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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 1 (De uoce, de littera)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 8 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 8,1elementorum nomina quam apud Latinos, siue quod a barbaris inuenta dicuntur,
II 8,2quod esse ostendit Varro in II de antiquitate literarum, docens
4a32x8,24a12book 158 quod: (m.l.) ní fail in testimin-so hisind libur romanach
[‘this text is not in the Roman book’] [analysis]
4a338,2book 14111 varro: : (4a34=8,2) docens: :
4a33y8,2book 1423 .II.: .i. libro
4a348,2book 14141 4143 docens: " (4a35=8,3) fac[ta]: " (4a36=8,3) certum: "
II 8,3lingua Chaldaeorum singularum nomina literarum ad earum formas esse facta
4a348,3book 14112 4111 singula[rum]: ,, (4a35=8,3) nomina: ,, (ibid.) literarum: ,,
4a35z8,34a13book 1211 543 formas: .i. do chruthugud inna liter foib
[‘i.e. to form the letters according to them’] [analysis]
II 8,4et ex hoc certum fieri, eos esse primos auctores literarum, siue quod
4a36a8,4book 13232 eos: .i. caldeos
4b1a8,44b1book 1541 simplicia: .i. air bit comṡuidichthi oa ḟograib liter n-aile ma duellatar .i. con·roib comṡuidigud liter no sillab indib fri slond geniten reliqua
[‘i.e. for they will be compounded of the sounds of others letters if they be declined i.e. so that there may be in them the composition of letters or syllables to signify a genitive, etc.’] [analysis]
II 8,5simplicia haec et stabilia esse debent quasi fundamentum omnis doctrinae
4b2b8,54b2book 1541 [sta]bilia: .i. cen diall
[‘i.e. without declension’] [analysis]
4b2c8,5book 1212 quasi: .i. velut (?)
4b2d8,54b3 book 1542 fundamentum: ar ni cóir in fotha utmall
[‘for the unstable foundation is not fitting’] [analysis]
II 8,6immobile, siue quod nec aliter apud Latinos poterant esse, cum a suis
4b3e8,6book 14228 34 nec (aliter): .i. nisi indeclinabilia
4b48,6book 14141 cum: : (4b5=8,7) nominentur: : (4b7=8,8) terminentur: :
II 8,7uocibus uocales nominentur, semiuocales uero in se desinant, mutae a se
4b58,7book 14142 nominentur: ,, (4b9=8,10) igitur: ,, {= K 4r32-4}
II 8,8incipientes uocali terminentur, quas si flectas, significatio quoque nominum
4b7f8,8book 13221 quas: .i. vocales ⁊ semivocales ⁊ mutas
4b7g8,84b4book 1543 541 signi[ficatio]: .i. ind inne bís indib riam .i. inne ainmmnichthe. issí ám inne ainmmnichthe guthaichthe a turcbál treo fesin ní·bad ṡamlaid-son didiu ma duelltis . reliqua
[‘i.e. the meaning that is in them before, i.e. the meaning of denomination. This, indeed, is the meaning of the denomination of vowels, their production by themselves: it would not be thus, then, if they were declined, etc.’] [analysis]
II 8,9una euanescit.
4b8h8,9book 134 541 una: .i. la diall
[‘i.e. with declension’] [analysis]
4b8i8,94b6book 1211 541 evanescit: .i. tinaid ⁊ atbail .i. fa·cheirt in alios sonos.
[‘i.e. it vanishes and perishes, i.e. it puts itself into other sounds.’] [analysis]
II 8,10uocales igitur, ut dictum est, per se prolatae nomen suum ostendunt,
4b9k8,104b7book 1543 prolatae: oc rélad a n-anmmae
[‘manifesting their name’] [analysis]
4b108,10book 14143 ostendunt: " (4b10=8,11) semivocales: "
II 8,11semiuocales uero ab e incipientes et in se terminantes, absque x, quae ab
4b118,11book 14121 x: " (ibid.) quae: " {cf. E 5v6 quae .x.}
4b11l8,11book 1423 (quae) sola: .i. litera
II 8,12i incipit per anastrophen Graeci nominis ξῖ, quia necesse fuit, cum sit
4b128,12book 14142 incipit: : (4b13=8,12) quia: :
4b12m8,124b8book 1211 (per) anostrophen: .i. tre impúth
[‘i.e. by anastrophe’] [analysis]
4b12n8,12book 14222 greci (nominis): .i. literae
4b13o8,12book 1221 ξι: .i. csí
II 8,13semiuocalis, a uocali incipere et in se terminare, quae nouissime a Latinis
4b14p8,13book 13223 quae: .i. litera x
4b15q8,13book 1541 [no]vissime: in tempore augusti inventa est x
II 8,14assumpta post omnes ponitur literas, quibus Latinae dictiones egent (quod
4b15r8,144b9book 1541 omnes: .i. ordd airic fil fuiri
[‘i.e. the order of invention is (still) on it’] [analysis]
4b168,14book 14121 literas: .- (ibid.) quibus: .- {cf. E 5v9 quibus .i. literis latinis}
4b16s8,144b10book 1543 egent: aidlignitir dano uadi-si
[‘they indeed need it’] [analysis]
II 8,15autem ab i incipit eius nomen, ostendit etiam Seruius in commento
4b17t8,15book 13233 (huius) nomen: .i. x
4b178,15book 14123 ostendit: " (ibid.) servi[us]: "
4b17u8,15book 1566[?] servi[us]: proprium
4b18w8,154b11book 1211 commento: .i. hisin tráctad {cf. E 5v10 in trac<ta<tu (ta add. B)}
[‘i.e. in the treatise’] [analysis]
II 8,16quod scribit in Donatum his uerbis: semiuocales sunt septem,
4b18x8,16book 136 in (donatum): .i. super
4b19y8,164b12book 1421 semivocales: .i. it hé-se inna briathra
[‘i.e. these are the words (of Servius)’] [analysis]
II 8,17quae ita proferuntur, ut inchoent ab e litera et desinant in
II 8,18naturalem sonum, ut ef, el, em, en, er, es, ix. sed ix ab i
II 8,19inchoat. id etiam Eutropius confirmat dicens: una duplex ix, quae
4b22z8,19book 1566[?] eutropi[us]: proprium
II 8,20ideo ab i incipit, quia apud Graecos in eandem desinit), mutae
4b24aa8,20book 13232 eam: .i. csí
II 8,21autem a se incipientes et in e uocalem desinentes, exceptis q et k,
4b258,21book 14141 autem: " (4b27=8,22) confici[unt]: "
4b26bb8,21book 1423 exceptis: .i. literis
4b26cc8,21book 13222 quarum: literarum
II 8,22quarum altera in u, altera in a finitur, sua conficiunt nomina. h enim
4b278,22book 14111 sua: ; (4b28=8,22) nomina: ;
4b27dd8,22book 1223 confici[unt]: .i. efficiunt
4b28ee8,2254book 1543 [confici]unt: .i. nomen suum ostendunt
4b28ff8,224b13book 1541 autem: .i. is airi nis·tabur la .k ⁊ q
[‘i.e. therefore I do not place it with k and q’] [analysis]
II 8,23aspirationis magis est nota.


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 26 October 2024]