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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 2 (De syllaba, de dictione, de oratione, de nomine, etc.)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 64 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 64,1«unde Coroniden circumflua Thybridis alti /
31a27mm64,1book 23115 543 coroni[dam]: .i. accusativus {.i.} esculapium {= E 21v20}
31a2864,1book 213 alti ..
II 64,2insula Romuleae sacris deiecerat urbis»)
II 64,3et Maiades, Maiae filius Mercurius. ab auis quoque maternis:
31a3064,3book 24111 maiades: " (ibid.) mercu[rius]: "
31a31nn64,3book 24228 avis: .i. formantur {= E 21v22}
31a31oo64,331a12book 2543 maternis: .i. hu athraib a máthar
[‘i.e. from their mother’s fathers’] [analysis]
31a3264,3book 24111 [atlan]tiades: : (31a32=64,4) mercurius: :
II 64,4Atlantiades, Mercurius, id est Atlantis natae filius. Ouidius in I
31a33pp64,4book 2543 572 [na]tae: .i. maiae {filius} {= E 21v22}
31a33qq64,4book 24228 ovidius: dicit
31a33rr64,4book 2423 primo: libro {= E 21v23 text. princ.}
II 64,5metamorphoseon:
II 64,6«sedit Atlantiades et euntem multa loquendo /
31a3464,6book 24111 eundem: " (31a36=64,7) diem: "
31a3564,6book 213 loquendo .
II 64,7detinuit sermone diem».
II 64,8in eodem Inachides, Ionis filius Epaphus, quae filia fuit Inachi:
31a3664,8book 24144 in: , (31a37=64,9) (non) tulit: ,
31a36ss64,8book 2423 eodem: libro {= E 21v24}
31a36tt64,831a13book 2421 inachides: .i. ind inachda
[‘i.e. the Inachian’] [analysis]
31a36uu64,831a15book 2543 inachides: (m.l.) .i. athair a máthar inachus
[‘i.e. Inachus was his mother’s father’] [analysis]
31a3664,8book 24111 inachides: .- (ibid.) filius: .- (ibid.) ionis: .-
31a36ww64,8book 2572 ionis: .i. issis ⁊ .io. duo nomina sibi. {cf. E 21v24 (m.l.) .i. iossis. sio. duo nomina sibi .i. est filia iachi &filius eius iachides ae .i. epafus ab alio eius nomen fuit vel cepit}
31a3664,8book 24121 ionis: :- (31a37=64,8) quae: :-
31a37xx64,831a14book 2421 [epa]phus: .i. is hé epachus insin
[‘i.e. that is Epaphus’] [analysis]
II 64,9«non tulit Inachides matrique ait omnia demens».
31b164,9book 24111 [in]achides: " (ibid.) demens: "
II 64,10a regibus siue conditoribus Thesidae, Cecropidae, id est
31b2a64,10book 24228 regibus: .i. formantur
31b2b64,10book 24222 conditoribus: .i. civitatum {= E 21v26}
31b2c64,1031b1book 2211 572 thessidae: (m.d.) .i. in thesidedi a theseo rege atheniensium {= E 21v26 rege athiniensium}
[‘i.e. the Theseids etc.’] [analysis]
31b3d64,1031b2book 2572 cecropidae: .i. cicrops do·rósat in cathraig ⁊ di chlaind thessei dóib .i. di grecaib dóib huili {cf. E 21v26 a <ci<crope qui athinias fabricavit}
[‘i.e. Cecrops has built the city, and of the children of Theseus were they, i.e. of the Greeks were they all’] [analysis]
II 64,11Athenienses; Aeneadae, Romulidae, id est Romani. Virgilius in II
31b4e64,1131b3book 2211 421 aeneadae: .i. ind aeneedai
[‘i.e. the followers of Aeneas’] [analysis]
31b4f64,11book 2543 aeneadae: a rege
31b4g64,1131b4book 2211 421 romulidae: .i. romoldai
[‘i.e. the followers of Romulus’] [analysis]
31b4h64,1131b5book 2572 romulidae: Romuil do·ḟorsat in cathraig ó aenea ro·cinnset ind romain {= K 15r38 e (m.l.) romuil do·rosat civitatem hó aeneas ru·cinset ind romáin, cf. E 21v26 .i. a fabricatore romae}
[‘Romulus has built the city: from Aenaeas the Romans have descended’] [analysis]
31b4i64,1131b6book 2543 romani: .i. romándi huili
[‘i.e. Romans all ’] [analysis]
II 64,12georgicon:
II 64,13«praemiaque ingentes pagos et compita circum /
31b5k64,13book 252 premiaque .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
31b564,13book 24111 ingentes: " (ibid.) pagos: " (31b6=64,13) circum: " {= E 21v27 (symb. tert. om. E}
31b664,13book 24111 competa: : (ibid.) circum: :
II 64,14Thesidae posuere».
31b6l64,14book 2511[?] thesidae: .i. athenienses {= E 21v27}
II 64,15idem in VI Aeneidos:
31b7m64,15book 252 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
II 64,16«tum pendere poenas /
31b7n64,16book 2572 pendere: .i. imposuit dedalus in templo phebi {= L 25v28 b (m.l.), E 21v28 imposuit] posuit L dedalus imposuit E; phebi] phoebi L, poephi E}
31b764,16book 213 poenas .
II 64,17Cecropidae iussi».
31b8o64,17book 2511[?] cicropidae: .i. athenienses {= E 21v28 athenenses}
31b8p64,1731b7book 2211 336[?] iussi: .i. amtar forṅgarti
[‘i.e. when they were ordered’] [analysis]
31b8q64,17book 23112 572 mi*serum (s): .i. miserorum .i. natorum {= E 21v28 .i. natorum miserorum}
31b8r64,17book 2572 septena: .i. corpora {= E 21v28}
II 64,18idem in VIII:
31b11w64,18book 252 in eodem: (m.l.) virgilius
31b11x64,18book 24228 eodem: dicit


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]