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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 13 (De casibus [pronominum])

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. III, p. 16 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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III 16,1plerisque antiquitatem seruauimus Graeciae, in pronominibus quoque
209a3516,1book 134112 antiquitatem: " (ibid.) gratiae: "
209a35i16,1209a6book 13541 gratiae: .i. rothechtsatsom hífius ⁊ heulus
[‘i.e. which they (the Latins) had in knowledge and guidance’] [analysis]
III 16,2secundum Homericam auctoritatem simplicibus utimur etiam pro compositis, id
III 16,3est non solum cum in aliam personam agit, sed etiam cum ipsa in se.
III 16,4in aliam, ut Virgilius in IIII Aeneidos:
209a38k16,4book 1352 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
III 16,5«cui me morituram deseris, hospes?».
209a39l16,5book 13572 ospes: .i. aenea
III 16,6Terentius in adelphis:
III 16,7«facio te apud illum deum».
III 16,8in se idem in Andria:
209a4016, 1358 (m.l.) O (idem .. scio om. Ms. add. sec. man. hib. m.i.)
III 16,9«nec quid nunc me faciam scio».
III 16,10idem in adelphis:
III 16,11«edepol, Syrisce, te curasti molliter».
III 16,12quaeritur igitur, cur, si mei pro ἐμοῦ et ἐμαυτοῦ et tui pro σοῦ
209a4216,12book 134141 cur: :- (209b2=16,14) habeat: :-
209a4216,12book 134141 si: : (209b1=16,13) habeant: :
209a42m16,12209a7book 13221 321 εμαου: (subs.) vel .i. genitiu chintig .i. mei . mui
[‘or i.e. a genitive of the finite, i.e. mei mine’] [analysis]
209a42n16,12209a8book 13221 321 εμαουτον: vel .i. genitiu aitrebthaig
[‘or i.e. a genitive of the possessive’] [analysis]
209b1a16,12209b1book 13221 321 σου: genitiu chintig
[‘a genitive of the finite’] [analysis]
III 16,13et σεαυτοῦ accipiantur, tamen nominatiuos habeant, sui, cum pro οὗ et
209b1b16,13209b2book 13221 321 σεαυτου: .genitiu. aitrebthaig
[‘a genitive of the possessive’] [analysis]
209b1c16,13book 134229 accipiantur: .i. cum
209b1d16,13209b3abook 1334 accipiantur: (m.s.) vel si accipiantur tamen nominativos habeant/ .i. camaiph thechtait ainmnidi
[‘i.e. however, they have nominatives’] [analysis]
209b2e16,13209b4book 13221 321 ├ου: .i. genitiu chintig .i. sui.
[‘i.e. a genitive of the finite, i.e. sui’] [analysis]
III 16,14ἑαυτοῦ accipiatur, non habeat nominatiuum? ad quod multa sunt dicenda.
209b2f16,14209b5book 13221 321 εαυτου: .genitiu. aitrebthaig .i. sui .i. indái foṡodin
[‘a genitive of the possessive, i.e. sui, i.e. his accordance with that’] [analysis]
III 16,15primum quod, si loco aspirationis, ut supra diximus, quae est in principio
209b3g16,15book 134228 primum: dicendum
209b416,15book 134121 [aspi]rationis: . (ibid.) quae: .
III 16,16tertiae personae apud Graecos, id est ἵ, s praeponeretur nominatiuo, esset
209b5h16,16209b6book 133114 4227 nominativo: dond ainmnid no bia do ṡui
[‘to the nominative which would be to sui’] [analysis]
III 16,17dubitatio ad coniunctionem si; quomodo enim οὗ sui et οἷ sibi et ἕ
III 16,18se, sic nominatiuus ἵ si debuit esse. et in aliis enim dictionibus
209b7i16,18209b7book 13211 333 si: .i. combad .si. apud nos
[‘i.e. with us it would be si’] [analysis]
III 16,19quibusdam solent Aeolis sequentes uel in digamma uel in s conuertere
209b8k16,19book 133115 eolis: accusativus
209b8l16,19book 13423 sequentes: latini
209b8m16,19209b8book 13542 in (digamma): air dosoat eoldai tinfed indigaim
[‘for the Aeolians convert aspiration into digamma’] [analysis]
III 16,20aspirationem: ἥμισυ semis, ἕξ sex, ἑπτά septem. et fortasse ideo ex eo per
209b1016,20book 134141 et: " (209b11=16,21) est: "
209b10n16,20book 1334 543 ideo: .i. causa dubitationis
209b10o16,20book 133232 (ex) eo: .i. sono graeco ./i.
III 16,21anastrophen factum est is aliud pronomen, quod propterea puto et
209b11p16,21book 134223 aliud (pronomen): .i. sui
209b11q16,21209b10book 13543 aliud pronomen: (m.l.extr.) Aliud pronomen .i. is allail/ pronomen aní sin fri sui./ .i. an .is. hísin.
[‘i.e. that, to wit, that is another pronoun from sui, to wit that is’] [analysis]
209b11r16,21209b10book 13543 quod .. etc.: (m.l.extr.) quod prop/terea puto .i. issed domui/nursa ol prescien issed/ dorigéni pronomen ṅatár/cadach di .is. anisin/ uare is o pronomen atárca/dach atá la graecu.-
[‘quod p. p., i.e. this is what I think, says Priscian, this is what made an anaphoric pronoun of is,because it is (derived) from an anaphoric pronoun (ἴ) which the Greeks have’]
209b1116,21book 134143 rela[tivum]: " (209b12=16,22) quomodo: "
209b12s16,21book 133221 [rela]tivum: .i. is
III 16,22relatiuum esse, quomodo ἵ apud Graecos; deinde quod huius ipsius, id est ἵ
209b12t16,22book 134228 deinde: dicendum est
209b1216,22book 134122 huius: ., (ibid.) ipsius: ., (209b13=16,23) nominativi: .,
III 16,23nominatiui, rarus est etiam apud Graecos usus; postremo quod numquam
209b13u16,23209b11book 13211 511[?] nominativi: .i. ind óin ainmnedo so .i. inchosc sulbaire an .huius ⁊ an ipsius immalle
[‘i.e. of this one nominative, i.e. the huius and the ipsius together is a mark of eloquence’] [analysis]
209b13w16,23book 134228 postremo: .i. dicendum
III 16,24potest hoc pronomen inueniri (hoc est sui sibi se a se) siue
209b1416,24book 134142 potest: " (ibid.) inveniri: " (209b15=17,1) intelligantur: "
209b15x16,24book 13423?[?] reciprocum: .i. opus
209b15y16,24209b12book 13541 reciprocum: (m.l.) .i. mad adch/oimchlada/ch .i. gním ua/d feisin foir/ feisin ⁊ imf/olṅgai césad/ dosom ingním/ hísin.- SIve/ transitivum .i. intair/mthechtach/ .i. ho persin do/ persin .i. gním/ dosom innach/ naile innunn/ ⁊ is césad do/ ṡuidiu gním/ onach ailiu/ foir sem an/all ⁊ iscesad/ dosom aḟodai/tiu sidi..,
[‘i.e. if it be reciprocal, i.e. action from himself on himself, and that action causes passion (suffering) to him. Or transitivum, that is, transitive, i.e. from a person to a person, i.e. action by him into some other equal, and (the) action by some other on him is passion to (the) latter and the endurance of it is passion to him (the former).’] [analysis]


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 19 February 2025]