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14 matches found. Point to any link below for more information.

MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
35a16eII 74,19book 224 561 αχαιος: achaia {= E 24r8 .i. add. E}
35b9rII 75,19book 225 24?[?] alienus: alieno
35b12eeII 75,22book 224 +reginus: 7 unde regina
67a5bII 159,22book 558 24 +edilis: (m.l.) ox (m.s.) edilis unde edilicius .i. scriba edo interpretor
70a3cII 168,670a1book 5214 563 24 lens: .i. cenele n-etha inde lenticula
[‘i.e. a kind of corn: hence lenticula’] [analysis]
70a14tII 168,1570a8book 5211 55 24 forceps: tenchor .i. formum capiens unde est formosus.,
[‘forceps, i.e. taking warmth ‘Formosus’ (beautiful) comes from it’] [analysis]
70b7cII 170,2book 524 glomeris: a quo fit glomero glomeras
102b25iII 241,18102b3book 6211 24 +obses: giall (m.d.) unde/ obsido . as
[‘a hostage’] [analysis]
113a11dII 278,21book 624 571 nex: (m.l.) ab ablativo/ istius nominis/ dirivatur/ necesse .i./ a nece. reliqua/ ut cas-/ dicit
113b3aII 280,6book 624 +spinx: unde spingo (m.s.) spingere ratem dicimus
119a4aII 298,19119a1book 724 211 *dives (i et is): .i. dís somme
[‘i.e. dís rich’] [analysis]
138a34aaII 371,19book 824 dicio: .i. unde con componitur ⁊ dicio
171b28hII 483,13book 924 212 +flacceo: (m.l.) beda/ flaccidum/ contractum
182a19dII 527,10book 1024 callio: unde callidus
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 19 February 2025]