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Gloss analysis

MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
199b1bII 584,7199b1book 12543 dicitur: .i. gnim doneuch forrochongart. cesad doneuch forrorcongrad. gním iarum dondí dodechuid cesad dondí cosatuidches.
[‘i.e. action to him who has ordered: passion to him that has been ordered: action, then, to him who has come: passion to him who has been come to’]

Old Irish elements

Word formHeadwordWord classSub-classMorph.MeaningVoiceRelative?
r-rorro 1 [DIL]particlepreverbperfective particle
concon [DIL]particlepreverb*for-con-gari-
forrorcongradfor·congair [DIL]verbBII3sg.perf.commands, ordains, ordersActiveY
gnimgním [DIL]nounm,, acting
dodo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat.terminus ad quem: to
neuchnech [DIL]pronoun, positive sentence: anyone, one
forfor 2particlepreverb*for-con-gari-
roro 1 [DIL]particlepreverbperfective particle
choncon [DIL]particlepreverb*for-con-gari-
for·rochongartfor·congair [DIL]verbBII3sg.perf.commands, ordains, ordersActiveY
cesadcésad [DIL]nounm,
dodo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat.terminus ad quem: to
neuchnech [DIL]pronoun, positive sentence: anyone, one
fofor 2particlepreverb*for-con-gari-
gnímgnim [DIL]nounm,, acting
iarumíar 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; nasalizingdat. + suff.pron.3sg.masc./neut.temporal
dodo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat. + + í 1terminus ad quem: to
ndin 1 [DIL] + do 1with prep and indecl deictic pron (h)í
íí 1 [DIL]pronoun, indeclinable, accented, article
dodo 4particlepreverb*to-tēg- (*to-reg-, *to-lud-, *to-di-com-fād-)
dede 5particlepreverb*to-tēg- (*to-reg-, *to-lud-, *to-di-com-fād-)
chcon [DIL]particlepreverbperfective particle
do·dechuiddo·tét [DIL]verbBI3sg.perf.comesActiveY
cesadcésad [DIL]nounm,
dodo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat. + + í 1terminus ad quem: to
ndin 1 [DIL] + do 1with prep and indecl deictic pron (h)í
íí 1 [DIL]pronoun, indeclinable, accented, article
coco 1 [DIL]preposition, with acc; geminatingacc.temporal: up to, to, until
sa-a- 4particlerelativerel part + co 1with other verbs
tudo 4particlepreverb*to-tēg- (*to-reg-, *to-lud-, *to-di-com-fād-)
dde 5particlepreverb*to-tēg- (*to-reg-, *to-lud-, *to-di-com-fād-)
chcom [DIL]particlepreverbperfective particle
cosa·tuidchesdo·tét [DIL]verbBI3sg.pass.perf.comesPassiveY
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 7 September 2024]