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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 8 (De uerbo)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 408 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 408,1imitationem Graecorum, quamuis haec quoque conati sunt quidam disiungere.
148a31u408,1book 83232 haec: .i. tempora
II 408,2sed melius est esse coniuncta. nam praeteritum imperfectum rationabiliter
148a33408,2book 84142 rationabiliter: .- (148a35=408,4) enim: .-
II 408,3idem est etiam praesens; dico enim utinam legerem nunc et utinam
148a34w408,3148a10book 8541 (utinam) legerem (heri): ní roilgius immurgu
[‘I have not read, however’] [analysis]
II 408,4legerem heri: nimia est enim cognatio eorum temporum, et maxime in hoc
148a35x408,4book 83233 (eorum) temporum: .i. presentis ⁊ imperfecti
II 408,5modo, quippe cum utrumque imperfectum intellegitur. potest autem iste
148a36y408,5book 8423 utrumque: .i. tempus
II 408,6optatiuus et inceptus et non inceptus ante intellegi. nam si dicam utinam
148a37408,6book 84143 et (inceptus): : (148a38=408,6) intellegi: :
148a37z408,6148a11book 8541 in[ceptus]: .i. biid intinnscann and .i. ante optativum/ ⁊ ní forbanar.
[‘i.e. there is a beginning therein and it is not perfected’] [analysis]
148a38aa408,6148a12book 8541 (non) inceptus: aúcu tantum bís and cen inthinscann
[‘the wish for it only is there, without beginning’] [analysis]
II 408,7legerem heri quoque, quomodo nudiustertius, ostendo coepisse quidem,
148a39bb408,7book 84226 coepisse: .i. nudiustertius
II 408,8non finisse tamen; sin autem dicam utinam legerem heri saltem, ostendo
148a40cc408,8book 84228 sin (autem dicam): .i. ⁊ si non dicam quomodo nudiustertius
148a41dd408,8148a13book 8211 (heri) saltim: cid indhé
[‘even yesterday’] [analysis]
II 408,9nec coepisse. similiter si dicam utinam adhuc legerem, ostendo coepisse
148a41408,9book 84123 nec: " (ibid.) coepisse: "
148a41ee408,9book 834 similiter: .i. frisa quomodo nudiustertius
[‘i.e. (similiter) to quomodo nudiustertius’] [analysis]
148a42ff408,9158book 8543 ostendo: .i. robá óc legund
[‘i.e. ‘that I was reading’’] [analysis]
148a42gg408,9book 8542 coepisse: (m.d.) cum dico adhuc
II 408,10quidem in praeterito, in praesenti autem cessare; sin autem dicam utinam
148a43hh408,10book 84228 111[?] (sín) autem (dicam): (m.d.) .i. ⁊ non dicam adhuc
II 408,11legerem uel nunc, ostendo nec coepisse adhuc. sic et per cetera tempora
II 408,12eiusdem modi. praeteritum quoque perfectum et plusquamperfectum
II 408,13optatiui coniuncta sunt; licet enim uel multo ante uel paulo esse perfecta haec
148b2408,13book 84141 liquet: " (148b3=408,14) intelligere: "
148b3408,13book 84141 *esse: .- (ibid.) perfecta: .- (ibid.) haec: .- (148b3=408,14) optare: .-
II 408,14eadem intellegere nos optare, ut si dicam utinam legissem ante
148b3408,14book 8111[?] nós
148b4a408,14book 8543 (ante) quinquagenta (annos): .i. issed a multo insin
[‘i.e. that is the multo’] [analysis]
II 408,15quinquaginta annos et utinam legissem ante horam. nec mirum sic infinite in
148b5b408,15book 8543 (ante) horam: .i. issed a paulo
[‘i.e. this is the paulo’] [analysis]
148b5408,15book 8111[?] síc
II 408,16hoc modo intellegi praeteritum, quod quantum ad ueram intellectionem
148b6408,16book 84121 preteritum: " (ibid.) quod: "
II 408,17nullum certum nec inceptum nec finem habuit.
148b7408,17book 84111 *nullum: " (ibid.) certum: " (ibid.) inceptum: " (ibid.) finem: "
148b7c408,17148b3book 8211 543 *inceptum: .i. intinscanta ní dechuid do/chom for/cinn a/nintinscann .-
[‘i.e. begun: the beginning has not gone to the end’] [analysis]
II 408,18subiunctiuus, cum apud Graecos coniuncta habeat tempora, apud nos
148b8408,18book 84121 subiunctativus: .- (148b10=408,19) cuius: .-
148b9408,18book 8111[?] nós
II 408,19diuisa habet omnia, quomodo indicatiuus. de cuius contextu, cum de
148b9408,19book 84143 habet: " (ibid.) quomodo: "
II 408,20constructione orationis tractauerimus, latius disseremus.
II 408,21infinitus modus quoque coniuncta habet tempora, quomodo optatiuus,
148b12408,21book 84143 habet: : (ibid.) quomodo: :
II 408,22praesens et praeteritum imperfectum, praeteritum perfectum et
II 408,23plusquamperfectum, quomodo apud Graecos. cum dicimus enim legere,
II 408,24significamus rem imperfectam, quae uel ad praesens uel ad praeteritum
II 408,25imperfectum attinet, cum uero legisse, perfectam, quae sua est tam praeteriti
148b16d408,25book 8423 perfectam: .i. rem
148b16e408,25148b4book 8211 sua: .i. sainredach {cf. K 61v5 c propria}
[‘i.e. special’] [analysis]
II 408,26perfecti quam plusquamperfecti. nota autem, quod uim nominis rei ipsius
148b17f408,26book 84227 rei: (m.l.) .i. nominis in/corporalis
II 408,27habet uerbum infinitum. unde quidam nomen uerbi hoc esse dicebant; dico
148b18g408,27148b5book 83232 541 hoc: (m.d.) .i. finitum .i. com/bad hé écrich/datu sin no/bed and .i. cu/maṅg nominis ⁊ verbi .-
[‘i.e. infinitum, i.e. that would be the infinity which is in it, i.e. power of the noun and verb’] [analysis]
148b19h408,27148b6book 8211 333 esse: .i. nombíth {= K 61v6 d}
[‘i.e. that it used to be’] [analysis]


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 19 February 2025]