Search for Old Irish forms

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36 matching Old Irish forms found. (Click on a column heading to sort by that column.)

MSGlossThes.Word formHeadwordWord classSub-classMorph.MeaningVoiceRelative?
5b27aaneuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
39b40cc39b16neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
41a24p41a8neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
61a14f61a4neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
61b15dd61b13neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
63a42gg63a17neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
63a42gg63a17neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
64a30dd64a11neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
64b1a64b2neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
65a12c65a2neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
66a30ll66a20neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
66a30ll66a20neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
66a31nn66a21neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
66a31oo66a22neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
66a34ww66a28neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
70b12lneuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
72a14f72a4neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
72a15ineutuirneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
75b4b75a2neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
90b11d90b1neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
90b14e90b2neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
90b21lneuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
90b22oneuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
92b3c92b2neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
104b33h104b5neutarneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
114b1a114b1neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
123b13a123b1neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
128a31f128a2neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
130b19g130b1neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
149b3b149b1neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
149b3b149b1neutorneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
150a37p150a2neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
201a36cc201a10neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
201b21o201b5neutairneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
206a30s206a3neuturneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word
207b7c207b2neutarneutur [DIL]nounn, o (m, o?) neuter gender, a neuter word


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Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 16 February 2025]