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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 3 (De comparatione, de superlativo, de diminutivo)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 101 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 101,1«bona perdidi, mala repperi, factus sum extimus a uobis».
II 101,2

de diminutiuo

II 101,3diminutiuum est, quod diminutionem primitiui sui absolute demonstrat:
45a22i101,3book 3423 diminutivum: .i. nomen {= E 30r36 .i. om. E}
II 101,4rex regulus, id est paruus rex. ideo autem positum est absolute, quia
45a25101,4book 34141 ideo: " (ibid.) quia: "
II 101,5comparatiua quoque non solum augent, sed etiam est quando minuunt uim
45a25k101,5book 3543 compa[rativa]: dimminutiva
45a26l101,545a8book 34226 augent: sech positi na conparite oa·mbiat
[‘beyond the positives of the comparatives from which they are’] [analysis]
II 101,6primitiuorum, sed non absolute. ad aliquid enim [omnimodo] fit
45a27m101,6book 34222 primitivorum: comparativorum {= E 30v1}
45a27101,6book 34142 sed: " (ibid.) enim: "
45a27n101,645a9book 3542 absolute: húare bís conṅdelgg indib
[‘since comparison is (inherent) in them’] [analysis]
45a27101,6book 34142 aliquid: ,, (45a29=101,7) unde: ,,
45a27o101,645a10book 3543 omnimodo: ó cach mud ó·mbí condelg
[‘in every mode in which is comparison’] [analysis]
45a28p101,6book 3541 comparatio: ut maiusculus
II 101,7comparatio, ut breuior dicitur ad breuem [et] angustior ad angustum. unde,
45a29101,7book 34141 4142 unde: ., (45a31=101,9) posunt: ., (45a32=101,9) cum: ., (45a32=101,10) et: ., {= E 30v3-5, symb. prim. et quart. om. E}
II 101,8quamuis in his quoque [comparatiuis] inueniantur quaedam diminutiua apud
45a30101,8book 34143 dimminutiva: : (45a32=101,9) [ab]soluta: :
II 101,9Latinos, ut superius docuimus, non possunt tamen esse absoluta, cum a
45a30101,9book 34122 dimminutiva: .- (45a32=101,10) ipsa: .-
45a32q101,945a11book 3213 543 [ab]soluta: (m.l.) cen chondelg n-indib .i. nibba cena daerscugud di neuch son.,
[‘without comparison in them, i.e. it will not be without its surpassing some (other)’] [analysis]
II 101,10comparatiuis sint deriuata et ipsa quoque comparationem significent, ut
45a33101,10book 34142 significent: .., (45a35=101,11) enim: .., {= E 30v6}
II 101,11plusculus, maiusculus, minusculus: necesse est enim, ad aliquid ea
45a34r101,1145a12book 3211 maiuscu[lus]: máanu
[‘a little greater’] [analysis]
45a35s101,1145a13book 3211 minusculus: laigeniu
[‘a little smaller’] [analysis]
45a35t101,11book 33232 ea: .i. dimminutiva comparativorum
II 101,12comparari, ut Terentius in eunucho:
45a36u101,12book 3566[?] +eunocho: nomen artis
II 101,13«Thais quam ego sum maiuscula est»,
45a36w101,13book 3566[?] thais: nomen mulieris {= E 30v7 proprium mulieris}
45a37x101,1345a14book 3541 ego: hi luc posit atá ego híc
[‘in place of a positive ego is here’] [analysis]
II 101,14id est paruo maior quam ego. alia autem diminutiua, id est omnia, quae
45a37y101,1445a15book 3211 543 parvo (maior): in bec máo .i. is bec as mao oldáu-sa .i. is bec in derscugud
[‘a little greater i.e. she is a little greater than I, i.e. the distinction is small’] [analysis]
II 101,15non a comparatiuis deriuantur, ex sese habent diminutionem et nulli
45a39z101,1545a16book 3543 ex (sese): cena condelgg frinna aill
[‘without their being compared to any other thing’] [analysis]
II 101,16comparantur, ut regulus, tantulus.
45a40aa101,16book 325 re[gulus]: rex
45a41bb101,16book 325 +tantulus: tantus
II 101,17solent autem diminutiua uel necessariae significationis causa proferri
45b1101,17book 34141 4143 vel: .- (ibid.) causa: .- (45b3=101,19) vel: .- (45b5=101,22) vel: .- {= E 30v10 vel " > causa " }
45b1a101,17book 352 vel: (m.l.) I
45b1b101,1745b1book 3541 necessariae (significationis): .i. ro·bbí uár recar less dígbail ind ḟolaid conid écen suin fria slond-sidi huare nád·robatar suin do ṡlund in dúildetad in·choisget
[‘i.e. there may be a time when it is necessary to diminish the substance so that there is need of words to signify it, because there were not words (enough) to signify the proper nature which they express’] [analysis]
II 101,18(ut Sallustius in Iugurthino: «postquam reguli in unum
45b2101,18book 34141 postquam: : (45b3=101,18) convenere: :
45b2c101,1845b2book 3211 reguli: ind rígain
[‘the small kings’] [analysis]
II 101,19conuenere», id est parui reges), uel urbanitatis (ut Iuuenalis in
45b3d101,19book 352 vel: (m.l.) II
45b3e101,1945b3book 3211 urbanitatis: hua accuiss sulbairichthe
[‘because of politeness’] [analysis]
45b4f101,19book 3566[?] iuvenalis: proprium
45b4g101,19book 3566[?] +saturarum: nomen artis
II 101,20saturarum IIII:
45b4h101,20book 3423 +.III.: libro
II 101,21«unde fit, ut malim fraterculus esse Gigantum»)
45b5i101,2145b4book 3211 fraterculus: bráithrán
[‘small brother’] [analysis]
II 101,22uel adulationis, et maxime puerorum, ut Catulaster, Antoniaster,
45b5k101,22book 352 vel: (m.l.) III
45b5l101,2245b5book 3211 adulationis: apelaigthe
[‘of adulation’] [analysis]
45b6m101,2245b6book 3543 maxime: sainreth do maccaib apélogud
[‘particular to boys is caressing’] [analysis]
45b6n101,2245b9book 3541 puerorum: (m.d.) Hít é in maicc do·berat inna anmman is forru do·berar,
[‘it is the boys that give the names (here mentioned), or it is to them that it is given’] [analysis]
45b6o101,2245b7book 3541 catulaster: á c/atuláin ⁊ ni·bí digbail folaid and calléic cia beith ind apélugud,
[‘O little Catulus; and there is still no diminution of substance here though there be the caressing’] [analysis]
45b6p101,2245b8book 3211 antoniaster: (subs.) antonain {cf. E 30v12 antunan}
[‘of little Antonius’] [analysis]
45b7q101,2245b10book 3211 59 patriciolus: paträcáin .i. quasi füisset {cf. E 30v13 .i. patrican .i. quamvis sit magnus}
[‘of little Patrick; i.e. as if he had been !’] [analysis]


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]