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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 3 (De comparatione, de superlativo, de diminutivo)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 86 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 86,1quod, cum ad plures sui generis fit comparatio, superlatiuo possumus uti,
40a11l86,140a9book 3211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
40a1186,1book 34141 quod: " (40a13=86,1) possumus: "
40a12m86,140a10book 3543 comparatio: in ddaerscugud-són
[‘that is, the surpassing’] [analysis]
40a13n86,140a11book 3543 [su]perlativo possumus uti: (m.l.) Atá linn chaenae ní asa·n-arbaram daerscugud di neuch di hilib a chenéuil feissin .i. a superlait.
[‘we have besides something whereby we can express the surpassing by one of many of its own race, i.e. its superlative’] [analysis]
II 86,2ut fortissimus Graiorum Achilles. sed superlatiuus multo alios excellere
40a14o86,240a12book 3541 sed: ol prescien feissin
[‘Priscian says himself’] [analysis]
II 86,3significat, comparatiuus uero potest et paruo superantem demonstrare, unde
40a1686,3book 34142 parvo: ., (40a17=86,3) unde: .,
40a16p86,340a13book 3541 superantem: daerscugud di óen
[‘the surpassing of one’] [analysis]
II 86,4etiam diminutionem apud nos iure accipit: maiusculus, minusculus,
40a18q86,440a14book 3211 maiusculus: máanu
[‘a little greater’] [analysis]
II 86,5tardiusculus. quid autem, quod accidit inter tres uel quattuor uel plures,
40a19r86,540a15book 34228 541 quid: cindas ṁbias iarna cétbuid-sem conid gau dóib-sem in chruth-sin a n-as·berat nad·ṁbed ad plures.,
[‘how then will it be according to their opinion? so that they are wrong then when they say that there is no (comparison) ad plures’] [analysis]
40a19s86,540a16book 3211 35 quod (ac[cidit]): ol do-n·ecmaiṅg.
[‘because it happens’] [analysis]
40a2086,5book 34143 [ac]cidit: .- (40a20=86,6) non: .-
40a20t86,5book 3423 tres: personas {cf. E 27r18 pos-}
40a20u86,5book 3423 .IIII.: personas {cf. E 27r18 pos-}
40a20w86,5book 3423 plures: personas
40a2086,5book 3?4143[?] plures: : (40a20=86,6) tamen: :
II 86,6non tamen ad totum genus fieri comparationem et necesse est uti plurali
40a21x86,640a17book 3543 comparationem: (m.l.) ní·derscaigi dind huiliu cheneul is di hilib immurgu a cheniuil feissin di·roscai calléic
[‘it does not surpass the whole race: it is, however, many of its own kind that it surpasses for all that’] [analysis]
40a22y86,640a18book 3541 uti: di·róscai di hilib a cheneiuil feisin
[‘it surpasses many of its own kind’] [analysis]
II 86,7suorum? ut si dicam fortissimi fuerunt Graecorum Aiax, Diomedes, Agamemno,
40a23z86,7book 3313 fortissimi: nominativus pluralis {superlativi add. E} {= E 27r20}
40a2386,7book 34142 fortissimi: .- (40a24=86,8) tamen: .-
II 86,8Vlixes, omnibus tamen his fortior fuit Achilles. Virgilius in I:
40a25aa86,8book 352 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
II 86,9«Pygmalion scelere ante alios immanior omnes»,
40a25bb86,9book 3572 pigma[lion]: frater didonis {= E 27r21}
40a2586,9book 34111 pigma[lion]: " (40a26=86,9) immanior: "
40a2686,9book 34111 ante alios: .- (ibid.) omnes: .-
40a26cc86,9book 34228 immanior: fuit {= E 27r21 .i. add. E}
40a2686,9book 34144 immanior: : (40a28=86,10) comparativo: :
40a26dd86,9book 3543 omnes: plures {= E 27r21}
II 86,10ad omnes sceleratos conferens Pygmalionem comparatiuo est usus.
40a27ee86,1040a19book 3543 (ad) omnes (sceleratos): iss ed a plús insin
[‘(ad omnes) that is the plus (the ad plures)’] [analysis]
40a27ff86,1040a20book 3211 336[?] conferens: a con·ro-delgg
[‘when he has compared’] [analysis]
II 86,11Statius in VIII:
II 86,12«et melior sis, quaeso, deis»
40a2986,12book 34112 melior: " (ibid.) deis: "
40a2986,12book 311 sís
II 86,13Amphiaraus dicit ad Plutonem.
II 86,14sunt igitur quae comparari possunt nomina uel secundae uel tertiae
II 86,15declinationis. et si sint secundae, mobilia sunt, id est, in a faciunt
40a32gg86,1540a21book 3211 35 si (sint): adas ma beit
[‘although they are’] [analysis]
II 86,16feminina et in um neutra et uel in er uel in us desinunt et assumentia genetiuo
40a35hh86,16book 34221 [de]sinunt: masculina
II 86,17or faciunt comparatiua, correpta tamen paenultima i, ut tener [teneri]
40a3686,17book 353 faciunt .. etc.: (m.l.) ,,,, (cf. 41a31=89,9)
II 86,18tenerĭor, niger [nigri] nigrĭor, clarus [clari] clarĭor, doctus [docti]
II 86,19doctĭor (notandum est, quod sinisterior [quasi] a genetiuo sinisteri
II 86,20uidetur esse factum, cum in usu sinistri ubique reperiatur).
40a41ii86,20book 3212 u*su (s): .i. consuetudine
II 86,21inueniuntur quaedam, quae quamuis sint accidentia [id est adiectiua]
II 86,22et eorum significatio exigat, ut faciant comparatiua, tamen non habentur
40b5a86,22book 34224 *habent: comparativa {= E 27r30 .i. add. E}
II 86,23in usu frequenti. sunt autem ea plerumque, quae uocales ante us habent,
40b5b86,23book 3212 (in) u*su (s): in consuetudine
40b5c86,23book 33232 ea: nomina {= E 27r31}
II 86,24ut pius, arduus, egregius, dubius, strenuus, quamuis Plautus
40b7d86,24book 3212 +strennuus: .i. fortis
40b786,24book 34122 strennuus: .- (40b10=86,25) eo: .-
40b786,24book 353 strennuus: (m.l.) =| (cf.41a15=88,15)
II 86,25ex eo comparatiuum protulit strenuior in Epidico:


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 20 September 2024]