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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
204a25III 1,4book 134121 vocativus: " (ibid.) qui: "
204a25kIII 1,5book 13423 secundae: personae
204a25III 1,5book 134121 secundae: .- (204a26=1,5) quae: .-
204a26III 1,5book 134142 potest: : (204a26=1,6) scili[cet]: :
204a27lIII 1,6book 133221 dirigitur: secundam
204a27mIII 1,6204a5book 13541 sermo (rectus): acaldam hí frecṅdairc
[‘allocution in the present (face to face)’] [analysis]
204a27III 1,6book 134142 rectus: /. (ibid.) unde: /.
204a28nIII 1,7204a6book 134226 personae: in immḟognam
[‘in construction’] [analysis]
204a30oIII 1,9204a7book 13543 loco: .i. gaibit engraic anmmae dílis is/intui/siulsin
[‘i.e. they take the place of a proper name in that case’] [analysis]
204a31pIII 1,9book 133233 (in eo) casu: vocativo
204a32qIII 1,9204a8book 134228 534[?] [nemi]nem: .i. cia so doacaldmach aṅ grammatice
[‘i.e. though grammatice is appellative’] [analysis]
204a32III 1,10book 134141 4143 igitur: ..- (204a34=1,12) quomodo: ..- (204a35=1,13) deficiat: ..- (ibid.) vel: ..-
204a33rIII 1,10book 13534[?] (in illis) partibus: .i. nomen ⁊ participium
204a35III 1,12book 134121 pronomine: , (ibid.) quod: ,
204a35sIII 1,13book 133233 hic (.. casus): vocativus
204a36III 1,14book 134143 dis[cernat]: " (204a37=1,14) quomodo: "
204a38III 1,15book 134141 quoque: ., (204a39=1,16) habet: .,
204a39III 1,16book 134143 vocativum: : (204a41=1,18) sed: :
204a39III 1,17book 134121 posseso[ris]: ., (204a40=1,17) qui: .,
204a40III 1,17book 134121 prima: .- (ibid.) quae: .-
204a41III 1,18book 134121 possesionis: /. (ibid.) quae: /.
204b m.s.aIII 1,18202book 1359 (m.s.) latheirt
[‘drunkenness’] [analysis]
204b1bIII 1,20book 13541 (ad) eam: comlabridi
[‘allocutive’] [analysis]
204b1cIII 1,21book 13111[?] 3112 : vocativus
204b1III 1,23book 13111[?] ó
204b2dIII 1,23book 133112 mea: vocativus
204b2eIII 1,25book 13566[?] thais: proprium mulieris
204b2fIII 1,26204b2book 13211 566[?] sabium: amoaine .i. amochland vel proprium
[‘My delight! i.e. My child! Or a proper name’] [analysis]
204b2III 2,2book 13111[?] ó
204b4gIII 2,3204b3book 13543 vocativum: .i. nostrás dano
[‘i.e. nostrás also (is the vocative)’] [analysis]
204b4III 2,4book 134141 vero: . (204b5=2,5) carent: .
204b5III 2,4book 134141 quae: .- (204b5=2,5) possunt: .-
204b7hIII 2,7book 13423 triptota: delba tuisel
[‘forms of cases’] [analysis]
204b10iIII 2,9204b5book 134228 nam: is airi nístabor
[‘therefore I do not give them’] [analysis]
204b12kIII 2,11book 1352 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
204b12lIII 2,13book 13572 tu[que]: venus
204b13mIII 2,13book 13572 puerque: .i. cupido iuno dixit
204b13nIII 2,15204b6book 13111[?] 211 (ó mea) tu: athusu
[‘You!’] [analysis]
204b14III 2,16book 134142 habent: . (204b15=2,17) tamen: .
204b16oIII 2,18book 13541 nominibus: .i. file fordiull pronominis ⁊ in aliis dano
[‘i.e. which are (inflected) according to the pronominal declension and in others also’] [analysis]
204b16pIII 2,18book 133232 hoc: (m.d.) .i. ius .i. habere sex casus.
204b16qIII 2,18book 134229 nisi: .i. in
204b16rIII 2,18book 13423 tribus: .i. nominibus
204b16III 2,18book 134121 tribus: " (ibid.) quae: "
204b18III 2,20book 134142 flectuntur: .- (ibid.) unde: .-
204b19sIII 2,21204b8book 134228 nam: .i. is airi nis/tabor
[‘i.e. therefore I do not give them’] [analysis]
204b23tIII 2,25book 1352 primus: (m.l.) I
204b25uIII 2,27book 134221 defi[cit]: .i. nominativus .i. sui
204b26III 2,28book 134142 mei: ... (ibid.) mis: ... (ibid.) tui: ... (ibid.) tis: ... (204b28=2,30) nam: ...
204b28III 2,30book 134141 *nam: |.. (204b34=3,4) ergo: |..
204b28III 2,30book 134141 *cum: : (204b29=2,31) utimur: :
204b30wIII 2,31book 13221 εμου: mei εμους: mis
204b30III 2,31book 134144 221 εμους: " (204b30=3,1) dorice: "
204b30xIII 3,1204b9book 1334 211 dorice: indoracdid insin
[‘that is in the Doric fashion’] [analysis]
204b30yIII 3,1book 13221 σους: .i. tís
[‘i.e. below’] [analysis]
204b31zIII 3,1book 13221 ├ους: sis
[‘below’] [analysis]
204b32aaIII 3,2book 13543 (in) is: ut mis. tis
[‘as mis. below’] [analysis]
204b33III 3,3book 134142 in: .- (204b34=3,4) ergo: .-
204b34bbIII 3,4book 134228 ergo: .i. debet esse
204b35ccIII 3,5book 133233 supradictam (causam): causam diffirentiae
204b36ddIII 3,5book 13423 tertiae: personae
204b36eeIII 3,5book 13543 genitivus: .i. sis
[‘i.e. below’] [analysis]
204b42ffIII 3,12book 133232 hoc: .i. ius
205a m.s.aIII 3,12book 1359 (m.s.) criste benedic
205a1bIII 3,13book 134222 accusativos: .i. pronominum
205a3cIII 3,14book 133232 (ex) ipsis: graecis
205a4dIII 3,15book 13543 ουρανουεν: ut in his inveniuntur
205a7eIII 3,17205a1book 1334 unde: .i. huare rombói lagrecu angnáe ut ante dixit
[‘i.e. because the Greeks had the form, as he said before’] [analysis]
205a8fIII 3,18205a2book 134228 quia: .i. isairi nísnairmim sidi quia reliqua
[‘i.e. it is therefore I do not reckon them, because etc.’] [analysis]
205a11gIII 3,21book 13543 primis: .i. ut ego ⁊ tu reliqua
205a11III 3,21book 134142 primis: |: (205a14=3,23) cum: |:
205a12hIII 3,21book 13543 possessivorum: meus tuus reliqua
205a12III 3,22book 134143 intelliguntur: " (ibid.) extremis: "
205a12iIII 3,22book 13423 extremis: sillabis
205a13III 3,22book 134141 4121 nec: " (205a13=3,23) genera: " (ibid.) quae: "
205a15III 4,1book 134141 4142 igitur: .- (205a16=4,2) ostendunt: .- (ibid.) vero: .-
205a16kIII 4,3205a3book 13543 principalibus: dodechur accidentium verborum ⁊ nominum quae pronomini/ accidunt
[‘to distinguish the accidents of verbs etc.’] [analysis]
205a17III 4,4book 134141 quaeritur: : (205a19=4,5) quid: : (ibid.) interest: :
205a19III 4,6book 134143 omnes: .- (205a20=4,6) numeri: .-
205a26lIII 4,11book 133233 eiusdem (numeri): singularis
205a28III 4,13book 134142 idem: ., (205a28=4,14) servatur: ., (ibid.) nam: .,
205a29III 4,14book 134143 omnes: : (ibid.) possunt: : (ibid.) vel: :
205a31III 4,16book 134143 similis: : (ibid.) numerus: :
205a33mIII 4,17205a4book 134226 211 concidentibus: similibus .i. contuítet hiscosmailius
[‘i.e. they coincide in similarity’] [analysis]
205a34III 4,18book 134142 repellit: : (205a34=4,19) enim: :
205a36III 4,20book 134121 [sig]nificatione: : (205a40=4,23) quae: :
205a40III 4,22book 134141 cur: ..- (205b2=4,26) deficit: ..- (ibid.) et (pluralia): ..- (205b3=4,27) non: ..-
205a42III 4,24book 134141 cum: : (205b1=4,25) habeat: : (205b2=4,26) et (in): :
205b1saIII 4,2book 13221 εγω: .i. ego su: .i. tu /i: .i. nominativus .sui apud graecos
205b4III 4,27book 134143 necesse: ... (205b6=4,29) vel: ...
205b5III 4,28book 134121 nominativum: : (ibid.) qui: :
205b6bIII 4,29book 13543 3232 [alteri]us: .i. hic
205b6III 4,29book 134121 si: : (205b7=4,29) quod: :
205b8cIII 4,31205b1book 13543 pro (sui): inetarrogo són ám
[‘in choosing between indeed’] [analysis]
205b8dIII 4,31book 13423 pluralis: .i. nominativus
205b9III 4,31book 134142 hi: " (205b9=4,32) transfertur: " (ibid.) enim: "
205b11III 5,1book 13111[?]
205b16eIII 5,5205b2book 13541 unde: .i. huare is .ui. in .i. conroscaiged and tantum ⁊ ní comarscaiged. dasien.
[‘i.e. since it is ui that has been changed into i therein only and the rough breathing has not been changed’] [analysis]
205b16III 5,5book 134121 aspirationem: " (ibid.) quae: "
205b16fIII 5,5book 134221 servavit: .i. pronomen
205b17gIII 5,6book 134226 hoc: .i. inter hic ⁊ agc
[‘i.e. between hic and its Greek’] [analysis]
205b18III 5,7book 134143 relativa: .- (ibid.) quomodo: .-
205b18hIII 5,7book 134226 et: apud nos
205b21III 5,10book 1358 (m.l.) . (necessario .. sui; trea, defecit Ms.)
205b21III 5,10book 134142 defecit: : (205b22=5,11) mirum: :
205b21III 5,11book 134122 sui: " (205b23=5,12) supradicti: "
205b24III 5,13book 1358?[?] *preterea:
205b24III 5,13book 134141 quod: .- (ibid.) solum: .- (205b25=5,13) significat: .-
205b24III 5,13book 134121 eautou: " (205b25=5,14) quod: "
205b24III 5,13book 134122 eautou: .. (205b27=5,15) hoc: ..
205b25iIII 5,13book 134221 significat: sui
205b27III 5,15book 134111 4121 recto: " (ibid.) casu: " (ibid.) quem: "
205b27kIII 5,16book 1352 secundus .. etc.: (m.l.) II
205b28lIII 5,17book 133232 eorum: pronominum
205b30III 5,19book 134121 hic: : (205b31=5,19) quod: :
205b32III 5,20book 134111 absque: " (205b32=5,20app.) genitivo: "
205b32III 5,20book 134121 illis: :- (205b34=5,20) quibus: :-
205b33III 5,20book 134143 dativo: .- (ibid.) ablativo: .- (ibid.) accusativo: .- (205b35=5,21) quomodo: .-
205b34III 5,21book 134142 solent: : (205b37=5,23) addebant: : (205b38=5,24) unde: :
205b36mIII 5,22book 133233 ([eandem ..]) consonantem: .i. s
205b38III 5,24book 1358 (m.l.) o (m.d.) . ( haecce Ms. leg. huncce
205b40nIII 6,1205b4book 13421 hoc: aní as hoc
[‘the hoc’] [analysis]
205b40oIII 6,1book 1352 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
205b41III 6,3book 1313 ignes.
205b42pIII 6,5book 13211 unum (c): indala .c
[‘one of the twos cs’] [analysis]
206a m.s.aIII 6,5book 1359 (m.s.) criste benedic
206a4bIII 6,8book 13423 4224 terminantium: .i. nominum .i. genitivum
206a5III 6,9book 134142 producitur: .- (206a6=6,10) absque: .-
206a5III 6,9book 134121 i: : (206a6=6,10) quam: :
206a6cIII 6,10book 13423 uno: .i. genitivo
206a6III 6,10book 134121 alterius: . (206a7=6,10) quod: .
206a7dIII 6,11book 13543 nominativum: alter
206a8eIII 6,12book 13543 reliqui: .i. absque genitivo ⁊ dativo
206a12fIII 6,15book 13423 *eiusdem: .i. declinationis
206a13III 6,16book 134122 *(in) e: . (206a14=6,16) eius: .
206a15III 6,17book 134121 is: : (ibid.) quod: :
206a15gIII 6,17book 13543 (literam) principalem: .i. i
206a17hIII 6,19book 133233 (ab) eadem (.. litera): .i. h
206a18iIII 6,20book 133232 utriusque: hic ⁊ haec
206a19kIII 6,20book 13221 ├ουτος: .i. hic ├αυτη: haec
206a19III 6,20book 134143 ├ουτος: .- (206a20=6,21) incipiunt: .-
206a19lIII 6,21206a1book 13221 ├ος: hoc ├η: alagc
[‘the second Greek’] [analysis]
206a21mIII 6,22book 133232 eorum: .i. pronominum hic ⁊ haec
206a21III 6,22book 134141 hoc: : (206a22=6,23) mota[vit]: :
206a21nIII 6,22book 13543 principium: .i. .h
206a21oIII 6,22book 13543 fi[nem]: .i. c
206a22pIII 6,23book 13543 (mediam) vocalem: .i. .i
206a22qIII 6,23book 13543 mota[vit]: in o.
206a23III 6,23book 134142 attendendum: ... (206a28=7,1) enim: ...
206a23III 6,23book 134141 quod: : (206a26=6,26) fecit: :
206a28III 7,1book 134111 illa: " (ibid.) ratio: "
206a29III 7,1book 134142 [ad]eo: ... (ibid.) firma: ... (206a30=7,2) nam: ...
206a29III 7,1book 134141 ideo: .- (206a29=7,2) quia: .-
206a29rIII 7,1book 13543 ideo: .i. issed se an dliged
[‘i.e. this is the rule’] [analysis]
206a30sIII 7,2206a3book 13543 alius: air cheso in .us. conosna són ní in .um. dogní aneutur
[‘for although this ends in -us it does not make its neuter in -um’] [analysis]
206a35III 7,6book 134121 4122 ullus: .- (206a35=7,7) quod: .- (206a37=7,8) eo: .-
206a36III 7,7book 134123 dimminutivum: : (ibid.) videtur: :
206a37III 7,8book 1358 (m.l.) O (inveniuntur om. H. post duo)
206a38III 7,9book 1358 (m.l.) O (ab eis Ms. ex eis H.)
206a41III 7,11book 134142 solebant: .. (206b5=7,20) igitur: ..
206b m.s.aIII 7,11book 1359 (m.s.) brigita adiuva
206b4III 7,20book 134141 cum: " (206b6=7,22) declinaverunt: "
206b5III 7,20book 134141 igitur: :- (206b7=7,23) sequuntur: :-
206b5bIII 7,20book 13423 iuniores: grammatici
206b10III 7,26book 1358 (m.l.) . (reddebo, deiudicata Ms.)
206b11III 7,28book 134141 cum: .- (ibid.) soleant: .-
206b11III 7,28book 134141 igitur: : (206b14=8,1) [fi]niunt: :
206b14cIII 8,1book 133232 ea: .i. neutra
206b14dIII 8,1206b1book 13543 alis: .i. robói do ainmnid ⁊ do genitin apud vetustissimos
[‘i.e. it stood for a nominative and for a genitive with the anients’] [analysis]
206b14III 8,2book 134122 alius: . (206b15=8,2) eius: .
206b15eIII 8,2book 133232 eius: ( . ) vel .i. alis
206b15III 8,2book 134143 genitivus: " (206b17=8,4) par: "
206b17fIII 8,4book 134226 peneultimam: in genitivo
206b19gIII 8,5book 134221 invenitur: genitivus
206b22hIII 8,8book 13543 3113 alii: pro alius
206b22iIII 8,8book 13566[?] quintus: proprium
206b31kIII 8,17book 133113 543 alius: .i. genitivus hodie
206b33lIII 8,19book 133113 alii (rei): .i. genitivus
206b34III 8,21book 134122 12 quis: :- (206b38=9,4) eius (casús): :-
206b35mIII 8,22206b2book 13221 οστις: .i. gc indí as quis vel qui
[‘i.e. the Greek of quis or qui’] [analysis]
206b37III 9,3book 13111[?]
206b39nIII 9,5book 134221 terminabant: vetustissimi
206b39III 9,5book 134143 accusativus: .- (206b40=9,6) feminini: .-
206b40III 9,6book 134143 profertur: : (ibid.) quamvis: :
206b40III 9,6book 134143 profertur: ., (206b41=9,7) ablativus: .,
206b42oIII 9,8book 13543 (a) qui: dofoxlaid femin
[‘as a feminine ablative’] [analysis]
206b42pIII 9,8book 1352 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
207a1aIII 9,9book 13572 566[?] accam: .i. proprium mulieris
207a1III 9,10book 134144 quicum: " (207a2=9,11) quacum: "
207a2bIII 9,11207a1book 13543 (pro) quacum: .i. tarháesi foxlada femin
[‘i.e. in place of a feminine ablative’] [analysis]
207a2cIII 9,12book 13543 quicum: pro qua
207a2dIII 9,12book 13566[?] parmenone: proprium mulieris
207a3eIII 9,13book 134228 non (solum): .i. proferebant
207a4fIII 9,14book 134228 accussativum: .i.proferebant
207a4III 9,14book 134142 ques: .- (ibid.) ut: .-
207a6III 9,18book 1312 quésdam
207a6gIII 9,19207a2book 134228 nam: .i. isairi ní thabur ladligeda arside reliqua
[‘i.e. therefore I do not give it with the rules of the ancients etc.’] [analysis]
207a17hIII 9,19book 13212 nunc: .i. hodie
207a8iIII 9,21207a3book 13541 vel (infi[nito]): .i. frisalethar ṁbís/ qui archin/tech.
[‘i.e. he expects that qui is (used) for the definite’] [analysis]
207a9III 9,21book 13111[?] quís
207a9kIII 9,21book 1352 circumflectitur: (m.l.) Accentus
207a9lIII 9,21207a4book 13541 quando: .i. quando fit solus ut qui .i. intí sin
[‘i.e. that’] [analysis]
207a10mIII 9,22207a5book 13541 111[?] per (sé): .i. issed a aicnedsom són
[‘i.e. this is its nature’] [analysis]
207a10nIII 9,22book 13541 571 (in) lectione: .i. in constructione inter alios sonos ut col-
207a10oIII 9,22book 13541 571 (in) lectione: (m.l.) aliter ut el-/ in lectione .i. in poema/te vel in composi/tione ut quicunque
207a11III 9,23book 1312 [cas]sús
207a11pIII 9,23207a6book 13543 generalem: .i. ind aiccend bias forsindainmnid isé bias forsnaib camthuislib .i. circunflexus
[‘i.e. the accent which will be on the nominative is that which will be on the oblique cases, viz. a circumflex’] [analysis]
207a11qIII 9,24book 1352 quando .. etc.: (m.l.) Accentus
207a12rIII 9,24207a7book 13543 accuntur: intan ṁbíte an óinur
[‘when they are alone’] [analysis]
207a12III 9,24book 134142 (per) se: .- (ibid.) id est: .-
207a13sIII 9,24207a8book 13543 [(in) lectio]ne: .i. armad hisuidiu isgraif bís foraib som
[‘i.e. for if it be in this (in lectione) the grave is upon them’] [analysis]
207a13III 9,26book 134141 quaeritur: ..- (207a16=10,2) an: ..- (207a16=10,3) sunt: ..- (207a17=10,3) accipienda: ..-
207a14III 9,26book 134141 cum: " (207a14=10,1) sit: "
207a17tIII 10,3207a9book 133226[?] quod: .i. beta nóin syllabcha
[‘i.e. that they shall be monosyllabic’] [analysis]
207a18III 10,4book 1312 metrís
207a18uIII 10,4book 1352 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
207a18wIII 10,5book 13572 cuique: .i. didoni
207a10III 10,5book 1313 [cuique] lo,ci
207a19xIII 10,6book 13572 repulit: .i. hiarbas dixit .i. dido
207a20yIII 10,8book 1352 huic .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilii/ georgicon/ .I.
207a20zIII 10,8book 1313 huic a, (stirpe): .i. spondeus
207a21aaIII 10,9207a10book 133232 hoc: (m.l.) .i. oinsyllabche hi/ .cui ⁊ huic.
[‘i.e. monosyllabism in cui and huic’] [analysis]
207a21bbIII 10,9book 134221 servat: .i. virgilius
207a21ccIII 10,9book 134221 inveniuntur: cui ⁊ huic
207a21ddIII 10,9book 134228 maxi[me]: .i. invenitur
207a22III 10,10book 134121 deferentiae: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
207a22III 10,10book 13111[?]
207a22eeIII 10,10book 133226[?] quod: .i. ius
207a23III 10,11book 134141 4142 unde: .- (207a26=10,13) habent: .- (207a27=10,14) huic: .- (207a28=10,15) his: .- (ibid.) quamvís: .-
207a25ffIII 10,12book 13543 singularem: .ius
207a25ggIII 10,12book 134228 quorum: .i. fit
207a26hhIII 10,13book 134228 pluralis: .i. fit
207a27III 10,14book 1312 111[?] éis .. quís
207a27iiIII 10,14book 13543 ut: analach
[‘analogy’] [analysis]
207a27III 10,14book 134121 huic: : (ibid.) quo: :
207a28III 10,15book 1312 111[?] quamvís .. (pro) hís
207a30kkIII 10,17book 13543 hibus: pro his
207a30llIII 10,18207a12book 1312 211 (per) dierisín: tre indlach
[‘by diaeresis’] [analysis]
207a30III 10,18book 1312 eís
207a31III 10,18book 134144 bisillabum: " (207a32=10,20) eisdem: "
207a32III 10,20book 1312 cinaedís
207a33mmIII 10,21book 13423 *(in) prima (syllabarum): .i. arte
207a34III 10,22book 1313 laetus hu,ic do,no vide,as dare iura ne,potes
207a35III 10,24book 1313 falsus hu,ic
207a36nnIII 10,25book 134228 cui: .i. bisssyllabum protulit
207a36ooIII 10,26book 1313 .i. ionicus .i. tro-.i. tro- .i. tro- verum ut cui,que est proximi,tas lo,cís o,riri
207a36ppIII 10,26book 1313 verum ut cui[que]: .i. ionicus .i. ex duabus longuis ⁊ duabus brevibus temporum .VI.
207a37qqIII 10,27book 13423 13 sotadeum: .i. metrum
207a37III 10,27book 1312 ionicís
207a38III 10,27book 1312 trocheís
207a38rrIII 10,27book 133232 eodem: .i. libro
207a38ssIII 11,1book 1313 .i. ionicus ionicus ex ordine, fulgens cui, dat no,men si,nopes
207a40ttIII 11,2book 1352 tertius .. etc.: (m.l.) III
207a40III 11,2book 134142 pronominum: : (207b1=11,4) tamen: :
207b m.s.aIII 11,2book 1359 (m.s.) dongus
[‘Dongus’] [analysis]
207b1III 11,5book 134141 quod: .- (207b3=11,6) convertit: .-
207b1III 11,5book 134141 cum: : (207b2=11,5) [de]beret: :
207b2III 11,5book 13111[?] ó
207b4III 11,6book 1312 111[?] [adel]phís ó mí .. ó mí
207b5III 11,10book 13111[?]
207b5III 11,11book 134141 adeo: .- (207b7=11,12) quod (nunquam): .-
207b7bIII 11,12207b1book 133226[?] quod (quibusdam): .i. asṅgenitiu tobarthid
[‘i.e. that it is a genitive or a dative’] [analysis]
207b7cIII 11,12207b2book 13543 nunquam: .i. ní bad samlaid son (m. l.) mad ónche/tnidiu no/bed ar nobi/ad frifemen/ ⁊ neutar amal/ sodin/ .-
[‘i.e. this would not be thus if it (mi) were from the primitive, for then it would be (used) with the feminine and neuter’] [analysis]
207b7III 11,12book 134141 nunquam: " (207b8=11,13) feminino: " (ibid.) adiungitur: "
207b7III 11,12book 134123 voca[tive]: : (207b8=11,13) positum: :
207b8dIII 11,13book 133221 cuius: .i. mí
207b9III 11,14book 134121 ius: :- (ibid.) quod: :-
207b10III 11,16book 134121 nostras: : (ibid.) quod: :
207b12eIII 11,17205book 13211 35 quod: ol
207b13III 11,17book 134142 [si]nagopam: " (ibid.) enim: "
207b14fIII 11,19207b3book 13211 543 nam: .i. air cio ainmnid dixnigidir .i. masu pronomen .i. ní/ ḟil
[‘i.e. for from what nominative is it? i.e. if it is a pronoun. i.e. there is not it (it is not)’] [analysis]
207b14III 11,19book 134111 4142 quo: : (207b14=11,20) nominativo: : (207b16=11,20) enim: :
207b16gIII 11,20207b4book 13541 tu: .i. cia do menad nech abuith o .tu. air istogarthid .do. nífir
[‘i.e. if anyone thought that it (o) was from tu, since it is a vocative thereto, (this opinion) is false’] [analysis]
207b17III 11,21book 134121 vocativum: " (ibid.) qui: "
207b17III 11,21book 13111[?] (o ut) ó tú
207b17III 11,22book 134121 tertiae: .- (207b18=11,22) quae: .-
207b18III 11,23book 134142 non: O- (207b36=12,7) igitur: O-
207b19hIII 11,23207b5book 13211 (in) demonstratione: .i. hitogarmim ḟrecṅdairc
[‘i.e. in present calling’] [analysis]
207b19III 11,23book 134121 demonstratione: /. (207b19=11,24) quae: /.
207b20III 11,24book 134121 [re]lationi: : (ibid.) quam: :
207b20iIII 11,25book 13211 deinde: innnadiad
[‘into the end’] [analysis]
207b20kIII 11,25207b7book 13543 deinde: (m.l.) .i. accuis aile/ con-nach arti/col .o. lalaitnóri
[‘i.e. another cause so that o is not an article with the Latins.’] [analysis]
207b21lIII 11,25book 1353 nam .. etc.: (m.l.) S-. retro (cf. 26b5=54,16 f)
207b21III 11,25book 134142 nam: ..- (207b22=11,26) non: ..- (207b23=11,27) componitur: ..-
207b21III 11,25book 134144 221 o: : (207b21=11,26) articulus (prepositivus): :
207b21III 11,25book 134144 221 autoy: /. (207b22=11,26) pronomine: /.
207b23III 11,27book 134143 componitur: . (ibid.) quemadmodum: .
207b24mIII 11,28207b9book 13543 qui quoque: (m.l.) qui quoque reliqua .i. vide/tur .qui. habere. ar/ticuli. subiunctivi. significationem. interpretatione/ .i. ostiy .i. indí as/ .ostiy. reliqua .i. o inni/ aetarcerta sidi/ .i. issi ind etar/ceirt in son grecde./ .i. oinni inna e/perta grecda do/adbadar as/ chomsuidigthe isingreíc/ ostiy. diuit/ immurgu qui lin/ni.-
[‘qui, i.e. ὂστις seems to have a subjunctive article by its sense of interpretation, i.e. of ὂστις etc., that is, from the sense of its interpretation, i.e. this is the interpretation, the Greek word. From the sense of the Greek vocable ὂστις is shown to be a compound in the Greek. With us, however, qui is simple (uncompounded).’] [analysis]
207b24nIII 11,28book 13421 οστις: .i. as οστις
[‘i.e. that is στις’] [analysis]
207b24III 11,28book 134144 221 οστις: (οσ:) " (207b25=11,29) articu[lum (subiunctivum)]: "
207b26oIII 11,29book 13543 simplex: .i. qui .i. non síc ostiy sed compositum
207b28pIII 12,1book 13423 plurima: nomina
207b30qIII 12,2book 13543 221 ευτυχης: compositum
207b31rIII 12,3book 13543 221 αγιος: compositum
207b31sIII 12,3book 13543 221 ευσηβης: compositum
207b31tIII 12,3207b10book 13211 541 alia (mille): .i. corrici míli .i. foirbthe aran reliqua
[‘i.e. up to a thousand, i.e. a perfect (number) for an imperfect one’] [analysis]
207b32uIII 12,3207b11book 13543 significationem: cit comsuidigthi lagrecu ní ecen dunni beta comsuidigthi linn
[‘although they are compounds with the Greeks it is unnecessary for us that they should be compounds with us’] [analysis]
207b33III 12,4book 134141 vel: " (207b34=12,5) composita: "
207b34wIII 12,5book 134228 composita: sunt
207b34III 12,5book 134144 221 incestus: .- (207b34=12,6) μεμολυμηνος: .-
207b34xIII 12,6book 13543 221 μεμολυμηνος: son diuit insin
[‘this is a simple (uncompounded) word’] [analysis]
207b35yIII 12,6book 134228 sicut: .i. sunt
207b36zIII 12,7book 13421 o: .i. o. siu
[‘i.e. o here’] [analysis]
207b37aaIII 12,7207b14book 13211 212 et: .i. o .i. afameinn pro utinam
[‘i.e. would that! for utinam’] [analysis]
207b38bbIII 12,8book 13543 vocativum: .i. adverbium. vocandi
207b38ccIII 12,8book 13543 heus: adverbium. vocandi
207b39III 12,10book 13111[?]
207b40ddIII 12,10book 134228 quippe: .i. est
207b40III 12,10book 134141 4123 quod: " (ibid.) nulli: " (207b41=12,11) possunt: "
207b40III 12,10book 134111 alii: . (207b40=12,11) ca[sui]: .
207b41eeIII 12,11book 133233 huiuscemodi (adverbia): .i. vocandi .i. o. ⁊ heus.
207b41III 12,11book 134143 possunt: ., (207b42=12,11) sicut: ., (207b42=12,12) et: .,
207b42ffIII 12,12book 134222 pronomina: .i. secundae personae
207b42III 12,12book 134142 pronomina: .- (207b43=12,13) nisi: .-
207b44ggIII 12,14book 134222 nominativis: .i. pronominum secundae personae
208a m.s.aIII 12,14book 1359 (m.s.) auctor adiuva lucis aeternae
208a1III 12,14book 134143 utimur: " (ibid.) quomodo: "
208a1bIII 12,14book 134222 prima: .i. pronominis reliqua
208a2III 12,16book 13111[?] 4142 : .- (208a3=12,17) igitur: .-
208a3III 12,17book 134142 male: :. (208b1=13,21) ergo: :.
208a4III 12,18book 134141 si: ., (208a5=12,19) possunt: .,
208a4III 12,18book 134141 enim: ... (208a8=12,21) quomodo: ... (ibid.) non: ... (208a9=12,22) accipiamus: ...
208a4III 12,18book 134121 nomina: : (ibid.) quae: :
208a4III 12,18book 134111 tertiae: " (ibid.) personae: "
208a5cIII 12,19book 133233 supradictis (vebis): .i. substantivis vel vocativis
208a8dIII 12,21book 13543 +non: interrogatio .i. quod supradixit
208a8III 12,21book 134121 pronominibus: /. (208a8=12,21) quae: /.
208a11III 12,24book 134123 4143 tertiae: .- (ibid.) sunt: .- (208a11=12,25) personae: .- (ibid.) sed: .-
208a12eIII 12,25208a1book 134228 enim: .i. is airi asbiur it tertiae quando carent substantia. nemo enim reliqua
[‘i.e. therefore I say they are third persons when etc.’] [analysis]
208a12III 12,26book 134142 recte: " (208a13=12,26) enim: "
208a13fIII 12,26208a2book 13541 [appollo]nius: .i. manitórmais ego.
[‘i.e. unless you add ego’] [analysis]
208a13gIII 12,26208a3book 13541 aristofanes: .i. manitórmais tu.
[‘i.e. unless you add tu’] [analysis]
208a14III 12,27book 134111 4122 [pri]mae: : (ibid.) secundae: : (ibid.) personae: : (208a15=12,28) earundam: : (ibid.) personarum: : (208a16=12,29) itaque: : (208a17=13,1) ego: : (208a18=13,1) tu: :
208a14III 12,27book 134141 ideo: /. (ibid.) ut: /.
208a16III 12,29book 134144 loco: ..- (208a18=13,1) tullius: ..-
208a17III 12,29book 134143 ponitur: ." (ibid.) et: ".
208a17hIII 13,1208a4book 13541 abest: .i. huare nadṁbí hifrecṅdairc indtertpersan/ semper ar is cóir/ apronomen diainchosc/si mad frecṅdairc.-
[‘i.e. since the third person is not always present, for it is meet that the pronoun should signify it, if it be present.’] [analysis]
208a18III 13,1book 134143 4141 nisi: : (ibid.) et: : (108a19=13,2) dicamus: :
208a18iIII 13,1book 134221 presens: .i. tertpersan
[‘i.e. a third person’] [analysis]
208a18kIII 13,1208a6book 13541 presens: (m.d.) Air mad frecndairc/ foilsigthech apro/nomen ni recar less/ ind anmmae amal/ ṡodain acht islour apronomen.
[‘for if the pronoun be present demonstrative, there is no need of the noun in that case, but the pronoun is enough’] [analysis]
208a20III 13,2book 134141 vel: .- (208a20=13,3) videatur: .-
208a20III 13,3book 134141 vel: : (208a21=13,3) utamur: :
208a22lIII 13,4206book 133221 de (quo): .i. intí dianeprem .is.
[‘i.e. he of whom we say’] [analysis]
208a24mIII 13,5book 133232 hoc: .i. iure demonstrationis
208a24nIII 13,6book 13543 iure: .i. conid tertpersan nominativus nominis
[‘i.e. so that the nominative of the noun is the third person’] [analysis]
208a25oIII 13,7book 13543 solis: .i. is doib anoinur adcomaltal/ intan incosaig/ primam ⁊ secundam
[‘i.e. to them alone it is joined when it signifies the first and second’] [analysis]
208a25III 13,7book 134141 ideo: .- (208a27=13,8) quod: .-
208a26pIII 13,7book 134222 primae: .i. verborum
208a27qIII 13,8book 133233 (ipsa haec) verba: .i. substantiva ⁊ vocativa
208a28III 13,10book 134121 nominationem: " (2080a29=13,10) qua: "
208a29rIII 13,10book 134221 egent: verba predicta
208a30III 13,10book 134121 pronominibus: . (208a30=13,11) quae: .
208a31III 13,12book 134141 cum: .- (208a33=13,13) servant: .-
208a31III 13,12book 134141 igitur: :. (208a33=13,14) potest: :.
208a31III 13,12book 134111 omnia: " (208a32=13,13) casualia: "
208a31sIII 13,12book 13543 +omnia: nomina vel pronomina vel participia
208a31tIII 13,12book 13212 +sibi: met (sc. sibimet)
208a32III 13,13book 134144 disiungantur: .. (208a34=13,14) vel (probus vel donatus): -..
208a32III 13,13book 134144 copulentur: +. (208a34=13,15) et (prescianus): +.
208a33uIII 13,14208a10book 133232 53 hoc: .i. forcométas ⁊ accomol ind óintuisil ipersanaib écsamlib/ acht isinóin persin ata/comla ut inante dicit.
[‘i.e. the conservation and junction of the one case in the various persons, but it is in one person that it joins itself, as he says afterwards’] [analysis]
208a36III 13,16book 134141 vocativus: " (208a37=13,17) iungi: " (ibid.) potest: "
208a38wIII 13,18book 133233 (hunc) casum: vocativum
208a39xIII 13,19book 133232 eo: .i. vocativo
208a40III 13,19book 134111 4122 caeteris: .- (ibid.) casibus: .- (208a42=13,20) illi: .-
208a42yIII 13,20208a11book 13543 inveniuntur: (subs.) .i. is coitchen doṡuidib buith hicacha/ persanaib ni cummae ⁊ vocativus
[‘i.e. to them it is common to be in all persons, not the same as the vocative’] [analysis]
208b2aIII 13,21208b1book 133232 idque: as nainmnid
[‘that it is a nominative’] [analysis]
208b2III 13,22book 134143 dinoscitur: ... (208b5=13,24) et: ... (208b7=13,26) et: ... (208b9=13,28) et (quicquid): ...
208b2bIII 13,22206book 13211 35 quod: ol
208b5cIII 13,24208b2book 13543 casibus: .i. is hinon tuisel/ pronominis ⁊ nominis/ is indaccomol
[‘i.e. the case of the pronoun and of the noun is the same in junction’] [analysis]
208b10dIII 13,28book 134229 (nominativum) habet: .i. quod
208b10eIII 13,29book 134228 omnimodo: .i. habet
208b10III 13,29book 134142 omnimodo: ., (208b11=13,29) enim: .,
208b11III 13,29book 134141 neque: : (ibid.) enim: : (208b14=14,1) pollicentur: :
208b14fIII 14,1208b3book 13211 511[?] pollicentur: nitairṅgérat .i. nisfil leo
[‘they will not promise, i.e. they have them not’] [analysis]
208b16gIII 14,3book 134228 nec: .i. habent vocativum
208b19hIII 14,4book 13541 +propriorum: ut grammatice
208b22iIII 14,6book 13421 tu: as tu
[‘that is tu’] [analysis]
208b23kIII 14,7208b5book 13543 absoluta: (m.d.) Absoluta .i. hua/tuasailcthecha/ huaṡaingnúis/ ar intan asṁb/ir so .ego dico tu/ dicis ní sluin/di so hisuidiu na/ṅd eper nach aile/ it chóimthecht./ INtain immurgu asṁbir/ siu .ego ipse egomet/ is saingnuis duit/ so thóinur hisuidiu/ indepert ⁊ ní ercho/ndla nach persan/ aile frit.-
[‘absolved from a special form, for when you say ego dico or tu dicis, you do not signify herein that no other says it in your company. When, however, you say ego ipse or egomet the saying is a special form to you alone in this, and no other person converses (?) with you.’] [analysis]
208b23lIII 14,8208b6book 13541 prepositiva: .i. conecat andéde sin .i. dico ego ⁊ ego di/co
[‘i.e. they can (do) those two things, i.e. dico ego and ego dico’] [analysis]
208b23III 14,8book 134144 prepositiva: .., (208b26=14,10) (ego) dico: ..,
208b23III 14,8book 134144 sub[iunctiva]: (. (208b26=14,10) dico (ego): (.
208b24III 14,8book 134144 221 rectique: " (ibid.) accentus: " (ibid.) orchotonomena: "
208b24mIII 14,8book 13541 rectique (accentus): .i. acuit foraib linni
[‘i.e. we have the acute on them’] [analysis]
208b25nIII 14,9208b8book 13541 221 graecos: .i. circunflex lagrecu for alailib diib ut est in hís pronominibus graecis
[‘i.e. the Greeks have the circumflex on some of them, ut est etc. ’] [analysis]
208b27oIII 14,11book 13423 aliis: personis
208b28pIII 14,11book 13541 possint: generaliter
208b28III 14,11book 134143 possint: : (ibid.) non: :
208b28qIII 14,11book 13541 non: .i. specialiter
208b29rIII 14,12208b9book 13543 cum (alio): .i. hicoitchenas
[‘i.e. in community’] [analysis]
208b29sIII 14,12book 134228 *sed et: .i. potest
208b29tIII 14,12book 134223 addita: .i. fri ego
[‘i.e. to ego’] [analysis]
208b30uIII 14,13208b11book 13543 212 significantiam: .i. is hinon óin significantia ⁊ discretio
[‘i.e. quite the same are significantia and descretio’] [analysis]
208b30wIII 14,13208b12book 134226 543 discretionem: fri cenelchi persan
[‘from the generality of persons’] [analysis]
208b30III 14,13book 134121 discretionem: : (208b31=14,13) quam: :
208b31xIII 14,14book 13421 egomet: .i. ut est
208b32yIII 14,14208b13book 134228 543 (nec) non: .i. solet ostendere significantiam vel discretionem .i. ego an as tórmachte ipse met fris
[‘i.e. ego usually shows significantia or discretio when ipse or met is added to it’] [analysis]
208b34zIII 14,18book 1353 sui .. etc.: (m.d.) paulo post/ 0- (cf. 209b33=17,19)
208b34aaIII 14,18208b14book 13541 solum: .i. ciall chésta and dogres
[‘i.e. the sense of a passive is always in it’] [analysis]
208b37bbIII 14,20book 133232 eadem: .i. persona
208b37III 14,20book 134121 eadem: : (ibid.) quae: :
208b37ccIII 14,20book 13221 541 ιδιοπαθιαν: (m.d.) .i. reciproca pasio
208b38III 14,20book 134142 eauton: .- (208b38=14,21) sui: .- (ibid.) nam: .-
208b40III 14,22book 134121 primitivis: : (208b40=14,23) quae: :
208b42ddIII 14,25208b15book 13541 vetustissimus: asmaam roṡechestar arsidetaid
[‘who has most followed antiquity’] [analysis]
209a m.s.aIII 14,25book 1359 (m.s.) fave ιης
209a8bIII 15,7209a1book 13541 tam (actionem .. etc.): (m.l.) Ní arindí/ bed hi sui in/nachamthu/islib nobed/ ingním in/césad acht doa/silbthaer t/riit som gní/im chésad/ doneuch.
[‘not that the action or the passion is in sui or in its oblique cases, but through it action or passion is ascribed to some one’] [analysis]
209a9cIII 15,8209a2book 133232 (in) eadem: hi sui conathuislib
[‘in sui with its cases’] [analysis]
209a9dIII 15,8209a3book 13543 potest: .i. ní rubai anisin in nominativo
[‘i.e. that cannot be in the nominative’] [analysis]
209a9eIII 15,9209a4book 13211 321 is: (subs.) .i. in
[‘i.e. that’] [analysis]
209a10fIII 15,9book 134222 casus: .i. sui
209a14III 15,12book 13111[?]
209a20gIII 15,16book 13212 reciprocatur: revocatur
209a21hIII 15,17209ab5book 13421 [inter]fecit: .i. aní as interfecit
[‘i.e. that which is interfecit’] [analysis]
209a33III 15,27book 1353 illas vero .. etc.: (m.l.) q: (cf. 190a36=555,14 w)
209a35III 16,1book 134112 antiquitatem: " (ibid.) gratiae: "
209a35iIII 16,1209a6book 13541 gratiae: .i. rothechtsatsom hífius ⁊ heulus
[‘i.e. which they (the Latins) had in knowledge and guidance’] [analysis]
209a38kIII 16,4book 1352 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
209a39lIII 16,5book 13572 ospes: .i. aenea
209a40III 16,8book 1358 (m.l.) O (idem .. scio om. Ms. add. sec. man. hib. m.i.)
209a42III 16,12book 134141 cur: :- (209b2=16,14) habeat: :-
209a42III 16,12book 134141 si: : (209b1=16,13) habeant: :
209a42mIII 16,12209a7book 13221 321 εμαου: (subs.) vel .i. genitiu chintig .i. mei . mui
[‘or i.e. a genitive of the finite, i.e. mei mine’] [analysis]
209a42nIII 16,12209a8book 13221 321 εμαουτον: vel .i. genitiu aitrebthaig
[‘or i.e. a genitive of the possessive’] [analysis]
209b1aIII 16,12209b1book 13221 321 σου: genitiu chintig
[‘a genitive of the finite’] [analysis]
209b1bIII 16,13209b2book 13221 321 σεαυτου: .genitiu. aitrebthaig
[‘a genitive of the possessive’] [analysis]
209b1cIII 16,13book 134229 accipiantur: .i. cum
209b1dIII 16,13209b3abook 1334 accipiantur: (m.s.) vel si accipiantur tamen nominativos habeant/ .i. camaiph thechtait ainmnidi
[‘i.e. however, they have nominatives’] [analysis]
209b2eIII 16,13209b4book 13221 321 ├ου: .i. genitiu chintig .i. sui.
[‘i.e. a genitive of the finite, i.e. sui’] [analysis]
209b2fIII 16,14209b5book 13221 321 εαυτου: .genitiu. aitrebthaig .i. sui .i. indái foṡodin
[‘a genitive of the possessive, i.e. sui, i.e. his accordance with that’] [analysis]
209b3gIII 16,15book 134228 primum: dicendum
209b4III 16,15book 134121 [aspi]rationis: . (ibid.) quae: .
209b5hIII 16,16209b6book 133114 4227 nominativo: dond ainmnid no bia do ṡui
[‘to the nominative which would be to sui’] [analysis]
209b7iIII 16,18209b7book 13211 333 si: .i. combad .si. apud nos
[‘i.e. with us it would be si’] [analysis]
209b8kIII 16,19book 133115 eolis: accusativus
209b8lIII 16,19book 13423 sequentes: latini
209b8mIII 16,19209b8book 13542 in (digamma): air dosoat eoldai tinfed indigaim
[‘for the Aeolians convert aspiration into digamma’] [analysis]
209b10III 16,20book 134141 et: " (209b11=16,21) est: "
209b10nIII 16,20book 1334 543 ideo: .i. causa dubitationis
209b10oIII 16,20book 133232 (ex) eo: .i. sono graeco ./i.
209b11pIII 16,21book 134223 aliud (pronomen): .i. sui
209b11qIII 16,21209b10book 13543 aliud pronomen: (m.l.extr.) Aliud pronomen .i. is allail/ pronomen aní sin fri sui./ .i. an .is. hísin.
[‘i.e. that, to wit, that is another pronoun from sui, to wit that is’] [analysis]
209b11rIII 16,21209b10book 13543 quod .. etc.: (m.l.extr.) quod prop/terea puto .i. issed domui/nursa ol prescien issed/ dorigéni pronomen ṅatár/cadach di .is. anisin/ uare is o pronomen atárca/dach atá la graecu.-
[‘quod p. p., i.e. this is what I think, says Priscian, this is what made an anaphoric pronoun of is,because it is (derived) from an anaphoric pronoun (ἴ) which the Greeks have’]
209b11III 16,21book 134143 rela[tivum]: " (209b12=16,22) quomodo: "
209b12sIII 16,21book 133221 [rela]tivum: .i. is
209b12tIII 16,22book 134228 deinde: dicendum est
209b12III 16,22book 134122 huius: ., (ibid.) ipsius: ., (209b13=16,23) nominativi: .,
209b13uIII 16,23209b11book 13211 511[?] nominativi: .i. ind óin ainmnedo so .i. inchosc sulbaire an .huius ⁊ an ipsius immalle
[‘i.e. of this one nominative, i.e. the huius and the ipsius together is a mark of eloquence’] [analysis]
209b13wIII 16,23book 134228 postremo: .i. dicendum
209b14III 16,24book 134142 potest: " (ibid.) inveniri: " (209b15=17,1) intelligantur: "
209b15xIII 16,24book 13423?[?] reciprocum: .i. opus
209b15yIII 16,24209b12book 13541 reciprocum: (m.l.) .i. mad adch/oimchlada/ch .i. gním ua/d feisin foir/ feisin ⁊ imf/olṅgai césad/ dosom ingním/ hísin.- SIve/ transitivum .i. intair/mthechtach/ .i. ho persin do/ persin .i. gním/ dosom innach/ naile innunn/ ⁊ is césad do/ ṡuidiu gním/ onach ailiu/ foir sem an/all ⁊ iscesad/ dosom aḟodai/tiu sidi..,
[‘i.e. if it be reciprocal, i.e. action from himself on himself, and that action causes passion (suffering) to him. Or transitivum, that is, transitive, i.e. from a person to a person, i.e. action by him into some other equal, and (the) action by some other on him is passion to (the) latter and the endurance of it is passion to him (the former).’] [analysis]
209b15zIII 17,1209b13book 13541 ut: .i. issed inso nád chumaing aranísar and coní eng/gnatar gníma acht asagnintar
[‘i.e. it is this which cannot be found there, that actions are not understood, but they are understood’] [analysis]
209b16aaIII 17,1book 13543 in (se): (subs.) .i. issed ar reciprocum insin
[‘i.e. that is the reciprocum’] [analysis]
209b16bbIII 17,2book 13543 aliam: .i. issed transitivum
[‘i.e. this is transitivum’] [analysis]
209b16ccIII 17,2209b16book 13541 simul: .i. gním dóib diblínaib ⁊ chésad
[‘i.e. action to both of them and passion’] [analysis]
209b16III 17,2book 134141 nisi: " (209b17=17,2) vel: " (ibid.) copuletur: "
209b19III 17,4book 134142 (ab) ipsa: : (209b21=17,6app.) enim: :
209b20ddIII 17,5book 13543 (in) se: .i. reciprocum sin
[‘i.e. that is reciprocum’] [analysis]
209b20III 17,5book 134122 terrentius: .- (209b22=17,7) idem: .-
209b20eeIII 17,6book 133232?[?] *ipsius: operis sui
209b20ffIII 17,6209b18book 13543 iniurius: .i. a ancride feisin immeḟolṅgai cesad do
[‘i.e. (it is) his own wrong which causes suffering to him’] [analysis]
209b20ggIII 17,6book 13212 iniurius: (subs.) .i. iniuriosus
209b21III 17,6book 1358 (m.l.) . (quo GLK quoque RD om. H.)
209b21hhIII 17,6book 134228 *pasiva: .i. sunt
209b21iiIII 17,6209book 13211 35 *quo: .i. dú.
209b21III 17,6book 134141 *quo: " (ibid.) liquefiunt: "
209b21kkIII 17,6book 13423 *(ab) activa: .i. persona
209b21llIII 17,6209b19–21book 13211 511[?] *liquefiunt: doneprennet .i. dú inairestar
[‘(where) they flow forth, i.e. where they remain’] [analysis]
209b21III 17,7book 134144 (in) aliam: ... (209b22=17,8) hanc: ...
209b22III 17,7book 134144 (in) eandem: :- (209b23=17,9) se: :-
209b22mmIII 17,7209b22book 13541 eandem: césad intesi ab alia nodgní anall
[‘passion into it from another who does it from beyond’] [analysis]
209b22nnIII 17,8book 13211 hanc (fidem): .i. immuntorisinse
[‘i.e. for this faith’] [analysis]
209b22III 17,8book 134141 hanc: " (ibid.) fidem: " (209b23=17,10) darem: "
209b23ooIII 17,9209b24book 13541 obsecravit: (m.l.) .i. Gním domsa thi/ndnacol inna/ hirise. césad do/som aairitiu
[‘i.e. action to me to give the faith, passion (suffering) to him to receive it’] [analysis]
209b23ppIII 17,9209b25book 133221 333 (qui ..) sciret: iséside rodfinnad
[‘it is he that used to know it’] [analysis]
209b23qqIII 17,9209b26book 13541 sciret: (m.l.) Gním dosom aḟius/ cesad domsa an/ephdéirgesom.
[‘action to him to know it, passion to me not to desert him’] [analysis]
209b23rrIII 17,9209b27book 13211 333 (non) deserturum: .i. naich ṅdeirsed
[‘i.e. that he would not desert him’] [analysis]
209b23ssIII 17,9209b26book 13541 ut darem: (m.l.) ut/ darem .i. condartin/ do arrogáid dom/ issí dano inchiall hísin/ araḟocladar/ som quando dicit in eandem/ ab alia..
[‘ut darem, i.e. that I should give to him what he had asked of me. That, then, is the meaning which he expresses when he says in eandem ab alia’]
209b24ttIII 17,11209b28book 13541 huiuscemodi: (m.l.extr.) Huiuscemodi .i. issed acum/tach .i. taibsiu gní/mo chesta opersin/ fuiri feisin opersin/ do persin hi .sui. cona/chamthuislib .i. ní/ recar less didiu ainm/neda la .sui. oc/ slund indedisin.
[‘i.e. this is the structure, i.e. manifestation of action or passion from a person on himself, or from a person to a person in sui with its oblique cases. In expressing those two things, then, it is unnecessary for sui to have a nominative’] [analysis]
209b25III 17,12book 134142 potest: ., (ibid.) enim: .,
209b25uuIII 17,12209b29book 13541 omnis: (m.l.extr.) Omnis enim genitivus .i. isai/ri ní tuic sui. isnai/b desimrectaib .acht. is/ sibi se tuic indib ar/ omnis enim genitivus reliqua ar cach/ genitiu dichoisin ataat/ indib indícheilse sis. a/ta dano hi sui. cenudḟil/ gním ⁊ chésad hisuidiu/ immurgu conachamthuislib../ ní indaicsenogod so .,
[‘i.e. therefore he has not put sui in the examples, but it is sibi, se that he has put in them, for omnis etc.; for in every genitive that exists there are these two meanings (mentioned) below: (this) is then in sui. Although, however, there are action and passion in this with its oblique cases this is not the causality’] [analysis]
209b25III 17,12book 134142 genitivus: |. (209b28=17,14) igitur: |.
209b26wwIII 17,12209b30book 13541 [(ad)] perfectionem: (m.l.) AD perfectionem sensus .i./ .i. dolínad intṡliu/chta verbi air cia/sberasu potior/ ní lán chiall and/ confeiser cia dia/ cumachtachta/igther .i. induit/ fein fadonach/ ailiu
[‘i.e. to fill up the sense of the verb; for if you say potior, the meaning here is incomplete until you know for whom you are powerful, whether for yourself or for some other. It is uncertain whose is the slave until you say mei: i.e. in this it is shown that he is mine own’] [analysis]
209b26xxIII 17,13210book 13541 possessi[oni]: (m.l.) .i. is inder/b coich inmug/ conáerbara/ mei .i. doadba/dar hisuidiu/ as leim féin..
209b27yyIII 17,13209b31book 13543 [possessi]oni: .i. doṡlund atraib trisinṅgenitin són
[‘i.e. that is to express possession by the genitive’] [analysis]
209b27zzIII 17,14book 134228 alii (.. casus): .i. absque genitivo
209b28abIII 17,14209b32book 13543 [pos]sessiones: .i. slund céille atraib acht is dolínad intṡliuchto verbi
[‘i.e. an expression of the meaning of possession, but it is to perfect the sense of the verb’] [analysis]
209b28acIII 17,14209b33book 13541 solum: .i. níbí nachtuisel aile etarru ⁊ inbriathar
[‘i.e. there is no other case between them and the verb’] [analysis]
209b32adIII 17,17book 134228 nunquam: .i. ponitur
209b32aeIII 17,18209b34book 13541 absolute: .i. cenchésad fuiri féisin vel in aliam
[‘i.e. without passion on itself or towards another’] [analysis]
209b32III 17,18book 134142 absolute: .- (209b33=17,19) enim: .-
209b32afIII 17,18book 134228 quomodo: .i. ponuntur
209b32agIII 17,18book 13423 alia: .i. pronomina
209b33III 17,19book 1353 sicut diximus: (m.l.) 0- (cf. 208b34=14,18 z)
209b36III 17,21book 134142 omnis: :, (209b42=17,25) enim: :,
209b37III 17,21book 134143 [ad]iungitur: " (209b38=17,22) vel: "
209b38III 17,22book 134111 4122 verbo: : (ibid.) se: : (209b38=17,23) demonstranti: :
209b42ahIII 17,26book 13543 (per se) positus: innaaicniud feisin
[‘in its own nature’] [analysis]
209b m.i.aiIII 17,26book 1359 (m.i.) sudet qui legat/ difficilis est ista pagina
210a m.s.aIII 17,26book 1359 (m.s.) χriste benedic
210a3bIII 18,1book 134229 possit: .i. ut
210a6III 18,3book 134141 cum: : (ibid.) dicimus: :
210a6III 18,3book 134141 igitur: " (210a6=18,3) intelligimus: "
210a6III 18,3book 134123 4144 sibi: . (ibid.) loquitur: .
210a6cIII 18,3book 13421 (sibi) loquitur: .i. inninscise
[‘i.e. this statement’] [analysis]
210a7dIII 18,4book 13421 ille: as ille
[‘that is ille’] [analysis]
210a7eIII 18,4210a3book 13421 sibi: aní as .sibi
[‘that which is sibi’] [analysis]
210a8fIII 18,5210a4book 13211 541 ferri: .i. fedar .i. issamlaid insin dohucthar ingním mabeith .cave./ tobarthid aile/ fri sibi ut si/bi ipsi reliqua
[‘i.e. that it is carried, i.e. it is thus that the action can be brought if there be another dative with sibi, as sibi ipsi etc.’] [analysis]
210a10III 18,6book 134141 cum: " (210a12=18,8) reciproca: "
210a11gIII 18,8210a5book 13541 ad (ver[bum]): .i. dolínad intliuchta/ verbi
[‘i.e. to perfect the sense of the verb’] [analysis]
210a13III 18,9book 134121 possessionem: ., (210a14=18,9) adiunguntur: ., (ibid.) quod: .,
210a15hIII 18,11book 13211 cicidi: ascomort
[‘I have cut down’] [analysis]
210a16III 18,12book 134123 4121 hoc: : (210a17=18,12) [pri]mitivum: : (210a17=18,13) quod: :
210a16III 18,12book 134141 autem: ,, (210a18=18,13) comprobat: ,,
210a18III 18,13book 134143 comprobat: .- (210a22=18,17) et: .-
210a18III 18,14book 134121 declinatio: . (ibid.) qua: .
210a21iIII 18,15book 134228 sic: .i. sequitur declinationem primitivi .i. sui
210a22kIII 18,17210a7book 13211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
210a22III 18,17book 134141 quod: .- (210a24=18,18) s: .- (ibid.) habet: .- (ibid.) principalem: .-
210a23lIII 18,17book 133116 loco: ablativus
210a13III 18,17book 134121 aspirationis: . (ibid.) quam: .
210a24mIII 18,18210a8book 13543 principalem: .i. hitossuch recachthuisiul
[‘i.e. at the beginning, before every case’] [analysis]
210a24III 18,19book 134122 hoc: :, (210a25=18,19) ut: :,
210a24III 18,19book 134141 autem: .- (210a26=18,20) sumus: .- (ibid.) secuti: .-
210a26III 18,20book 134121 homerum: : (210a26=18,21) qui: :
210a26nIII 18,21book 133116 tertia: ablativus
210a37oIII 19,9book 133233 (hoc) pronomen: sui
210a40pIII 19,11book 13211 coniunctio: .i. anaccomol
[‘i.e. the conjunction’] [analysis]
210a40III 19,11book 134142 habet: " (210a41=19,12) igitur: "
210a40qIII 19,11210a10book 13543 vim: .i. asagnintar int ainmnid/ in verbo
[‘i.e. the nominative is understood in the verb’] [analysis]
210a41III 19,12book 134141 igitur: :- (210b2=19,14) erunt: :-
210b1III 19,13book 134122 nominativum: .- (210b1=19,14) eo: .-
210b3III 19,15book 134143 coniungi: ., (ibid.) possunt: ., (ibid.) sed: .,
210b4aIII 19,16book 134228 nec: .i. non posunt
210b4bIII 19,16book 134228 sed: .i. non possunt
210b5cIII 19,17210b1book 13421 sui: .i. indí as .sui.
[‘i.e. of sui’] [analysis]
210b7III 19,19book 134143 putatur: .- (210b8=19,21) et: .- (210b13=19,24) et: .-
210b10III 19,22book 13414[?] potest: /. (ibid.) unde: /.
210b16dIII 20,1book 134228 sed: .i. coniunguit vel discernit
210b17eIII 20,1210b2book 13211 [signi]ficationis: .i. intṡliuchta
[‘i.e. of meaning’] [analysis]
210b18III 20,2book 134143 sequuntur: ., (210b19=20,3) et: ., (210b27=20,9) et (quae): .,
210b18fIII 20,2book 13543 dirivativa: .i. pronomina possessiva
210b26''III 20,5book 134121 alius (alius): ..- (210b20"=20,5) cuius: ..-
210b21"gIII 20,6book 13543 peneul[timam]: .i. li.
210b26"hIII 20,9210b3book 13211 licet: .i. is dílmain
[‘i.e. it is permitted’] [analysis]
210b27iIII 20,9book 134228 et (quae): .i. sequuntur declinationem pronominum
210b28kIII 20,10210b4book 133232 eodem: .i. feib conrerortatar is indí as quis
[‘i.e. as they have erred in quis’] [analysis]
210b28III 20,10book 134142 errore: " (210b29=20,11) enim: "
210b29III 20,11book 134141 enim: .- (210b30=20,12) quomodo: .- (210b31=20,12) possint: .- (ibid.) esse: .-
210b31III 20,12book 134121 pronomina: " (ibid.) quae: "
210b32III 20,13book 134121 propriorum: : (ibid.) quae: :
210b32III 20,13book 1358 (m.d.) . (quantitate .. individua sine err. ? careant habet Ms. K.)
210b34lIII 20,14book 134221 *soleant: .i. pronomina
210b36III 20,16book 134143 sunt: ., (210b37=20,17) similiter: .,
210b38mIII 20,17210b5book 13211 quomodo: .i. air ciachruth arafóimtar
[‘i.e. for how are they accepted?’] [analysis]
210b38III 20,17book 134141 quomodo: : (210b38=20,18) enim: : (210b39=20,18) accipiantur: :
210b38III 20,18book 134121 interrogativa: " (210b39=20,19) quae: "
210b39III 20,18book 134111 nominibus: .- (ibid.) propriis: .-
210b39III 20,19book 134141 quae: .- (210b41=20,20) significant: .-
210b41nIII 20,21210b6book 13421 quis: aní as quis
[‘that which is quis’] [analysis]
210b m.i.oIII 20,21211book 1359 (m.i.) tiach didiu mad ferr lat .i. d. o. o.
[‘I will go then, if you prefer it’] [analysis]
211a m.s.aIII 20,21book 1359 (m.s.) χriste benedic
211a1bIII 20,22book 134227 *substan[tiam]: .i. quam significat quis
211a2cIII 20,23book 133232 illa: pronomina
211a3III 20,23book 134121 substantia: . (ibid.) quae: .
211a5dIII 20,25book 133232 hoc: .i. quis
211a7III 20,26book 1358 (m.l.) . (qui partes Ms. *** partes sec. man. partes H.)
211a11eIII 20,29211a1book 13543 hoc: .i. issí a inne insin
[‘i.e. that is its quality’] [analysis]
211a14III 21,1book 134121 personas: .- (ibid.) quas: .-
211a14fIII 21,1book 13423 nullum: nomen
211a15III 21,2book 134142 incongruum: ..- (211a16=21,3) unus: ..-
211a15gIII 21,3211a2book 134227 omnia: .i. olchenae cenmithá unus ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. (all) others except unus etc.’] [analysis]
211a16hIII 21,4211a3book 13543 autem: .i. issed ám anécóir putare/ reliqua
[‘i.e. this indeed is the wrongness to think etc.’] [analysis]
211a18III 21,5book 134141 autem: .- (211a20=21,6) nihil: .- (ibid.) mirum: .-
211a21iIII 21,7book 133232 hoc: .i. ius inaequalitatis
211a21III 21,7book 134143 inveniatur: ., (211a23=21,9) pronominibus: ., (211a24=21,9) verbis: .,
211a22kIII 21,8211a4book 13543 suppellectilis: .i. ní suppellectis dogní
[‘i.e. it is not suppellectis that it (suppellex) makes’] [analysis]
211a22lIII 21,8book 13543 ospita: non ospa
211a23mIII 21,8211a5book 13543 [gra]cilis: .i. ni coitchen
[‘i.e. it is not common’] [analysis]
211a23nIII 21,9book 13543 ipsum: non ipsud
211a25oIII 21,12book 13543 (ut) hic: analogia
211a26pIII 21,12book 134228 tantus: .i. est
211a26III 21,12book 134142 falso: " (ibid.) nam: "
211a26qIII 21,12211a6book 134228 falso: .i. arṁbad hí pronomen tantum nobed foilsigud
[‘i.e. that there should be demonstration in a pronoun only’] [analysis]
211a26III 21,12book 134142 adverbia: .- (211a27m.l.=21,13) ergo: .-
211a27III 21,14book 134121 pronomina: " (211a28=21,15) quae: "
211a30rIII 21,17211a8book 13541 so[lum]: (m.l.) .i. ní adchumtig na/ aill do línad indḟ/oilsigthe fil and/ acht foilsigthi feisin/ cen ainm dothór/much fris.
[‘i.e. it does not ‘adstruct’ anything else to perfect the demonstration which is therein; but it demonstrates it itself without the addition of a noun to it’] [analysis]
211a31sIII 21,17book 13541 [so]lum: .i. ego
211a32tIII 21,17211a9book 13541 [ex]trinsecus: .i. ⁊ na aill dianechtar doḟoilsigud afolaid
[‘i.e. and anything else from without to demonstrate its [lit. her] substance’] [analysis]
211a34uIII 21,19211a10book 13541 pyrrhus: (m.l.) .i. ní ed amét foilsig/ther ind inne robói/ hipyrr. acht is écen con/ṅdárbastar inne/ indí frisasamaltar./ .i. pater
[‘i.e. not only is the quality which was in Pyrrhus demonstrated, but it is necessary that the quality of that to which he is compared, i.e. father’] [analysis]
211a34wIII 21,20book 134228 et: .i. interest
211a35xIII 21,20211a11book 13541 (in eodem) genere: .i. bis isindanmmaim riam
[‘i.e. which is in the noun before’] [analysis]
211a35III 21,21book 134121 numero: : (211a36=21,21) qui: :
211a36yIII 21,21book 13541 demonstratur: .i. ut ego ⁊ nos
211a37zIII 21,22211a14book 13543 diversa (ostendentes): .i. acosmiligmmer/ dúli ecsamli../ .i. dochenelaib/ ⁊ áirmib ecsam/lib ar is écsamil/ acenél cetne fil is/indí as mare 7/ as nilus..
[‘i.e. when we compare different things, i.e. to different genders and numbers, for different is the same gender which is in mare and Nilus ’] [analysis]
211a37aaIII 21,22book 13336[?] ostendentes: .i. andonaidbdem
[‘i.e. when we show’] [analysis]
211a37bbIII 21,22211a13book 13212 (ad) diversa: (m.d.) .i. quasi comparare/ hi céill
[‘i.e. as if to compare in sense’] [analysis]
211a38ccIII 21,23211a15book 13543 talem: issed se an nomen foilsigthech
[‘i.e. this is the demonstrative noun’] [analysis]
211a38ddIII 21,23book 13543 nilum: .i. ecsamlus ceneiuil anisiu
[‘i.e. diversity of gender this’] [analysis]
211a39eeIII 21,23book 13423 masculini: generis
211a40III 21,24book 134142 statuam: " (211a41=21,25) enim: "
211a40ffIII 21,24211a17book 13543 tanti: ecsamlus áirme híc
[‘diversity of number here’] [analysis]
211a42ggIII 21,25book 13543 +plurali: .i. tanti
211a m.i.hhIII 21,25212book 1359 (m.i.) .., uch mochliab anóib ingen..-
[‘O my breast, Holy Virgin’] [analysis]
211b1III 21,26book 134141 si: : (211b2=21,26) proferuntur: :
211b2III 21,26book 134121 [de]monstrationes: .- (211b2=21,27) quae: .-
211b2III 21,27book 134121 qualitate: : (211b3=21,27) qua: :
211b6III 21,30book 134141 ergo: :- (211b8=22,2) possunt: :-
211b6aIII 21,30211b1book 13421 huic: aní as huic
[‘that which is huic’] [analysis]
211b7bIII 22,1211b2book 13421 similis: aní as similis
[‘that which is similis’] [analysis]
211b8III 22,2book 134143 redduntur: ., (211b9=22,2) sed: .,
211b9III 22,2book 134144 nominibus: " (211b9=22,3) quantus: " (ibid.) qualis: "
211b10cIII 22,4book 134228 et: demonstrativum est
211b12dIII 22,6book 133232 hoc: .i. nomen
211b13eIII 22,6211b3book 13541 [sub]stantiam: .i. afolud feisin archuit pronominis
[‘i.e. its [lit. her] own substance as regards a pronoun’] [analysis]
211b13fIII 22,6211b4book 13541 211 extrinsecus: .i. ar chuit ind anmme .i. intan asṁbeir huiusmodi .i. inchrutso .i. is ecen/ taidbse inna inne frisasamaltar
[‘i.e. as regards the noun, i.e. when he says huiusmodi, i.e. in this manner, i.e. it is necessary to show the quality to which it is compared’] [analysis]
211b13III 22,7book 134121 qualitas: " (ibid.) quam: "
211b13gIII 22,7211b5book 13541 per (se): (subs.) .i. tria/ ḟolud/ feisin
[‘i.e. by its own substance’] [analysis]
211b14hIII 22,8211b6book 13211 4227 nominis: .i. indanmme fil inna chomsuidigud .i. modi
[‘i.e. of the noun which is in its compound, i.e. modi’] [analysis]
211b15iIII 22,8211b7book 1334 541 tamen: .i. ciaso ḟolud frecṅdairc sluindes a pronomen fil isin chomsuidigthiu tuas .i. huius .i. huiusmodi
[‘i.e. although it is a present substance that signifies the pronoun which is in the compound above, i.e. huius, i.e. huiusmodi’] [analysis]
211b16kIII 22,9book 13423 [pre]sentes: .i. personas
211b17lIII 22,10book 134228 relativa: .i. sunt
211b18mIII 22,10book 13543 talis: relativum híc
211b19nIII 22,12book 133232 eius: .i. demonstrationis vel secundae personae
211b20oIII 22,13book 133232 hoc: casu vocativo
211b20III 22,13book 134142 finitam: /. (211b21=22,14) nam: /.
211b21pIII 22,14211b8book 133111 312 infinitae: .i. ainmnid ilair
[‘i.e. nominative plural’] [analysis]
211b22qIII 22,14211b9book 13211 543 et (tertiae): .i. ⁊ it tertpersin
[‘i.e. and they are third persons’] [analysis]
211b22rIII 22,14211b10book 13542 tertiae: (m.l.) aris/ ecintech/ intertpersan
[‘for the third person is indefinite’] [analysis]
211b22III 22,14book 134142 tertiae: " (211b22=22,15) nisi: "
211b26III 22,17book 134141 autem: :- (211b28=22,20) possunt: :-
211b27III 22,19book 134142 secundam: " (ibid.) enim: "
211b27sIII 22,19book 133232 ea: .i. infinita
211b28tIII 22,19213book 134221 543 naturaliter: .i. aris secunda persona adgládathar indaicnetid
[‘for it is the second person which it addresses naturally’] [analysis]
211b29III 22,20book 134121 [voca]tivos: .- (ibid.) qui: .-
211b30III 22,21book 134142 abnegationem: " (211b30=22,22) enim: "
211b30uIII 22,21book 13423 primae: personae
211b31wIII 22,23211b12book 133225[?] quod: .i. aní .i. alius
[‘i.e. that i.e. alius’] [analysis]
211b33xIII 22,24book 133232 hoc: alius
211b34yIII 22,25book 13423 543 finitarum: personarum .i. primae ⁊ secundae
211b35III 22,25book 134121 significat: " (211b35=22,26) quod (est): "
211b35zIII 22,26211b12abook 13211 35 quod (in): ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
211b38aaIII 22,28book 13211 [reci]tat: arlega
[‘he recites’] [analysis]
211b40bbIII 22,29book 13212 arguit: .i. ostendit
211b40ccIII 22,29book 133232 hoc: .i. alius
211b40ddIII 22,30211b14book 13421 ipse: aní as ipse
[‘that which is ipse’] [analysis]
212a m.s.aIII 22,30book 1359 (m.s.) criste benedic
212a3bIII 23,2book 134226 referuntur: .i. ad relationem
212a4cIII 23,3book 134228 *vocativos: .i. dicimus vel convenit
212a5dIII 23,3book 13543 unam: .i. secundam
212a5eIII 23,4book 134221 *potest: .i. vocativus
212a5III 23,4book 134142 partiuntur: " (ibid.) enim: "
212a5fIII 23,5book 134229 ego: .i. nisi
212a7gIII 23,6212a1book 13211 quomodo: ciachruth
[‘what is the manner’] [analysis]
212a7III 23,6book 134141 4121 quomodo: .- (212a8=23,7) possit: .- (ibid.) vocativus: .- (ibid.) qui: .-
243b20sIII 127,9book 1312 quamvís .. accentús
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]