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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 3 (De comparatione, de superlativo, de diminutivo)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 85 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 85,1ab aduerbiis siue praepositionibus, ut extra exterior. et sciendum,
39b28m85,139b9book 335 prepositionibus: huare con·ecat a ndéde
[‘because they can do the two things’] [analysis]
II 85,2quod localia sunt haec aduerbia siue praepositiones, ex quibus comparatiua
II 85,3nascuntur nomina et paene haec: extra exterior, intra interior, ultra
39b32n85,339b10book 3543 et (pene haec): .i. ata ní archiunn
[‘i.e. there is something ahead’] [analysis]
39b32o85,3book 34228 pene: .i. sunt {= E 27r4 text. princ.}
39b32p85,3book 33232 haec: .i. adverbia ex quibus fiunt comparativa
II 85,4ulterior, citra citerior (uetustissimi tamen citer protulisse
39b32q85,4book 3543 citer: nomen {= E 27r5}
II 85,5inueniuntur. Cato de agna pascenda: «citer ager alligatus ad sacra erit».
39b33r85,539b11book 3211 336[?] de (agna [pascenda]): din dínit bed ṡástai
[‘of the lamb which is to be full-fed’] [analysis]
39b34s85,539b12book 3211 citer (ager): .i. a tír centarach immechtrach.
[‘i.e. the country on this side or on the outside’] [analysis]
39b3485,5book 34123 alligatus: " (39b35=85,5) erit: "
39b34t85,539b13book 3211 334 alligatus (.. [erit]): bid cuimrechta tecail dígen
[‘it will be tied or chosen forth or...’] [analysis]
39b35u85,539b14book 351 ad sacra: do déib
[‘to gods’] [analysis]
II 85,6citimus quoque dicebant teste Capro. exter quoque inuenitur, ut
39b35w85,6book 3313 citimus: superlativus {= E 27r6}
II 85,7Statius in XI Thebaidos:
II 85,8«sed quid apud tales, quis nec sua pignora curae, /
II 85,9exter honos?».
39b39x85,939b15book 3211 exter: echtrann
[‘foreign’] [analysis]
II 85,10ex quo Virgilius in IIII:
39b39y85,10book 33223 543 (ex) quo: nomine
39b39z85,10book 34228 virgilius: dicit
II 85,11«et nos fas extera quaerere regna»),
39b40aa85,11book 352 et nos: (m.l.) virgilius
39b40bb85,11book 3572 ex quo: (m.d.) aeneas dixit didoni {= E 27r8}
39b4085,11book 34111 extera: " (39b41=85,11) regna: "
39b40cc85,1139b16book 3313 extera: hilar neutair
[‘a neuter plural’] [analysis]
39b41dd85,11book 3572 regna: italiae {= E 27r8}
II 85,12supra superior, infra inferior, post posterior, prope propior, ante
II 85,13anterior, penitus penitior. Apuleius in I Hermagorae: «uisus
40a1a85,1340a1book 325 211 penitus: .i. pene.intus .i. inmedónach {cf. E 27r9 .i. pene &intus E}
[‘i.e. ‘pene intus’ (almost on the inside), i.e. interior’] [analysis]
40a1b85,1340a2book 3211 penitior: inmedónchu
[‘more interior’] [analysis]
40a2c85,13book 3423 .I.: libro
40a2d85,13book 3566[?] ermagorae: nomen artis {= E 27r10}
II 85,14est et adulescens honesta forma quasi ad nuptias exornatus
II 85,15trahere se in penitiorem partem domus».
40a4e85,1540a3book 3211 penitiorem: ba inmedónchu
[‘it was more interior’] [analysis]
II 85,16fit autem comparatio uel ad unum uel ad plures tam sui generis quam
40a685,16book 34143 generis: " (40a7=85,17) alieni: "
II 85,17alieni, quamuis Graeci honoris causa suae gentis quam ratione ueritatis
40a785,17book 34141 quamvis: : (40a8=85,17) dicunt: :
40a7f85,1740a4book 3211 543 honoris (causa): fo bíth soíre ceneiuil inna grec
[‘because of the nobility of the race of the Greeks’] [analysis]
40a8g85,1740a5book 3211 34 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
II 85,18dicunt, non posse ad multos sui generis fieri comparationem. alii autem
40a985,18book 34123 posse: : (ibid.) (ad) multos: :
40a9h85,1840a6book 3543 sui (generis): ní·derscaigi in comparit di hilib a cheneiuil feissin.
[‘the comparative does not surpass many of its own kind’] [analysis]
II 85,19dicunt, hanc esse rationem, propter quam non utuntur tali comparatione,
40a m.s.i85,1940a7book 3541 hanc: .i. is dliged áem a ndliged do·gniat greíc isindí nad·derscaigi in comparit di hilib a chenéuil feissin.
[‘i.e. it is a law indeed, the law which the Greeks make in that the comparative does not surpass many of its own kind’] [analysis]
40a11k85,1940a8book 33233 tali (comparatione): .i. o derscugud don comparit di hilib a cheneiuil fessin
[‘i.e. the surpassing by the comparative of many of its own kind’] [analysis]


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 13 February 2025]