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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
187b24II 548,2book 114142 re[ctius]: " (187b25=548,3) enim: "
187b25pII 548,2book 114228 541 [re]ctius: .i. quam qui pronomen posuerunt
187b25II 548,3book 114141 enim: " (187b26=548,3) partici[pium]: " (187b27=548,4) exigit: "
187b26II 548,3book 114111 primum: , (ibid.) secundum: , (ibid.) locum: ,
187b27qII 548,4book 113232 utroque: nomine ⁊ verbo
187b27rII 548,4187b5book 11541 nascitur: (m.l.) isairi asberar/ angein uand/ anmmaim/ quia habet/ a/ici/diti co/smaili contra/ accidentia nominis ⁊ quia/ nascitur a verbis bí/te a/ no/mi/ni/bus
[‘therefore the birth is said to be from the noun because it (the participle) has accidents like those of the noun, and because it is born of verbs which (themselves) are from nouns.’] [analysis]
187b27sII 548,4book 11423 sequentem: .i. locum
187b28tII 548,5187b6book 11543 333 *separaverunt: .i. condergensat rainn foleith di
[‘i.e. so that they made of it a serparate part’] [analysis]
187b28II 548,5book 114143 separaverunt: " (187b29=548,5) et: "
187b28uII 548,5book 113232 id: (subs.) .i. participium
187b29II 548,5book 114142 primus: /. (187b31=548,7) enim: /.
187b29II 548,6book 114121 tripho: : (ibid.) quem: :
187b31wII 548,7book 11424 stoici: adit aiebant
[‘but they used to say’]
187b31II 548,7book 114141 enim: |- (187b40=548,15) aiebant: |-
187b31II 548,7book 114141 quomodo: , (187b32=548,8) accipiebant: ,
187b32II 548,8book 114122 infinitum: . (187b33=548,9) eique: .
187b33xII 548,8book 114228 quem: vocant
187b33yII 548,8book 11541 articulum: ut hic reliqua
187b34zII 548,9book 11541 infinita: quis reliqua
187b36II 548,11book 114111 pronomen: " (ibid.) finitum: "
187b36II 548,11book 114141 quod: : (187b37=548,12) dicendum: :
187b38aaII 548,13book 114228 magis: quam veram rationem
187b40bbII 548,14book 113232 supradicti: stoici
187b40II 548,15book 114123 aiebant: ¨/ (ibid.) appella[tionem]: ¨/ (188a3=549,1) vel: ¨/ (ibid.) vel: ¨/
187b41II 548,15book 114144 221 reciprocam: ... (ibid.) αντανκααστον
187b41II 548,15book 1158 (m.l.) ¹ (vocabula graeca)
188a3II 549,1book 114111 4142 modum: .., (ibid.) casua[lem]: .., (188a4=549,1) unde: ..,
188a4aII 549,1book 11541 nostri: .i. latini
188a4bII 549,1book 114224 543 ascivisse: .i. participia .i. ataruirmiset lagerind
[‘i.e. participles, i.e. they have reckoned them with the gerund’] [analysis]
188a4II 549,2book 114122 gerundia: " (188a5=549,2) ea: "
188a5cII 549,2book 113232 ea: .. vel participalia
188a5dII 549,3188a2book 11541 assumere: .i. ataat tuisil indib cadésin
[‘i.e. there are cases in them themselves’] [analysis]
188a6eII 549,3188a3book 1134 543 separatim: .i. fri nomen ⁊ verbum acht ba inna nelluch atarímtis
[‘i.e. from the noun and the verb: but it was together with them that they used to reckon them’] [analysis]
188a6fII 549,3book 114221 tradebant: (subs.) .i. stoici
188a7gII 549,4book 114228 (nulla) alia (pars): nisi participium
188a7II 549,4book 114142 semper: (188a9=549,5) enim:
188a8II 549,4book 114123 nullam: " (188a8=549,5) habens: "
188a8hII 549,4188a4book 11543 nullam: (m.s.) .i. Ní conétada dírṡuidigud rainn saindilis/ no bed indíruidigud semper nisi participium. / niconḟil nach rainn nád techtad / cetnidetaid nisi participium. reliqua
[‘i.e. derivation did not obtain (any) peculiar part (of speech), to be always in derivation, except the participle, etc. Or there is no part of speech that has not a primitive-origin, except the participle’] [analysis]
188a9iII 549,6188a5book 11211 (in) positione: hi cétnidetid
[‘in primitive-origin’] [analysis]
188a9II 549,6book 114121 positione: .- (ibid.) quam: .-
188a9kII 549,6188a6book 11541 ad (quam): .i. doécastar imbí hinun/ folud bís ind/ib ⁊ acetnide mad inun is/ oinrann dano.
[‘i.e. it shall be seen whether the substance that is in them and their primitive is the same. If it be the same it is one part (of speech) indeed.’] [analysis]
188a10II 549,6book 114142 aptantur: ., (188a10=549,7) enim: .,
188a10lII 549,7188a7book 11543 quocun[que]: (m.s.) mad hinunn anetargnae/ inchetnidi ⁊ indirṡuidigthi bid hi/nunn randatu doib dano/ iarum .i. mad hinunn herchoi/liud ⁊ accidentia doib.
[‘If the notion of the primitive and that of the derivative be the same, they will also have the same particularity afterwards, i.e. if they have the same definition and accidents’] [analysis]
188a11mII 549,7188a8book 11541 ([quocun]que modo) dirivata: .i. im tri dígbail fa thormach indírṡuidigud ceille suin
[‘i.e. whether the derivation of sense or sound be through diminution or increase’] [analysis]
188a11II 549,7book 114141 4143 vel: " (188a12=549,8) accipitur: " (188a13=549,9) vel: "
188a11II 549,7book 114144 in .. etc.: # (188a15=549,11) ut: #
188a11nII 549,8book 11541 *notitionem: (subs.) .i. hicomdeilb randatad
[‘i.e. into conformity of particularity’] [analysis]
188a11oII 549,8188a10book 11541 difinitione: .i. erchoiliud nominis reliqua
[‘i.e. definition of the noun etc.’] [analysis]
188a12pII 549,8book 11541 eandem: .i. is inonn fodil insce .i. verbum vel nomen reliqua
[‘i.e. it is the same division of speech’] [analysis]
188a13qII 549,9book 11423 in (aliud): (m.l.) .i. specimen
188a13II 549,9book 114142 aliud: :" (188a14=549,10) unde: :"
188a13rII 549,9book 11541 aliud: .i. adverbium
188a13sII 549,9188a12book 11541 59 quod: (m.s.) airc manip hinunn/ etargnae don dírui/digthiu frisacétnide/ fedir amal ṡodin andí/ruidigthe dochum nacha rainne aile. ut bene ⁊ male.,
[‘Difficulty! Unless the notion of the derivative be not the same as the primitive, the derivative in that case carried to some other part (of speech) as bene and male’] [analysis]
188a13tII 549,9188a13book 11541 ante: .i. dochum cétnidetad frisin cosmil issed tete andíruidigthe/ ut bene do/chum indí/ as fere/ .i. inná/ folud/ naic/ne/ta/ reliqua
[‘i.e. the primitive origin to which (it is) like, it is to this that the derivative goes as bene to fere, i.e. in its natural substance etc. ’] [analysis]
188a14II 549,10book 114141 unde: .- (ibid.) dirivativum: .- (188a15=549,11) ei: .- (ibid.) addebatur: .-
188a14II 549,10book 114111 etiam: : (ibid.) dirivativum: :
188a14uII 549,10188a14book 11541 (propter) similitudinem: .i. is airi dofórmágar
[‘i.e. it is therefore that it is increased’] [analysis]
188a14wII 549,10188a15book 11543 similitudinem: (subs.) .i. arachosmili fris/a cétnide/ dianaccomoltar
[‘i.e. for its likeness to the primitive with which it is connected’] [analysis]
188a15xII 549,11book 113232 eius: .i. primitivi
188a15II 549,11book 114121 4123 eius: " (ibid.) quod: " (ibid.) erat: " (ibid.) ortum: "
188a15yII 549,11188a16book 1134 541 ante: .i. resiu adrochomolta frisandíruidigthe
[‘i.e. before it was connected with the derivative’] [analysis]
188a15zII 549,11book 113222 ortum: (subs.) .i. primitivum
188a19aaII 549,15book 113232 eodem: .i. nomine vel verbo
188a19bbII 549,15book 113232 idem: .i. nomen vel verbum iterum
188a19II 549,15book 114141 sed: : (188a21=549,16) nata: :
188a19ccII 549,15188a17book 11543 bene (et male): .i. arandédenach són infechtso
[‘i.e. on account of their final this time’] [analysis]
188a20ddII 549,16book 113232 (ab) alio: .i. á nomine
188a20eeII 549,16book 113232 (ad) aliud: .i. adverbium
188a20ffII 549,16188a18book 11211 similitu[dinem]: .i. dochosmailius innaṅdobriathar cét/nide inna/naicniud/ feisin
[‘i.e. to the likeness of the primitive adverbs in their own nature’] [analysis]
188a20II 549,16book 114112 similitu[dinem]: " (188a21=549,17) inventorum: "
188a21ggII 549,17book 11423 inventorum: adverbiorum
188a22II 549,17book 114122 nempe: ¨/ (ibid.) fere: ¨/ (188a22=549,18) his: ¨/
188a22hhII 549,17188a19book 11541 fere: .i. ataat in da fere .i. fere cétnide .i. é amess limm ⁊ fere diruidigthe .i. inchomocus
[‘i.e. there are the two feres i.e. a primary fere i.e. this is my judgment, and a derivative fere i.e. near by’] [analysis]
188a22iiII 549,17188a20book 11211 (a) se: .i. uadib fesin
[‘i.e. from themselves’] [analysis]
188a23kkII 549,18book 113232 illis: .i. bene ⁊ male
188a23llII 549,18188a21book 11211 suum: .i. sainred
[‘i.e. peculiarty’] [analysis]
188a24mmII 549,19book 114221 [percur]runt: .i. bene ⁊ male
188a24II 549,19book 114141 quantum: " (ibid.) hoc: " (188a25=549,20) videntur: ''
188a24II 549,19book 114122 hoc: : (188a24=549,20) quod: :
188a25nnII 549,21188a22book 11541 stoici: .i. nephdenom rainne di foleith/ acht a aram la/ ainm
[‘i.e. the not making a separate part of speech of it, but counting it with the noun’] [analysis]
188a26ooII 549,21book 113232 ea: (subs.) .i. participia
188a26II 549,22book 114121 assumptio: ., (188a27=549,22) quae: .,
188a27ppII 549,22book 114228 *quae: .i. est
188a27qqII 549,22188a23book 114226 541 propriis: .i. in participiis techtite proprias transfigurationes verborum hí cach aiccidit absce personis ⁊ modis ⁊ nothech/tath dano in aim/sir indsainriud/ quia est in participio. pre/sens ⁊ preteritum et futurum
[‘i.e. in participles, which have the proper changes of verbs in every accident, except persons and moods, and which have it also in time especially, because there is in the participle a present and a preterite and a future’] [analysis]
188a29II 549,24book 114122 hoc: : (188a30=549,25) quod: :
188a30rrII 549,25188a24book 11211 temporalia: .i. sluindite aimser
[‘i.e. which signify time’] [analysis]
188a30II 549,25book 114122 temporalia: " (ibid.) illa: "
188a31ssII 549,25188a25book 11543 ipsum (tempus): .i. cen ḟoilsigud diversitatis temporis
[‘i.e. without manifesting diversity of time’] [analysis]
188a31ttII 549,26188a26book 11543 per (se): .i. tresin naimsir feissin .i. amal bid ind aimsir feisin
[‘i.e. through the time itself, i.e. as if it were the time itself’] [analysis]
188a32uuII 549,27188a27book 11541 propriis: .i. ut participia .i. ar is aiccidit doranngabáil/ aimser ní aiccidit immurgu/ donaib anmanib/so reliqua
[‘i.e. as participles, i.e. for time is an accident to the participle, but it is not an accident to these nouns, etc.’] [analysis]
188a32wwII 549,27book 11541 propriis: (m.l.) .i. divi/dendo
188a34xxII 549,28book 11543 diverso: .i. in tribus temporibus
188a34yyII 550,1188a28book 11543 tem[pus]: .i. ní slond naaimsire/ acht is slond in/gnimo gni/ther/ indi
[‘i.e. it is not signification of the time but it is signification of the active voice, that is made in it’] [analysis]
188a35zzII 550,1188a29book 11543 [tem]pus: .i. amal inna anman asrubartmar .i. annus reliqua
[‘i.e. like the nouns which we have mentioned’] [analysis]
188a35abII 550,1book 114221 sequuntur: .i. participia
188a35II 550,1book 114143 sequuntur: " (ibid.) quos: "
188a35II 550,1book 114142 sequuntur: ... (188a37=550,4) enim: ...
188a36acII 550,2book 11212 543 significationes: genera
188a37adII 550,3book 114221 ponuntur: participia
188a38aeII 550,4188a30book 11543 quocunque: .i. ní forcmi tuisel inna breithre huambí
[‘i.e. it does not preserve the case of the verb from which it comes’] [analysis]
188a39afII 550,5188a31book 11211 541 (per) compasionem: .i. trechomchésad .i. confodim in cách dobeir frisincách/ diatabir ni
[‘i.e. through co-suffering, i.e. every one who gives co-endures with every one to whom he gives something’] [analysis]
188a39II 550,5book 114121 4144 compasionem: .- (ibid.) quam: .- (ibid.) simpaqiam: .-
188a40agII 550,6188a32book 11541 amicus: .i. is césad do neuch cairddinigther and
[‘i.e. it is suffering to every one who is united in friendship therein’] [analysis]
188b1II 550,8book 114111 4144 substantivum: " (ibid.) verbum: " (188b1=550,9) υπαρκτικον: "
188b1aII 550,8book 114228 substantivum: .i. est
188b2II 550,9book 114123 4143 inveni[untur]: ., (188b3=550,10) ablativum: ., (ibid.) sequentia: ., (188b4=550,10) accusativum: .,
188b3bII 550,10book 11423 pauca: .i. nomina
188b4II 550,10book 11111[?]
188b4cII 550,10book 1125 55 mactus: .i. magis auctus
188b5dII 550,12188b1book 11211 543 videntur: .i. o luc immognomo ar is hiluc rangabálae/ atá exosus .i./ ar is ruidles/ dorangabáil/ immognom fri/ ainsid.-
[‘i.e. from the place of construction; for exosus stands in the place of a participle, for construction with an accusative is a peculiarity of the participle’] [analysis]
188b5II 550,12book 114141 videntur: " (188b6=550,12) servasse: "
188b6eII 550,12book 113232 illorum: participiorum
188b10II 550,16book 114143 sequuntur: " (188b11=550,16) vero (ablativum): " (ibid.) vel: " (ibid.) vero: "
188b12fII 550,17book 11423 pauca: verba pasiva
188b12II 550,17book 114141 sed: : (188b14=550,19) conabimur: :
188b12II 550,17book 114144 221 dispositio[ne]: " (188b14=550,18) περυσυνταξεος: "
188b15gII 550,20188b2book 11541 consequentiam: hislund gnímo ⁊ in immognam.
[‘in expressing of action and in construction’] [analysis]
188b15II 550,20book 114141 sin: ., (188b17=550,22) attrahant: .,
188b16II 550,21book 1158 (m.l.) ., (amissis ex ammissis (m in lit.)
188b16II 550,21book 114111 nomina: .- (188b17=550,21) [ver]balia: .-
188b17hII 550,22188b3book 113232 543 ea: .i. nomina .i. condat anman som dano briathardi
[‘i.e. so that they are verbal nouns’] [analysis]
188b18iII 550,23188b4book 11211 23 amans: sercid
[‘a lover’] [analysis]
188b18II 550,23book 114143 amans: " (188b19=550,24) amittit: "
188b19kII 550,23book 11331 amator: nomen verbale
188b21II 550,25book 114143 acceptus: .- (188b23=550,26) caret: .-
188b24lII 550,27book 113232 ea: quae prediximus
188b25mII 551,1book 113232 id: .i. participium
188b25II 551,2book 114122 casus: .- (ibid.) declina[tiones]: .- (188b26=551,2) genera: .- (188b26=551,3) haec: .-
188b27II 551,4book 114141 itaque: ..- (188b31=551,8) man[sit]: ..-
188b27II 551,4book 114111 *verbi: " (ibid.) sui: "
188b27II 551,4book 114142 quaedam: : (188b28=551,4) id: :
188b32nII 551,8188b5book 1151 543 medium: .i. rann foleith .i. techtid cosmilius fricechtar de
[‘i.e. a seperate part, i.e. it possesses a resemblance to each of the two’] [analysis]
188b33oII 551,9book 113233 (hoc) nomen: .i. participium
188b33II 551,9book 11111[?] á
188b33pII 551,10188b6book 11543 confirmatio[nem]: .i. condeimnichther indi cosmilius/ indarann
[‘i.e. the resemblance of the two parts is confirmed in it’] [analysis]
188b40qII 551,16book 113232 ea: nomen ⁊ verbum
188b41rII 551,17book 113232 his: .i. nomini ⁊ verbo
189a m.s.aII 551,17book 1159 criste benedic
189a m.s.bII 551,17182book 1159 lathaeirt
[‘drunkenness’] [analysis]
189a3cII 551,20book 113232 earum: .i. partium
189a3dII 551,20189a1book 11211 trabes: .i. cammchranna
[‘i.e. crooked beams’] [analysis]
189a4eII 551,21book 11423 caetera: edificia
189a4fII 551,21189a2book 11211 clavi: clói
[‘nails’] [analysis]
189a6gII 551,23189a3book 11211 336[?] obiiciendum (ad hoc): diafrituidecht
[‘to its opposing’] [analysis]
189a8II 551,24book 114142 4141 coniunctiones: .- (189a10=551,26) itaque: .- (189a11=552,1) ostendunt: .-
189a10hII 551,26189a4book 114227 intellectu: fil hicach rainn
[‘which is in every part (of speech)’] [analysis]
189a11II 552,1book 114142 partes: " (ibid.) enim: "
189a14II 552,4book 114142 pone[rentur]: ., (189a16=552,6) enim: .,
189a16II 552,6book 114143 invenimus: . (189a17=552,6) et: . (189a17=552,7) et: .
189a17iII 552,6book 1153 +falso: (m.l.) ├: in adverbio (cf. 227a = , ; 227b = ,)
189a17kII 552,7book 11421 +eo: ut
189a18II 552,7book 1158?[?] (m.l.) ¹ (tam .. adverbium loco sine err.)
189a18II 552,8book 1112 quaré
189a20II 552,9book 114141 sed: : (189a22=552,11) nec: : (ibid.) debemus: :
189a20II 552,9book 114141 si: " (189a21=552,10) sunt: " (189a21=552,11) dicendae: "
189a22II 552,11book 114121 accipere: ; (189a23=552,12) quod: ;
189a25lII 552,14189a5book 11211 51 appendices: (m.l.) fortachtaig/thi .i. comthór/ṅdedcha reliqua
[‘helpers, i.e. consignificants’] [analysis]
189a29mII 552,18189a6book 1152 participium: herchoiliud folid
[‘a definition of meaning’] [analysis]
189a35II 552,22book 114121 [perso]nae: " (189a35=552,23) quam: "
189a37nII 552,25189a7book 11211 543 intransiti[vum]: .i. nephthairmthech/tid .i. cen tairm/thecht opersin/ dialaili.
[‘i.e. a non-transgressor, i.e. without passing over from one person to another’] [analysis]
189a38II 552,25book 114144 221 [intransiti]vum: " (ibid.) id: " (ibid.) αμεταβατον: " (ibid.) (hoc) est: "
189a38oII 552,25189a8book 11541 543 in: .i. attráchtad .i. cen tairmthecht ipersin naili.
[‘i.e. a re-commentary, i.e. without passing into another person’] [analysis]
189a39pII 552,26book 11423 transitiva: verba
189a39II 552,26book 114121 transitiva: " (189a40=552,27) quibus: "
189a40qII 552,26189a9book 11541 (ad) aliam: (m.l.) .i. sain persan/ sluindes an/ aiinm ⁊ in/ briathar hi/ suidiu.
[‘i.e. a different person which expresses the noun and the verb here’] [analysis]
189a40rII 552,27189a10book 11543 (obliqui) casus: ní tat ainmnidi
[‘they are not nominatives’] [analysis]
189a42II 552,28book 11111[?] híc
189b1aII 553,1189b1book 1135 543 quia: .i. {aicsenogud} quia fri brethir sís
[‘i.e. causality quia goes with the verb below’] [analysis]
189b2II 553,2book 114112 4123 loco: " (ibid.) verbi: " (ibid.) parti[cipium]: "
189b2II 553,2book 114142 subit: ..- (189b6=552,5) enim: ..-
189b6bII 553,5189b2book 11541 participium: (m.s.) .i. huare nád roṡluinter tribrethir inpersan sluindte tuisil nominis. rosluinter immurgu/ trerangabáil in persan hisin. conid airi iarum doberr ind rangábal do inschosc/ ceille inna brethre condib sinonn persan bes in participio ⁊ in obliquis ⁊ is/ ciall brethre astoasci and..-
[‘i.e. because the person which the cases of a noun denote cannot be denoted by a verb, that person, however, can be denoted by a participle, so that therefore the participle is put to signify the sense of the verb, that it may be the same person that is in the participle and in oblique cases, and it expresses therein the sense of a verb.’] [analysis]
189b8cII 553,7book 113112 docte: vocativus
189b9II 553,7book 114141 enim: ... (189b12=553,10) inventa: ...
189b13II 553,12book 114143 4142 est: " (ibid.) utile: " (189b14=553,12) sed: " (189b14=553,13) enim: "
189b15dII 553,13189b3book 114221 *potest: .i. nech
[‘i.e. anyone’] [analysis]
189b15II 553,13book 114122 4142 potest: .- (189b16=553,15) hoc: .- (189b17=553,16) participium: .-
189b17II 553,16book 1153 participium .. etc.: (m.l.) F- (cf. 190a20=554,27)
189b18II 553,17book 114141 bene: " (ibid.) profers: "
189b19II 553,18book 11111[?]
189b20II 553,19book 114144 nomina: .- (189b22=553,20) pius: .-
189b20eII 553,19book 11423 unum: .i. hominem
189b22fII 553,20189b4book 11543 geminentur: .i. mat anmann adiechta emnatar and is écen comacomol hisuidib
[‘i.e. if nouns adjective be doubled there a conjunction is necessary in (i.e. between) them’] [analysis]
189b25gII 553,24189b5book 11543 verba: .i. dibrethir dirangabáil immalle
[‘i.e. two verbs or two participles together’] [analysis]
189b27II 553,25book 114141 4143 *nec: ..- (ibid.) mirum: ..- (189b29=553,27) nec: ..- (189b31=553,29) ege[re]: ..-
189b28hII 553,26189b6book 11211 insecabilem: nephḟodlide
[‘indivisible’] [analysis]
189b28II 553,26book 114142 insecabilem: :- (189b32=553,29) enim: :-
189b29II 553,27book 114141 quae: : (189b30=553,28) indicant: :
189b29II 553,27book 114111 4144 secabilem: .- (ibid.) generalem: .- (189b31=553,28) animal: .- (ibid.) corpus: .-
189b30II 553,27book 114121 specialem: " (189b30=553,28) quae: "
189b30II 553,27book 114144 specialem: : (189b31=553,28) homo: : (189b31=553,29) taurus: : (ibid.) equus: :
189b30iII 553,28189b7book 113223 quae: acenelchi
[‘its generality’] [analysis]
189b31II 553,28book 114144 animal: /. (ibid.) homo: /. (189b31=553,29) aurum: /.
189b31II 553,28book 114144 corpus: " (189b31=553,29) aurum: "
189b34kII 554,3book 11423 (his ..) omnibus: nominibus
189b35lII 554,3189b8book 11543 [(unam ..) sub]stantiam: folad ṅ óin persine
[‘the substance of one person’] [analysis]
189b36mII 554,4book 114222 unam (substantiam): hominis tantum
189b37II 554,4book 114111 quamvis: " (189b37=554,5) communem: "
189b37nII 554,4book 11423 multorum: .i. hominum
189b37oII 554,5189b9book 11211 543 communem: donab huilib doinib
[‘to all human beings’] [analysis]
189b37II 554,5book 114121 coniunctionibus: : (ibid.) quae: :
189b39pII 554,7book 11543 ante: .i. is toisigiu afolad quam accidentia
[‘i.e. the substance is prior to the accidents’] [analysis]
190a m.s.aII 554,7book 1159 (m.s.) criste benedic
190a m.s.bII 554,7book 1159 (m.s.) patricie fave
190a m.s.cII 554,7book 1159 (m.s.) follega
[‘it [the ink] leaks’] [analysis]
190a1II 554,10book 114111 una: . (ibid.) substantia: .
190a2dII 554,11book 114228 quod: .i. adiungitur
190a3eII 554,12book 114221 ponitur: participium
190a6II 554,15book 11111[?]
190a6fII 554,15book 11543 continent: .i. arberr ciall inna nule mod eissib
[‘i.e. the meaning of all the moods is elicited from them’] [analysis]
190a6II 554,15book 114142 pacto: " (190a7=554,15) [ex]ponens: "
190a10II 554,19book 114121 modi: " (190a11=554,19) cuius: "
190a11gII 554,19book 114221 coniungitur: participium
190a11hII 554,19book 114221 habeat: participium
190a12II 554,20book 114142 ostenditur: " (ibid.) enim: "
190a12iII 554,20190a2book 1134 similiter: fri rangabáil
[‘to the participle’] [analysis]
190a13kII 554,21190a3book 11543 accipiuntur: arberr ciall cech muid ainfinit
[‘the meaning of every mood is elicited from the infinitive’] [analysis]
190a14II 554,22book 11111[?]
190a15II 554,23book 1158 (m.l.) .. (scriberem Mss. GLK)
190a16lII 554,24book 113232 his: participiis ⁊ infinitis
190a16mII 554,24book 11212 (una) voce: .i. uno sono
190a19nII 554,26190a4book 114221 211 coniunctio: .i. eo .i. arindi adaas
[‘i.e. eo i.e. because, or according to’] [analysis]
190a20II 554,27book 1153 sicut .. est: (m.l.) F- (cf. 189b17=553,16)
190a21II 554,28book 114141 *ut: .- (190a21=555,1) proferatur: .-
190a21oII 554,28book 11424 *ut: vel adit ut sunt utiles
190a21II 554,28book 114111 (cum) nominativo: " (ibid.) quidem: "
190a23pII 555,2190a5book 11541 intransitiva: .i. is hinonn persan diatremdírgedar verbum ⁊ participium
[‘i.e. it is the same person to which the verb and the participle refer’] [analysis]
190a24II 555,3book 114122 hoc: : (190a25=555,3) quod: :
190a26qII 555,5190a6book 11541 transeunt: .i. intan adcomlatar dobrethir
[‘i.e. when they are conjoined to a verb’] [analysis]
190a31II 555,9book 114142 transitivi: ..- (190a34=555,13) nisi: ..-
190a34II 555,13book 1158 (m.l.) , (in sese et signum add. prima man.)
190a35rII 555,13book 11221 κατα: .i. secundum ιαιοπαθιαν: .i. reciprocam pasionem
190a35sII 555,13book 1153 κατα ιαιοπαθιαν: (m.l.) η) / in primo/ libro/ constructionis/ desolvitur (cf. II,167,1)
190a35tII 555,14book 114229 proferatur: .i. nisi
190a36uII 555,14book 11541 allopathiam: (m.d.) simplicia vero/ allopaqh/ nominant/ .i. extrinse/cus pasionem/ facientia/ vel patientia reliqua
190a36wII 555,14book 1153 allopathiam: (m.d.) q: .i. in .II. libro/ pronominis (cf. 209a=II,15,27)
190a38xII 555,16book 114221 coniunguntur: participia
190a40II 555,19book 11111[?] (dignor) té
190b5II 555,25book 114141 nam: " (190b6=555,26) prohibet: "
190b6II 555,25book 114142 natura: .- (190b6=555,26) enim: .-
190b6II 555,26book 114141 enim: ., (190b9=555,28) associatur: .,
190b9aII 555,28book 113232 eo: verbo
190b9II 556,1book 114141 et: .- (190b11=556,2) est: .-
190b10II 556,1book 114142 ns: ... (190b36=556,25) ergo: ...
190b12II 556,3book 114121 adiectivorum: " (ibid.) quae: "
190b14II 556,5book 114143 4121 finiunt: ., (190b15=556,5) et: ., (190b15=556,6) quod: ., (190b18=556,8) enim: .,
190b16bII 556,6190b1book 11543 nec: .i. cit coitchenna anmman ṅ adiechta
[‘i.e. (it is no wonder) though they are common, like nouns adjective’] [analysis]
190b16cII 556,7book 113232 haec: .i. participia
190b17dII 556,8190b2book 11211 3115 accidentia: inna aicciditi
[‘the accidents’] [analysis]
190b18II 556,8book 114144 propriis: :- (190b20=556,10) (fortis) scipio: :-
190b18II 556,8book 114144 appellativis: .- (190b19=556,9) (bobus) homo: .-
190b18eII 556,8book 114221 significant: participia
190b18II 556,8book 114143 significant: " (190b18=556,9) velut: "
190b18fII 556,9book 113232 illa: .i. adiectiva nomina
190b19II 556,9book 114122 bonus: " (ibid.) illud: "
190b19II 556,9book 114122 scribens: .- (ibid.) hoc: .-
190b21II 556,11book 114121 verba: ., (190b22=556,11) quae (videntur): .,
190b22gII 556,12book 11541 masculina: (m.d.) .i. secundum/ intellectum
190b23hII 556,12book 11541 femina: secundum intellectum
190b23iII 556,13190b3book 11541 571 fotuo: (m.d.) consentius?/ .i. issed asbeir in fer/ intan ṁbis oc ind/ oipred. fotuo goi/thimm
[‘i.e. this is what the man says when he is at the operation, futuo I penetrate’] [analysis]
190b23II 556,13book 114122 fotuo: " (ibid.) illud: "
190b23II 556,13book 114122 nubo: .- (190b224=556,13) hoc: .-
190b26kII 556,15190b4book 11543 trium: .i. atrobair cach cenel
[‘i.e. every gender can say it (of itself, scil. amo, moneo, etc.)’] [analysis]
190b26II 556,15book 114141 quod: : (190b27=556,16) licet: : (ibid.) aptum: :
190b27lII 556,16book 11423 feminis: nominibus
190b28mII 556,17book 11543 contra: .i. aptum verbum femininis masculinis adiungere
190b28II 556,17book 114142 contra: .. (190b34=556,21) contra: ..
190b28II 556,17book 114123 anima: . (ibid.) fo[tuit]: .
190b29nII 556,18book 114228 ergo: .i. dicimus
190b32oII 556,20book 113233 (hoc) verbum: .i. fotuo
190b34pII 556,21190b5book 11543 vituperationis: (m.d.) .i. briathar femin/ son infechtso/ do accomol do an/manaib mascuilindaib
[‘i.e. this is now the conjunction of a feminine verb with masculine nouns’] [analysis]
190b34II 556,22book 114143 possum: " (190b35=556,24) et (figurate): "
190b40II 557,2book 114141 habent: " (190b41=556,3) participia: "
190b41qII 557,3book 11543 similitudinem: (m.d.) .i. amal rondgab/sat inoptit
[‘i.e. as they are in the optative’] [analysis]
191a m.s.aII 557,3book 1159 (m.s.) criste benedic
191a2bII 557,5191a1book 114228 nec (mirum): .i. abuith ón chétni phersin
[‘i.e. its being from the first person’] [analysis]
191a2II 557,6book 114111 4122 prima: " (ibid.) persona: " (ibid.) ipsa: " (191a3=557,7) hac: "
191a2cII 557,6book 11423 caeteris: personis
191a2II 557,6book 114122 caeteris: : (ibid.) illis: : (191a3=557,7) illas: :
191a3dII 557,7book 113232 ea: .i. prima persona
191a4eII 557,8book 113232 illae: secunda ⁊ tertia
191a4fII 557,8book 11212 4228 minime: non possunt
191a4II 557,8book 114141 enim: " (191a6=557,9) nemo: " (ibid.) dicit: "
191a6gII 557,9book 1152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
191a6hII 557,11191a2book 11543 devellimur: .i. docuirethar cétna persan/ sin persana/ aili chucae
[‘i.e. a first person here takes other persons to it’] [analysis]
191a7iII 557,13book 114222 participium: presentis temporis
191a8kII 557,13book 113233 supradicti (temporis): imperfecti
191a8lII 557,14book 114227 perso[nae]: supradictae primae
191a13mII 557,18191a3book 11541 *transmotatione: cumscugud .e. tar .i. condéni .ei. deogur
[‘the change of e over i, so that it makes ei diphthong’] [analysis]
191a17nII 557,21191a4book 113232 id: .i. ind .í airdíxa dobuith indib
[‘i.e. the fact that the long i is in them’] [analysis]
191a17oII 557,21book 11543 perfectorum: ar issamlaid ataat inna ranngabala amal no/bed .e. re/ .bam. in pre/terito imper/fecto.,
[‘for it is thus that the participles are, as if there were e before -bam in the preterite imperfect’] [analysis]
191a28II 558,1book 114141 illud: " (ibid.) fit: "
191a38pII 558,8book 114221 nascuntur: .i. participia preteriti
191b m.s.aII 558,8book 1159 fave brigita
191b7bII 558,16book 1152 excipitur: (m.l.) exceptio
191b7II 558,17book 114141 sopinum: ... (191b10=558,19) facit: ...
191b8II 558,17book 114141 cum: " (191b9=558,18) debeat: "
191b10II 558,19book 114141 utrum: : (191b12=558,21) dicatur: :
191b12cII 558,20book 114222 sinacopam: .ta.
191b13dII 558,22book 1152 huc .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilii/ bocolica
191b14eII 558,24book 1152 quoque .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilii/ georgicon/ .IIII.
191b16II 558,27book 114121 poturae: : (191b16=558,28) quo: :
191b16fII 558,28book 113226[?] quo: exemplo
191b19II 559,1book 114121 lavaturus: .- (191b22=559,5) unde: .-
191b20gII 559,3book 11421 vix .. etc.: hoc est exemplum
191b24II 559,8book 114143 quaeritur: .- (191b26=559,11) partum: .- (191b27=559,12) erutum: .- (191b29=559,16) cassum: .-
191b24hII 559,8book 11543 ortum: .i. in .ortum bis do ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. whether it is ortum that it has etc.’] [analysis]
191b28II 559,12book 1158 (m.l.) .., (eruitu om. Ms.)
191b32iII 559,20book 1152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
191b34kII 559,23191b2book 11543 anomalis: .i. cruthaigtheo na ranngabal todochaidi ⁊ sechmadachti ⁊ sopino ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. (the rules) of the formation of the participles of the future and preterite from the supine etc.’] [analysis]
191b39lII 559,26book 113232 ipsis: .i. sopinis
191b40II 559,27book 114144 [me]ditativis: :- (192a3=560,2) ut: :-
191b40II 559,27book 114144 inchoativis: -.. (192a3=560,3) horesco: ..
191b40II 559,28book 114121 sopina: " (191b41=559,28) quibus: "
191b42mII 559,29book 1134 *rarissimo: adverbium
192a m.s.aII 559,29book 1159 (m.s.) criste fave
192a m.s.bII 559,29book 1159 (m.s.) sancta brigita adiuva scriptorem istius artis
192a1II 560,1book 114144 neutris: ..- (192a4=560,4) horreo: ..-
192a9II 560,7book 1158?[?] (m.l.) = (careo .. de[ficentia] sine aliis err.)
192a9II 560,7book 114141 et: " (ibid.) inveniuntur: "
192a10II 560,7book 114111 [defi]centia: : (192a11=560,8) sopina: :
192a10II 560,8book 114111 aliis: " (ibid.) significationibus: "
192a17"cII 560,14book 113233 eiusdem (temporis): preteriti
192a18"II 560,15book 114143 et: " (ibid.) nec: :
192a20"II 560,16book 114144 novi: " (192a21=560,16) [no]tus: "
192a20"II 560,16book 1158 (m.l.) = (odi .. no[tus] sine err.)
192a22dII 560,19book 113232 eo: odi
192a26II 560,24book 114143 habet: " (ibid.) quomodo: "
192a27II 560,25book 114141 unde: .- (ibid.) liquet: .-
192a28eII 560,26192a1book 11543 novi: .i. ní airberar frecṅdairc asuidiu immurgu
[‘i.e. a present, however, is not derived from this (meminens)’] [analysis]
192a28II 560,26book 114111 presens: " (ibid.) nosco: "
192a32II 561,3book 114142 tedet: " (192a33=561,3) pertesum: "
192a33fII 561,3book 11331 +pertesum: .i. compositum
192a34II 561,4book 114143 invenitur: " (ibid.) ut: " (ibid.) et (libens): " (ibid.) et (licens): "
192a34II 561,4book 114121 poenitens: : (ibid.) unde: :
192a35II 561,4book 114121 licens: . (192a35=561,5) unde: .
192a35gII 561,5book 1152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
192a37hII 561,9book 113232 haec: impersonalia
192a37II 561,9book 114143 inveniun[tur]: ..- (192a42"=561,11) quomodo: ..-
192a38iII 561,9book 11423 perfectorum: primitivorum
192a40II 561,11book 114121 placeo: : (192a41=561,11) contingo: : (192a42=561,11) evenio: : (192a40=561,12) vaco: : (192a41=561,12) attineo: : (192a42=561,12) accido: : (192a41=561,12) iuvo: : (192a42=561,12) dilecto: : (192b1=561,12) quorum: :
192b3II 561,14book 114122 participia: .- (192b3=561,15) illa: .-
192b3II 561,14book 114122 verba: ¨ (192b3=561,15) eis: ¨
192b4II 561,15book 114121 participia: . (192b5=561,16) quorum: .
192b5aII 561,16book 11541 verba: fo .r.
[‘(deponents) in r’] [analysis]
192b5II 561,16book 114143 verba: " (192b6=561,17) possunt: "
192b5II 561,16book 114141 ratio: ,, (192b6=561,17) ostendit: ,,
192b6II 561,17book 114142 possunt: ... (192b12=562,2) enim: ...
192b7bII 561,18book 1152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
192b8cII 561,20book 1152 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
192b9dII 561,24book 1152 arte .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
192b10eII 561,25book 1152 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
192b12fII 562,2192b2book 11211 333 uti: arambera nech biuth
[‘that anyone should use’] [analysis]
192b13gII 562,3192b3book 113232 hoc: .i. erchrae nam briathar ua mbiat
[‘i.e. the defect ? of the verbs from which they come’] [analysis]
192b17II 562,6book 114121 puera: ., (192b18=562,7) quo: .,
192b18II 562,7book 114141 quo: " (192b19=562,8) nec: " (ibid.) utimur: "
192b18II 562,7book 114141 4142 quia: . (192b19=562,7) non: . (ibid.) sunt: . (192b19=562,8) licet: .
192b20hII 562,9192b4book 11313 543 ocior: .i. comparativus .i. amal bid ón/ posit/ asberr/ ocus
[‘i.e. a comparative, i.e. as if it were from the positive ocus’] [analysis]
192b21iII 562,9book 11543 licet: cenodfil posit grecda do
[‘though there is a Greek positive to it’] [analysis]
192b22II 562,10book 114121 fendo: " (ibid.) quod: "
192b22II 562,10book 114143 componitur: ., (192b23=562,11) sicut: .,
192b23II 562,11book 11111[?] 4121 *(á) spicio: : (192b24=562,12) quod (non): :
192b25kII 562,12book 113232 (hoc) idem: ius
192b25II 562,13book 114141 quae: : (192b27=562,14) ostenduntur: :
192b26II 562,13book 114142 habeant: .- (192b28=562,18) enim: .-
192b30''II 562,15book 1158?[?] (m.l.) ., (manuliatus Ms.)
192b31''lII 562,15book 1125 563 caligatus: (m.l.) caliga genus/ vestis
192b36''mII 562,16192b6book 11211 562 trabeatus: trabda. traba vestis
[‘dressed in a ‘trabea’’] [analysis]
192b30"II 562,19book 114143 obtinent: .- (192b31"=562,19) quaedam: .-
192b34nII 562,21book 11221 543 59 οοπλισεις: nomen και: 7 οοπλιστης: participium ⁊ sic in reliquis masued/ amin
[‘if it be so’] [analysis]
192b36II 562,21book 114144 221 [do]ctus: .- (192b37"=562,22) οειπαι.δειτου: .-
193a m.s.aII 562,21book 1159 (m.s.) criste benedic
193a m.s.bII 562,21193abook 1159 (m.s.) cocart (scriptura oghamica)
[‘correction’] [analysis]
193a9cII 563,8book 113232 his: .i. temporibus
193a9dII 563,8book 114228 nomina: .i. sunt
193a10II 563,9book 114141 4143 quod: :- (193a16=563,15) pos[sunt]: :- (193a17=563,15) nec: :-
193a10II 563,9book 114141 cum: " (193a11=563,10) soleant: "
193a17eII 563,15193a1book 11541 nasci: ar ciabeith aman/tis amandus ní dir/uidigud acht is cruthad
[‘for though there be amantis, amandus, it is not derivation, but formation’] [analysis]
193a17fII 563,15book 114228 verba: nasci a participiis
193a19II 563,18book 114143 habent: " (ibid.) quomodo: "
193a20gII 563,19book 113232 ipsis: participiis
193a20II 563,19book 114122 deficentia: " (193a21=563,19) eo: "
193a22II 563,20book 114121 adiectiva: : (ibid.) quae: :
193a26hII 564,3book 113121[?] maria: plurale
193a26iII 564,3book 113121[?] aera: plurale
193a28kII 564,4193a2book 11541 pro (omni casu): archuit céille
[‘as regards meaning’] [analysis]
193a28lII 564,5193a2abook 11211 35 quamvis: adaas
[‘although’] [analysis]
193a29II 564,5book 114141 magis: " (193a30=564,6) quam: "
193a31II 564,7book 114144 cordi (homo): ... (193a33=564,9) dativum: ...
193a34mII 564,10193a3book 11211 utilitati: dotharbataid
[‘to advantage’] [analysis]
193a40II 564,15book 114142 motat: .- (193a41=564,16) quamvis: .-
193b m.s.aII 564,15book 1159 criste benedic
193b3bII 564,21book 11543 osculari: .i. presens ⁊ preteritum imperfectum
193b4cII 564,21book 11543 osculans: presens ⁊ preteritum imperfectum
193b8dII 564,25book 11212 541 significatione: genere
193b8II 564,26book 114141 nam: " (193b11=564,28) veniunt: "
193b9eII 564,26book 11423 activa: significatio
193b10II 564,27book 1158 (m.l.) = (ordo generum in Ms. mutatus)
193b12fII 564,28book 113232 quibus: participiis
193b12gII 564,29book 11543 verbo: amavit
193b13hII 564,29book 11543 (nomine) infinito: qui
193b13iII 564,29193b1book 11211 336[?] (qui) amavit: arrocar
[‘when he has loved’] [analysis]
193b15kII 565,1book 11541 verbo (substantivo): .i. sum
193b15lII 565,2book 11543 verbum: .i. amavit
193b15II 565,2book 114111 verbum: " (ibid.) iunctum: "
193b15mII 565,2book 11543 (infinito) nomini: .i. qui
193b15II 565,2book 114111 infinito: . (ibid.) nomini: . (ibid.) substantivo: .
193b15nII 565,2book 11211 participii (officio): (subs.) .i. hiluc ranngabála
[‘i.e. in place of a participle’] [analysis]
193b16oII 565,4book 11423 pasivum: verbum
193b16pII 565,4book 11423 preteritum: participium
193b16qII 565,4book 11423 futurum: participium
193b17rII 565,5book 11423 presenti: participio
193b17II 565,5book 114121 presenti: " (ibid.) quo: "
193b17sII 565,5book 113233 predicto (nomine): qui
193b18tII 565,6193b3book 11211 336[?] qui (amatur): acarthar
[‘when he is loved’] [analysis]
193b18II 565,6book 114144 221 (qui) amatur: .- (ibid.) ος φιλειται: .-
193b19uII 565,6193b4book 113226[?] quo: .i. iure predicto suidigthe anmme ⁊ brethre tarahési si reliqua
[‘i.e. from the aforesaid rule of setting a noun and a verb in place of it, etc.’] [analysis]
193b19II 565,7book 114143 significatio: " (193b20=565,8) obtinet: "
193b20xII 565,8book 114228 quod: ponitur
193b20yII 565,8book 113232 hoc: participium
193b20zII 565,8book 113232 illis: nomine ⁊ verbo
193b20aaII 565,8book 113232 illa: nomen ⁊ verbum
193b20bbII 565,8book 113232 hoc: .i. participio
193b21ccII 565,8193b5book 11541 dicimus: (m.l.) Engraccigidir/ cechtar nai/ alaill ⁊ iscum/me duit legens est/ ⁊ qui legit do epirt/ ⁊ qui legit legens est
[‘each of them takes the place of the other, and it is the same for you to say legens est and qui legit, and qui legit, legens est’] [analysis]
193b21II 565,8book 114143 dicimus: ., (193b21=565,9) et: .,
193b23ddII 565,11book 11423 presenti: participio
193b23eeII 565,11book 11423 preterito: participio
193b23ffII 565,12book 11423 preterito: participio
193b23ggII 565,12book 11423 presen[ti]: participio
193b24II 565,12book 114142 utuntur: |" (193b34=565,21) itaque: |"
193b24II 565,12book 114123 4143 utuntur: ., (ibid.) auctores: ., (193b25=565,13) et (in o): .,
193b25hhII 565,13book 11423 543 (in or) disinentia: verba pasiva
193b25iiII 565,13book 11423 presenti: participio
193b25kkII 565,13book 11543 (in o) termi[nantia]: activa
193b25llII 565,13book 11423 preterito: participio
193b26mmII 565,13193b6book 11543 presentis .. etc.: (m.l.) frisgair/ intestemin/se doṅdib/ dligedib/ remeperthib.
[‘this text answers to the two laws aforesaid’] [analysis]
193b26nnII 565,13book 11423 presentis: temporis
193b26II 565,13book 114142 presentis: (" (193b31=565,18) sic: ("
193b26ooII 565,14193b7book 1134 tamen: .i. cenodfil anerchre
[‘i.e. though they (the present participle from verbs in or and the past participle from verbs in o) are wanting’] [analysis]
193b27II 565,15book 114112 4111 *verbis: " (ibid.) preteriti: " (ibid.) plusquamperfecti: " (ibid.) eorundem: "
193b28II 565,16book 114143 complere: ¨/ (ibid.) quomodo: ¨/
193b28ppII 565,16book 114228 quomodo: solent
193b28qqII 565,16193b8book 114222 verba: .i. sum conáballib
[‘i.e. sum with its parts’] [analysis]
193b31II 565,18book 114141 sic: ., (193b33=565,21) potest: .,
193b35rrII 565,22193b9book 11543 [iun]cturae (ratione): .i. accomol innaṁbriathar ⁊ innaranngabál
[‘i.e. the junction of the verbs and of the participles’] [analysis]
193b35ssII 565,22book 113232 his: participiis
193b36II 565,23book 114143 dificiunt: : (193b37=565,23) sicut: :
193b38II 565,25book 114122 neutris: .- (193b40=565,27) eis: .-
193b40ttII 565,26book 11423 quaedam: participia
194a m.s.aII 565,26book 1159 (m.s.) criste benedic
194a1II 566,1book 114121 assuetus: " (194a2=566,1) quod: "
194a3II 566,2book 114121 iuratus: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
194a3II 566,3book 114142 invenitur: : (194a4=566,3) quippe: :
194a4bII 566,3book 114227 verbum: pasivum
194a7cII 566,8book 1152 aut .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilii/ II/ georgicon
194a7dII 566,8194a1book 11211 572 coniurato: enod cainti ocondṡruthsin
[‘an oath that used to be sworn at that river’] [analysis]
194a7eII 566,8book 11561 histro: flumine
194a8II 566,9book 114121 cassus: (ibid.) quod:
194a8fII 566,9book 114221 esset: participium
194a9II 566,10book 114121 cariturus: " (ibid.) quod: "
194a11II 566,13book 114143 cassus: : (194a12=566,14) significat: :
194a12II 566,13book 114143 nomen: " (ibid.) et: "
194a14gII 566,16book 1152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
194a17II 566,21book 114145 neutropasiva: " (194a18=566,21) V: "
194a20II 566,23book 114145 futurus: " (194a21=566,23) deferentiae: "
194a21II 566,24book 11111[?]
194a22II 566,24book 114121 participio: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
194a22II 566,24book 114121 facio: . (194a22=566,25) quod: .
194a22II 566,24book 114122 facio: .- (194a23=566,25) eius: .-
194a23hII 566,25194a2book 11543 possidet: gním indí as fio
[‘the active of fio’] [analysis]
194a23II 566,26book 114111 4143 pasivum: " (194a24=566,26) participium: " (ibid.) activum: "
194a27iII 567,1book 113221 quod: participium presentis temporis
194a35II 567,7book 114144 221 amandus: " (194a36=567,7) ο φιληθσομηνος: "
194a41kII 567,12book 113233 huiuscemodi (verbis): deponentibus
194a m.i.lII 567,12194abook 1159 (m.i.) do inis maddoc dún .i. meisse ⁊ choirbbre
[‘We are from Inis Maddoc i.e. Coirbbre and I’] [analysis]
194b m.s.aII 567,12book 1159 (m.s.) donngus
[‘Dongus’] [analysis]
194b m.s.bII 567,12194bbook 1159 (m.s.) cocart (scriptura ogamica)
194b2II 567,14book 114144 221 meditor: " (ibid.) μελετω: "
194b3cII 567,14194b1book 11221 335[?] μελετετας: ciall gnímo ⁊ chésto
[‘(the) meaning of action and passion’] [analysis]
194b4dII 567,16book 114228 meditata: pasive dixit
194b5eII 567,17book 11335[?] auxiliatus: pasivum
194b6II 567,18book 11111[?] á mé
194b12II 568,5book 114141 quod: : (194b14=568,6) usi: :
194b13II 568,5book 1112 verbís .. plurimís
194b17II 568,9book 114121 ens: " (ibid.) unde: "
194b17fII 568,9book 114228 magis: quam a sum
194b22II 568,13book 11111[?] síc
194b25II 568,16book 11111[?]
194b26II 568,17book 114142 conponatur: .- (194b28=568,20) enim: .-
194b26II 568,18book 114144 221 decompossita: " (194b27=568,18) παριθητα: "
194b27II 568,18book 114142 plerumque: == (194b35=568,24) plerumque: ==
194b27II 568,19book 1112 compossitís verbís
194b28II 568,19book 114143 dirivata: ., (194b29=568,20) non: .,
194b28sII 568,20book 11111[?] 12 sí .. sé .. verbís conpossitís .. sí
194b29gII 568,20194b2book 11543 transeunt: .i. it anman amal sodain
[‘i.e. they are nouns in that case’] [analysis]
194b29II 568,20book 114143 transeunt: : (194b30=568,21) sicut: :
194b30hII 568,21book 11543 nocens: participium ⁊ nomen
194b30iII 568,21book 11543 innocens: nomen
194b30II 568,21book 114142 innocens: " (194b31=568,22) insipiens: " (194b32=568,23) conpossita: " (ibid.) nomina: "
194b31kII 568,22book 11543 sapiens: participium ⁊ nomen
194b31lII 568,22book 11543 insipiens: nomen
194b35mII 568,24book 113232 quaedam: participia
194b36nII 568,25book 113232 ea: participia
194b37oII 568,25book 11111[?] 212 (ex) sé: a semetipsis
194b39II 569,4book 1112 quamvís
194b41II 569,5book 11111[?] híc
194b42II 569,6book 114141 non: :- (ibid.) incongruum: :- (ibid.) videtur: :-
195a m.s.aII 569,6book 1159 (m.s.) criste benedic
195a m.s.bII 569,6195abook 1159 (m.s.) cocart (scriptura ogamica)
[‘correction’] [analysis]
195a m.s.cII 569,6195abook 1159 (m.s.) is gann in memr- et ascribend
[‘The parchment is rough (? ’difficilis’ Nigra) and the writing’]
195a1dII 569,6book 11541 igitur: habet ubi dicit de diversis quoque consonantibus reliqua
195a15"eII 569,19book 113232 haec (omnia): verba facientia preteritum/ in .ui.
195a17"II 569,20book 114143 exceptis: " (195a19"=569,21) et: "
195a26fII 569,26book 1153 duo[bus] .. etc.: (m.l.) ├"/ retro (cf. 53b3; 169b14; 180a29 h.)
195a26II 569,26book 114121 duo[bus]: ., (195a27=569,26) quae: .,
195a29gII 569,28book 11543 [(in) par]ticipio: conic bes nomen
[‘it may be a noun’] [analysis]
195a29hII 569,28book 11423 futurum: participium
195a29iII 569,29book 11423 unum (inveni): .i. participium correptam a./ habens
195a30II 569,29book 114143 inveni: .- (ibid.) et: .-
195a31II 569,30book 1158?[?] (m.l.) ., (supra .. in[sita] sine err.)
195a31kII 569,30book 1152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilii/ II/ georgicon
195a34II 570,5book 114143 notanda: " (195a35=570,5) ab: " (195a36=570,6) et (a): " (195a38=570,8) a: " (195a39=570,8) ab: "
195a35lII 570,6195a2book 1153 halo .. etc.: in secunda coniugatione/ |--" / diarnéis (cf. 170b18=480,17 app.)
[‘in the second conjugation behind us’] [analysis]
195b m.s.aII 570,6book 1159 (m.s.) sancta brigita
195b2II 570,16book 114144 ui: : (195b4=570,18) domui: :
195b3II 570,17book 114111 presentibus: " (ibid.) disinentibus: "
195b7bII 570,20195b1book 11211 [(per) syn]crisin: trithóbae
[‘through concision’] [analysis]
195b7cII 570,21195b2book 11543 sectus: ni secitus dogní
[‘it is not secitus that it makes’] [analysis]
195b10II 570,23book 114141 illud: " (ibid.) quod: "
195b10II 570,23book 114142 ponit: : (195b13=571,1) intonata: :
195b11dII 570,25book 11421 non: exemplum
195b14eII 571,1book 1152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
195b14fII 571,1book 114228 virgilius: dixit
195b16gII 571,4book 11421 ingenium: exemplum
195b18hII 571,6book 1152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
195b19II 571,8book 114143 excipiuntur: .- (195b22=571,10) tertiae: .-
195b21II 571,9book 114111 haec: " (ibid.) docui: "
195b24iII 571,12195b3book 11211 331 (a) canendo: .i. ondí as cano
[‘i.e. from cano’] [analysis]
195b24II 571,12book 114142 absque: (195b26=571,13) quamvis:
195b25kII 571,12book 11212 primitivi: simplicis
195b26lII 571,13195b4book 114228 543 quamvis: .i. nithechta indranngabál ara/chuitsidi.
[‘i.e. the participle has it (i) not as far as that goes’] [analysis]
195b28mII 571,14book 113233 (per) idem (tempus): .i. preteritum
195b29''II 571,15book 1158 (m.l.) = (ut desero Ms.)
195b34"II 571,20book 114121 vultus: .- (195b35"=571,20) quod: .-
195b34"II 571,20book 114121 vultus: " (195b36"=571,21) cultus: " (195b37"=571,22) quae: "
195b35"II 571,20book 114143 fecit: : (195b35"=571,21) quomodo: :
195b42"II 571,25book 114121 erutus: ., (ibid.) quod: .,
195b m.i.nII 571,25195bbook 1159 (m.i.) ní áermall roscríbad in letráim so
[‘This page has not been written very slowly’] [analysis]
196a m.s.aII 571,25book 1159 (m.s.) criste benedic
196a m.s.bII 571,25book 1159 (m.s.) sancta brigita
196a m.s.cII 571,25196abook 1159 acocart inso (scriptura ogamica)
[‘this is their correction’] [analysis]
196a2II 571,26book 114144 12 producit: .- (ibid.) dirútus: .-
196a6II 572,3book 114143 pasiva: " (ibid.) verba: "
196a6dII 572,4book 113233 (per idem) tempus: preteritum
196a10eII 572,6book 114228 similiter: .i. faciunt in .ctus participia
196a14II 572,10book 114141 cum: . (196a15=572,11) terminantur: .
196a14fII 572,10book 113233 (eiusdem) temporis: preteriti
196a23''II 572,13book 114142 nupsi: " (ibid.) nupta: " (196a16"=572,14) enim: "
196a18"II 572,15book 114121 nuptus: . (196a19"=572,15) quod: .
196a21"II 572,17book 114122 rapui: . (196a22"=572,17) eo: .
196a25gII 572,20book 113233 eiusdem (formae): in scor
196a31"II 572,25book 114144 si: : (196a35=572,28) laesi: :
196a32"II 572,26book 114143 nisi: " (ibid.) sint: " (196a34"=572,27) vel: "
196a33"II 572,26book 114121 composita: .- (ibid.) quibus: .-
196a34"hII 572,27book 113221 quae: .i. verba quartae
196a41iII 573,2196a1book 11542 excipiuntur: uare naich hí sus tiagait
[‘since they do not end in -sus’] [analysis]
196a41II 573,3book 114144 tortus: .- (ibid.) antique: .-
196b14"II 573,17book 114111 4121 *communia: .- (196b15"=573,17) deponentia: .- (196b15"=573,18) quae: .-
196b14"II 573,17book 114143 *deponentia: : (196b16"=573,19) quomodo: :
196b15"aII 573,18book 114228 simili: fri cesad
[‘like (the) passive’] [analysis]
196b26II 573,25book 114123 inveniuntur: ., (ibid.) par[ticipia]: .,
196b34II 574,4book 114141 et (quia): :- (196b39=574,8) sciendum: :-
196b35II 574,5book 114141 sicut: : (196b36=574,6) deficiunt: :
196b36bII 574,6196b2book 11541 in participiis: (m.d.) hóranngabáil/ frecndairc hicesad sechmoella/ diuscartach. horann/gabáil frecṅdairc indeilb/ chesto ⁊ horangabáil/ sechmadachti indeilb gni/mo. Et sechmoel/la coitchen hóran/gabáil ṡechmadachti intan/ aramberar gnim/ eissi ⁊ horangabáil/ ḟrecnairc intain/ aramberar cesad/ essi.-
[‘the deponent lacks a present participle in the passive: (the passive lacks) a present participle in the paradigm of the passive, and a preterite participle in the paradigm of the active: the common lacks a preterite participle when action is expressed by it, and a present participle when passion is expressed by it’] [analysis]
196b38cII 574,7book 11211 (qui) amavit: arrocar
[‘when he has loved’] [analysis]
196b39dII 574,8196b4book 11211 [(qui)] amatur: acarthar
[‘when he is loved’] [analysis]
196b39eII 574,8196b5book 11543 activis: .i. arṁbertis arrangabáil ḟrecndairc
[‘i.e. that they used to express it by a present participle’] [analysis]
196b40fII 574,9196b6book 11211 instanti: frecndairc
[‘present (tense)’] [analysis]
196b41gII 574,10book 11221 336[?] οερχομηνος: presens participium
196b42hII 574,10196b7book 11221 336[?] οπαρατηνος: digreic indí as adveniens inso dano
[‘two Greek (words) for adveniens (is) this then’] [analysis]
196b43iII 574,11book 1152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
196b43kII 574,12196b8book 11211 336[?] veniens: andorórpai
[‘when he came’] [analysis]
196b43lII 574,12196b9book 11561 marsorum: innacenélsin
[‘to those nations’] [analysis]
197a m.s.aII 574,12book 1159 (m.s.) sancta brigita
197a1bII 574,12book 11566[?] umbro: proprium viri
197a1cII 574,13book 113232 hic: in exemplo virgilii
197a1dII 574,13book 11221 336[?] οελθων: preteriti participium
197a4eII 574,16book 11221 336[?] παρατενομενος: preteritum
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 13 October 2024]