Search for Old Irish forms

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31 matching Old Irish forms found. (Click on a column heading to sort by that column.)

MSGlossThes.Word formHeadwordWord classSub-classMorph.MeaningVoiceRelative?
9a26oo9a15hinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
17b11mhinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
55b20i55b3noninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
56b10"n56b8hinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
61a35cc61a16hinonninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
72a14f72a4hinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
75b20f75b5sinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
76a30k76a3sinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
76b29l76b5hinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
111a26n111a3hinonninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
127b14ihinoninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
143a44s143a6hinonninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
144b5e144b1hinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
188a9k188a6hinuninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
188a9k188a6inuninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
188a10l188a7hinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
188a10l188a7hinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
188a10l188a7hinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
188a12pinonninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
188a13s188a12hinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
189b6b189b2sinonninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
190a23p190a5hinonninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
199a42l199a5hinunninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
201a37dd201a11noninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
203b24s203b9innoninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
208b5c208b2hinoninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
208b30u208b11hinoninunn [DIL], identical, alike, equal, the one
209b15y209b12innunninunn [DIL], identical, equal
217b33y217b12innunninunn [DIL]adjectiveto there, beyond
217b34aa217b13hínnunninunn [DIL]adjectiveto there, beyond
217b35dd217b16hinnuninunn [DIL]adjectiveto there, beyond


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Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 2 December 2024]