .i. nomen bestiae
[‘i.e. panther i.e. name of a beast’]
95b21nII 217,195b5book 625 221 211 *cratera: .i. crater .i. tailchube
[‘i.e. ‘crate’ i.e. bowl’] [analysis]
95b24oII 217,3book 6221 ο: .i. hic
95b24pII 217,3book 6221 τοι: huius
95b25qII 217,4book 6221 563 ικτις: .i. piscis. {= L 61r6 a}
95b25rII 217,4book 6221 τοι: huius
95b26sII 217,4book 6221 και: 7
95b26tII 217,4book 6221 ο: hic
100a13hII 232,12book 6221 313 ακαν[να]: .i. femininum
100a14iII 232,13book 6221 313 dra[con]: masculinum
100a15kII 232,13book 6221 313 dracaina: femininum
100a15lII 232,13book 6221 313 leon: .masculinum.
100a15mII 232,13book 6221 313 leaina: .femininum.
101a25II 236,16book 64144 221 graeca: .- (101a27=236,17) hiec[tor]: .-
102a32nII 240,2book 6221 προ: .i. pro
103b39mII 245,6book 6221 543 πουδετα (et ποιδην): duplices accusativi
104a25kII 246,13book 6221 και: .i. 7
106b22qII 256,7book 6221 η: haec αρχη: principium reliqua in alio και: 7 ο: .i. hic αρχον: princeps
[‘glory’] [analysis]
106b23rII 256,7106b8book 6221 211 πηαησις: leim riuth reliqua
[‘a leap or a run, etc.’] [analysis]
106b23sII 256,8106b9book 6221 211 ναπε: caill .i. densitas arborum
[‘wood’] [analysis]
106b24tII 256,8106b10book 6221 211 στροφη: impúd
[‘act of inversion’] [analysis]
106b24uII 256,8book 6221 +στροφη: versio
106b24wII 256,8106b11book 6221 211 στιχος: fers
[‘a verse (of scripture or poetry)’] [analysis]
106b25xII 256,9106b12book 6221 571?[?] γιμνασια: frecor ceill frithgnom reliqua icidorus gymnasium reliqua in alio
[‘cultivation or care etc.’] [analysis]
106b26yII 256,9106b13book 6221 211 στρατος: .i. sochuide quia dicit {{212}} virgilius exercitus hoc est multitudo
[‘i.e. a multitude quia etc.’] [analysis]
111a17kII 271,16book 6212 221?[?] +πιλος pilus: (m.l.) pyloc/ contos
111a18lII 271,17book 6221 χαος: .i. mors {= K 45r10 i}
111a26nII 272,6111a3book 6543 221 terminationis: .i. mad hinonn tarmorcenn ṅdóib lagrecu ⁊ lalaitnóri .i. iscummae/ leis didiu .y. ⁊ .u. reliqua
[‘i.e. if their termination be the same with Greeks and with Latins. i.e. it is the same to him then, y and n, etc.’] [analysis]
111a40tII 272,15book 6543 221 [in]tigra: panthoos ⁊ reliqua
112b11cII 277,3book 63112 221 achile: vocativus graecus
113a2aII 278,12book 6221 λεγο: dico λελεχ: dictio
113a3bII 278,13book 6221 απο: ab του: huius
114a1bII 282,6book 6221 το: hoc σου: sui τον: horum
114a1cII 282,6book 6221 571 βαλανου: (m.s.) servius dicit/ ., glans βαλανος
115a18iII 286,9book 7543 221 sarmata: .i. pro as
115b40uII 289,9book 73112 221 capite: vocativus graecus
[‘Greek vocativ’]
116a10dII 290,8book 73112 221 caliope: vocativus graecus
125a37nII 322,11book 7221 55 541 +[cy]nyps: cynos. graece. hircus. latine.
127b38oII 331,7book 7221 3112 πολιδα[μα]: .i. vocativus graecus
127b41pII 331,10book 7221 3112 thebai: vocativus graecus
128a10bII 331,18book 7221 [(ab) ery]thro (mare): vel erithrum graece rubrum interpretatur
138a14II 371,5book 84144 221 inconsonan[tia]: (in-:) : (138a15=371,5) ασυνφονιαν: (α-:) :
138a14II 371,5book 84144 221 inconsonan[tia]: (-con-:) .- (ibid.) ασυνφονιαν: (-συν-:) .-
138a14II 371,5book 84144 221 inconsonan[tia]: (-sonan-:) (ibid.) ασυνφονιαν: ον-:)
138a15iII 371,5book 8221 ασυνφονιαν: fone . vox
138b20lII 372,20book 8221 *το: .i. hoc
141a9"II 379,17book 84144 221 auxiliatus: " (141a10"=380,1) βοηθεις: "
141a10"II 380,2book 84144 221 adulati: " (141a11"=380,2) κολακευθεντες: "
141a12"II 380,3book 84144 221 amminiculati: " (141a13"=380,3) [βοη]θηθεις: "
141a14"II 380,4book 84144 221 augurantur: " (ibid.) οιωνοσκοπουνται: "
141a26"II 381,1book 84144 221 consequi: .- (141a25"=381,2) ανυεσε: .-
141a28"II 381,3book 84144 221 amplexam: ., (141a28"=381,4) περιπα[εχθεισαν]: .,
141a30"II 381,7book 84144 221 [amplec]tetur: ., (ibid.) περπαεκεσεω: .,
141a35II 381,9book 84144 221 adortos: " (ibid.) εφοδευθεντας: "
141b2II 382,3book 84144 221 exsecra[ri]: " (141b3=382,4) καταραθηντες: "
141b16II 383,5book 84144 221 architectata (pasive): " (141b17=383,5) αρχιτεκτονυεισα: "
141b18II 383,8book 84144 221 assectari: " (141b19=383,8) ακοδουθεισθαι: "
141b20II 383,9book 84144 221 assectaretur: " (141b21=383,9) εκολορεστο: "
141b42II 385,2book 84144 221 calumniatur: .- (141b42=385,3) σικοφδεει[τα]: .-
142a1II 385,6book 84144 221 dignantur: .- (ibid.) αζιουνται: .-
142a13II 386,2book 84144 221 depeculiari: " (142a14=386,2) αποσιδουσται: "
142a17II 386,5book 84144 221 [emen]tita: " (ibid.) ειευεμενα: "
142b30II 389,11book 84144 221 constructionem: (struc:) : (142b31=389,12) συνταxιν: (xιν:) :
142b37II 389,16book 84144 221 videor: " (142b38=389,17) δοκω: "
142b38tII 389,17142b2book 8221 δοκω: .i. grec indi as videor {= K 58v46 u .i. om. K.}
[‘i.e. the Greek of videor’] [analysis]
143a37II 391,13book 84144 221 [accu]sativo: .- (143a38=391,14) σε: .- (143a38=391,15) σε: .-
144a14II 394,5book 84144 221 [recipro]cam: .- (ibid.) pasionem: .- (ibid.) ιδιοπαθιαμ: .-
144b41"II 397,5book 84144 221 reciproca: " (144b42"=397,5) [ιδιο]παθε: "
146b3II 402,27book 84144 221 labo: .- (ibid.) οαισθαι[νω]: .-
147a33II 405,16book 84144 221 futurum: " (147a34=405,16) [in]finitum: " (ibid.) τιθομαι: "
147b37nII 406,22book 8221 ηνηωχθω: exemplum graece
148a4cII 406,27book 8221 332 δεδιδαχεω: .i. futurum verbum
148b30pII 409,9148b9book 8541 221 genitivo: (m.l.) .i. dogenitin ar/ticuil adcomal/tar ingerind/ in .di. ardoella/tar articuil/ leosom is genitiu/ articuil iarum/ του. masu .το/ file iar/nach/úl.-
[‘i.e. to the genitive of the article is joined the gerund in -di, for with them articles are declined. Now toû is the genitive of the article, if it is tò that it is behind it.’] [analysis]
148b30qII 409,9book 8221 casui: .i. ut est huius apud nos genitivus articol του dano apud graecos
[‘i.e. as with us huius is the genitive of the article, so with the Greeks is toû’] [analysis]
148b32tII 409,10book 8221 του: .i. huius
148b32uII 409,11148b12book 8221 543 αναγνωτεου: .i. teora greca inso dondí as legendi
[‘i.e. these are three Greek words for legendi’] [analysis]
148b32wII 409,11book 8221 3113 αναγνωτεου: .i. genitivus nominis
148b32xII 409,11book 8221 και: 7
148b32yII 409,11148b13book 8221 335[?] του (αναγι[νωσκειν]): .i. agrec anísiu intan aramberar ciall/ brethre gní/ma/ ass.
[‘i.e. this is its Greek when the meaning of an active verb is expressed by it’] [analysis]
148b33zII 409,11148b14book 8221 335[?] του αναγινωσκεσθαι: .i. agrec anísiu/ intan aram/berar ciall ches/ta ass. ut paulo post dicet.
[‘i.e. its Greek is this when the meaning of a passive verb is expressed by it, as he will say soon’] [analysis]
148b34bbII 409,12book 8221 εν: in {= K 61v16 g}
148b41ggII 409,20148b16book 8221 ανα[γνοστεω]: .i. grec con articol cave/ ⁊ remsuidigud
[‘i.e. a Greek word with an article and a preposition’] [analysis]
148b42hhII 409,20book 8221 313 [ανα] γνοστεω: ciall nominis
[‘meaning of a noun’] [analysis]
148b42iiII 409,21148b18book 8221 335[?] αναγινοσκειν: .i. ciall gníma
[‘i.e. meaning of action’] [analysis]
148b43kkII 409,21book 8221 335[?] αντινωσκαισθαι: cesad
[‘passion’] [analysis]
151a18fII 415,24book 8221 541 παρακειμνος: preteritum nuper factum {= K 62v22 c .i. add. K.}
151a22hII 415,27book 8543 221 infinitum (tempus): .i. multo ante
[‘i.e. much earlier’]
151a24kII 415,28151a3book 8543 221 τουδεπαδαι: .i. isí indaimser écríchdae asṁbiur ḟrit {= K 62v26 f issí ind amser éccríchtha asbiur friutt}
[‘i.e. this is the indefinite tense which I mention to you’] [analysis]
155a10cII 427,19155a1book 8221 αυτοπαθειαν: an .aito dondí as natam
[‘the auto- from natam’] [analysis]
155a10dII 427,19book 8221 571 αυτοπαθειαν: (m.l.) augustinus in libro de civitate dei/ grece pathos/ pasio dicitur., {= K 64v21 h grece pathos: pathos grecae K}
156a47lII 432,23book 8221 543 οικο.νομο: .i. verbum a nomine vel is nomen ⁊ verbum
160b15II 445,19book 84144 221 αορ[ιστον]: " (160b16=20) infinitum: " (ibid.) spatio: "
160b17dII 445,21book 8221 332 κρυβο: presens
160b17eII 445,21book 8221 332 ,εκρυψα: preteritum
160b17fII 445,21book 8221 332 λυπο: presens
160b18gII 445,21book 8221 332 ,εκρυψα: preteritum
160b20hII 445,23160b2book 8543 221 nam: .i. confil linni hisind óin ṡechmadachtu afile leosom indib sechmadachtib
[‘i.e. so that we have in the one preterite what they have in two preterites’] [analysis]
160b20II 445,23book 84144 221 amavi: .- (ibid.) πεφιδε: .- > τεφιανσα: .-
160b20iII 445,23book 8221 και: 7
160b21II 446,1book 84144 221 feci: : (ibid.) πιεποιν: : (ibid.) επονπονσα: :
160b21II 446,1book 84144 221 vidi: " (160b22=446,1) εωρα: " (160b22=446,2) κειδον: "
160b33II 446,12book 84144 221 triumpho: " (160b33=446,13) θριαμβειως: "
162a3II 450,2book 84144 221 nominationibus: " (ibid.) ονοματοποιειαις: "
163a42lII 455,7163a3book 9221 211 δυδω: .i. verbum graecum .i. dobiur
[‘i.e. I give’] [analysis]
163a42mII 455,7book 9221 βουλμαι: .i. volo
163a43nII 455,8book 9221 541 diptongo (motata): .i in o et b in v reliqua
163a43oII 455,8163a4book 9221 541 pes: .i. ó in e condéni/ pes
[‘i.e. o into e, so that it makes pes’] [analysis]
171a6bII 480,20book 9221 212 catum: (m.l.) catus .i. agréc/ .i. ingeniosus
[‘catus i.e. its Greek i.e. ingenious’] [analysis]
180b39lII 522,14180b3book 1058 221 541 *scaton plautus: (m.d.) quod non bonum/ vel scaton .i. grec/ indí as ..ed./ .i. dofuismin
182b41II 529,11book 104144 221 cerno: : (182b42=529,11) κρινω: :
182b41eII 529,11182b3book 10541 221 enim: .i. ni hed a mét as ned asechmadachte. crevi intan mbis pro/ cresco acht/ ised intain mbís/ pro video
[‘i.e. not only is crevi the preterite when it is for cresco, but also when it is for video’] [analysis]
184a17eII 534,1184a1book 10541 221 sethum: biid dano sethus pro zethos
[‘Sethus then is for Zethos’] [analysis]
186a20II 541,13book 104144 221 cambio: " (ibid.) αμειω: "
186a21mII 541,14book 10221 332 εκαμψα: preteritum
187b41II 548,15book 114144 221 reciprocam: ... (ibid.) αντανκααστον
188b12II 550,17book 114144 221 dispositio[ne]: " (188b14=550,18) περυσυνταξεος: "
189a38II 552,25book 114144 221 [intransiti]vum: " (ibid.) id: " (ibid.) αμεταβατον: " (ibid.) (hoc) est: "
190a35rII 555,13book 11221 κατα: .i. secundum ιαιοπαθιαν: .i. reciprocam pasionem
192b34nII 562,21book 11221 543 59 οοπλισεις: nomen και: 7 οοπλιστης: participium ⁊ sic in reliquis masued/ amin
[‘if it be so’] [analysis]
192b36II 562,21book 114144 221 [do]ctus: .- (192b37"=562,22) οειπαι.δειτου: .-
193b18II 565,6book 114144 221 (qui) amatur: .- (ibid.) ος φιλειται: .-
194a35II 567,7book 114144 221 amandus: " (194a36=567,7) ο φιληθσομηνος: "
194b2II 567,14book 114144 221 meditor: " (ibid.) μελετω: "
194b3cII 567,14194b1book 11221 335[?] μελετετας: ciall gnímo ⁊ chésto
[‘(the) meaning of action and passion’] [analysis]
194b26II 568,18book 114144 221 decompossita: " (194b27=568,18) παριθητα: "
196b41gII 574,10book 11221 336[?] οερχομηνος: presens participium
196b42hII 574,10196b7book 11221 336[?] οπαρατηνος: digreic indí as adveniens inso dano
[‘two Greek (words) for adveniens (is) this then’] [analysis]
197a1dII 574,13book 11221 336[?] οελθων: preteriti participium
197a4eII 574,16book 11221 336[?] παρατενομενος: preteritum
197a16lII 577,10197a3book 12221 αιτων: grec indí as sui
[‘the Greek of sui’] [analysis]
198b16kII 581,19book 12221 η ├αυτου: .i. idem
198b23oII 581,25book 12543 221 (nihil ..) aliud: sed pronomina
198b23pII 581,26book 12221 ├ουτος: hic ├αυτη: haec ├ουτο: hoc
198b30xII 582,5198b9book 12543 221 ο ├εαμαος δουλος: .i. aitrebthach con artucol/ fil híc.
[‘i.e. a possessive with an article there is here’] [analysis]
199a38eII 584,3book 12221 εαυτου: .i. sui
199a40gII 585,5book 12221 κατα: .i. secundum ανταν.καλασμο: .i. per reciprocationem
199a41hII 584,5book 12221 αιτοπαθειαν: reversionem
200a33uII 586,19book 12221 emai: mei sou: tui /ou: sui
200a34wII 586,20book 12221 ellou: mihi sou: tibi /ou: sibi
200a34xII 586,20book 12221 emh: me se: te /e: se
200b27II 587,24book 124144 221 [con]formationem: (subs.) " (ibid.) prosopoieian: (ss.) "
201b30II 590,26book 124144 221 porrectionem: ... (201b31=590,27) επεκτασιν: ...
201b30II 590,27book 124144 221 assumptionem: : (201b31=590,27) παραγογηεν: :
204b30wIII 2,31book 13221 εμου: mei εμους: mis
204b30III 2,31book 134144 221 εμους: " (204b30=3,1) dorice: "
204b30yIII 3,1book 13221 σους: .i. tís
[‘i.e. below’] [analysis]
204b31zIII 3,1book 13221 ├ους: sis
[‘below’] [analysis]
205b1saIII 4,2book 13221 εγω: .i. ego su: .i. tu /i: .i. nominativus .sui apud graecos
206a19kIII 6,20book 13221 ├ουτος: .i. hic ├αυτη: haec
206a19lIII 6,21206a1book 13221 ├ος: hoc ├η: alagc
[‘the second Greek’] [analysis]
206b35mIII 8,22206b2book 13221 οστις: .i. gc indí as quis vel qui
[‘i.e. the Greek of quis or qui’] [analysis]
207b21III 11,25book 134144 221 o: : (207b21=11,26) articulus (prepositivus): :
207b21III 11,25book 134144 221 autoy: /. (207b22=11,26) pronomine: /.
207b24III 11,28book 134144 221 οστις: (οσ:) " (207b25=11,29) articu[lum (subiunctivum)]: "
207b30qIII 12,2book 13543 221 ευτυχης: compositum
207b31rIII 12,3book 13543 221 αγιος: compositum
207b31sIII 12,3book 13543 221 ευσηβης: compositum
207b34III 12,5book 134144 221 incestus: .- (207b34=12,6) μεμολυμηνος: .-
207b34xIII 12,6book 13543 221 μεμολυμηνος: son diuit insin
[‘this is a simple (uncompounded) word’] [analysis]
208b24III 14,8book 134144 221 rectique: " (ibid.) accentus: " (ibid.) orchotonomena: "
208b25nIII 14,9208b8book 13541 221 graecos: .i. circunflex lagrecu for alailib diib ut est in hís pronominibus graecis
[‘i.e. the Greeks have the circumflex on some of them, ut est etc. ’] [analysis]
208b37ccIII 14,20book 13221 541 ιδιοπαθιαν: (m.d.) .i. reciproca pasio
209a42mIII 16,12209a7book 13221 321 εμαου: (subs.) vel .i. genitiu chintig .i. mei . mui
[‘or i.e. a genitive of the finite, i.e. mei mine’] [analysis]
209a42nIII 16,12209a8book 13221 321 εμαουτον: vel .i. genitiu aitrebthaig
[‘or i.e. a genitive of the possessive’] [analysis]
209b1aIII 16,12209b1book 13221 321 σου: genitiu chintig
[‘a genitive of the finite’] [analysis]
209b1bIII 16,13209b2book 13221 321 σεαυτου: .genitiu. aitrebthaig
[‘a genitive of the possessive’] [analysis]
209b2eIII 16,13209b4book 13221 321 ├ου: .i. genitiu chintig .i. sui.
[‘i.e. a genitive of the finite, i.e. sui’] [analysis]
209b2fIII 16,14209b5book 13221 321 εαυτου: .genitiu. aitrebthaig .i. sui .i. indái foṡodin
[‘a genitive of the possessive, i.e. sui, i.e. his accordance with that’] [analysis]
212b33uIII 25,22212b14book 14221 541 ode: (m.d.) .i. ainmnid airticuil .o./ fortórmach .de./ .i. si vere,
[‘i.e. ὁ is the nominative of the article, δε an addition’] [analysis]
215a42ddIII 32,12book 14221 +ellinismo: (m.i.) ellinismo.
215b40aaIII 33,26book 14221 36 dia: (subs.) .i. prepositio
217a38III 37,23book 144144 221 (pro) merito: " (ibid.) καταξιαν: "
217b2III 38,2book 144144 221 perrumpor: (per:) : (217b3=38,2) διαρηγνυαμαι: (δια:) :
217b2III 38,2book 144144 221 perrumpor: (rumpor:) .- (217b3=38,2) διαρηγνυαμαι: (ρηγνυαμαι:) .-
217b42III 39,6book 144144 221 transveho: (veho:) " (ibid.) διακοαμαιζω: (κοαμαιζω:) "
218b8III 40,17book 144144 221 anteeo: (eo:) .- (ibid.) πρωπορευοσμαι: (πορευοσμαι:) .-
218b11III 40,19book 144144 221 antea: .- (ibid.) προτερων: .-
218b30III 41,8book 144144 221 circiter: .- (ibid.) οπεριφοραριος: .-
219a2cIII 41,20book 1436 221 αμαφυρι: .i. prepositio graeca
219a9III 41,26book 144144 221 separatur: " (219a10=41,26) κατα: "
219a10III 41,26book 144144 221 componitur: .- (ibid.) αντι: .-
219a36iIII 42,24book 1434 221 αμαεταξυ: adverbium
219b2III 43,2book 144144 221 interrumpit: (rumpit:) " (219b3=43,2) διαρεσσει: (ρεσσει:) "
219b14III 43,11book 144144 221 inter: : (219b15=43,11) dia: : (ibid.) en: :
219b18III 43,14book 144144 221 interea: " (ibid.) το ενισμων: "
219b21III 43,16book 144144 221 intra: .- (ibid.) εντος: .-
232b35fIII 90,13book 15221 +σεχταιασμον: .i. affectum
238a40lIII 109,6book 17221 leleges: .lelex .graece. dictio
242b31kIII 124,11book 17221 περι: de
242b31lIII 124,11book 17221 σ[υνταχεως]: (συν:) con
242b32mIII 124,11book 17221 [σ]υνταχεως: (νταχεως:) structionis
242b36nIII 124,15book 17221 αntrντροπος: homo
242b42pIII 124,19book 1759 221 το idem: eloquentia presciani in graecam hic ostenditur
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 January 2025]