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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 2 (De syllaba, de dictione, de oratione, de nomine, etc.)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 66 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 66,1Menoetiădes; nam Aenides magis contra regulam auctoritate poetica
31b32ag66,1book 2543 23 moe[netiades]: patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b3366,1book 24141 nam: .- (31b34=66,1) posuit: .- (31b35=66,2) virgilius: .-
31b33ah66,1book 24228 magis: quam regula {= E 22r8}
31b3466,1book 24111 auctoritate: " (ibid.) poetica: "
31b3466,1book 24143 posuit: .- (31b36=66,2) vel: .-
II 66,2posuit Virgilius, e et a correptas in i productam conuertens uel quasi ab
31b35ai66,2book 24226 virgilius: .i. in aeneidos libro {cf. E 22r8 in .VIIII. libro}
31b3566,2book 24111 virgilius: ; (31b36=66,2) convertens: ;
31b36ak66,231b22book 2543 quasi: (subs.) .i. Amal bid cognomen do aeneus ⁊ nírbu cognomen challéic acht da·rigni amin síc peleus reliqua
[‘i.e. As though Aeneus were cognomen to it (Aenieides), and yet it was not cognomen, but (the poet) made it thus: so (is) Peleus etc.’] [analysis]
31b36al66,231b21book 2541 ab (aeneus): .i. ba riagolda a n-aimm-sin ara chúl manubed quia non fit do anmimm díles
[‘i.e. that name (Aeneus) would be regular behind it (Aeneades), if it existed, for it is not found as a proper name’] [analysis]
II 66,3Aeneus Aenīdes, sicut a Peleus Pelīdes, proferens in nono:
32a1a66,3book 2423 proferens: .i. virgilius
II 66,4«sit satis, Aenide, telis inpune Numanum /
32a1b66,4book 252 sit .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
32a2c66,4book 2543 aenide: .i. {ab} aenides {-ae} {= E 22r9}
II 66,5oppetiisse tuis».
II 66,6in es uero desinentibus, quorum genetiuus Graecus in ου desinit, tam
32a366,6book 24141 vero: .- (32a5=66,7) inveniuntur: .-
32a3d66,6book 2423 desinentibus: .i. {propriis vel} cognominibus {= E 22r10}
32a3e66,6book 23222 quorum: .i. cognominum
II 66,7in ades quam in ides inueniuntur apud auctores (Hippotes Hippotades,
32a5f66,7book 24221 inveniuntur: .i. patronomica {= E 22r11 .i. om. E}
32a6g66,7book 2566[?] [hip]potes: .i. cognomen {= E 22r11 .i. om. E}
32a6h66,7book 23112 543 [hip]potes: ου {= E 22r11}
32a6i66,7book 2543 hippotades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r11 .i. om. E}
II 66,8Butes Butades, Corynetes Corynetides), sed rationabilius in ades.
32a6k66,8book 23112 543 butes: ου {= E 22r12}
32a7l66,8book 23112 543 [coroy]nites: .i. ου
II 66,9Anchises ergo Anchisades uel Anchisides debuit facere, fecit autem
II 66,10Anchisiades, quasi ab Anchisios nominatiuo, quomodo Laertios Laertiades.
32a9m66,1032a1book 2543 quasi: (m.l.) .i. amal no·bed noch ní·fail ar is i n-oen-sillaib for·beir a n-aitherrechtaigthe sech a cognomen n-ísin manubed i ndib-sem sillabaib immurgu for·beir sech aní as anchises ..,
[‘i.e. as if it were, yet it is not, for by one syllable the patronymic increases beyond that cognomen, if it existed. By two syllables, however it increases beyond Anchises’] [analysis]
32a1066,10book 24142 [an]chisios: .- (32a11=66,11) enim: .-
32a10n66,1032a2book 2543 lertios: .i. riagol-son immurgu
[‘i.e. this, however, is a rule’] [analysis]
II 66,11numquam enim patronymicum superat primitiui sui genetiuum nisi una syllaba.
II 66,12alia uero omnia in ου apud Graecos terminantia genetiuum uel in
32a1366,12book 24122 ου: " (32a14=66,13) ους: " (ibid.) ως: " (32a15=66,13) eas: "
32a14o66,12book 24222 genitivum: cognominum
II 66,13ος uel in ους diphthongum uel ως mutant eas in ides et faciunt
32a15p66,13book 23232 eas: .i. sillabas {= E 22r16 .i. om. E}
II 66,14patronymicum, ut Πρίαμος Πριάμου Priamides, Νέστωρ Νέστορος
32a16q66,14book 2566[?] priamos: proprium
II 66,15Nestorides, Πλεισθένης Πλεισθένους Plisthenides, Πηλεὺς Πηλέως Peleïdes;
32a19r66,15book 2566[?] peleυς: .i. cognomen {= E 22r18 .i. om. E}
32a19s66,15book 23112 peleως: .i. genitivus {= E 22r18 .i. om. E}
32a19t66,1532a3book 2543 pelides: .i. do·soither os in ides. co·ndéni peleídes iarum pelídes iar suidiu.
[‘i.e. -ôs is changed into -ides so that it makes Peleides afterwards, and after this Pelides’] [analysis]
II 66,16et per synaeresin e et i in ei diphthongum proferunt paenultimam, nos
32a19u66,1632a4book 2211 (per) sinerisin: .i. tre accomol
[‘i.e. by a combination’] [analysis]
32a2066,16book 24122 ei (diptongum): " (32a21=66,17) ea: "
32a20w66,16book 24221 proferunt: auctores latini
II 66,17autem pro ea i longam ponimus, ut Virgilius in V:
32a22x66,17book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
II 66,18«Pelīdae tunc ego forti /
32a22y66,18book 2572 pelidae: .i. achili {= E 22r19 .i. om. E}
32a2266,18book 24111 pelidae: " (ibid.) forti: "
II 66,19congressi Aenean».
32a23z66,19book 2572 [congre]sum: .i. rapui vel liberavi {= E 22r20}
II 66,20Ouidius in I metamorphoseon:
32a23aa66,20book 2423 .I.: .i. libro


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]