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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 1 (De uoce, de littera)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 37 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 37,1τοῦ νύμφη. solebant enim uetustissimi Graecorum l pro n scribere,
18a1a37,1book 1541 νυμφυ: .i. .n. pro l. posuerunt antiqui grecorum híc {cf. E 14r21 .n. híc pro .l. .i. limsat}
18a137,1book 14142 νυμφυ: " (ibid.) solebant: "
18a237,1book 14142 enim: .- (18a2=37,2) unde: .-
II 37,2unde quinquaginta quoque numeri signum, quod illi per n scribunt,
18a237,2book 14141 unde: ., (18a3=37,2) signum: ., (18a4=37,3) nos: ., (18a5=37,3) scribimus: .,
18a3b37,2book 13232 illi: .i. postremi greci
II 37,3nos per l more illorum antiquissimo scribimus.
II 37,4

de ordine literarum

18a5c37,4book 152 de .. etc.: (m.l.) de ordine literarum
II 37,5ordo quoque accidit literis, qui quamuis in syllabis dinoscitur,
18a6d37,5book 1543 syl[labis]: .i. in diptongis
II 37,6tamen, quia coniunctus esse uidetur cum potestate elementorum, non
18a7e37,618a1book 1543 esse: .i. huare as accomalta do chumachtu is airi ad·fét de híc
[‘i.e. since it is connected with the power (of the letters), therefore he discourses of it here’] [analysis]
18a8f37,6book 1212 ylementorum: .i. literarum
18a837,6book 14123 non: " (18a8=37,7) puto: "
II 37,7absurdum puto ei nunc illum subiungere.
18a8g37,7book 13232 ei: .i. potestati {= E 14r25}
II 37,8sunt igitur uocales praepositiuae aliis uocalibus subsequentibus in
18a1037,8book 14111 aliis: " (ibid.) vocalibus: "
18a11h37,8book 1541 [sub]sequentibus: .i. in diptongo {= E 14r26 in om. E}
II 37,9eisdem syllabis a e o, subiunctiuae e u, ut ae au eu oe. i quoque apud
18a12i37,918a2book 1541 e (u): .i. coitchenn .e. hiter remsuidigud ⁊ foacomol
[‘i.e. e is common both in anteposition and subjunction’] [analysis]
II 37,10antiquos post e ponebatur et ei diphthongum faciebat, quam pro omni i
18a1437,10book 14121 [dip]tongum: " (ibid.) quam: "
18a14k37,10book 14221 faciebat: .i. i
II 37,11longa scribebant more antiquo Graecorum. inuenitur haec eadem i post υ
18a15l37,11book 14221 541 ponebant: .i. latini
18a16m37,11book 14226 541 invenitur: .i. in subiunctione .i. apud nos
II 37,12in Graecis nominibus, ut Ἅρπυια: nam υι diphthongus est.
18a17n37,12book 1541 221 υι: yi pro grece yy.
II 37,13sunt igitur diphthongi, quibus nunc utimur, quattuor. diphthongi
II 37,14autem dicuntur, quod binos phthongos, hoc est uoces, comprehendunt. nam
18a19o37,1418a3book 1543 quod: .i. fogor da gutae i n-deogar air thechtaid cach gutae a guth n-indi ⁊ it di gutai bíte i n-deogur.
[‘i.e. the sound of two vowels is in a diphthong, for each vowel has its (own) sound in it, and it is two vowels that are in a diphthong’] [analysis]
18a20p37,1418a4book 1571 [compre]hendunt: (m.l.) diomedes diptongos grece dia vel dios vel dio duo latine ptongos sonus. diptongos ergo dualis sonus sicut dialecticus dualis lectio. as·berat alii is dephtongos as maith and .i. combad dephtoros do·dichsed inna leith chomsuidigthi ⁊ tonos .i. sonus. dephtoros didiu binus sonus interpretatur.- {= E 14r30 1) diptongus E; 2) pthongos .i. E; 3) om. E; 4) ut E; asberat .. interpretatur om. E}
[‘Others say that dephtongos is right there i.e. dephtoros would enter as half of the compound and tonos i.e. sonus. dephtorus then etc.’] [analysis]
II 37,15singulae uocales suas uoces habent et ae, quando a poetis per diaeresin
18a20q37,1518a5book 1211 singulae (vocales): na gutae oíndae
[‘the single vowels’] [analysis]
II 37,16profertur, secundum Graecos per a et i scribitur, ut aulai, pictai pro
18a22r37,16book 151 secundum (grecos): secundum rationem grecorum {= E 14v1}
II 37,17aulae et pictae. Virgilius in III:
18a24s37,17book 152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
II 37,18«aulai medio libabant pocula Bacchi»,
II 37,19idem in VIIII:
18a25t37,19book 152 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
II 37,20«diues equum, diues pictai uestis et auri».
II 37,21in Graecis uero, quotiens huiuscemodi fiat apud nos diaeresis paenultimae
18a26u37,21book 1423 grecis: .i. verbis {= E 14v3}
18a27w37,21book 1541 nos: latinos {= E 14v3}
II 37,22syllabae, i pro duplici consonante accipitur, ut Μαῖα Maia, Αἴας
18a29x37,2218a6book 1541 [acci]pitur: (m.l.) Cindas on. ni anse ón uaire is i ndi guthaigthi airdíxi do·fuasilcther deogur do-rru·airthetar di aimsir vocalis as·berr .i. in consonante .i. inde duplex est..
[‘How is this? Not hard is this: because the diphthong is resolved into two long vowels there have remained in consonante i two times of the vowel which is called i. Hence the consonant is double’] [analysis]
18a29y37,2218a7book 1541 μανα: .i. deogur .a. ⁊ e {= E 14v4}
[‘i.e. diphthong of a and e’] [analysis]


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 27 July 2024]