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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 8 (De uerbo)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 374 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 374,1in or uero terminantia tres species habent: passiuam, quae ex
139a26374,1book 84143 habent: " (ibid.) pasivam: "
II 374,2actiuis nascitur et semper passionem significat exceptis supra dictis,
139a27e374,2book 812 3232 supradictís: metuor ⁊ timeor
139a27f374,2book 84228 com[munem]: .i. habent {cf. K 57r33 g habent speciem}
II 374,3communem, quae una terminatione tam actionem quam passionem significat,
II 374,4deponentem, quae cum similem habeat communibus positionem in or
139a29g374,4book 84228 deponentem: habent {cf. K 57r34 h habent speciem}
139a30h374,4book 8541 positionem: .i. vocem
II 374,5desinendi, tamen deponens uocatur, quasi simplex et absoluta, quod per
139a32i374,5139a5book 8541 [sim]plex: .i. ní eróim .r. hua gním ar iscomsuidigud són
[‘i.e. it does not receive r from action, for that is composition’] [analysis]
139a32k374,5139a6book 8543 absoluta: (m.l.) .i. hua gním 7/ hua chesad
[‘i.e. from action and from passion’] [analysis]
139a32l374,5139a7book 8541 per se: .i. cen airitin .r. ab altero genere
[‘i.e. without receiving r ab […]’] [analysis]
II 374,6se ponitur, uel quae deponit alteram significationem et unam per se tenet,
139a33m374,6book 8541 alteram: .i. cesad
[‘i.e. passion’] [analysis]
139a33n374,6book 8541 unam: gním
[‘action’] [analysis]
139a33374,6book 8111[?] sé (tenet)
II 374,7quomodo positiuus gradus dicitur, qui absolutus per se ponitur non egens
139a34o374,7139a10book 8211 333 gradus: .i. as ṅgrád
[‘i.e. that it is a grade’] [analysis]
139a34p374,7book 8541 absolutus: comparatione
139a35374,7book 8111[?]
II 374,8alterius coniunctione. haec quoque tamen species [id est deponens]
139a35q374,8book 8541 alterius (coniunctione): .i. ut comparativus ⁊ superlativus
139a35374,8book 84141 haec: " (139a36=374,9) habet: "
139a36374,8book 84143 species: . (139a36=374,9) neutralis: -.
139a36r374,8book 84228 quomodo: .i. habet
II 374,9quomodo neutralis diuersas habet significationes, de quibus latius in
139a37374,9book 84121 significationes: : (ibid.) quibus: :
II 374,10sequentibus tactabimus.
II 374,11actiua igitur et passiua et communia certam et praefinitam habent
139a39374,11book 84143 ha[bent]: .- (139a40=374,12) neutra: .-
II 374,12significationem, neutra uero et deponentia uariam.
139a40374,12book 84143 significationem: " (139a41=374,12) variam: "
II 374,13haec autem uerba proprie actiua uel recta uocantur, quae in o
139a42374,13book 84141 quae: .- (139b2=374,15) possunt: .-
II 374,14desinentia et assumpta r facientia ex se passiua, confestim cum dicuntur,
II 374,15possunt transire in quem fit actus et coniunguntur uel genetiuo uel datiuo
139b2a374,15139b1book 8543 3227[?] fit: .i. his indí forsanairisedar ingním
[‘i.e. in him on whom the action rests’] [analysis]
II 374,16uel accusatiuo casui, ut abstineo irarum (Horatius carminum
139m.s. b374,16book 84228 horatius: .i. dicit
II 374,17libro III:
II 374,18«mox ubi lusit satis, abstineto, /
II 374,19dixit, irarum»),
II 374,20impero tibi, maledico tibi, inuideo tibi, oro te, amo te,
II 374,21accuso te.
139b5374, 8111[?] té .. sé
II 374,22haec enim faciunt ex se passiua, quae ablatiuo casui cum
139b5374,22book 84121 pasiva: " (ibid.) quae: "
139b7s374, 8111[?] té .. té .. te .. té .. té .. té ..cúr
II 374,23praepositione ab uel a solent iungi, ut abstineor a te, imperor a te,
II 374,24maledicor a te, inuideor a te, oror a te, accusor a te. possunt
II 374,25tamen passiua datiuo etiam adiungi, ut seruor tibi. et est quaerendum,
139b10c374,25139b2book 8211 servor: .i. fordom chomaither
[‘i.e. I am preserved’] [analysis]
139b10374,25book 858 (m.l.) o (querendeum ex querendum)
II 374,26cur actiua ablatiuo per se non adiunguntur, et puto, quod ille casus
139b11d374,26139b3book 8111[?] 211 per sé: an óinor
[‘by themselves’] [analysis]
II 374,27proprius est passiuorum. ideo autem dixi per se, quia cum alio casu sociata


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 19 February 2025]