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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 1 (De uoce, de littera)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 24 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 24,1commutationem, id est quod inuicem pro se positae inueniuntur, ut breues
11b25r24,1book 1423 543 breves: vocales {= E 10v4 .i. add. E}
II 24,2et longae, quae habent aspirationem et quae carent ea, aliae autem per
II 24,3coniugationem uel cognationem, ut b p f nec non g c cum aspiratione
11b26s24,311b4book 1541 52 *coniunctionem: tre accomol cosmilse foguir ⁊ iss ed són desimrectaigedar-som namma inna deud
[‘through conjoining a similarity of sound, and it is this which he exemplifies only after’] [analysis]
11b27t24,3book 14221 necnon: affinis {= E 10v6 .i. adfinis}
11b2824,3book 14122 [as]piratione: ., (11b28=24,4) ea: .,
II 24,4uel sine ea, x quoque duplex, similiter d et t cum aspiratione siue
11b28u24,411b5book 14221 541 x: affinis is coibnesta .x. do .g. ⁊ .c ⁊ bíid cachae aralailiu {cf. K 7r24 a cum hís affinis, E 10v6 .i. cum .g. et c. affinis est}
[‘affinis x is akin to g and c, and each of them is for the other’] [analysis]
11b2924,4book 14122 d: ./ (ibid.) t: ./ (11b30=24,5) his: ./ {cf. E 10v7 his d. ⁊ t.}
II 24,5sine ea et cum his z duplex, unde saepe d scribentes Latini hanc
11b3024,5book 14122 z: : (11b31=24,5) hanc: : {= E 10v7}
II 24,6exprimunt sono, ut meridies, hodie; antiquissimi quoque Medentius
11b31w24,6book 1543 sono: fogur .z. for .d.
[‘the sound of z in d’] [analysis]
11b32x24,6book 1543 meridies: (sup. d:) z {= E 10v8}
11b32y24,6book 1543 hodie: (sup. d:) z {= E 10v8}
II 24,7dicebant pro Mezentius. quin etiam s simplex habet aliquam cum supra
11b34z24,7book 1542 s (simplex): quia non duplex ut predicta z
11b34aa24,7book 13232 supradic[tis]: o- d ⁊ t ⁊ z
II 24,8dictis cognationem, unde saepe pro z eam solemus geminatam ponere, ut
11b3524,8book 14142 cognationem: .- (ibid.) unde: .-
11b36bb24,8book 13232 eam: .s. {= E 10v10}
II 24,9patrisso pro πατρίζω, pytisso pro πυτίζω, massa pro μᾶζα, et
12a1b24,9book 152 πατριζω: (m.l.) greca
12a1c24,912a1book 1211 pytisso: .i. do·fuibnimm
[‘i.e. I cut’] [analysis]
12a1d24,9book 1212 571 pytisso: (m.s.) cicero pytisso minuo donatus sunt verba sine origine pytisso vacillo reliqua pompeius pytisso quasi potisso ⁊ habet principale poto {cf. L 15r15 c (m.d.) pompeius. p<i<tisso <.i. bibo> quasi potisso a poto verbo ut terrentius dicit una nocte me malui qua tria dolea vini pitissando. consumserant.}
12a1e24,9book 1212 +pytisso: (m.s.) pytisso expuo beda pitisso propinno
11b36cc24,911b7book 1211 pa[trisso]: athrigimm
[‘I take after the father’] [analysis]
12a1a24,9book 1212 [pa]trisso: patri similis sum
II 24,10Doris τύ pro σύ, unde nos quoque tu pro σύ et te pro σέ,
II 24,11Attici autem θάλαττα pro θάλασσα et Θρῇττα pro Θρῇσσα et
12a4f24,11book 1221 561 23 θαλασσα: mare interpretatur. bithalassa ubi maria conveniunt .. gen- dicit {cf. L 15r16 e .i. mare}
II 24,12ἧττον pro ἧσσον et ξύμμαχος pro σύμμαχος, Romani etiam Aiax
12a6g24,12book 152 221 ζυμμαχος .. συμμαχος: (m.l.) greca
II 24,13pro Αἴας.
II 24,14in uocalibus quoque sunt affines e correpta siue producta cum ei
12a8h24,1412a2book 1211 affines: coibnestai
[‘akin’] [analysis]
12a8i24,14book 1543 e: affinis {= E 10v14}
12a924,14book 14121 ei: " (12a9=24,15) qua: "
II 24,15diphthongo, qua ueteres Latini utebantur ubique loco i longae: nunc autem
12a9k24,15book 13223 qua: diptongo
12a10l24,15book 14226 i: hodie {= E 10v15}
II 24,16contra pro ea i longam ponimus uel e productam, ut Νεῖλος Nīlus.
12a11m24,16book 13232 ea: diptongo
II 24,17Καλλιόπεια Calliopēa (χορεία chorea, e paenultima modo correpta modo
12a1324,17book 14143 chorea: (e:) " (ibid.) peneultima: "
12a13n24,17book 1423 *peneultima: ["] vel ./
12a14q24,1712a3“book 1541 53 *correpta: ind .e. timmorte /. /. in deoguir iar foxul .i. as. ut inante dicit
[‘the short e: of the diphthong, after removing the i from it, as he says later on’]
12a14r24,17book 14226 correpta: .i. in metro


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 20 September 2024]