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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 2 (De syllaba, de dictione, de oratione, de nomine, etc.)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 65 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 65,1«Aeneadae in ferrum pro libertate ruebant».
31b11y65,131b8book 2541 (in) ferrum: do chumtúth a sóere
[‘i.e. to preserve (?) their freedom Hofman: to bring about their freedom’] [analysis]
II 65,2item in I:
II 65,3«defessi Aeneadae, quae proxima litora, cursu».
31b13z65,3book 2572 [de]fessi: .i. contendunt petere {= E 21v30 .i. romani add. E}
31b1365,3book 24111 proxima: " (ibid.) litora: "
31b13aa65,3book 2572 proxima: .i. libyae {= E 21v31 libiae E}
II 65,4idem in VIII:
31b9s65,4book 252 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
II 65,5«subitoque nouum consurgere bellum /
31b10t65,5book 2572 333 consurgere: .i. bat {= E 21v29}
II 65,6Romulidis Tatioque seni».
31b10u65,6book 251 572 romulidaeueldís: .i. romanis
II 65,7a fratribus Phaethontides, unde femininum Phaethontis.
31b14bb65,7book 24228 fratribus: .i. formantur {= E 21v31}
31b14cc65,731b10book 2211 543 phetontides: .i. in fetontide .i. frater fetontis .i. aitherrechtaigthe masculindae o brathir {= E 21v31 .i. in petontide frater poetontis}
[‘i.e. the Phetontid, i.e. the brother of Pheton, i.e. a masculine patronymic from (the name of) a brother.’] [analysis]
31b1465,7book 24142 phetontides: .- (ibid.) unde: .-
31b15dd65,731b11book 2541 phetontis: .i. tre indarpae .de. asin mascul
[‘i.e. through ejecting -de from the masculine’] [analysis]
31b15ee65,7book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
II 65,8Virgilius in bucolico:
II 65,9«tum Phaethontiadas musco circumdat amarae /
31b16ff65,9book 23115 [phe]tontiadas: .i. accusativus pluralis feminini <greci> {= K 15r40 f, E 21v32 .i. om. E accustivus K, greci add. E}
II 65,10corticis»;
II 65,11Phaethontiadas tamen dixit pro Phaethontidas poetica licentia.
31b1765,11book 24144 phetontiadas: " (31b18=65,11) poetica: " (ibid.) licentia: "
31b17gg65,11book 24221 dixit: .i. virgilius
31b18hh65,1131b12book 2543 59 licentia: (m.l.) .i. issí poetica licentia and tormach inna á. tantum ⁊ ní·fil imchloud cenéiuil na diill and ut erratici putant .i. mael- cua-
[‘i.e. this is the poetic license there, the adding of the a only, and there is no change of gender or declension in it, as the blunderers, i.e. Mael... and Cua... suppose’] [analysis]
II 65,12sunt igitur patronymicorum formae apud Graecos tres: in des, quae
II 65,13dicitur communis apud illos, quod in omni sermone possunt hac uti, qua
31b20ii65,1331b13book 2541 communis: .i. do cach bélru fil la grecu ⁊ do cach ceníul {cf. K 15r41 g (m.l.) .i. du cach belru la grecu}
[‘i.e. to every dialect among the Greeks, and to every nation’] [analysis]
31b21kk65,13book 23232 illos: .i. grecos
31b21ll65,13book 24221 541 possunt: .i. greci omnes
31b21mm65,13book 23232 hac: .i. forma in des. {cf. E 22r2 text. princ. in des}
[‘i.e. the form in ‘-des’’]
II 65,14sola Romanorum quoque poetae utuntur. nam aliis duabus non utuntur, id
31b2265,14book 24142 sola: : (31b23=65,14) nam: :
31b23nn65,14book 2423 543 duabus: .i. formis in .on ⁊ ios. {= E 22r3 .i. formis om. E}
31b2365,14book 24143 non: " (ibid.) utuntur: " (31b23=65,15) ter[minata]: "
II 65,15est in ων terminata, quae est propria Iadis linguae (Πηλείων pro
31b24oo65,15book 2423 3116 [ter]minata: .i. forma .i. ablativus
31b2465,15book 24143 [ter]minata: :. (31b25=65,16) et: :.
31b24pp65,1531b15book 2561 iadis: .i. in cheniuil sin
[‘i.e. of that nation’] [analysis]
31b24qq65,1531b16book 2211 212 πελειων: .i. in pélecdae pelei filius
[‘i.e. the Pelidian etc.’] [analysis]
31b25rr65,1531b17book 2433[?] 542 pro (pelides): .i. do gluaiss ar is meinciu dún-ni a n-aitherrechtaigthe in des.
[‘i.e. (he adds Pelides) for a gloss, for the patronymic in -des is more familiar to us.’] [analysis]
II 65,16Πηλείδης), et in αδιος, quae est Aeolica, ut Hyrradios, Hyrrae filius,
31b25ss65,1631b18book 2211 313 eolica: .i. eolensta
[‘i.e. Aeolic’] [analysis]
31b26tt65,1631b19book 2211 421 phirradios: in phirde
[‘i.e. the Phirdian’] [analysis]
31b2665,16book 24111 phirradios: .- (ibid.) ptacus: .-
II 65,17Pittacus. de hac igitur forma dicendum est, qua utuntur nostri.
31b27uu65,17book 23233 (hac ..) forma: .i. in des {= E 22r5}
[‘i.e. (the form ending) in ‘-des’’] [analysis]
31b28 ww65,17book 2423 nostri: poetae {= E 22r5 .i. add. E}
II 65,18si nominatiuus Graecus in ας uel in ης uel ιος desinat,
31b2865,18book 24141 sí: " (31b29=65,18) [dis]sinat: "
II 65,19genetiuus uero in ου diphthongum, a paenultima breuis ante des
31b3065,19book 24111 4141 a: .- (ibid.) peneultima: .- (ibid.) brevis: .- (31b31=65,19) invenitur: .-
II 65,20inuenitur in patronymico, ut Pelias Peliădes, Aeneas Aeneădes, Menoetios
31b31xx65,20book 2566[?] 23 pelias: .i. nomen viri {= E 22r6 .i. om. E}
31b31yy65,20book 23113 313 pelias: .ου. {= E 22r6}
31b32zz65,20book 2543 23 [pe]liades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b32ab65,20book 2566[?] 23 aeneas: proprium {cf. E 22r7 nomen viri}
31b32ac65,20book 23113 313 aeneas: .i. ου {= E 22r7 .i. om. E}
31b32ad65,20book 2543 23 aeneades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b3265,20book 24142 aeneades: : (31b33=66,1) nam: :
31b32ae65,20book 2566[?] 23 moenetios: proprium {cf. E 22r7 nomen viri}
31b32af65,20book 23112 313 moenetios: .ου {= E 22r7}


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 15 February 2025]