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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 13 (De casibus [pronominum])

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. III, p. 17 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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III 17,1reciprocum siue transitiuum, ut non intellegatur actus uel ab ipsa in se uel et ab
209b15z17,1209b13book 13541 ut: .i. issed inso nád chumaing aranísar and coní eng/gnatar gníma acht asagnintar
[‘i.e. it is this which cannot be found there, that actions are not understood, but they are understood’] [analysis]
209b16aa17,1book 13543 in (se): (subs.) .i. issed ar reciprocum insin
[‘i.e. that is the reciprocum’] [analysis]
III 17,2ipsa in aliam simul et ab alia in ipsam, nisi possessiuis uel adiunctis
209b16bb17,2book 13543 aliam: .i. issed transitivum
[‘i.e. this is transitivum’] [analysis]
209b16cc17,2209b16book 13541 simul: .i. gním dóib diblínaib ⁊ chésad
[‘i.e. action to both of them and passion’] [analysis]
209b1617,2book 134141 nisi: " (209b17=17,2) vel: " (ibid.) copuletur: "
III 17,3copuletur; tunc enim agere solum, non etiam pati significat, ut ille miseratur
III 17,4sui seruum et sibi similem et se sequentem et se ducentem. ab ipsa
209b1917,4book 134142 (ab) ipsa: : (209b21=17,6app.) enim: :
III 17,5in se, ut Terentius in Andria:
209b20dd17,5book 13543 (in) se: .i. reciprocum sin
[‘i.e. that is reciprocum’] [analysis]
209b2017,5book 134122 terrentius: .- (209b22=17,7) idem: .-
III 17,6«ipsus sibi esse iniurius uideatur»;
209b20ee17,6book 133232?[?] *ipsius: operis sui
209b20ff17,6209b18book 13543 iniurius: .i. a ancride feisin immeḟolṅgai cesad do
[‘i.e. (it is) his own wrong which causes suffering to him’] [analysis]
209b20gg17,6book 13212 iniurius: (subs.) .i. iniuriosus
209b2117, 1358 (m.l.) . (quo GLK quoque RD om. H.)
209b21hh17, 134228 *pasiva: .i. sunt
209b21ii17,6app.209book 13211 35 *quo: .i. dú.
209b2117, 134141 *quo: " (ibid.) liquefiunt: "
209b21kk17, 13423 *(ab) activa: .i. persona
209b21ll17,6app.209b19–21book 13211 511[?] *liquefiunt: doneprennet .i. dú inairestar
[‘(where) they flow forth, i.e. where they remain’] [analysis]
III 17,7in aliam ab ea et in eandem ab alia, ut idem in eadem:
209b2117,7book 134144 (in) aliam: ... (209b22=17,8) hanc: ...
209b2217,7book 134144 (in) eandem: :- (209b23=17,9) se: :-
209b22mm17,7209b22book 13541 eandem: césad intesi ab alia nodgní anall
[‘passion into it from another who does it from beyond’] [analysis]
III 17,8«hanc fidem /
209b22nn17,8book 13211 hanc (fidem): .i. immuntorisinse
[‘i.e. for this faith’] [analysis]
209b2217,8book 134141 hanc: " (ibid.) fidem: " (209b23=17,10) darem: "
III 17,9sibi me obsecrauit, qui se sciret non deserturum, ut
209b23oo17,9209b24book 13541 obsecravit: (m.l.) .i. Gním domsa thi/ndnacol inna/ hirise. césad do/som aairitiu
[‘i.e. action to me to give the faith, passion (suffering) to him to receive it’] [analysis]
209b23pp17,9209b25book 133221 333 (qui ..) sciret: iséside rodfinnad
[‘it is he that used to know it’] [analysis]
209b23qq17,9209b26book 13541 sciret: (m.l.) Gním dosom aḟius/ cesad domsa an/ephdéirgesom.
[‘action to him to know it, passion to me not to desert him’] [analysis]
209b23rr17,9209b27book 13211 333 (non) deserturum: .i. naich ṅdeirsed
[‘i.e. that he would not desert him’] [analysis]
209b23ss17,9209b26book 13541 ut darem: (m.l.) ut/ darem .i. condartin/ do arrogáid dom/ issí dano inchiall hísin/ araḟocladar/ som quando dicit in eandem/ ab alia..
[‘ut darem, i.e. that I should give to him what he had asked of me. That, then, is the meaning which he expresses when he says in eandem ab alia’]
III 17,10darem».
III 17,11huiuscemodi uero structura nominatiuum habere quantum ad transitionem
209b24tt17,11209b28book 13541 huiuscemodi: (m.l.extr.) Huiuscemodi .i. issed acum/tach .i. taibsiu gní/mo chesta opersin/ fuiri feisin opersin/ do persin hi .sui. cona/chamthuislib .i. ní/ recar less didiu ainm/neda la .sui. oc/ slund indedisin.
[‘i.e. this is the structure, i.e. manifestation of action or passion from a person on himself, or from a person to a person in sui with its oblique cases. In expressing those two things, then, it is unnecessary for sui to have a nominative’] [analysis]
III 17,12non potest. omnis enim genetiuus uel uerbo adiungitur ad perfectionem
209b2517,12book 134142 potest: ., (ibid.) enim: .,
209b25uu17,12209b29book 13541 omnis: (m.l.extr.) Omnis enim genitivus .i. isai/ri ní tuic sui. isnai/b desimrectaib .acht. is/ sibi se tuic indib ar/ omnis enim genitivus reliqua ar cach/ genitiu dichoisin ataat/ indib indícheilse sis. a/ta dano hi sui. cenudḟil/ gním ⁊ chésad hisuidiu/ immurgu conachamthuislib../ ní indaicsenogod so .,
[‘i.e. therefore he has not put sui in the examples, but it is sibi, se that he has put in them, for omnis etc.; for in every genitive that exists there are these two meanings (mentioned) below: (this) is then in sui. Although, however, there are action and passion in this with its oblique cases this is not the causality’] [analysis]
209b2517,12book 134142 genitivus: |. (209b28=17,14) igitur: |.
209b26ww17,12209b30book 13541 [(ad)] perfectionem: (m.l.) AD perfectionem sensus .i./ .i. dolínad intṡliu/chta verbi air cia/sberasu potior/ ní lán chiall and/ confeiser cia dia/ cumachtachta/igther .i. induit/ fein fadonach/ ailiu
[‘i.e. to fill up the sense of the verb; for if you say potior, the meaning here is incomplete until you know for whom you are powerful, whether for yourself or for some other. It is uncertain whose is the slave until you say mei: i.e. in this it is shown that he is mine own’] [analysis]
III 17,13sensus, ut mei uel illius potior, uel possessioni, ut mei seruo loquor;
209b26xx17,13210book 13541 possessi[oni]: (m.l.) .i. is inder/b coich inmug/ conáerbara/ mei .i. doadba/dar hisuidiu/ as leim féin..
209b27yy17,13209b31book 13543 [possessi]oni: .i. doṡlund atraib trisinṅgenitin són
[‘i.e. that is to express possession by the genitive’] [analysis]
III 17,14alii uero casus non ad possessiones, sed ad uerba solum referuntur. igitur
209b27zz17,14book 134228 alii (.. casus): .i. absque genitivo
209b28ab17,14209b32book 13543 [pos]sessiones: .i. slund céille atraib acht is dolínad intṡliuchto verbi
[‘i.e. an expression of the meaning of possession, but it is to perfect the sense of the verb’] [analysis]
209b28ac17,14209b33book 13541 solum: .i. níbí nachtuisel aile etarru ⁊ inbriathar
[‘i.e. there is no other case between them and the verb’] [analysis]
III 17,15sui pronomen uel ad uerbum semper ponitur reciprocum, id est sui
III 17,16passionem significans, uel retransitiuum uel ad possessionem, ut sui seruo
III 17,17loquitur uel sui miseretur uel rogat me uidua, ut sui miserear, numquam
209b32ad17,17book 134228 nunquam: .i. ponitur
III 17,18autem absolute, quomodo alia, ut ego loquor et tu loqueris et ille
209b32ae17,18209b34book 13541 absolute: .i. cenchésad fuiri féisin vel in aliam
[‘i.e. without passion on itself or towards another’] [analysis]
209b3217,18book 134142 absolute: .- (209b33=17,19) enim: .-
209b32af17,18book 134228 quomodo: .i. ponuntur
209b32ag17,18book 13423 alia: .i. pronomina
III 17,19loquitur. cum enim, sicut diximus, necesse sit, actum uel a semet ipsa
209b3317,19book 1353 sicut diximus: (m.l.) 0- (cf. 208b34=14,18 z)
III 17,20in se uel ab alia in eam intellegi, numquam potest uerbum uel reciprocari
III 17,21uel transire, nisi in obliquos casus. omnis autem obliquus nominatiuo
209b3617,21book 134142 omnis: :, (209b42=17,25) enim: :,
209b3717,21book 134143 [ad]iungitur: " (209b38=17,22) vel: "
III 17,22adiungitur transitionem personae ad personam significans uel uerbo in se
209b3817,22book 134111 4122 verbo: : (ibid.) se: : (209b38=17,23) demonstranti: :
III 17,23nominatiuum demonstranti, ut ego te docui, ille mihi profuit, uel docui te,
III 17,24profuisti mihi; similiter per reciprocationes: ego mihi profui, tu tibi
III 17,25profuisti, ille profuit sibi uel me accuso, te uituperas. nominatiuus enim per
III 17,26se positus transitionem non significat, ut ego scripsi; una enim eademque
209b42ah17,26book 13543 (per se) positus: innaaicniud feisin
[‘in its own nature’] [analysis]
209b m.i.aibook 1359 (m.i.) sudet qui legat/ difficilis est ista pagina
210a m.s.abook 1359 (m.s.) χriste benedic
III 17,27persona intellegitur. nec potest esse nominatiuus, cuius etiam obliquus


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 26 October 2024]