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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
162a41lII 452,5162a7book 9541 personas: .i. tantum .i. absce genere .i. nicumscichther dead nindib./ nisi principium
[‘i.e. the end is not changed in them, nisi principium’] [analysis]
162a43II 452,7book 94143 finem: .- (ibid.) movent: .- (162b1=452,7) sicut: .- (162b2=452,9) nec: .-
162b1aII 452,8162b1book 9543 ille: .i. is óin huatinscanat ni óin/ hifoircniter.
[‘i.e. it is with the same (letter) they begin, not the same wherein they are ended’] [analysis]
162b2bII 452,9162b2book 9543 59 quibus: .i. ba immaircide cenobed indi incum/scugud bís hi/cechtar dali/no ar iscob/nesta friu/ diblí/naib.
[‘i.e. it was fitting that in it (the termination of participles) should be the change (lit. movement) which is in each of the two, for it is akin to them both’] [analysis]
162b2II 452,9book 94123 acci[dunt]: " (162b3=452,10) accidentia: "
162b3II 452,10book 94141 unde: " (ibid.) solum: " (162b4=452,11) est: "
162b4cII 452,11book 94221 moventur: .i. participia
162b5dII 452,11book 9541 12 lavans: brevis
162b5eII 452,12book 9541 12 lauturus: longus
162b5fII 452,12book 9541 12 fovens: brevis
162b5gII 452,12book 9541 12 foturus: longus
162b5hII 452,12book 9541 12 movens: brevis
162b6iII 452,12book 9541 12 moturus: longus
162b7II 452,13book 94122 tempora: " (162b8=452,14) his: "
162b9II 452,15book 94121 cur: .- (162b10=452,16) quod: .-
162b11II 452,18book 94143 movet: : (162b11=452,19) sed: :
162b16kII 452,23book 9423 aliis: coniugationibus
162b17II 452,24book 94141 quando: " (162b18=453,1) solebant: "
162b21II 453,4book 94141 nisi: . (ibid.) servantes: .
162b22lII 453,6book 93233 (haec) verba: in eo disinentia
162b24II 453,7book 94142 primae: (ibid.) secundae: (162b24=453,8) nam:
162b24II 453,8book 94142 quarta: O- (162b29=453,12) exceptis: O-
162b25II 453,8book 94143 solet: ., (ibid.) gignere: ., (162b26=453,9) (futurum:) preteritum: .,
162b30mII 453,13book 93232 (supradicta) tempora: preteritum imperfectum ⁊ futurum
162b31II 453,14book 94143 habet: .- (162b32=453,15) non: .-
162b31II 453,14book 94145 medio: : (162b32=453,14) plerunque: :
162b33nII 453,16book 9541 (caedo) cicidi: (m.d.) .i./ conoscaigter/ atriur .i. is/ cumscugud/ lesom cid a/ tormag
[‘i.e. the three of them are changed (lit. moved), i.e. he considers even their increase a change’] [analysis]
162b36oII 453,19book 94226 intigro: in preterito perfecto
162b37II 453,20book 94143 plusquamperfectum: : (162b38=453,21) nascitur: :
162b37II 453,20book 94121 preteritum: / (162b38=453,21) quo: /
162b42II 453,26book 94143 persona: " (ibid.) prima: "
163a1II 453,28book 94121 eo: " (ibid.) quas: "
163a5aII 453,33book 9423 alia: .species tertiae
163a7bII 454,1163a1book 9542 excipiuntur: fobith nád comthoet .o in .is.
[‘because they do not convert o into is’] [analysis]
163a13cII 454,8book 9541 ferio: .IIII. coniugationis
163a13II 454,8book 912 ferís
163a14dII 454,9book 94221 esset: .i. differentia
163a14II 453,9book 94111 multis: " (163a15=454,9) dictionibus: "
163a14II 453,9book 94143 solet: : (163a15=454,10) vel: :
163a15II 454,10book 94144 regulam: : (163a16=454,10) coniunx: :
163a16II 454,10book 94143 causa: ., (163a17=454,11) et: .,
163a18eII 454,12163a2book 9313 pluralis: ondí as nostra
[‘from nostra’] [analysis]
163a23fII 454,17book 93233 (eiusdem) coniugationis: .IIIae
163a23II 454,18book 9111[?] á
163a24II 454,18book 94142 nasci: " (ibid.) enim: "
163a30gII 454,25book 9543 more (poetico): .i. ei in i longam
163a31hII 454,25book 93232 hoc: .i. verbo volo
163a32II 454,26book 94141 ne: " (163a33=454,27) posset: "
163a34II 454,29book 94143 faciunt: : (ibid.) ut: :
163a39iII 455,5book 94228 4221 sum: faciunt latini
163a41kII 455,6book 94228 et: faciunt
163a42lII 455,7163a3book 9221 211 δυδω: .i. verbum graecum .i. dobiur
[‘i.e. I give’] [analysis]
163a42mII 455,7book 9221 βουλμαι: .i. volo
163a43nII 455,8book 9221 541 diptongo (motata): .i in o et b in v reliqua
163a43oII 455,8163a4book 9221 541 pes: .i. ó in e condéni/ pes
[‘i.e. o into e, so that it makes pes’] [analysis]
163b1II 455,8book 94122 tertia: : (163b1=455,9) hac: :
163b4aII 455,12book 94227 secunda: .i. pluralis
163b5bII 455,13163b1book 9543 [(per) conci]sionem: ní volitis
[‘it is not volitis’] [analysis]
163b12cII 455,20book 9423 tertia: persona imperativi {cf. K 69r26 b inperativi}
163b13II 455,21book 94141 quoque: : (163b16=455,24) non: : (ibid.) usitatum: :
163b17dII 455,24book 93232 (pro) hoc: .i. imperativo
163b17eII 455,25163b2book 93232 (de) hoc: (m.l.) .i. iure/ .i. buithe/ cen for/ṅgarth/id dondí/ as volo
[‘i.e. (of the) being without an imperative of that which is volo’] [analysis]
163b18II 456,1book 94141 quod: : (163b19=456,1) significat: :
163b19fII 456,2163b3book 9211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
163b20II 456,2book 94142 caret: : (163b21=456,4) tamen: :
163b20gII 456,3book 9543 compositum: .i. nolo
163b21hII 456,4163b4book 9211 licet: is dílmin
[‘it is permissible’] [analysis]
163b22II 456,4book 94142 subiunctivo: " (163b23=456,5) enim: "
163b22iII 456,5163b5book 94222 imperativo: .i. indí as volo
[‘i.e. of it which is volo’] [analysis]
163b23kII 456,5book 94227 prima: plurali
163b23lII 456,5book 94227 tertia: .i. plurali ⁊ singulari
163b23mII 456,6163b6book 9543 omnium: (m.l.) is immair/cide cerubé/ subiunctivus/ pro imperativo quia est/ cosmilius/ etarru hicét/ni persin ilair/ ⁊ hitertpersin/ hiter othad ⁊ ilar/ hicach coibedin.
[‘it is meet that there should be the subjunctive for the imperative, because there is a likeness between them in the first person plural and in the third person, both singular and plural, in every conjugation’] [analysis]
163b26 II 456,9book 94143 causa: " (ibid.) est: " (163b27=456,10) futuri: "
163b27II 456,10book 94121 secunda: .- (ibid.) qua: .-
163b27nII 456,10163b7book 9542 persona: uare as ṅ druálnide
[‘because it is corrupt’] [analysis]
163b27II 456,10book 94142 synonimia: : (163b27=456,11) anceps: :
163b28II 456,11book 94121 significatio: " (ibid.) quae: "
163b31oII 456,13163b8book 9543 volim: robói do insin
[‘that it (volo) had’] [analysis]
163b35pII 456,19book 94228 *personam: facit
163b36qII 456,19163b9book 9211 [(per) sinari]sin: .i. treaccomol
[‘i.e. through combination’] [analysis]
163b36II 456,19book 94123 e: " (ibid.) i: " (ibid.) coacta: "
163b36II 456,20book 94123 diptongo: .- (163b37=456,20) conversa: .- (ibid.) causa: .-
163b41rII 456,23163b10book 93232 543 huic (apponitur): .i. doberr dondligudso ifrithcheist .i. cur non fuit dechor inter primas personas
[‘i.e. (the question) is put to this law in opposition, i.e. why was there no difference between the first persons’] [analysis]
163b42sII 456,24book 9543 esset: .i. inter edo ⁊ édo
164a1II 456,26book 94141 4111 nulla: " (ibid.) esset: " (164a2=457,1) differentia: "
164a1II 457,1book 94123 non: ., (ibid.) dico: .,
164a1aII 457,1164a1book 9211 543 (non) dico: .i. niedamét
[‘i.e. not only’] [analysis]
164a2II 457,1book 9111[?] ís
164a3bII 457,2book 9543 prima (persona): edo
164a3II 457,3book 94122 addita: : (164a4=457,4) id: :
164a3II 457,3book 94121 t: " (164a4=457,3) quod: "
164a5II 457,4book 94141 ne: " (164a7=457,7) putaretur: "
164a8II 457,8book 94143 vertit: (ibid.) sed:
164a10II 457,9book 94143 servat (regulam): .- (164a10=457,10) similiter: .- (164a11=457,11) et (in omnibus): .- (164a12=457,12) hoc (est): .- (164a13=457,13) et: .-
164a15cII 457,15book 94228 es: .i. invenies
164a17''s II 457,16book 9111[?] 12 és ést éste ésto éstote éssent ésse
164a16"II 457,18book 9111[?]
164a18"II 457,19book 94141 solum: " (ibid.) enim: " (164a19"=457,20) est: "
164a19"II 457,20book 94141 faciunt: " (164a20"=457,21) auctores: "
164a20"II 457,21book 94141 ergo: : (164a22"=457,23) repetamus: :
164a22"II 457,22book 94111 [plu]ribus: .- (ibid.) verbis: .-
164a22"dII 457,22164a2book 9211 per (medium): armedón
[‘instead of (the) middle’] [analysis]
164a22"eII 457,23book 93232 (de) illo: preterito imperfecto
164a23"fII 457,23book 9423 caetera: tempora {= K 69v11 c}
164a24II 457,25book 94123 *sic: " (164a25=457,27) ablata: "
164a25II 457,26book 9111[?] á
164a26II 457,28book 9111[?] ís
164a32II 458,5book 94111 secunda: : (ibid.) quarta: :
164a33II 458,5book 94142 pares: " (164a33=458,6) nec: "
164a35gII 458,8book 9423 prima: coniugatio
164a35II 458,8book 94143 pares: ., (ibid.) habet: ., (164a36=458,9) tertia: .,
164a35hII 458,8book 93232 (in) utraque: (m.d.) in prima ⁊ secunda
164a37II 458,10book 94141 sed: " (164a40=458,12) non: " (ibid.) faciunt: "
164a40iII 458,12book 9423 (á) secunda: persona
164b2II 458,15book 94141 4143 commodum: " (164b2=458,16) putavimus: " (164b3=458,16) disserere: " (164b4=458,17) tractare: "
164b5II 458,18book 94143 primam: : (164b6=458,19) facit: :
164b7II 458,20book 94143 ascita: " (164b8=458,21) mus: "
164b7aII 458,21book 94221 tertiam: facit
164b10II 458,23book 958?[?] (m.d.) ¹ (a .. dixistis; singulari sua Ms.)
164b14bII 458,28book 93233 hoc (.. tempus): preteritum
164b16cII 459,1book 94221 minuitur: preteritum
164b18II 459,4book 9111[?] sínt
164b20dII 459,5book 9542 exceptis: ar is comlunn in his
[‘for in these (preterites) it is equal’] [analysis]
164b28eII 459,16book 9543 aliis: absque in io disinentibus
164b30II 459,17book 94144 *vincit: .- (164b31=459,18) credo: .-
164b32fII 459,19164b2book 9543 desyllabis: isnaib hí himbí conson ren .o.
[‘in those (verbs) in which there is a consonant before o (in the pres. indic. act.)’] [analysis]
164b34gII 459,21book 94226 producitur: in preterito
164b36hII 459,23book 9542 53 exceptis: quia corripiuntur in peneultima. ut dicit post
164b37iII 459,24book 94226 pura: vocali precidente .i. in presenti
164b39II 459,26book 94122 producitur: " (164b40=459,27) idem: "
165a3II 460,1book 958 (m.l.) ¹ (vel antepeneultimae om. Ms. add. sec. man.)
165a5"aII 460,5170book 9542 excipiuntur: quia corripiuntur tempora preteriti in hís.
165a11"bII 460,9165a1book 9541 immobile: .i. aicned bis isinchetni persin in presenti is ed bís in pre-terito
[‘i.e. the nature that is in the first person in the present it is this that is in the preterite. ’] [analysis]
165a12"cII 460,10book 94222 tempore: preteriti
165a13"II 460,10book 94122 sto: " (ibid.) do: " (165a14"=460,11) illa: "
165a13"II 460,10book 94122 lavo: : (165a14"=460,11) iuvo: : (165a15"=460,11) haec: :
165a15"dII 460,11book 9543 vocalem: a vel u.
165a27II 460,19book 912 égi
165a34eII 461,4book 94221 4226 producta: .e. in presenti
165a37fII 461,7book 953 in e .. longam: (m.l.) lege post :U (cf. 167b1.)
165a39II 461,9book 912 fígo fíxi
165 m.i.gII 461,9170book 959 (m.i.) is dorchae dom
[‘it is dark for me’] [analysis]
165b14aII 461,25book 94221 potest: .i. b
165b15bII 461,27165b1book 9543 abstinens: .i. arciabeid .b hísuidib non in una syllaba atá .b. ⁊ s.
[‘i.e. for although b be (as it is) in them, b and s are not in one syllable’] [analysis]
165b15cII 461,28book 93115 * eadem (syllaba): .i. in
165b16II 461,28book 94141 cum: " (165b17=462,1) accipienda: "
165b16dII 461,28165b2book 9543 separatim: .i. is syllab foleith in-remṡuidigud
[‘i.e. the preposition is a syllable apart’] [analysis]
165b22II 462,5book 912 cicídi
165b29eII 462,12book 9212 +turgeo: .i. inflo
165b34fII 462,16165b3book 9211 541 l: .i. sí feisine ⁊ ní bí ní tarahesi ar is feidligud disi diambé són
[‘i.e. it itself, and there is nothing in place of it, for it is permanence to it if that be’] [analysis]
165b37gII 462,20book 9212 +como: .i. orno
166a12aII 463,6166a1book 9541 generales: .i. oct ṅdelbae ⁊ oct ṅgné cenélcha andsom. sétarmmorcenn immurgu reliqua
[‘i.e. eight paradigms and eight general forms in it: six terminations, however, etc.’] [analysis]
166a13bII 463,7book 94229 i: .i. in
166a16cII 463,8166b2book 9541 (in) principio: .i. ailigid gnei ⁊ ní hilaigedar tairmmoircniu anísiu
[‘i.e. this (kind of preterite) changes the form and does not multiply the terminations’] [analysis]
166a20dII 463,13166a3book 9541 u (consonante): aetargabál as connábé and
[‘the interception of it (v) from it (-ivi), so that it may not be there’] [analysis]
166a23eII 463,16book 94224 terminantia: .i. preteritum
166a28II 463,21book 912 rídeo
166a33fII 463,27book 94226 habent: .i. in preterito
166a34gII 463,27166a4book 9211 [conso]nantem: .i. iarsin chonsin bís ante
[‘i.e. after the consonant which is before (o etc.)’] [analysis]
166a34hII 463,27166a5book 9543 eo: .i. inchonson ante .o. reliqua isind ḟrecṅdairc issí bís/ in preterito
[‘i.e. the consonant before o etc. in the present, is that which is in the preterite’] [analysis]
166a35iII 463,28book 9211 et: .i. cid
166a39II 464,1book 94143 geminant: " (166a41=464,3) secunda: "
166b3II 464,7book 94123 formis: " (ibid.) generalibus: " (ibid.) cognitis: "
166b4II 464,8book 94143 *formu[lae]: (. (166b7=464,11) ne-cessa[riae]: (.
166b6II 464,10book 94122 preteriti: ., (166b7=464,11) eius- dem: .,
166b14II 464,18book 94141 vel: " (166b15=464,18) u: " (166b15=464,19) habent: "
166b14II 464,18book 94144 n: ./ (166b17=464,20) sino: ./ (ibid.) decerno: ./
166b14II 464,18book 94144 r: (. (166b17=464,20) tero: (.
166b14II 464,18book 94144 sc: . (166b18=464,20) [quie]sco: .
166b15II 464,18book 94141 quae: : (ibid.) inveniuntur: : (ibid.) ante: : (ibid.) o: :
166b16II 464,19book 958 (m.l.) ¹ (? gloss. fortasse casum "principalem" nominis non intellexit?)
166b20II 464,23book 94142 pares: ... (166b23=464,25) excepto: ...
166b27aII 465,1book 9423 secundae: coniugationis
166b35bII 465,7book 93233 eiusmodi: .i. habentia peneultimam vocalem
166b40II 465,10book 94121 abundat: " (ibid.) quod: "
167a2aII 465,13book 93232 hoc (idem): .i. ius .i. imdugud una syllaba
[‘i.e. redundance by one syllable’] [analysis]
167a4bII 465,15book 9211 succino: foacanim
[‘I sing to’] [analysis]
167a4cII 465,15167a3book 93226[?] quod: forbart sechafrecndairc
[‘increase beyond the present’] [analysis]
167a5dII 465,16book 93232 haec: verba .IIII.
167a5eII 465,16book 93232 illa: .i. verba secundae
167a7fII 465,17book 94221 servant: auctores
167a8gII 465,18book 94221 habent: verba
167a12II 465,21book 94123 antepeneultimam: " (167a12=465,22) factam: "
167a13hII 465,22167a4book 9543 nec (mirum): .i. cid armad machdad anísin ol atá lee dano an iṅgnad so
[‘i.e. why should that (the change of u to s) be wondered at since it has this marvel (the ending in u-i)?’] [analysis]
167a20iII 465,28book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilii bocolicis
167a22kII 466,1book 9541 anceps: .i. aliquando producta ali- quando correpta
167a23lII 466,2167a5book 93232 hoc: airdíden gutae renalali
[‘the lengthening of one vowel before another’] [analysis]
167a23II 466,2book 912 spondéus
167a23II 466,2book 94111 dia: " (166a24=466,3) camilla: "
167a26II 466,5book 912 rísi
167a35II 466,12book 94142 nisi: .- (167a37=466,13) enim: .-
167a37mII 466,13book 93232 ea: tertia
167a39II 466,15book 94142 ideo: : (ibid.) quia: :
167b1II 466,17book 953 et tunc .. e: (m.l.) :U (cf. 165a38)
167b2aII 466,18book 9212 illicio: (m.l.) cicero/ suadeo/ invoco
167b3II 466,20book 94121 duxi: : (ibid.) quod: :
167b5II 466,21book 912 réxi
167b7bII 466,24book 94228 nomen: sit
167b8II 466,24book 94121 nomine: : (ibid.) quod: :
167b10II 466,27book 94111 consonantes: ., (167b11=466,28) po- sitas: .,
167b11II 466,28book 94111 easdem: : (167b12=466,28) peneulti- mas: :
167b16II 467,1book 94142 excipiuntur: .- (167b18=467,3) enim: .-
167b17II 467,2book 94122 i: . (ibid.) eamque: .
167b22cII 467,5167b1book 93232 543 his: .i. forcomat consoin indfrec- ndairc ante .i. in preterito
[‘i.e. they keep the consonant of the present before i in the preterite’] [analysis]
167b23II 467,8book 94121 4144 repperi: " (167b24=467,8) quod: " (ibid.) antepeneultimam: "
167b25dII 467,9book 9543 alia: servantia consonantes reliqua
167b25eII 467,9book 94226 habent: in preterito
167b26II 467,10book 912 égi
167b30II 467,14book 94143 habent: " (167b31=467,14) sicut: "
167b31II 467,14book 94112 positione: ., (ibid.) longas: .,
167b34II 467,16book 94143 [repe]tunt: .- (ibid.) quaedam (in fine): .-
167b35II 467,17book 94122 peneultimam: . (167b36=467,18) eam: .
168a m.s.aII 467,17book 959 (?)(m.s.) .........
168a4II 467,26book 94144 servant: ..- (168a6=468,1) posco: ..-
168a8bII 468,2book 9542 pello: .i. quia non servat .e. in utraque syllaba
168a10II 468,4book 94141 quod: . (168a11=468,5) servat: .
168a11II 468,4book 94122 peneultima: " (ibid.) ea: "
168a11cII 468,4book 9541 longa: positione
168a11dII 468,5book 94226 servat: in preterito
168a18eII 468,11book 9542 nisi: .i. quia pares si .i. fuerit ante .o
168a24II 468,16book 94141 quoniam: : (168a25=468,17) docui- mus: :
168a24II 468,16book 94141 igitur: (. (168a27=468,19) conemur: (.
168a25II 468,17book 94141 nunc: .- (168a27=468,19) diserere: .-
168a26II 468,18book 94111 variis: " (ibid.) speciebus: "
168a26II 468,18book 9?[?] cuius: :
168a26II 468,18book 94111 4112 dificil[lima]: : (168a27=468,18) tractatio: : (ibid.) omnium: : (168a27=468,19)quaestionum: :
168a27gII 468,18168a1book 9543 est: .i. issed asdoirbem de verbo airli sechmadachti foirbthi
[‘i.e. this is the most difficult (part) of the verb, the treatment (?) of the perfect preterite’] [analysis]
168a28II 468,20book 94141 verba: " (168a31=468,22) faciunt: "
168a28hII 468,20book 93115 *secunda: ablativus
168a28II 468,20book 94123 4143 secunda: .- (168a30=468,21) abiecta: .-
168a34iII 468,25168a2book 9541 4226 subtracta: asindsechmadachtu riagoldu
[‘from the regular preterite’] [analysis]
168a38kII 469,1168a3book 93226[?] quod: .i. indagné forsin ṡechma- dachtu inna brethre diuite
[‘i.e. the two forms of (lit. on) the preterite of the simple verb’] [analysis]
168a38II 469,1book 9?[?] nam: .- (168a40=468,2) terminat: .-
168a39II 469,1book 94142 magis: .., (168b1=469,5) tamen: ..,
168b1aII 469,5book 94221 invenitur: plico
168b8bII 469,11book 9543 eundem: in ui divisas
168b9II 469,12book 94145 incumbo: .- (ibid.) adiecta: .-
168b9II 469,12book 94122 nexo: (. (168b15=470,1) eius: (.
168b10II 469,13book 94142 placet: : (ibid.) nexui: :
168b10II 469,13book 94141 virgilius: : (168b12=469,16) protu- lit: :
168b10cII 469,13book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
168b15II 470,1book 94141 nam: : (168b18=470,3) fit: :
168b15II 470,1book 94141 quomodo: ; (168b16=470,2) fit: ;
168b17II 470,3book 94121 nexus: " (168b18=470,3) quod: "
168b19dII 470,4book 94228 rationabilius: quam secundum tertiam
168b21eII 470,7book 9543 ut: analogia
168b22fII 470,7book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
168b25II 470,12book 94143 addunt: : (ibid.) sicut: :
168b25II 470,12book 94142 necavi: .- (ibid.) necui: .- (168b26=470,13) ideo: .-
168b30II 470,20book 9111[?] quá ré
168b33gII 471,1book 9543 excipiuntur: .i. non .vi. super secun-dam personam abiecta .s. ⁊ non in .ui divisas reliqua faciunt preteritum
168b36hII 471,5book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
168b37iII 471,8book 952 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
168b38II 471,10book 94142 monosyllabis: .- (168b40=471,12) nam: .-
168b40II 471,12book 9111[?] á
168b40kII 471,12168b1book 94228 quia: isairi is cétna cobedne circundó
[‘i.e. therefore circumdo belongs to the first conjugation’] [analysis]
168b41lII 471,13book 93233 (hoc solum) verbum:
169a m.s.aII 471,13book 959 (m.s.) ......?
169a3bII 471,16169a1book 9541 da: (m.l.) acht rop réfor/ciunn robbe da/ ⁊ nip he som/ bes ḟorcenn/ is timmorte acht/ asring/ba oin/ syl-laib-
[‘provided the da- (of dare, datus) be before the end, and it be not the end, it is shortened, provided it exceeds one syllable’] [analysis]
169a6cII 471,21book 952 in eodem: (m.l.) virgilius
169a7dII 471,23book 952 in eodem: (m.l.) virgilius
169a8eII 471,25book 952 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
169a9fII 471,27book 952 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
169a10gII 471,29book 952 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
169a13II 472,4book 94142 servant: /. (169a15=472,5) tamen: /.
169a26II 472,18book 913 terrae .
169a27hII 472,20book 9543 micui: .i. ui. in .tum
169a27II 472,20book 94142 micui: .- (169a29=472,21) quamvis: .-
169a28iII 472,20169a2book 9333 (dubitationis) causa: arnaroib dubita-tio
[‘that there may not be doubt (as to the meaning of mictum)’] [analysis]
169a30II 472,22book 94142 demicavi: " (169a32=472,24) quan- quam: "
169a35II 473,1book 912 fácit
169a37II 473,3book 94121 implicavi: " (ibid.) quod: "
169a m.i.kII 473,3book 959 (m.i.) Ox X
169b5aII 473,14book 9421 nomine (lucrina): hoc est exemplum
169b6II 473,15book 912 [ma]gís (veronibus)
169b14bII 474,8book 953 541 statum: (m.l.) ⁊ retro/ inante/ ├┐" /.i. in omni/ enim sive/ participio/ .a. preteriti producitur reliqua (cf. 53b3; 180a29; 195a25)
169b14cII 474,8book 9541 debet (facere): .i. sed tamen non id facit
169b17dII 474,12book 93232 hoc: .i. sto
169b17eII 474,12book 93232 eo: sto
169b31fII 475,8book 952 et potum .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilii bocolica
169b33gII 475,11book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilii bocolica
169b34hII 475,13book 952 idem: (m.l.) virgilii georgicon primo
169b34iII 475,14169b1book 9214 intiba: .i. in bairr thalman
[‘i.e. the tips of the earth (=the endives (?))’] [analysis]
169b34II 475,14book 958 (m.l.) ¹ (fibris)
169b42II 475,23book 912 sésé
169b43kII 475,24169b2book 9211 per ellipsin esse: (subs.) .i. tre erchra indí/ as .esse.
[‘i.e. through ellipsis of esse’] [analysis]
170a m.s.aII 475,24172book 959 (m.s.) minchasc (script. ogamica)
[‘little easter’] [analysis]
170a2II 476,1book 94122 nupturum: " (170a3=476,3) hoc: "
170a4II 476,3book 94144 nuptum (ire): .- (170a4=476,4) γαμνενσεθαι: .-
170a6II 476,6book 94144 perventum (ire): " (ibid.) ελευσεσθαι: "
170a9II 476,9book 94143 exceptis: ., (170a12=476,11) et: .,
170a12II 476,11book 94121 calceo: " (ibid.) quod: "
170a12bII 476,11book 9571 calcio: ut eutex dicit
170a15cII 476,13book 94222 unum: .i. secundae coniugationis
170a16dII 476,15book 952 bella .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
170a17eII 476,17book 952 aere .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
170a18fII 476,18book 93232 hoc (idem): .i. verbum
170a25gII 477,7book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
170a28hII 477,12170a1book 9541 sinacopam: quia corripitur hi suidiu
[‘because in it (the penult) is shortened’] [analysis]
170a34iII 477,19book 94221 4228 (in) .IIII.: .i. idem dicit
170a38kII 477,25book 9543 premonstratam: .i. quia minuunt sillabas in preterito
170a40lII 478,2book 94228 qui: .i. faciunt
170a40II 478,2book 94141 quomodo: : (170b2=478,4) sic: :
170a41II 478,3book 94111 secunda: " (170b1=478,4) persona: "
170b2II 478,4book 94143 sinagopam: ..- (ibid.) etiam: ..-
170b5aII 478,10book 9543 summosses: pro summovisses
170b6bII 478,11170b1book 9211 212 coniveo: fortiag (m.l.) gen-....?/ coniveo/ conludo/ consentio
[‘I help’] [analysis]
170b6II 478,11book 94122 coniveo: /. (170b10=478,18) ferveo: /. (170b12=479,2) ea: /.
170b12II 479,2book 94111 4143 ea: : (170b13=479,2) verba: : (ibid.) multa: :
170b16cII 479,5170b2book 925 331 conivere: ondí as coniveo
[‘from coniveo’] [analysis]
170b17dII 479,7book 9421 (cum) gravis: hoc est exemplum
170b18II 479,8book 958 (m.l.) ¹ (cf. infra et H. app. cr. ad 478,18)
170b18II 480,17book 94141 cur: : (170b19) faciant: "
170b18eII 480,17book 953 spiro: (m.d.) aspice librum istum/ quando de figuris/ participii narrat/ |--" (cf. 195a35=570,6)
170b19II 480,17book 94144 vocabula: " (ibid.) spiritus: " (170b20) halitus: "
170b20II 480,17book 958 (m.l.) ¹ (cf. ad 170b18)
170b20II 480,17book 912 verbís
170b21fII 480,17book 94228 quomodo: .i. sequitur
170b24gII 479,11book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
170b25hII 479,13book 952 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
170b28iII 479,19book 93221 unde: .i. á ferveo
170b32kII 479,24book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
170b34lII 479,1book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
170b37mII 480,7book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
170b40nII 480,13book 9421 (non) omnes: .i. exemplum
170b42II 480,15book 94141 solum: .- (171a2=480,16) est: .- (ibid.) observandum: .-
171a m.s.aII 480,15book 959 (m.s.l.) χb- (Christe benedic)
171a6bII 480,20book 9221 212 catum: (m.l.) catus .i. agréc/ .i. ingeniosus
[‘catus i.e. its Greek i.e. ingenious’] [analysis]
171a8II 480,22book 9111[?] á
171a12cII 481,4book 952 et .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilii/ georgicon .IIII.o
171a22dII 481,12book 925 possideo: .potis ⁊ sedeo
171a25eII 481,15book 952 striduntque .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
171a29II 481,24book 94141 sin: " (171a31=481,25) habuerit: "
171a29II 481,24book 94143 syllaba: : (171a31=481,26) duplica- tur: :
171a30fII 481,24book 94229 vel: .i. post
171a34"gII 481,29book 9542 eophoniae (causa): quia non spospondi facit
171b m.s.aII 481,29book 959 (m.s.) fave brigita
171b2II 482,8book 94142 nunc: " (171b3=482,9) tamen: "
171b6bII 482,15book 9572 l: livius
171b8cII 482,16171b1book 9211 331 ausim: rollámar
[‘I should dare’] [analysis]
171b9dII 482,17book 94227 [sub]iunctivo: presenti
171b10eII 482,19book 952 ausim .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilii/ georgicon .III.o
171b11II 482,21book 912 13 hiophíno captus amore .
171b13II 483,1book 953 dicta: (m.l.) T" (cf. 171b34=483,21)
171b17"II 483,5book 9112[?] sé sum
171b26fII 483,11171b2book 9543 huiuscemodi: .i. ní gnád gerind in tum reliqua
[‘i.e. not usual is the gerund in -tum, etc.’] [analysis]
171b28II 483,13book 958 lango: (m.l.) ¹
171b28gII 483,13book 9212 +flacceo: idem ⁊ marceo vel contraho
171b28hII 483,13book 924 212 +flacceo: (m.l.) beda/ flaccidum/ contractum
171b29iII 483,14171b3book 9211 321 qua: .i. nachaili
[‘i.e. any others’] [analysis]
171b29II 483,14book 953 i brevem: (m.l.) "├ (cf. 172b34=488,9)
171b32kII 483,18book 9543 prandeo: non prandui ⁊ non pranditum facit sed pran/sum
171b32II 483,18book 94122 prandeo: . (171b33=483,21) id: .
171b34lII 483,21book 94228 quomodo: faciunt
171b34II 483,21book 953 superiora: (m.l.) T" (cf. 171b13=483,1)
171b39II 483,25book 94144 senectus: " (ibid.) ογερασας: "
171b40II 483,26book 94144 discessus: : (ibid.) οαναχωρησας: :
171b42mII 484,1book 925 potus: a verbo poto
172a m.s.aII 484,1book 959 (m.s.) χb- (Christe benedic)
172a2II 484,4book 94142 senet: " (172a2=484,5) enim: "
172a2bII 484,5172a1book 94226 25 senesco: huandí as seneo
[‘from seneo’] [analysis]
172a13cII 485,1172a2book 9543 53 active: .i. is indranngabail adrodar- car an déde sin .i. gním ⁊ césad quia fuit iuror apud antiquos ut/ inante dicit/ in participio
[‘i.e. it is in the participle (iuratus) that these two things, i.e. active and passive, can be seen, because with the ancients there was iuror, as he, Priscian, says below in dealing with the participle ’] [analysis]
172a16dII 485,5book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
172a17eII 485,9book 952 nunc .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
172a17II 485,9book 94142 cassum: " (172a17=485,10) quamvis: "
172a20fII 485,12book 958 tertio: vel in .IIII
172a21gII 485,13book 952 et .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
172a22hII 485,15book 952 pasis .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
172a29''II 485,19book 94121 tersi: .- (172a24"=485,19) quod: .-
172a25"iII 485,20book 94228 et (ipse): .i. comprobat
172a25"II 485,20book 94111 ipse: " (ibid.) validi[or]: " (175a26"=485,21) usus: "
172a28"kII 485,23172a3book 9212 214 mappa: mantile (m.l.) lambrat/ bís tar/glúne
[‘mantile a napkin that is over the knees’] [analysis]
172a33II 486,7book 94121 iambus: " (ibid.) qui: "
172a34lII 486,8book 9212 58 mulceo: placo sedo (m.l.) ¹ (vel g (sc. mulgeo))
172a35II 486,8book 94142 deferentiae: " (172a36=486,9) quia: "
172a36II 486,9book 958 mulgeo: (m.l.) ¹ (mulceo ex mulgeo corr. gloss. A.)
172a36mII 486,10172a4book 9541 53 sed: fobíth ṅoenaigedar acialla ar chinn
[‘because he unites their meanings below’] [analysis]
172a36nII 486,10book 952 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilii georgicon .III.o
172b1aII 486,22book 94221 motant: .i. verba
172b4"II 486,26book 94111 4123 *(in) si: ., (ibid.) preteritum: ., (ibid.) terminantia: ., (172b5"=486,26) faciunt: .,
172b4"bII 486,26book 9423 *terminantia: verba
172b5"II 486,26book 94144 faciunt: .- (172b7"=487,1) ut: .-
172b5"II 486,27book 94142 secundae: : (172b6"=486,27) tertiae: : (ibid.) nam: :
172b6"cII 486,27book 9423 541 quartae: verba quod híc non sunt
172b7"II 487,1book 94144 *indul[tum]: ; (172b8=487,1) unde: ;
172b11II 487,4book 94144 *mulsum: /. (172b13=487,6) unde: /.
172b14dII 487,8172b1book 9542 itaque: .i. fobíth rongab torsum ⁊ tortum arecar/ dano torsor ⁊ tor/tor nomini
[‘i.e. because there is torsum and tortum, there is also found torsor and tortor as a noun’] [analysis]
172b19eII 487,15book 9542 ursi: quia non ursum facit
172b22II 487,19book 958 mictum: (m.l.) ¸
172b29II 488,5book 912 quamvís
172b34II 488,9book 953 sicut .. est: "├ (cf. 171b29=483,14)
173a m.s.aII 488,9book 959 (m.s.) fave brigita
173a4"bII 488,21book 9211 redoleo: forbiur
[‘I increase’] [analysis]
173a10"cII 489,1book 952 mox .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
173a12II 489,3book 94123 adoluerunt: . (ibid.) iuventus: .
173a14dII 489,5book 94226 prolatum: ab auctoribus
173a14eII 489,6book 94228 antias: .i. dicit
173a15fII 489,7book 9211 obsoleo: sercim
[‘I become obsolete’] [analysis]
173a17gII 489,10book 9543 421 (neque) subsidiis: ar solui hoc exemplum
[‘this example is for solui’] [analysis]
173a18hII 489,11book 94228 sicut: .i. est
173a19iII 489,11book 9211 ceno: aslennim
[‘I pollute’] [analysis]
173a19II 489,11book 94121 ceno: ., (173a20=489,12) unde: .,
173a20kII 489,12book 9212 25 inquino: .i. inceno
173a24lII 490,1book 9211 exoletam: forbartaig
[‘full-grown’] [analysis]
173a24II 490,1book 94111 4144 exoletam: " (173a25=490,1) [vir]gi- nem: " (173a25=490,2) grandem: "
173a27mII 490,4173a6book 9211 *abolito: .i. meincichthech
[‘i.e. frequent’] [analysis]
173a31nII 490,8book 9211 delino: fosligim
[‘I smear’] [analysis]
173a31oII 490,8173a8book 9541 delitum: .i. dothaibsiu dechuir inso inter delitum/ ⁊ deletum
[‘i.e. this is to show the difference between delitum and deletum’] [analysis]
173a33pII 490,11book 952 et .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilii georgicon .IIII.
173a33II 490,12book 94122 cicero: " (173a35=490,13) idem: "
173a35II 490,14book 9111[?]
173a38qII 490,17book 9543 predictam: .i. ui in tum
173a41rII 490,19173a9book 9211 letum: bás
[‘death’] [analysis]
173b3aII 491,2book 9571 excelleo: (m.l.) eutyches/ excello quod/ etiam excel/leo anti/qui dice-bant
173b10"bII 491,13book 9542 excipiuntur: quia non in .ui. termi- nant preteritum
173b17"cII 491,19book 9211 luceo: dolinim
[‘I swarm’] [analysis]
173b20"dII 492,4book 93114 *sopina: .i. per
173b20"II 492,4book 9?[?] *sopina: ./ (m.l.) ./ (?)
173b24"II 492,6book 958 (m.l.) ¹ (a .. posse)
173b24"eII 492,6173b2book 94228 carui: .i. is airi níthabur duit ón
[‘i.e. it is therefore I do not put it for you’] [analysis]
173b27fII 492,12book 952 demisere .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
173b31II 492,16book 94142 natura: ..- (173b34=492,18) posunt: ..-
173b32gII 492,17173b3book 9543 censum: ní censtum
[‘it is not censtum’] [analysis]
173b32II 492,17book 94141 quia: " (173b33=492,18) s: " (ibid.) t: " (173b34=492,18) non: "
173b34hII 492,18173b4book 9541 posunt: (m.l.) cotecat/ immurgu diam/bé .r. ut/ monstrans
[‘they (s, t) can do it, however, if there be r, as monstrans’] [analysis]
173b38iII 492,22book 9543 debet (fieri): 7 non fit
173b38kII 492,22book 9543 ut: analogia
173b39lII 492,23book 9543 scripsi: analogia don sorptum
[‘by analogy of sorptum’] [analysis]
173b40mII 492,24173b6book 9543 *neutrum: .i. ni airecar nectar de
[‘i.e. neither of the two is found’] [analysis]
174a4aII 493,6174a1book 9572 ro[mae]: (m.s.) .i. indróm fil hí con-stantinopoil ar rohucad airechas/ in- narómae co constantinopoil rucad dano aainmm .-
[‘i.e. the Rome which is in Constantinople. Because the empire of Rome was brought to Constantinople, its name has been brought also’] [analysis]
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 16 February 2025]