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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 7 (De ceteris casibus)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 334 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 334,1«quique altum Praeneste uiri quique arua Celemnae»).
128b3b334,1book 752 quique .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
II 334,2illorum quoque ablatiuus i terminatur neutrorum, quae in al desinunt:
II 334,3hoc tribunal ab hoc tribunali, hoc ceruical ab hoc ceruicali. similiter
II 334,4faciunt ablatiuum, quae in ar desinunt neutra et in obliquis casibus
II 334,5producunt a paenultimam, ut hoc calcar calcāris a calcāri, lanucar
II 334,6lacunāris a lacunāri, lucar lucāris a lucāri. quando autem producunt eam,
II 334,7in libro, qui est de nominatiuo et genetiuo, docuimus. masculina quoque
II 334,8uel communia in er uel in is desinentia, si faciunt in e neutra,
II 334,9ablatiuum in i efferunt, ut hic pedester haec pedestris hoc pedestre ab hoc
II 334,10et ab hac pedestri, saluber salubris salubre ab hoc et ab hac salubri
II 334,11(Virgilius in I georgicon:
128b15c334,11book 752 virgilius in .I. in georgicon: (m.l.) virgilii/ georgicon/ .I.
II 334,12«balantumque gregem fluuio mersare salubri»),
II 334,13hic et haec celer uel celeris et hoc celere ab hoc et ab hac
II 334,14celeri (Lucanus in I:
II 334,15«motuque celer Cyllenius haeret».
II 334,16M(arcus) Cato de re militari: «satis celeris sis in tempore». Caecilius
II 334,17in epistathmo:
II 334,18«si properas, escende huc meam nauem, ita celeris est»,
128b21334,18book 74121 celeris: .- (128b21=334,19) quo: .-
II 334,19ex quo celerissimus pro celerrimus superlatiuum protulerunt. Gn(aeus)
128b22d334,19book 758 571 +*gen: genadius. vel gn. gneus (m.d.) ┼-
II 334,20Matius in Iliade:
II 334,21«celerissimus aduolat Hector».
II 334,22Ennius in annalibus:


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 24 April 2024]