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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
6a22aaII 11,246a13book 1543 336[?] nulla: .á n-amtar duidchi-sidi ó nach ochun aili
[‘when they were not led from any other cause’]

Old Irish elements

Word formHeadwordWord classSub-classMorph.MeaningVoiceRelative?
áa 7 [DIL]conjunction (nasalizing)temporalwhen, while
naná 3 [DIL]particlerelative negativeas subject of relative verb
mtaris [DIL]verbcopula3pl.pret.ActiveY
duidchituidchisse [DIL]adjectivei̯o, i̯ā
sidiside [DIL]pronoun, subject of the copula
óó 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat.glossing Latin ablative
nachnach [DIL]adjective, indefinite affirmative sentences: any, every, each
ḟochunfochunn [DIL]nounm,, occasion
ailiaile [DIL]adjectivei̯o, i̯ā attributive adjective
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 4 November 2024]